Work Plan > Teacher Work Plan

2012 Teacher's Personal Work Focus Program

2019 is a busy year, and 2019 is also a very fulfilling year in my short teaching career. It has been in 2011 and it is difficult to start all things. At this planting, I must seriously think about this year. How to work hard, so my personal work plan for 2019 is as follows:

This individual work focus will be divided into four areas:

I. Ideological politics

First of all, we must always love the motherland, support the party's leadership, love our job, care about national affairs, adhere to political studies, record political notes, and raise awareness and awareness. In particular, we must pay attention to the important spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, understand the party's principles and policies, and appreciate the party's educational spirit, so as to work hard to cultivate a new generation of socialism that is in line with the Chinese characteristics of building a new era.

Secondly, we must pay attention to personal moral cultivation, be a teacher, be strict with self-discipline, focus on honesty and education, and have been a public teacher .

The third is to care for the students' study and life, to be a good teacher and friend of the students, not to miss the children, to be able to teach and educate people.

The fourth is to strengthen unity, get along well with colleagues, have a happy cooperation, and think about it in one place, and work hard to form a united and cooperative family.

Second, personal business

As a teacher , in addition to having good ideology and morality, noble moral sentiment; also need to have a high level of business skills. In this academic year, I will focus on broadening my horizons, subscribing to professional magazines, browsing related teaching websites, and keeping track of teaching experiences and excellent cases that can be used for reference. Constantly charge yourself, arrange a certain amount of time every day to improve basic skills, and strive to make yourself a tap water that can provide students with a glass of water at any time.

In addition, the old teachers must be humbly ask for advice, learn from the valuable experience of others, and learn to use it in teaching. Even if you are not ashamed to ask, go deep into the students and experience their learning and acceptance skills, so as to better serve the teaching.

Third, classroom teaching

Classroom is the main position of teachers' "preaching, teaching , and confusing", and it is a happy park for students to grow up. In order to make the short 40 minutes of each class orderly and inclusive, the amount of information is large, the form is active, and the age characteristics of the students are close to the maximum effect. I will focus on three aspects before, during and after class. Prepare lessons carefully before class. Prepare for the class before the class, the papers of the syllabus work in 2011, prepare the students, familiar with the teaching process of the teaching software, to ensure that the preparations before the class are timely and sufficient. Concentrate on the lesson. The professional features are everywhere, and the instructions are replaced by content. The curiosity is the horn of their departure, so that students are always in the cheerful atmosphere of music. The fun teaching is based on the age characteristics of the students, allowing students to learn in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. Pleasant mood is an important factor in generating interest in learning, so I will start by stimulating students' interest in learning, using a variety of methods to introduce new lessons, using enthusiasm throughout the classroom, solving boring teaching in games, and fully mobilizing students' enthusiasm for learning. Guide students to carry out a series of learning activities inspired by the teacher, consciously use the brain, ear, mouth, hands to complete the various teaching links designed by the teacher, interest has become the driving force for students to learn. Feedback in time after class. Write down the points of success and failure in teaching, and how to improve them. In this semester, I also try to create a good classroom atmosphere for students, focusing on cultivating students to develop well-organized classroom routines; enabling them to actively learn in a relaxed, happy and lively state.

Fourth, extracurricular activities

Students' all-round development can't be confined to the classroom. Extracurricular is also their second class. 2011 work focus. This semester, I will combine the characteristics of this subject, hold a variety of extracurricular activities, and set up interest groups in this subject to enrich their spirit. Life, on the other hand, also comprehend learning methods in entertainment and stimulate their interest in learning.

The above four aspects are my personal work priorities in 2011. I hope that all of them will lead the leaders to criticize and correct them.

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