Work Plan > Logistics Work Plan

The logistics support work plan of the United Front Work Department in 2019

The Third Plenary Session of the Fourth Session of the Municipal Party Committee was a very important meeting held by the city at the end of 2019. The meeting summed up this year's work, put forward the general working ideas for the next period, and is the general program and guide for our future work. The office work is complicated. How to further improve the service and truly improve the logistics support for the leaders and departments of the united front system and the departments is the focus and foothold of the work in 2019. In the spirit of the plenary session, I have seriously considered the work in 2019:

First, information publicity and advanced. On the basis of organizing training, commendation rewards, and ranking notifications, the information work is working hard on “high and deep”, and the higher-level united front department feedbacks the high-level and insightful suggestive information, and is a good assistant to the staff; Dig deep into the research and summarize the experience with regularity and universality to facilitate the promotion. The propaganda work should be based on the second prize and strive to make a breakthrough. Based on the united front system, we will further integrate forces and form a propaganda pattern of the Great Unification War, and achieve a great improvement in the quality and quantity of the manuscripts.

Second, the daily work to seek norms. Further improve the work and affairs management system of the Department of the United Front Work, and achieve institutional and standardized management. Including the conference system, issuing documents, reading and writing systems, please sell the fake system, financial system, vehicle management system, etc. Strictly follow the requirements of "talking rules, following procedures, and discipline", standardizing operations, clarifying the division of labor and responsibilities of the department, forming an incentive and restraint mechanism, maximizing the enthusiasm and initiative of each cadre, and creatively carrying out good work.

Third, improve quality and strong learning. In response to the characteristics of several comrades in the office, the comrades in the whole room are guided to do things, do not learn more, learn from books, learn from practice, learn from other comrades, and strive to form a good atmosphere of diligent study, unity and progress, and positive and positive. We must work hard to improve the political, business, and moral qualities of each comrade, and focus on cultivating five styles of work: hard work, diligent thinking, pragmatic, consistent manners, and a style that is resolute and banned. Unity and enterprising, and the first-class style of work, indifferent to fame and fortune, hard work style, the office building into a united group that can especially endure hardship and especially fight.

Fourth, improve methods to promote services. It is necessary to further strengthen service awareness, establish a sense of overall consciousness, overall situation, and responsibility, improve service quality and work efficiency, and handle the relationship between key services and comprehensive services, routine services and emergency services, so as to ensure the needs of daily work, Respond to emergency situations. It is necessary to continuously improve the service methods, enhance the initiative and predictability of the work, and ensure that important meetings and reception activities are not missed. At the same time, we must continue to expand the service sector, enrich service content, and strive to improve service quality and level.

Read more about the logistics support work plan of the United Front Work Department in 2019

1. Strengthen the publicity and education of the juvenile legal system, continue to study and publicize the Laws and Regulations on the Protection of Minors, the Law on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency, and the Traffic Safety Law, and strengthen the awareness of self-protection and legal awareness of minors. The teachers responsible for this work cooperate with the Young Pioneers Brigade and the Vice-President of the Legal System to carry out the “five-one” legal education activities in conjunction with the actual situation of the school:

Cheng Changchun prepares the relevant content of the vcd disc, the Young Pioneers Brigade Counselor organization, starting from the 12th week of Monday, in the third class every afternoon, each grade turns to the laboratory to watch;

In the 13th week, the young squad leader’s counselor is responsible, and each class teacher arranges candidates and guides to hold a legal knowledge lecture;

14 weeks, invited the school's vice president of the legal system Shi Genyan to attend a legal knowledge education class;

In the 15th week, the counsellors of the Young Pioneers Group were responsible for the guidance of the class teachers and organized a legal knowledge essay contest;

For 16 weeks, using the publicity window, red scarf radio station, slogan, poster, blackboard newspaper, banner, school website and other media, the Young Pioneers Brigade Counselor is responsible for organizing a series of legal publicity activities.

2. Insist on the role of the first classroom in the school, and implement the school legal education plan, legal publicity and education materials, legal education time and teachers, and invite the vice president of the legal system to come to the school for at least one legal course or one legal system per semester. Educational lectures.

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