Work Plan > Logistics Work Plan

Corporate logistics work plan

First, the guiding ideology:

2006 is a key year for the development of the Logistics Development Corporation. As the new campus construction project begins to take shape, the logistics management and service work of the college will become more and more extensive. The logistics development head office will focus on the college party committee and administrative work. The requirements, deepen the reform of the logistics socialization of the college, implement the quasi-enterprise operation mode, strengthen the quality of survival, standardize the management tree image, seize the opportunity to seek development, brainstorm the benefits, unite and strive for the first-class, and provide quality for the teachers and students. The service provides strong logistical support for the three major projects of the college.

Second, the work objectives:

1. Focusing on food hygiene and safety, strengthening food hygiene and safety management, and establishing emergency plans for food poisoning in canteens to ensure that there is no food poisoning in the whole year. At the same time, determine the business plan of the new campus restaurant.

2. Focusing on the management of student apartments, the completion of accommodation arrangements for 3,500 freshmen and 1,105 school-running students in 2005 will ensure that there are no major safety incidents in the student apartments. Cooperate with the ideological and political work of the college students into the apartment, so that the management level of the student apartment is on the upper level.

3. With the goal of the satisfaction of teachers and students, establish a new image of logistics services, and strive to improve the satisfaction rate of teachers and students in logistics services compared with 2004. At the same time, it provides better logistical support for the establishment of the civilized units of the college and the assessment of the school level.

4. To deepen the logistics reform as the driving force to ensure that the company operates in the quasi-enterprise mode in 2005. Standardize and develop the college logistics operation service market.

Third, the main work:

With the theme of carrying out honesty education, we will strengthen the professional ethics education of our employees, maintain the advanced nature of party members, improve the overall quality of our employees, and enhance the cohesiveness of our employees.

1. Conscientiously organize all employees to study the key points of the college party committee and administrative work in 2005, so that the company employees can understand the three major projects and four reforms of the college, further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency of employees, and achieve dedication and integrity, and serve with integrity. glad to help.

2. According to the plan issued by the Propaganda Department and the Organization Department of the college, do a good job in the central group of the party branch directly under the company, party members and party activists, and the political study of employees with the theme of honesty, and play the vanguard and exemplary role of the party members and the party branch. The role of fighting bastions guarantees the advanced nature of party members, mobilizes the enthusiasm of hiring employee members, and improves the ideological and political quality and professional ethics of employees.

3. Formulate the company's employee job skills training plan and organize implementation, strengthen the overall quality and business ability of the employees, and lay the foundation for the new campus service and management work in the second half of the year.

4. Advocating a good atmosphere of advanced learning, dedication, high requirements, and high level, commending the 2004 corporate service star and advanced team, and conducting a publicity in each service window.

5. Regularly carry out collective activities and labor competitions such as corporate culture, sports and entertainment, enhance the cohesiveness of the company's employees, and form a positive and positive atmosphere.

6. Stabilize the company's workforce, strengthen the management of logistics migrant workers, improve temporary management measures, gradually improve the treatment of temporary workers, introduce excellent talents, and improve the overall quality of logistics personnel.

To implement the rules and regulations as the starting point, strengthen the study and propaganda of the company's rules and regulations, strictly check the daily work, and strive to implement the system.

1. The " Logistics Development Corporation Rules and Regulations" will be printed into a book, and the study, publicity and examinations will be organized at multiple levels and in multiple channels, so that everyone can understand and comply with the relevant regulations of the head office.

2. Further clarify the duties of the company's various positions, do a good job in the construction of the team, give play to the role of the management personnel and team leaders of each center, and implement the accountability system.

3. Pay close attention to the implementation and implementation of the rules and regulations, adhere to the company's duty system, strengthen the company's labor discipline, strictly check the daily work of various departments and employees, and truly link the daily assessment with performance pay.

4. Strengthen the company's operating cost accounting, save money and eliminate waste. Focus on strengthening the management of sanitary tools, labor protection supplies, maintenance materials and office supplies.

5. Further strengthen the system construction of the party branch directly under the company, carry out tree, lecture, insurance, and offensive activities as required by the party committee of the college, build a good account, and do an educational investigation of the party members and activists.

Focusing on food hygiene and safety, strengthen the management of canteens, ensure the occurrence of no student food poisoning, and make sure the new restaurant management plan and corresponding preparation work.

1. Put safety work at the forefront of a group of food work, attach great importance to it, take responsibility at all levels, interlock with each other, and take measures to ensure that there is no case of food poisoning among students.

2. Establish a 24-hour duty system and a patrol system for department heads in the three meals of the canteen, and find problems in a timely manner. It is strictly forbidden for outsiders to enter the processing site.

3. Strengthen the internal management of the existing rental canteens, hold regular meetings of the food center, organize health training, strengthen the sense of responsibility of the person in charge of the lease and the health awareness of the employees, ensure that the quality of the goods meets the standards, the production process is standardized, the quality and price are consistent, and the remaining The food is preserved and the sales process is anti-infective.

4. Carry out the selection of civilized service windows, strengthen contact with a food management committee, strengthen inspection and punishment, continuously improve the quality of food and improve service levels.

5. Continue to run the faculty and restaurant, and strive to make the faculty and staff satisfied with the fancy variety and taste quality of the food.

6. Actively participate in the related work of the restaurant construction of the new campus of the college, and cooperate with the bidding for the supply and installation of kitchen equipment. At the same time, we will carefully examine and study the new restaurant business plan and do all the preparatory work. The two-year rental situation of the original restaurant was summarized, and the renovation plan of the old restaurant was proposed.

Focus on the management of student apartments, strengthen the behavioral norms of students in the apartment, summarize the experience of student apartment property management, carry out the construction of apartment culture, and work with the student system to do ideological and political work into the apartment.

1. Strictly follow the standards for the establishment and evaluation of college civilized dormitory issued by the Provincial Department of Education, strengthen the daily management of student apartments, standardize on the original various types of accounts, and conduct regular inspections.

2. Play the role of student self-management and work-study students in the management of student apartments, and constantly explore new ways of property management in student apartments.

3. Promote family-friendly services to help students solve their daily difficulties and provide students with special apartment services.

4. Strengthen the business guidance for the instructors of student apartments, give full play to their role in the daily life management of students, strengthen the behavioral norms of students in the apartments, and try to establish a comprehensive performance file of students in the apartment, and strive to achieve certain results at the end of the year.

5. Actively cooperate with the ideological and political work of college students into the apartment work, open up the propaganda position of the apartment, strengthen the apartment culture construction, organize community cultural activities, and carry out the dormitory health competition.

With the goal of the satisfaction of teachers and students, strengthen the ties with various departments, listen to the opinions and requirements of teachers and students on logistics services, improve service quality, and establish a new image of logistics services.

1. Firmly establish the company service concept that begins with the needs of teachers and students, and finally the teachers and students are satisfied, continuously improve the service quality and the satisfaction of teachers and students on logistics services, and create a new image of logistics services.

2. Adhere to the system of contact with the student system, play the role of the student apartment management committee and a food management committee, and hold a joint meeting of the student apartment instructor and the student counselor and class teacher.

3. Regularly hold student symposiums, set up student housing, catering services and other suggestion boxes, often listen to teachers and students' opinions and requirements on logistics services, and deal with them in time to improve them.

4. Strengthen contact with relevant departments of the college, and work with the Logistics Management Office and the Security Office to formulate emergency plans for student canteens and student apartments, and organize drills.

5. Cooperate with the Logistics Management Office to do the bidding and purchasing of classrooms and apartment facilities in the new campus, and provide students with reasonable and high-quality study and living facilities for the better management of the company in the future.

6. Pay attention to the civilized etiquette education of employees, strive to unify the clothing during the year, put on the posts, and ask the employees to influence the students with civilized language and good image, so as to manage and educate and educate people.

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