Work Plan > Moral Education Work Plan

National Small Moral Education Work Plan

First, the guiding ideology:
Guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the "Three Represents", with the goal of comprehensively implementing the party's educational policy and cultivating the "four-new" newcomers, and taking "ecological moral education " as the main carrier, the implementation of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council will be further strengthened. And the spirit of several opinions on improving the ideological and moral construction of minors, effectively strengthen and improve the ideological and moral construction of schools, and continuously improve the ideological and moral quality of young students.
Second, the main work:
Actively implement the "ecological moral education " project. First, "maintaining the common progress of people and society" as the educational theme, taking patriotism as the core, comprehensively carrying out ideal education, patriotism education, team spirit education, socialist education, legal education and anti-drug education; "Growing people together" is the theme of education, taking moral education as the core, and carrying out public moral education, filial piety education, experiential education, fostering education, caring education, and honesty education. Third, the theme of "consistent with the coordinated development of people and nature" is to protect the environment. Education is the core, and actively develops love for nature education, animal education, school culture and traditional education and aesthetic education.
Continue to carry out the student morality "100 schools to create demonstrations" and the selection of "beauty and youth" activities. According to the spirit of the Propaganda Department of the District Party Committee, the Civilization Office, the Education Bureau, the Youth League Committee, and the Commission for the Work of the People’s Republic of China on the development of student morality in the whole region, the “100 Schools Demonstration” and the “Meeting of Virtue and Youth” activities, The Outline of the Implementation of Moral Construction is guided by the basic ethical principles of student life, and continues to implement “smiles, daily work for parents, greet, promptly thank others for their help, regulations, and work. Every penny, collective work together, used things back to the original place, clean and greet each day, etc." Ten moral good habits are cultivated, focusing on good faith education: 1. The starting point is low: The age characteristics of students start with "no lying words", which is the most basic requirement of honesty and character. 2, the content must be true: teachers in the extension of evidence, supplementary examples, but also need to focus on the reality, based on specific, with the examples that students can see, want to arouse resonance, seek approval, especially with the side People around the education, in order to produce a "kindness", try to use the old things as much as possible, to avoid the "spacing sense", and the "non-food fireworks" extraordinary and vulgarity of empty teaching, more discard. 3, the target is strong: 1 for the students in the ethical practice of the confused understanding, targeted education. 2 In response to students' vanity psychology, loss of favor and weightlessness, and psychology, timely education guidance. Really let "integrity" become the code of conduct for all time, everything, and everyone. 4. Step by step: the teaching content should reflect the progressiveness of the teaching objectives. The lower grades are mainly "no lie", "do not take other people's things", "borrow things, lick things to return", middle school grades "no" Concealing mistakes, "Do not know how to understand", "not greed and cheap", the senior grades are based on "do not falsify", "do not take it", and "speak with others".
Vigorously carry forward the promotion and cultivation of national spirit education. First, we must firmly grasp the core of patriotic education and carry out modern Chinese history, modern history and national conditions education. Second, continue to carry out patriotic reading education activities, so that the majority of young students can cultivate their sentiments, increase their knowledge, and enhance their sense of pride, responsibility and mission to the motherland. The third is to take the traditional Chinese virtues and revolutionary tradition education as the focus of carrying out the promotion and cultivation of national spirit education. This year's September is the first "China's small promotion and cultivation of the national spirit month". It is necessary to combine the new school year to start school, new students' enrollment education, celebrate Teacher's Day, 9.20 Citizen's Moral Publicity Day and National Day celebrations. activity. The fourth is to effectively strengthen the construction of campus culture. A good campus culture is an invisible and huge educational force. It plays an irreplaceable role in cultivating students' moral sentiments and promoting students' healthy growth. The school should standardize the flag-raising ceremony, make good use of the campus radio, campus network, window display, board newspaper and other propaganda positions, and organize a campus culture and art festival, participate in the district science and technology innovation contest and other activities to create a strong campus atmosphere that promotes and cultivates the national spirit. Explore the educational function of campus culture.
In-depth education of the daily behavior of the national minority students. According to the requirements of the new "National Rules for Children" and "Regulations on Daily Behaviors", to promote the all-round development of students as the starting point and the foothold, striving for "models of behavioral norms" and striving for "standards of daily behavior standards" and "daily" The behavioral normative model student activities are the carrier, strengthen the class management, regularly carry out the class appearance examination, pay attention to the construction of the value day and day team, improve the star rating system, pass the eagle eagle, and “two prohibitions and one promotion” activities. In order to grasp the "five no" and "five" requirements of the daily behavior norms proposed by the district, we will focus on the daily standardization education of the national students, and meet the review of the Chinese small daily behavior standard compliance schools. .
Deepen the establishment of a "safe and civilized campus". First, we must conscientiously implement the "Several Opinions on Strengthening the Legal Education of Young Students" by the four ministries and commissions of the Ministry of Education, and vigorously publicize the "Prevention of Juvenile Crimes Act" and "Measures for Handling Students' Personal Injury Accidents". Second, we must vigorously strengthen the safety of students. Education, improve students' safety awareness and self-prevention ability, and actively do precautionary work; third, we must strengthen the teacher's value-for-money system to avoid safety accidents caused by poor management; Fourth, we must strictly enforce the student's attendance system and establish Class address book, found that students absent from school, contact with parents in time, fulfilling the obligation of notification; Fifth, strict traffic safety management on the way to and from school, students are required to wear a small yellow hat, students under the age of 12 are prohibited from cycling to school; It is necessary to strictly manage the doormen and establish a guest registration system to prevent the socially motivated personnel and lawless elements from entering the campus and harassing the school. Seventh, we must strengthen the daily training of the students and strictly regulate the management system of the residents; Regularly inspect school buildings, educational equipment and event facilities to prevent problems . Nine is that the school doctor's office should actively carry out education on health behaviors and health knowledge through board newspapers, columns, lectures, etc., and improve students' health awareness. Tenth, we must proceed from the health and cleaning work of the campus and increase supervision. Promote students to develop good hygiene habits.
Strive to promote mental health education. The majority of teachers must conscientiously study and implement the "China Small Mental Health Guidelines" formulated by the Ministry of Education, and the Provincial Education Department's "Opinions on Further Strengthening the Mental Health Education in China" to fully understand the importance of mental health education. It is necessary to take the provincial project as the leader, and strive to promote the school's mental health education, and gradually establish a mental health education system under the leadership of the principal, with the class leader as the backbone and all teachers to participate.
Give full play to the educational role of the Young Pioneers organization. The first is to comprehensively carry out the integration study of the eagle eagle competition mode and the new course learning mode, and further improve the "catch eagle competition" system. The second is to closely follow the three themes of "coordinated development between man and nature", "people and society progress together", and "growth with people", and actively carry out experience education. The third is to deepen the regular work as the starting point, and strive to create a strong cultural atmosphere of the Young Pioneers, enhance the influence of the organization of the Young Pioneers, and promote the sustainable development of the Young Pioneers.
Construct a socialization mechanism for moral education work. The first is to integrate the human resources of moral education and give play to the educational role of the school's work committee, out-of-school counselors and people from all walks of life on young students. The second is to organize the opening of the ninth parent school, open a “home school pass”, and close the home school to enhance the function of parent education. The third is to fully tap the community education resources, use KFC, more beautiful community education bases and other patriotic education bases, organize students to participate in social practice, participate in community services, so that school moral education "small classroom" and social life "big classroom" organically Together, students become socialized people.

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