Work Summary > Summary of the work of the class teacher

Summary of the work of the 2014 junior sixth grade head teacher

Summary of the work of the class teacher of the sixth grade

The class teacher is the link between the school, the family, the teacher and the student. It takes a lot of time and scope to work as a class teacher. This work is busy, but the work of the class teacher is indispensable. Here is a summary of the work of this semester.

Class cadre team building

A class has a lot of tedious work. In terms of management, there are morning reading, health, discipline, and management of class students when the teacher is absent. If there is any competition, it will be more busy. If you take all the work of the class yourself, it will undoubtedly increase the workload. How to reduce the burden of oneself and make the class work hard? This requires someone to share, who will share it? Class cadres. I will divide the class in the class into five groups, two in each group, to manage the morning reading, health, discipline and other matters in the group. Appreciate the timely management of outstanding students, and identify the problems if they are not properly managed, and help them correct them together. There is also competition among the cadres in this class, and competition has promoted the construction of the class.

Our class students eat more at school in the morning, and there are many students who buy food tickets every day. Often, once they finish class, students chase the teacher to buy food tickets, which makes it difficult for them to cope. To this end, I chose a more responsible student among the class students, who is in charge of the matter. Give the food ticket to her, who bought the food ticket and make a record in time, even if it is not paid, it does not matter, because you can go to the record. I think this works well.

The same blackboard newspaper is also handed over to the propaganda committee, telling her the subject every time, let her let go.

Do a good job in the class

Although the class cadres can help the teacher to do most of the work, the important work is to have the class teacher to do it.

1. Close the window. Each classroom has 8 windows, lots of windows and bright classrooms. In the summer, due to the hot weather, the windows were opened by the students; in the winter, the windows were ventilated, the air was circulated, and the cold was reduced. However, opening the window is easy to close the window. After school every day, very few students think of closing the window, always asking several students to go. So I thought it would be better to let the students sitting next to the window go to the door, because it is close to the window and easy to remember. However, the actual effect is not satisfactory. After the school, the students sitting at the window will leave the bag and forget the matter. What should I do? Finally, I came up with the idea that each student of the duty day will close a window and be supervised by the team leader. The effect of this time has been significantly improved compared to the previous two, although there are still some students forget, but after many reminders, students have rarely forgotten. This has been insisted on doing so, the classroom window is difficult to solve, and finally solved.

2. Individual quantitative management of class students. Primary school students like to compete. They always hope that they can be better than others in both learning and performance. They are all excellent. So how is it compared? There is class quantitative management in the school. On this basis, I have made a personal quantitative management table for students. I put the whole class together and made a form. When the student has a good performance or the article is awarded, the broadcast is accepted and the student is given a bonus on the form. When a student makes a mistake, deducting their score on the form, the bonus points and the minus points can cancel each other out. Even if they are deducted, they will try to make up for it and strive for better performance.

Third, after the transformation of the students

The characteristics of each student in a class are different and their development is different. Some students have good grades, but there are also some students whose performance is always unsatisfactory. They often lose interest in learning because of low grades. How to transform and develop students to keep up with the progress of class students is a problem that class management must face.

1. Treat the backward students correctly. Advanced and backward are not fixed, and the after-school students can become advanced through their own efforts. I believe that every student can become advanced.

2. Develop students' self-confidence. When a person has strong self-confidence, he believes that he will be successful. Therefore, how to cultivate students' self-confidence is very important. Trust education. I believe that every student can make progress, so that students can feel the trust of the teachers and encourage them to be inspired by this trust. I believe that I have the ability to learn mathematics and do mathematics. Successful education. When students experience success, their self-confidence will increase greatly, and they will also be the driving force for new goals and new achievements. For the backward students, the goal is not too high, from easy to difficult, from shallow to deep. The simple questions in the class let them come to the stage, and praised them in time; they helped them with sincerity and made them feel the sincerity of teachers and classmates. At the same time, we must be good at discovering the bright spots on them and encourage them in time.

3. Model education. The age characteristics of primary school students determine that they like to have an example to imitate when doing many things. For the backward students, those excellent students are too far away from them, so the example here refers to the students with a small gap or one of them is progressing, and good results can also become a model for the underachievers. When you find that a student has made progress, praise them in time and set an example for them.

In short, the work of the class teacher is very heavy. He is both an educator and a leader on the road of students. As long as we are students, we are careful, persevering, and confident. We will definitely “make things quiet and silent” and our class teacher will do a better job.

Summary of the work of the class teacher of the sixth grade

The class is the basic organization form for teachers and students to carry out activities. The class teacher is the organizer, leader and educator of a class. The class teacher is a compound role. When the children need care, the class teacher should be a kind person. Father, give them careful consideration and warmth; when the children have shortcomings, the class teacher should be a strict teacher, seriously point out his shortcomings, and help him to correct within a time limit. Therefore, I think the work of the class teacher is a difficult and hard work. To say that it is arduous refers to the growth of students, the development and even the ability to become qualified personnel. The class teacher plays a key role. It is said that the hard work means that in addition to being responsible for the students’ learning, they should also care about their bodies and disciplines. Health, safety and mental health. In order to form a positive group for a class, students can become a new generation of all-round development. In the work of the class teacher, I pay great attention to the following aspects.

First, give full play to the functional role and exemplary role of the class cadres.

Create an atmosphere that is conducive to self-management, cultivate the ability to manage and manage oneself, and transform the school's rules and regulations into students' conscious actions, forming a good class style. Timely education and training of student cadres who are responsible, capable, trustworthy, and have certain organizational and managerial skills, and carry out different divisions of labor. For example: Xu Nannan, a student of this class, has been ranked first in the class for many years and has a high prestige among teachers and students. I trust her very much that she is very responsible for the class work. The study atmosphere is very strong in both the self-study class and the morning class. The discipline is very good and few people are confused. Under the leadership of her organization, each of the other class committees is responsible for one, and I often instruct the class cadres how to manage the class. I trust the class cadres very much to support their work and guide them in how to manage the class. All students will be supervised to supervise the study and management of the cadres. The cadres who are not responsible can be replaced at any time. Give full play to the functional role and exemplary role of the class cadres.

Second, the "normative" as a mirror, mutual supervision.

The Code of Conduct for Primary School Students, like a mirror, always contrasts the moral behavior of students. There are more than 20 students in a class. Everyone has their own habits. As time goes by, some habits are fixed, which will affect the future life of students. For those bad habits, you should correct them with your heart. How can you help students correct bad habits?

1 Placement of sanitary tools. Some students cleaned the classrooms, and after the sanitation work, they put the hygiene tools on the ground, and the brooms smashed and smashed. If this continues in the long run, students will develop bad habits. So I picked those students who were careless and sloppy to manage the matter, forcing them to correct the sloppy problems, and the classrooms became neat and clean.

2 health cleaning aspects. It is inevitable that there will be some paper scraps and sundries in the class. In order to clean and sanitation, I will let the students supervise each other and make everyone work together. It is better than the one who has the cleanest seat and the good performance.

3 road team, doing exercises and skills. When doing exercises, let the students stand neatly and coordinately. When arranging the team, let the students be quick, steady, and quiet, let the students supervise each other, and see who is neat. Teachers insist on escorting good road teams every day and commending students who perform well.

Third, cultivate the self-respect and self-confidence of "special students" and eliminate the psychological factors that hinder their progress.

1. Sumlinski once said, “Let every student look up and walk.” This is to make everyone see their strength, value, hope for the future, and full of confidence. Self-esteem and self-confidence are the driving force for students' progress, and special students often lack this kind of psychology. For example, students who have made mistakes or are often criticized have a state of mind. They think that others can't look down on themselves. Even if they try their best to do good things, others will not say that they are good. Therefore, there is an inferiority complex that “breaks the jar and breaks”. There are several students in this class like this kind of student. Then, in the study, I will put this article into the Fei. Fei courseware. The garden FFKJ.Net has low requirements, as long as he can try his best to complete it, he must be serious about his behavior. Observing, being good at discovering the "sparkle points" on them, even if they are a little bit of a sign, they will be praised, caressed and supported, so that they have the respect, trust and support of the teachers, thus showing the determination and strength to rehabilitate and rejuvenate. .

2. Initiate the people and unify education. The coordinated influence of all aspects of education and continuous and persistent persistence constitute an important condition for educating students to have a good environment and promote their transformation. specific method:

1 Education all students care about helping them. For example, a “one plus one” study group is established in the teaching, and a poor student is assigned to a medium-sized or eugenic student who is more advanced in all aspects, so that he can help to supervise, inspect, and tutor learning.

2 The class teacher often contacted the teacher of the department to exchange ideas and discuss ways to jointly discuss countermeasures.

3 Get in touch with family and off-campus educational institutions, and cooperate with each other to let them be disciplined, cared and helped. This fully mobilizes the people and relies on the people to achieve good educational results.

Fourth, respect the double poor students, pay attention to the behavioral transformation work of double poor students.

Double-poor students are students with poor learning and poor moral character. They often do not concentrate on class, do not obey the rules of discipline and primary school students, do not cooperate with classmates, and do not listen to the parents of teachers. These students are the most difficult to educate and are most likely to attract the attention of schools and parents. However, I believe that poor students can also improve, but they are slower than other students. Their behavior requires long-term education to correct. As a class teacher, we must respect each student enough. They must be strict with them, care for them with kindness, love them, treat their weaknesses correctly, mistakes and mistakes, avoid coldness, disgust and Reckle, carefully analyze the nature and extent of the problem behavior, and then use the appropriate method to educate. I deeply understand that as a class teacher, I usually need to be close to these students; I often use my spare time to talk to them, try to understand the inner world of each double bad, and use the emotion of love to influence the hearts of the students and gradually eliminate them. Bad psychological conditions produce the motivation to correct mistakes. Enhance their self-confidence. "The ruler is short, the inch is long." The students who are worse will also have strengths. The class teacher should pay attention to observation and understanding, capture their shining points in time, encourage and praise them, let them realize their value, and erase their hearts. The shadow of inferiority. Moreover, in various group activities, they should be allowed to use their strengths to contribute to the class, so that they can continue to gain a sense of accomplishment, enhance collective consciousness and team spirit. Communicating with parents in a timely manner, understanding the performance of students at home, making friends and friends, etc., is very important for class management.

Fifth, strengthen the safety education for students, improve their self-protection ability and safety awareness.

Regularly use weekly class classes and a few minutes before class to conduct legal safety education for students; traffic road team; set fire. Establish a home-school contact card and find that students with fever or under-school contact with their parents in a timely manner. Emphasize that you can't climb, climb trees, and do some dangerous games in school. Don't stop on the road when you go to school or school, don't talk to strangers, don't buy snacks or bring snacks into school, and make students aware of their dangers and harms. Enhance legal awareness of safety. Teach students a little common sense of self-protection, remember some emergency calls, especially let them keep in touch with their parents and so on.

In short, class management is a hard and fun job. There are thousands of working methods, and there is no fixed model. But as long as our class teacher pays attention to methods, from the perspective of loving them, adopting the educational methods that students are willing to accept, they are reasonable, they are emotional, they are tempted, and they are diligent. Management, good at summing up their own experience, and forming their own characteristics, will be able to make progress and let the class collective play an increasingly important role in the process of promoting quality education.

Summary of the work of the class teacher of the sixth grade

The work of the class teacher is a very hard and trivial task, and it will not be harvested without hard work and hard sweat. In the first semester of the 2011 school year, I worked as a class teacher for the sixth grade. As a national graduating class, the students in this class are characterized by a large number of students in the middle and upper classes. Most students learn emotional instability, lack correct right and wrong ideas, and have no good habits. Most students have a certain degree of rebellion. It has brought a lot of trouble to the class work of this class. Below I will talk about my income, understanding and feelings from the class management aspect.

First, create an atmosphere and promote the formation of excellent class style.

1. Grasp the discipline education

Whether a class can develop normally or not, the quality of discipline has a great influence. Therefore, at the beginning, I have combined the "Code of Pupils", "Code of Conduct for Pupils" and school rules to formulate a class convention suitable for the actual class. Can follow. Lay the foundation for the formation of a good class style.

2. Conduct class activities to guide healthy development

As the class teacher of the sixth grade, I not only pay attention to the cultivation of their good study habits, but also guide them to learn actively and personally, and to start from various aspects, and strive to make them know themselves, discover themselves and establish self-confidence. In the series of activities such as “one-on-one” mutual help and mutual learning, “successful psychological training” and “storytelling competition”, the children gradually have a good attitude and positive psychology, and have developed a reading reading. Good habits of reporting.

3. Encourage competition and make progress together

Without a competitive mechanism, the collective will have no vitality, and the individual will have no sense of crisis, and there will be no spark of creation. To break this relatively balanced state and create a dynamic competitive situation, we must encourage competition, use competition to stimulate students' high morale, and explore the enormous potential of students. I let the students in the class become competitive partners. This competitive partner is not static and can be constantly changed. When they reach their own goals, they must re-select a competitive partner, so they are surpassing others. , constantly surpassing the self, thus forming a virtuous cycle. The training of “Running with Time, Running with Results” effectively cultivated the children’s sense of competition and self-management ability, and the class formed a learning atmosphere for you to catch up with.

Second, focus on moral education and attach importance to fostering education.

Routine management is the focus of moral education. Only when regular management keeps up, can we carry out various cultivation education work, and the cultivation of habits is also conducive to the establishment of routine.

1. Diligently use your own hands to give demonstrations to students.

In school, the most frequent contact with students is the class teacher, and the students are most affected by the class teacher. Students receive the education of the class teacher, not only listening to their words, but also watching their actions. The class teacher only uses the action to set an example, so that the students are "stunned." At the beginning of the school, it was common for students to throw paper and throw fruit peels in the toilet. I just picked them up and sent them to the "sanitary corner" behind the classroom. From then on, the classroom floor began to gradually clean up. Students have a large work area. To achieve good results, the class teacher must seize every opportunity to speak by hand. For example, row of tables and chairs at hand; close a window at school; students are sick to hand a cup of hot water... such details and actions can give students positive psychological cues and become role models for students to follow. When there is no sound, there is a unique effect.

2. Strengthen daily behavioral norms education and strengthen the training of behavioral norms.

During the semester, I organized students to seriously study the Code of Primary and Secondary School Students, the Standards of Daily Behavior of Primary School Students, and carry out activities that strive to create a “standard of behavior”. Every student is required to speak in a civilized and lively manner, loves labor, pays attention to hygiene, and cares for public property. Simple and economical. These aspects are the basic requirements for students to develop good behavior habits. This class has made great progress in the habits, study habits and behaviors of our class.

3. Establish a strict inspection system to consciously educate the students.

Forming education is to make the students' words and deeds "standardized and conscious" through various activities. Establishing a strict inspection system, long-term supervision and inspection of students' compliance with the norms is a key factor in ensuring the formation of students' good habits.

4. Strengthen students' civilized and polite education to help students build harmonious interpersonal relationships.

Harmonious interpersonal relationship is an important guarantee for healthy living and happy learning. I started with civilized and polite education, educating students, and promoting harmonious relationships between classmates, between classes, between teachers and students, and with parents. In combination with the actual situation of the class, I established the management structure of “class teacher→class cadre→student” and formed an inspection system, which was checked at various levels and implemented step by step. The students' daily homework completion, inter-disciplinary discipline, quality of cleaning, and quality of inter-class exercises were examined separately. The morning meeting was conducted according to the feedback of the examination.

Third, cultivate students' good habits

The focus of the class teacher and the central task at the beginning of the school year is to rectify the class discipline and cultivate students' good behavior habits and study habits. The completion of this task must be determined by the class teacher, take the initiative, adopt various methods, and must persist. The specific operations are as follows:

Pre-study preparation: As the saying goes, a good start is half the success. The preparation for a class is very important. When the bell is ready, I will go to the classroom first. A lot of students, after ringing the bell, like what they didn’t hear, what they are playing. I urged them to prepare for class, then patrol the classroom to check if the student's book and notebook were placed on the corner of the table. Most students don't have the habit of pre-study. I ask students to use the 2 minutes before class to remember the content of the lesson. Over time, develop habits. Once the students' good habits are formed, the work of the class teacher becomes very relaxed, and the management of the class is very smooth.

Scratch the exercise book: I noticed that the books and books of the good students are clean and neat. The book of the late student has a small cover, and the book is broken. The book is a few pages of paper. I have neglected this little phenomenon before. I brought the book into the classroom during class, put it on the podium, and turned away after class. As a result, the students flocked to the scene, and the podium was solid and everyone grabbed each other's books. Then some of the books were torn, and some fell to the ground and were trampled. After the rush, a lot of scraps of paper were left on the platform of the wolf. Now, I will never allow such a phenomenon to appear. The exercise book will be distributed to the team leaders by the value of the day, and will be sent by the team leader. When students write a book, they have a bad habit: they sing their names while singing their names. The current book is of poor quality and often scatters in the air. This situation is also not allowed, and the book must be sent to the table. It is not enough to say this several times. It is necessary to talk frequently and repeat it until the students' habits are maintained.

Keep it clean: the cleaning of the classroom is often done very cleanly, that is, it is not maintained enough. The students are embarrassed to call on them not to litter the waste, take the lead in the garbage on the class, and develop habits over time.

Seeking truth from facts to students can do what they can, and through hard work can get the requirements:

1 Keep the class clean and tidy, cherish the public property on the class, and maintain organizational discipline in the class.

2 Listen carefully to the class, carefully complete the homework, and develop good study habits.

3 Study diligently and lay a solid foundation for future life.

4 Speaking of civilization, discipline, and being a good student with good academic performance.

Fourth, actively carry out the transformation work of the backward students, and strive to make the backward students come with the losers and the winners.

The education and management of the undergraduates have always been the difficulty of the work of the class teacher, but it is also a vital part that affects the overall quality of the education and teaching of the class. In this respect, as the head teacher, I first treated them with a correct attitude, thoroughly investigated the bottom of the investigation, and figured out why they became poor students. They have taught students in accordance with their aptitude, treated them with sincerity, and patiently helped them. Intimate friends, the most reliable friends, strengthen psychological counseling for future students, help them eliminate or alleviate all kinds of psychological concerns, let them realize their value, and at the same time, I also create conditions and opportunities for future students to express their advantages and Strengths, praise them in time, and let them taste the joy and joy of success in time.

I also accumulated some experience in the work of the class teacher in this school year. These experiences are the wealth of my future management class. Of course, I deeply feel that the responsibility of the class teacher is great, and I need to constantly improve and improve. I hope to learn more from the class teacher and make the class teacher work better.

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