Work Plan > Logistics Work Plan

Administrative logistics work plan

Administrative logistics work plan

First, the guiding ideology

In the new semester, continue to hold high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory, comprehensively implement the spirit of General Secretary Jiang’s "Three Represents", adhere to the party's basic line, principles and policies, implement quality education as the purpose, and teach and educate people as the center. In order to do a good job in providing service guarantees, we will do a good job in education for education, and actively and effectively cooperate with schools to do a good job in teaching and activities.
2. Specific work According to the spirit of the first semester work plan of the school in the 2003-2004 school year and the actual work of the department, the following work is planned for the semester.
1. Organize various forms of learning. Education logistics personnel should take the needs of the school as their own responsibility, love their own jobs, be self-respecting, self-love, self-reliance, and wholeheartedly serve teachers and students; earnestly learn advanced technical skills, and initially master the computer The operation and use of each logistician can keep up with the pace of the times and improve the quality of service education. Actively promote the reform of the personnel system, and explore the "more work and more rewards, better performance and better rewards" in logistics work, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of logistics staff
2. According to the needs of education, teaching, and life of teachers and students, timely purchase education and teaching supplies to ensure the normal operation of teaching; put the savings to the top of the work, purchase high-quality goods at low prices, repair old and waste, Pay every penny as a major event; adhere to the principle of reasonable expenses, and do a good job in registering and distributing new purchases;
3. Strengthen the management of school-based school equipment, timely account for the increase and decrease of fixed assets, and timely claim for damaged fixed assets; timely register and sign the formalities of classrooms, special classrooms, offices and other departments at the beginning of the period, At the end of the semester, do a good job in the inventory review and appraisal of these properties; increase the management of hydropower, deal with potential power hazards and water leakage in a timely manner, call on all management departments of the school to jointly manage, save water and electricity, and reduce waste to a minimum; School maintenance and repair work, the focus is on the renovation of kindergarten roofs, and strive to complete in the first ten days of September; do a good job in the construction of the campus environment, further strengthen the management of the original flowers and trees, timely weeding, watering, fertilizing, pruning, construction purification, Greening and beautifying the campus creates a beautiful environment for educating people.
4. Assist the principal's office to resolutely implement the archives of the Municipal Education Bureau and the Price Bureau, standardize the school's fee collection, and do a good job in reporting, approving, collecting, and settlement of various expenses; strictly abide by the financial and economic laws prescribed by the state and superiors, and manage the school well. Use good money; adhere to a pen approval, report on important expenses to the principal in a timely manner, actively come up with ideas, find ways, and find effective ways to solve problems.
5. According to the requirements of the Municipal Education Bureau, improve the construction of the campus network in light of the actual needs of the school. Apply for a first-level domain name)

4. Advocating a good atmosphere of advanced learning, dedication, high requirements, and high level, commending the 2004 corporate service star and advanced team, and conducting a publicity in each service window.

5. Regularly carry out collective activities and labor competitions such as corporate culture, sports and entertainment, enhance the cohesiveness of the company's employees, and form a positive and positive atmosphere.

6. Stabilize the company's workforce, strengthen the management of logistics migrant workers, improve temporary management measures, gradually improve the treatment of temporary workers, introduce excellent talents, and improve the overall quality of logistics personnel.

To implement the rules and regulations as the starting point, strengthen the study and propaganda of the company's rules and regulations, strictly check the daily work, and strive to implement the system.

1. The " Logistics Development Corporation Rules and Regulations" will be printed into a book, and the study, publicity and examinations will be organized at multiple levels and in multiple channels, so that everyone can understand and comply with the relevant regulations of the head office.

2. Further clarify the duties of the company's various positions, do a good job in the construction of the team, give play to the role of the management personnel and team leaders of each center, and implement the accountability system.

3. Pay close attention to the implementation and implementation of the rules and regulations, adhere to the company's duty system, strengthen the company's labor discipline, strictly check the daily work of various departments and employees, and truly link the daily assessment with performance pay.

4. Strengthen the company's operating cost accounting, save money and eliminate waste. Focus on strengthening the management of sanitary tools, labor protection supplies, maintenance materials and office supplies.

5. Further strengthen the system construction of the party branch directly under the company, carry out tree, lecture, insurance, and offensive activities as required by the party committee of the college, build a good account, and do an educational investigation of the party members and activists.

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