Work Plan > Logistics Work Plan

School logistics work plan

In the last semester, the logistics posts of our park centered on the work objectives of the park and united to provide quality services to parents. Through reflection and reflection, the Logistics Group of our park has set a new semester work goal. Strive to make new changes in the new semester, and to improve, to provide first-class services for parents, faculty and staff.
First, actively explore and keep pace with the times
1. Strengthen learning, improve quality and enhance self-confidence.
2. Promote learning exchanges and interactions, establish awareness of knowledge, be good at learning, and be brave in innovation.
3, teamwork, take the initiative to participate in the ranks of quality services, do it with your heart, and understand with your heart.
4. Learn from books, learn from colleagues, learn from yourself, and actively explore in learning.
5. Promote the “four learnings”, that is, learn to learn, learn to do things, learn to cooperate, and learn to survive.
6. Have, have goals, work proactively, overcome negative attitudes, establish a positive attitude, and keep consistent with the work of the whole park.
7, each person writes a good job, semester work, do a good reading notes.
Second, attach importance to safety and security work
1. Continue to check the safety of the entire park.
2, the canteen daily disinfection of food utensils, food acceptance, meal retention, and registration.
3, the canteen continues to do a variety of checks before leaving work, people leave the door lock to prevent outsiders from entering.
4, the canteen to do a safe operation of various machines.
5, the driver is good at car maintenance and driving safety.
6. The doorman will be familiar with the new students and parents as soon as possible, stick to the post, lock the door on time, and continue to register and inquire about the visitors.
7. The guards routinely check the electrical appliances, power supplies, doors and windows before leaving work.
Third, the daily work of each department
1. Treasury management and procurement
1) Purchase and distribute newborn bedding, school bags, clothing, etc.
2) Before the start of school, the purchase and distribution of class hygiene products and office supplies.
3) Do a good job of reconciling and inventing fixed assets every month.
4) Repair the bad beds and bad chairs of each class.
5) Put sand toys and sports equipment.
2, maintenance work
1) Place a variety of sports equipment before the start of school, and organize the sports equipment.
2) Do a good job of checking and repairing large toys and sports equipment on a weekly basis. Organize and repair sports equipment room every day to ensure the safety of sports equipment.
3) Conduct a comprehensive inspection and maintenance of the fans of the class and office at the beginning of each month.
4) Conduct a comprehensive inspection and repair of the canteen gas appliances, gas pipes, electrical equipment, doors and windows every week.
5) Check the doors and windows once a month and find out the problem in time.
6) Check the lighting facilities of each class and corridor, hall and office space every week, and find problems for immediate repair.
7) Clean the air conditioner before entering the summer, put the remote control everywhere, and accept the public remote control at the end of the semester.
8) Regularly upgrade all computers to anti-virus. Check the office computer and power supply off before the holiday.
3. Financial work
1) Do a good job of various new fees

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