Work Plan > Logistics Work Plan

2019 kindergarten general affairs logistics work plan

First, the basic situation review:

1. Provide logistics support for the first line of teaching.

In order to smoothly meet the start of each class, our general affairs department carried out comprehensive maintenance on the leakage of the teaching building, the administrative building and its roof during the summer, the stairwell step maintenance and wall painting, and the weeds in the whole garden were removed.

2. Diligently staying at home and investing in planning.

In order to open source and reduce expenditure, we have made plans for the addition of items. In the last semester, we added 382 beds for baby beds, 1 large-scale heat cycle disinfection cabinet, 10 kitchen stainless steel buckets, 10 basins, 12 boiled kettles and 300 children's stools.

3. Work safely.

In terms of safety management, all departments have responsibility for each class, check the safety facilities and equipment every month, and make a record, and find problems in time, especially in March-July, hand-foot-mouth disease, h1n1 influenza A In the high incidence period, there was no case in our park.

Second, the guiding ideology

In the logistical work of this semester, it is necessary to implement the relevant requirements of the garden work plan, further establish service ideas, continue to strengthen the construction of the workforce, strengthen the management of the park, garden production, and strengthen security work. In the continuous improvement and standardization, improve the logistics service and quality as well as the level of logistics management.

1. Strengthen the construction of the workforce and strive to explore the standardization approach.

Establish employee personal work files, and record employee work experience, physical examination status, and work assessment status.

Continue to adhere to the daily inspection system, identify problems in a timely manner, analyze the crux of the problem, and exchange views with relevant personnel to play the role of inspection.

Continue to implement the employee work assessment system, reward and punish the poor, further stimulate the enthusiasm and initiative of the logistics personnel, and improve the quality of work.

2. Strengthen the management of the park's production and strive to play a limited asset.

Seriously use all kinds of funds according to the budget plan of the fund, and continuously improve and optimize the conditions for running the park.

Strengthen financial management, strictly implement the financial management system, do a good job in auditing funds, standardize fees, and implement the public notice system for young children.

Adhere to the principle of diligently running the park, and actively advocate saving water, electricity, gas, materials, etc., and reduce waste.

Care and reasonable use of the facilities and equipment in the park, do a good job in all kinds of maintenance work, try to complete the small maintenance, do everything you can to save maintenance costs.

Continue to explore the scientific nature of material management, further improve the management system of fixed assets, regularly check the assets of each class and room, and urge the strengthening of custody to reduce damage and loss. At the end of the period, the assets were cleaned and checked.

3. Strengthen health and safety management and adhere to standardization of operations.

Continue to do a good job in environmental sanitation, adhere to the work of sanitation and cleaning, and clarify the area of ​​responsibility and responsible persons. Strengthen inspections and guidance to ensure that the kindergarten environment is clean and orderly.

Further strengthen the inspection and guidance of the food, food processing, tableware cleaning and disinfection process of the canteen staff, effectively implement the Food Sanitation Law, and standardize operations.

Further strengthen the awareness of the safety responsibility of the guards, strictly enforce the inquiries and registration of outsiders, and prevent the occurrence of children from the gates and theft.

Carefully and timely repair and repair all items and equipment to ensure full use.

Continue to strengthen the management of flammable, explosive and toxic dangerous goods and cleaning and disinfecting supplies, so as to be kept by special personnel and distributed in limited quantities in case of any eventuality.

Continue to do a good job in fire safety, strengthen safety responsibilities, adhere to prevention, eliminate hidden dangers, and achieve safety first.

4. Do a good job in diet work, listen to the opinions of teachers, children and parents, try to increase the pattern of recipes, and ensure the balance of nutrition, so that it is thick, sweet, salty and dry.

5. Continue to strengthen service awareness and actively carry out logistics support.

During the semester, the logistics personnel should overcome the difficulties of the staff and the aging of the age, actively cooperate with the completion of the work of the center, and do a good job in logistics support such as teacher competition, environmental creation, and parental open day activities.

Third, the work schedule for the month.


1. Procurement plans and distribution of office, teaching supplies, and children's medicines.

2. The whole garden is cleaned up.

3. Overhaul the entire park's hydropower and check the doors and windows.

4. Sign the contract with the supplier and update the relevant documents.


1. Adjust tables, chairs and beds according to the class schedule.

2. Celebrate "Teacher's Day, Mid-Autumn Festival".

3. Coordinate with the class to do a good job in environmental creation.

4. Make arrangements for the staff on duty during the National Day.


1. Visit the old teachers at the Double Ninth Festival.

2, check the dormitory health and class hygiene.

3. Cooperate with each class for morning health.

4, the whole park health inspection.


1. Organize logistics staff to learn.

2, each class of toys self-examination, outdoor large toy inspection.

3. Cooperate with the opening day of the whole park parents.

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