Work Plan > Moral Education Work Plan

The first semester moral education work arrangement

First, the guiding ideology

Based on safety and stability, we focus on improving quality. Firmly establish the concept of "establishing morality and educating people", carry forward and cultivate the national spirit as the starting point, strengthen and improve the moral education work, strive to keep pace with the times, be close to the students, participate independently, improve the effectiveness, and create a new situation in moral education .

Second, the work concept

1. Find the best development space for each student.

2. Give full play to the initiative, enthusiasm and creativity of teachers and students in the process of moral education .

3, to teach it to know, to be reasonable, to lead the way, to guide it.

5. Let moral education return to life and start with small things around you.

Third, the work target

1. Train students to have good moral sentiments and behavioral habits.

2. Strengthen legal education and adhere to the rule of law.

3. Pay attention to the construction of campus culture and create a harmonious, healthy and positive education environment.

4. Carry out a variety of educational activities and social practice activities.

Fourth, the implementation strategy

Moral education is a procedural activity, which is infiltrated into daily education and teaching activities. This semester will carry out comprehensive and in-depth deployment of moral education work based on the principle of “pragmatic” and “exploitation”.

1. According to the "Standards of Daily Behaviors of Primary and Secondary School Students" and "One-day Practice of Students in School", combined with daily routine education, carry out education on the cultivation of students' etiquette behaviors, and spend great efforts to train our students to develop "civilized terms" from childhood, civilized behavior everywhere See the habit of ". Each class is evaluated weekly according to the discipline, attendance, inter-class practice, instrumentation, and health of the students. It is open to the whole school every week, and the monthly red flag is issued to encourage advanced and spur progress.

2. Further standardize the speech system under the flag raising and the national flag, and effectively carry out patriotism, team spirit, socialist education and law-abiding education, and strengthen team spirit and talent awareness.

3. Emphasis on and strengthen the transformation of undergraduates, and establish a personalized archive and help mechanism for students.

4. Further improve the moral education work network.

Taking the principal's office as the core, the political and educational department and the general branch of the regiment are the leaders, the general branch secretary, the grade leader, the class teacher, and the political teacher are the backbone, and the faculty and staff participate in the school moral education network.

5. Grasp the team building of the class teacher.

Regular class meetings are held regularly, and there are plans and key trainings for the class teacher on ideas and business. Improve the duties, work regulations, assessment and punishment system of the class teacher, and use the performance of the class teacher as an important basis for evaluation. This semester selects several outstanding class teachers at the school level. Each class teacher must write a moral education work paper or experience in each semester, and the school organizes the selection.

6. Grasp the team building of the class teacher.

Regular class meetings are held regularly, and there are plans and key trainings for the class teacher on ideas and business. Improve the duties, work regulations, assessment and punishment system of the class teacher, and use the performance of the class teacher as an important basis for evaluation. This semester selects several outstanding class teachers at the school level. Each class teacher must write a moral education work paper or experience in each semester, and the school organizes the selection.

V. Work schedule

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