Work Plan > Moral Education Work Plan

2019 National Small Moral Education Work Plan

I have just had no experience in student moral education , so I must not only learn from the old teachers, but also learn more and accumulate, and make plans based on actual conditions. In order to enable students to develop good behavior habits, form a healthy and up-to-date personality psychology, comprehensively improve students' comprehensive quality, and promote students' healthy growth, the development of the moral education work plan for this semester is as follows:

I. Guiding ideology

Seriously implement the school moral education work system, adhere to the leading moral education , establish a full awareness of educating people, form a strong educational atmosphere, determine the true process of moral education into the whole process of educating people, and strive to play the role of moral education in the class work, motivation and guarantee . Determining the goal of moral education , embedding moral education in teaching, achieving organic penetration, realizing new innovative development of moral education in new practice, focusing on patriotism education, and improving students' morality based on daily behavioral education The quality of the individual's personality is the ideological and moral foundation for the healthy development of students and the active development.

2. Specific implementation

1. Strengthen class management

1) Conduct class education activities and give full play to the role of morning reading, morning training, class meetings and team meetings.

2) Formulate a class incentive mechanism, improve the interest rate of the class's Hall of Fame, and regularly announce the good deeds of the class.

3) Strengthen the daily management of the class, use the various evaluation activities carried out by the school, and put the education into every student, standardize the students' words and deeds, and form a good class style.

2. Strengthen behavior development education

1) Be polite and treat people with a civilized and disciplined education. Proactively and politely refer to the people you are close to, and actively use polite language.

a, can actively follow the rules of this class, can control their own behavior.

b. Be able to comply with the order and hygiene requirements of public places, such as not spitting, not folding flowers and so on.

2) With purpose and plan to cultivate friendly and trustworthy, honest and good quality, cultivate love for peers, talk and be sympathetic, and care for children.

b. Gradually learn to resolve their own disputes. Disputes, reasoning, no hands, no swearing.

c. Believe in your own strength, have confidence in doing things, and learn to protect yourself.

d, tell the truth, do something wrong and dare to admit.

3) Love parents, love teachers, love the collective.

a. Know the work of parents and their significance to society. Respect parents, care for parents, and be willing to help parents do something.

b. I know that the teacher is working hard. I can respect the teacher, help the teacher, and follow the teacher's guidance.

c. Know that you are a member of the group and actively participate in group activities. Further develop a sense of community and morality in the event.

4) Develop positive emotions, initiative and lively and cheerful personality.

a. Be proactive and socialize with children. Train students to be interested in the things around them and dare to say what they think.

b. Actively participate in the activities of the class and guide students to express their interests and hobbies freely.

c. Educate students to forgive the mistakes of other children's shortcomings, not to laugh at others.

5) Explain to children the common affair in some simple realities, so that students can get the minimum concept of right and wrong.

a. "March 14" Arbor Day, carry out greening to protect the environment, love the lawn, and not pick flowers. In conjunction with World Earth Day on April 2 and World Environment Day on June 5, we will conduct environmental education activities such as garbage sorting, no disposable chopsticks, bags, etc., and publicize environmental protection knowledge to parents. Guardian."

b. Have the initial evaluation of other people's behavior, the willingness to learn the advantages of the companion, not to laugh at the shortcomings and defects of others; they are not proud of progress and are willing to overcome the shortcomings.

c. Initially clarify good and bad, right and wrong, right and wrong, true and false, beauty and ugliness, good and evil. Learn good examples, don't learn to imitate bad behavior.

three. The focus of moral education :

1. Patriotic education

I know that I am Chinese and know that China is a socialist country and know that Beijing is the capital. Know the full name of your hometown.

Initially recognize the national flag, national emblem, respect the national flag, national emblem. He will sing the national anthem, and when he plays the national anthem, he will stand up, take off his hat, and pay attention to the ceremony.

Participate in the flag-raising ceremony as required.

Care for the collective and take the initiative to work for the class. Total 4 pages, current 2 page 1234

2. Ideological Education

Initially understand the contents of the "National Rules for Children" and the "Regulations on the Daily Behavior of the National Students" and the relevant regulations of the school.

"Fast, quiet, and Qi" when gathering and doing exercises

Discipline in class, does not affect others; keep order in class, do legitimate games.

Follow the time of school, arrange the road team, and go home on time.

Go to school on time, don't be late, don't leave early, don't skip school.

Concentrate on listening and answer questions positively.

Finish the work on time, writing clearly and neatly.

The equipment will be prepared according to the curriculum.

Complete the work independently, without the urge of others.

3. moral education

Knowing honesty and trustworthiness is a good quality.

Don't lie, don't take other people's things privately, pick up things and give them to the teacher.

If you are wrong, you will admit that you have to take the initiative to return something.

Promise other people's things to work hard.

Know and use polite language, do not fight, do not swear.

Respect the old and love the young, respect the parents, the teachers, and get along with the classmates.

Do not disturb other people's work and rest, public places are not noisy, do not litter.

Care for public facilities and care for flowers and trees.

Knowing what is environmental protection and protecting the environment are everyone's responsibility.

Care for flowers and trees, saving water and electricity.

three. detailed arrangement

Weekly training content

Enter and exit school etiquette, correct reading and writing posture.

Prepare well before class and rest in class.

The writing posture is correct and the work is completed on time.

Go out to the standard, enter and exit the office specifications.

Pay attention to the civilized dining, go up and down the stairs to the right.

Care for the surrounding environment, both of them are serious in class.

Pay attention to personal hygiene and communicate with people.

Take time to review and meet the final exam.

Classroom is the main front for implementing moral education. Infiltrating moral education in subject teaching is a full-person strategy. I will infiltrate moral education in teaching objectives, teaching content and teaching methods to optimize the whole process of classroom teaching. Ideological and moral, morning meeting, class activity class and carry out moral education practice activities.

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