Work plan > work plan book

How to write a plan

1. Executive summary and essentials

Activity purpose\cause\purpose\goal.

2. Current status

What is the current amateur cultural life of college students and what do students like in their spare time?

The demand for cultural markets: the market for movies or the needs of college students.

Surrounding conditions: the surrounding cultural market or the basic situation of the theater.

3. Problem analysis

Advantages: Guide healthy and amateur cultural life.

Disadvantages: Today's social and cultural entertainment is rich and colorful, as a traditional entertainment project, the audience is decreasing year by year.

To sum up: how to develop strengths and avoid weaknesses, give play to the strength of the association, and guide everyone to participate in healthy entertainment.

4. Goal

Marketing target: monthly\quarterly\shows each year. What category, etc.

5. Expense planning

Inputs and expenditures, benefits and benefits

Advertising: The form of advertising.

Market research: major market research tools and initiatives.

6. Action plan

Activity planning.

7. Estimated risk control: source of risk and control method.

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