Work Plan > Teacher Work Plan

2019 teacher personal growth plan

What kind of teachers should teachers be in the new era? Some people have made such a portrayal of the image: possessing a noble morality, extensive knowledge, superb teaching, healthy psychology, and strong physical fitness. I am eager to be such a teacher . Through this writing of personal study and professional development plans, I re-examined myself and dissected myself. On the basis of earnestly studying and understanding the school work plan, my three-year development goals for myself were:

First, the goal of thinking:

Strengthen the cultivation of the teacher's morality and style, form a noble personality, and have an enterprising heart. Establish the concept of lifelong learning, and strive to have five kinds of abilities: learning ability, educational research ability, adapting to modern teaching ability, researching students' ability, self-regulation ability. Renew educational concepts, continue to learn and reflect, work hard, and work hard. Not only do you seriously study the subject knowledge, but also constantly broaden your knowledge horizon and increase your knowledge. The most important thing about this is that it must be sustained.

Second, professional ethics:

In an ordinary job, I love education, love school, do my duty, teach and educate people.

It is necessary to take classes seriously, not to spread the responsibility, and not to spread the thoughts that are harmful to the physical and mental health of students. To be a teacher, to lead by example, pay attention to teaching.

Third, the goal of educating people: to love students, to have a fraternal heart for students, to treat each other with sincerity, to be tolerant and have a strong sense of responsibility. Seriously study and understand the new curriculum standards, master the subject characteristics of the teaching disciplines, and optimize the teaching to the best of the learning, and form your own teaching style.

Fourth, the goal of cultivation:

1, the direction is positive. Consciously abide by the four basic principles and national laws and regulations, and resolutely resist the erosion and penetration of pseudoscience and pseudo-religion on the campus.

2, dedicated to love the post. I love education and do a good job in education and teaching and research work with the spirit of reform and innovation. Study rigorously, strive for excellence, and strive to improve the ability to engage in job responsibilities and improve work efficiency.

3. Teaching and educating people. Fully implement the education policy, actively implement quality education, develop student intelligence, inspire students' exploration spirit and innovative thinking, and cultivate students' practical ability.

4. Love students. Enhance the sense of responsibility of respecting students and caring for students, establish a democratic, equal and harmonious teacher-student relationship, and be a good teacher and friend of students.

5. Respect comrades. Being able to live in harmony with teachers of different personalities and interests, learning from each other and learning from others. Strive to form a group atmosphere of mutual respect, mutual love, hard work, and common progress.

6, self-cultivation. Strictly disciplined, styled and decent, honest and educated, and a teacher. Adhere to social morality and pursue a scientific and civilized lifestyle.

V. Cooperation objectives:

1. Strengthen cooperation with teachers . Learn to work with others, including collaboration with teachers of similar disciplines, and collaboration with teachers in different disciplines.

2. Strengthen cooperation with students. Teachers are the collaborators, guides and participants of student learning. The teaching process is an interactive process of teacher-student interaction and common development.

3. Strengthen cooperation with parents. Parents are invited to go to the classroom to listen to teachers , participate in class evaluation, invite parents to participate in children's comprehensive practice activities, etc., so that more parents can understand the scientific concept of the new curriculum, understand the significance of the new curriculum reform, and pay attention to the new curriculum reform. Sustainable development.

Sixth, skill objectives:

Improve your ability to understand and interact with students. Teachers should be good at understanding students. They can take a variety of methods to learn from parents, learn from their classmates, see transcripts and newline comments, etc., but the most important method is direct observation by teachers . Teachers should think about students’ thoughts and behaviors, intellectual activities, Emotional performance has a keen observation ability. This is an important condition for discovering problems in the educational process and capturing the timing of education. Teachers who are good at observing students can find problems in time and take the initiative to solve problems. Can receive good educational results. On the contrary, the problem was not discovered in time, and it was prolonged for a long time. When it was solved to a more serious degree, the teacher was very passive.

Improve language skills. Language is the main means for teachers to communicate knowledge and communicate with students. They must have strong language skills in education. The basic requirements for the teacher's language are: firstly, the pronunciation is correct, the standard sound is spoken, the Mandarin is spoken, and the expressed content can be accepted smoothly by the students; secondly, the words are accurate, the sentences are complete, and the ideological content is accurately conveyed, which is both scientific and easy. Understand, understand for students; third, be systematic and logical, be good at using self-owned language, telling knowledge or explaining problems at a clear level, with outstanding emphasis and clear conclusions; fourth, be enlightening and influential Master the language of dialogue, be good at encouraging students to think in a dialogue, and be brave in expressing their opinions, thus forming a vivid and humorous language style, causing students to resonate emotionally in communication; finally, in volume, speed, tone It must meet the requirements of the environment and the content of the content, and meet the needs of students' physical and mental health. It is moderate and changeable.

Improve the ability to use modern educational technology . Teachers should understand the basic principles of advanced technology, master relevant knowledge, and have the ability to produce teaching software, such as drawing slides, compiling recordings, video tapes, and even computer programming for teaching. The modernization of education will inevitably realize the modernization of educational technology. The professional quality of modern teachers must also include the basic ability to use modern educational technology.

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