Work Plan > Teacher Work Plan

The second semester of the 2013 school year, the national individual research project

Name: Wang Yongping

Task: Teacher

Teaching Section: Mathematics

Teaching grade: sixth grade

Research topic: Research on the teaching method of distance education in rural modern process

Personal Sub-topic: Research on the Teaching Method of Distance Education Mode in Rural Modern Process

Research time: February 2019 ~ June 2019

Research purposes:

1. Exploring some teaching methods for rural modern distance education that are suitable for the teaching of rural small and medium-sized education, and improve the efficiency of classroom teaching.

2. Make rural students enjoy the same quality education resources as urban students, fundamentally reduce the burden of excessive academic work, and complete the learning tasks of the national stage with high quality.

3. Make students learn and have a healthy mind, a sound personality, a noble sentiment, and a good information literacy.

The main content of the research:

In the study of the teaching method of rural modern distance education mode, the students are guided to: 1. Improve their self-education ability. 2. Improve the ability of cooperation and communication. 3. Improve the ability to withstand setbacks. 4. Improve the ability to analyze and solve problems.

Teachers should carefully review and analyze the teaching resources of CDs according to the needs of teaching, combine teaching content and teaching process, use teaching design and related teaching theories, select, integrate and use CD resources to promote the interaction between teachers and students and promote the transformation of teaching methods. Using CD-ROMs for teaching activities, teachers must be familiar with the content of CD-ROM resources, organically combine CD-ROM playback with classroom lectures, organize classroom teaching activities, and improve the teaching and learning process. Carry out various forms of teaching activities.

working arrangement


1. Develop a personal work plan.

2. Take a good project study class.

3. Do a good job in downloading and teaching research on CDs.


1. Enrich the blog content and use it to learn from the team members .

2, a good subject research class.

3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the teachers in the class and find out the shortcomings.


1. Study and study the "Research on the Teaching Method of Distance Education Mode in Rural Modern Process".

2. Write a research paper on the subject.

3. Read the teacher 's lesson plans and lectures, and do a good job of listening to the lesson.


1. Continue to carry out the project activities.

2. Upload the subject teacher's assessment content to your blog.

3. Correct the deficiencies in the teaching.


1. Listen to the work summary report of the research team.

2. Write a summary of the work of the individual research team.

3. Organize and collect various research results.

The work of the new semester begins, so that every child can get better development and grow healthily and comprehensively. In order to work better for myself and grow up in the work of learning, we have specially formulated the plan and constantly revised ourselves and perfected ourselves in the implementation of the plan to continuously improve the quality that we should have as a teacher . The current semester work plan is as follows: First, improve ideological and political literacy, actively participate in all current affairs, political studies, and insist on combining theory with practice, starting from me, starting from the small things around us, and strictly abiding by the kindergartens. Rules and regulations, love my job, establish a strong sense of professionalism, responsibility and good teacher morality. Obey the arrangements of the leaders and conscientiously complete all teaching, teaching and research work. In the work, teachers are required to ethical standards, lead by example, care for each child with care, patience, care and love, so that children can develop at their own level. Continue to play the team spirit of "you have me, I have you", and assist the teacher and teacher to do the class work. Second, strengthen the child care work: There are several new children in this semester. I want to treat each child with love and patience, let them feel the love of the teacher, the friendliness of the children, so that they can enjoy the kindergarten. Adapt to the new environment as soon as possible. 1. In terms of physique, I continue to carry out exercise activities in the form of games. Pay attention to the changes in the weather and the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor. I urge the children to add clothes at any time. For children who love sweating, special care should be taken. At the same time, pay attention to the children. Drinking water, let the children drink with thirst. Strengthen physical exercise and outdoor activities, reduce the chances of children's illness, and maintain the attendance rate of this class. Really make parents feel at ease. 2 Grasp the children's routine habits, such as: we drink the habit of drinking water, eating habits after meals, children do not need teachers to remind each day, young children can take the initiative to complete; we continue to gently talk to children, put the chair gently The habit of washing hands before and after meals, and the politeness habits of children, reading books, playing with toys and other habits. 3, educate the children to do their own things, continue to practice finishing their own dress and bed. Focus on the development of young children's abilities. 4 Cultivate the moral education of young children, love the motherland, love the national flag, know the words when they raise the flag; know the traditional festivals of the motherland. Knowing that you are glory for the collective, do not do things that damage the class. 4, life hygiene common sense knows to protect vision, reading, painting to maintain the correct posture. Don't read or paint in the sun, too strong, too weak, and in the sun. Know the general hygiene knowledge of protecting your teeth and brush your teeth in the right way. Know some general knowledge about preventing mites and intestinal diseases, and not eating unclean food. Know the weather changes and increase or decrease clothes in time before and after the exercise, do not do strenuous activities before and after meals. 5, safety common sense does not play dangerous games, do not go to dangerous places. Understand traffic safety. Will deal with the simple dangers you may encounter. Have a sense of self-protection. 6, life hygiene habits and living ability correct, quickly wash your hands, wash your face, develop the habit of brushing your teeth in the morning and evening, eat slowly, do not picky eaters, no leftovers, learn to use chopsticks. Meal is not talking loudly, not messing up the residue, clean up after dinner. Quiet to sleep. Separate, orderly, and quickly undress and footwear, tie the laces, and make the bed. Keep the instrument clean and tidy. When you cough or sneeze, you will cover your nose and mouth with your hands or turn your face and do not sneeze at others. Keep the sanitation of public places, don't climb the tables and chairs, don't slap the walls, do the education and teaching work, according to the guiding ideology of the kindergarten's "Outline" and combine the age characteristics and personality differences of the children in this class, further study and understand the spirit of the "Outline" And better integrated into the practical activities, seriously study the teaching materials, creative use of new courses. According to the age characteristics of the children in this class, a reasonable theme course that meets the child's ability to accept is developed. Carefully prepare and prepare each lesson so that young children can learn knowledge in a relaxed and enjoyable activity. At the same time, with the guidance of the "Procedures" and "just want", continue to develop online teaching. Continuously improve teaching, master skills, actively learn and delve into new teaching methods to improve their professional quality in learning, practice and summarization. In the semester, we will cooperate with the educators to continue to develop the following abilities of the children: 1. Continue to do a good job of class characteristics: “Cultivate children into self-confidence, fraternity, honesty, good question, courage, strongness, politeness, and good environmental behavior. It is the educational purpose of this class. 2. Teaching mode using grouping, boldly trying new teaching mode, carefully observing children's activities, doing observation and analysis, developing children's observation ability, hands-on operation ability, and cultivating children's learning and self-discovery. 3. The ability to solve problems. 3. Strengthen the routine training of young children, and routinely explain the routine requirements to young children, and use various forms to conduct training, strictly check the routine implementation, and let the children take turns to be good values ​​every day. Small masters. 4. Pay attention to the individual differences of young children, so that each child has a greater improvement. 5. Randomly cultivate the ability of children to unite and cooperate in various field activities. 5. Parent work: 1. Regular, random Home visits, telephone calls and other forms to maintain home contact, let parents know about the situation of young children in the park, exchange ideas Think, ask for advice and solve parents' difficulties, and support for our work. 2. Continue to apply qq group and class “blog” and parents to communicate online, video and other face-to-face communication, so that parents can keep abreast of the class's recent Activities, and do a good job, but also can understand the recent performance of their children 3, fill out the home contact book every two weeks, and timely communicate and exchange with parents. 4, random interviews with parents, let parents cooperate The work of this class, and can actively participate in the activities organized by the kindergarten, support our teaching needs, provide all kinds of materials and materials, and do our best to do a good job in the education of young children. 6. Personal growth aspects 1) Teachers with rich teaching experience Learning, paying attention to example learning and internalization, improving their management and teaching ability for young children 2) Strive to improve their professional quality, study hard and study business, 3) take the initiative to care about preschool education information and professional theory at home and abroad, and through various channels : Preschool education, multimedia technology, observation, lectures, etc., to absorb new knowledge and new skills in the education discipline . Kindergarten teachers are not only good thoughts conduct and professional ethics are not enough. Practice a variety of skills and techniques, to improve the overall quality of their own .4) use their free time to learn the techniques of painting and playing a musical instrument hand-made, multi-professional reference books, the I have improved in these aspects in a short period of time. The above is my semester work plan. I hope that with the help of everyone and my own efforts, I will gain something.

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