Work summary > class guide work summary

Summary of the work of the third grade class in 2019

The class leader is the organizer, educator and instructor of the class, and is the concrete implementer of the school education work, especially the school moral education work. In the process of managing the class, the class leader plays multiple roles - in the eyes of the school leader, the class leader is the performer of the class work; in the eyes of the students, the class leader is the leader of the class work; in the eyes of the parents, the class leader is the class work. The educator is the second parent of the child. It can be seen that the class guide plays a special role in the school education process. After working for this semester, my experience is:
First, strive to create a warm "home"
A class, closing the door is a big family. If every student in this big family cares, helps, cares, and inspires each other like brothers and sisters, then students in the class will not perform well? To have a feeling of home, it is necessary
1, "preference" after the students
In class management, I strive to give more attention and more input to the students. In the work, create an atmosphere of equality, harmony and fraternity. The students can not discriminate and tease these people, let them experience the warmth of the group and the friendship between the students, so that they can feel that they have a place in the class. Boldly absorb these backward students to participate in class management, let them overcome their bad behavior habits in management. Let's say that Gesun of our class is open. It can be said that it is a monkey's butt. At the beginning, where he sat, the discipline there is poor and noisy. When the class management was implemented, I asked him: "Do you want to take care of other students? Do you want to be a cadre?" He was surprised and surprised. "Do you do it?" He is also a bit underrated. "Yes, but the condition is that this week's performance is better, the students are your supervisors." This week's performance he really improved a lot. I also fulfilled my promise and let him participate in the management of the class. Of course, during this period, I also reminded him when I was carrying other students. I was the manager of the class, and I should pay attention to my behavior. His discipline is much better now.
2. Strictly love excellent students.
All students love them. Because of this, the shortcomings of top students are often overlooked, concealed, forgiven and protected. But small shortcomings can also cause big hidden dangers.
For such students, I never spoil them, and I don’t want to accommodate them. Always remind them to "learn to be a man first", to be a person of integrity, a passionate person, an upward person. The eugenics are not only excellent in academics, but more importantly, they must be excellent in character, broad in mind, and healthy in psychology. Students who are praised all day long can only be in the deep and deep love, strict requirements, and often ringing the bell to overcome their own weaknesses and raise their sails.
3, fraternity middle school students
Moderate students are often a group that is easily overlooked in the class. They have a relatively stable psychological state. They are not as easy to be superior as the top students, and they are not as easy to give up as they are. They are a mirror of the class, they want the teacher to value them, but they are afraid to show up. For these students, I master their psychological characteristics, mobilize their positive factors, treat their repetitions correctly, and consistently respect, understand, and trust them. For example, Lin Chaoyan of our class, she has average grades, never speaks before strangers, and only knows tears when she encounters problems. I can talk to me now. I feel very happy too.
Second, implement self-management and develop management capabilities.
Class routine management is a holistic education program. By mobilizing the positive factors of students, we can form a synergy and jointly build a self-management mechanism for students. Therefore, I have tried to build a self-management system for students, set up various positions for students, and give each student the opportunity to “governance”, to serve students, to train themselves, to express themselves, and to improve their opportunities. Of course, the specific content of the class rules will be adjusted in a timely manner according to the actual conditions of the class and the requirements of the school, so that the class rules can keep up with the changes of students and classes, continuously improve the requirements, and guide students' behavior and morality to a higher level. The level of development encourages students to grow through self-education and self-adjustment.
1. Establish a value weekly commuter system.
According to the student number, the duty is on duty for the day shift. The class is responsible for the duty of the day shift, and the standing class assists the work. The duty day is responsible for checking the health and discipline of the day, and urging each classmate to do their own internal affairs, record the class magazine, and check the work of the class cadres. This has greatly stimulated the initiative of students, cultivated their talents, the self-management of the team has been strengthened, and the internals of the class have become increasingly united.
2. Democracy re-elected cadres.
In order to make more students have the opportunity to be cadres, let every student believe that "I can do it." At the same time, we can always urge the class cadres to do things well. I take the method of regular rotation of cadres. Class cadres were elected from among the classmates. The students self-recommended for the campaign speech, and then the students voted by secret ballot, democratically elected, and formed a class committee. This will not only provide more opportunities for students to exercise, but also help the students to position their individual and collective positions and correctly handle the relationship between the individual and the collective. The duties of the class cadres are to assist the duty-based class management class, responsible for the work of entertainment, sports, labor, and learning, and to record the work.
3. Everything is implemented to the individual.
Identify each student's position and responsibilities in the class so that students can appreciate their value and dignity. In order to mobilize the enthusiasm of each student, it is necessary to enable each student to find a suitable position in the class and take on a specific job. Everyone contributes to the collective, and everyone realizes that they are class collectives. An indispensable member. In the class management, I have established a system of “everything is done, everyone has something to do”. It includes the management system of the class cadres, the value management system and the task contract responsibility system. In this extensive participatory process, students are able to find their own “location” in the collective, and realize their own interests, thus forming a sense of responsibility.

Walking into our class, maybe you will feel less tidy and tidy. But I feel very proud, because these are the students who are led by the class cadres and the classmates themselves. I think: These things that are not beautiful in the eyes of others are so beautiful in their eyes, because that is their masterpiece.
Third, to shape their own image and win the trust of students.
Confucius said as early as two thousand years ago: "The body is right, not to do it; its body is not right, although it does not make it." So I strive to: respect students, not away from students. I try my best to love my students and strictly demand them, but they are strictly required on the basis of full respect for students.
The class work was meticulous and cumbersome, but I was heartened by the progress of the students and the unity and unity of the class.

Summary of the work of the third grade of the National Primary School in 2019:

The most arduous and complex work in the school is the work of the class , and it is also the most challenging and professional job of the teacher. Class work is of great significance to the growth of students. Some people say that class guide is the most difficult position in the school. In this short period of time, I chewed the bitterness of failure and tasted the sweetness of success. After this time of the soul, I have more confidence and enthusiasm for the work I have done. I love students, do my best to guide them and let them grow up healthily in care. Now let me make a summary of my work for this semester.
First of all, I redefined the class rules for the class, which helped me manage the entire class. During this semester, after a series of lectures and studies, I gained a new understanding of the class guidance work. On this basis, a new class schedule was formulated: 1. Did I smile today? 2. Do I have new goals today? 3. What have I shared with others today? 4. Are I happy today and bring others happiness? 5. Is my humor today? 6. Try chatting with your parents, how? 7. Do I have a close friend? 8. Is my progress today better than yesterday? 9. Tolerance is a virtue. Have you done it? This is different from the previous class rules, making it easier for students to combine with their actual situation, so as to achieve self-monitoring and management more effectively. After returning to the classroom after each morning exercise, I will summarize the performance of the day before, and then ask the three students to tell them whether they are doing according to the class rules. At first they didn't adapt to this way, but after a week of contact, they loved the morning conversation and paid more and more attention. After a period of training, I found that there was less noise in our classes, and there were more smiles on the students’ faces. The students were more united, and even a few students who didn’t usually write homework could do it seriously. Even turned in.
Secondly, the collective appearance of a class is largely determined by small cadres. The small cadres have the role of "point-to-face" and "face-to-face" for the class . I call them "the left and right hands of the class leader ." Therefore, only by carefully selecting and cultivating the cadre team, the class guidance work can gradually move from heavy to simple. With ease. Therefore, I also selected a new cadre in our class through the class team class. I have developed some regulations for small cadres that other students do not have. For example, class cadres should take the lead in all the work in the class. They must be stricter in their own requirements and set an example for other students. In the first month of the establishment of the class cadres, I handed over the dirtiest and most tiring work to them during the sweeping. After class, I asked them to do one-on-one help for the students. After several weeks of work, the class cadres have established a high prestige in the class, which laid a good foundation for their smooth management class in the future. One semester has passed, and class cadres can consciously and effectively manage students to carry out class work, which has become an indispensable helper.
The function of the school is unquestionable, and the role of the family is obvious. In addition to the summer and winter vacations, students usually live in the connection between the school and the family. Frequent contact with parents, especially by means of the fast communication tool, can exchange relevant information of students in time, let parents actively participate in the education and management of students, support class work, has become an important educational tool that can not be ignored. . Therefore, we must establish a mutual hotline with parents. For example, Lin Ting in the class often cannot consciously complete homework. I will contact his parents, and the parents will be clear in their homework every day. After a month of perseverance, he deeply felt the ease of completing the homework, basically consciously completed all kinds of homework, and the performance of this semester has also made certain progress. Parents are now okay to call me to talk to me about the child's recent subtleties, and to lay a platform for me to understand that they are doing better communication, so that my class work can be done easily.
In just a few months, I learned a lot from other old teachers about how to effectively work in class.

Summary of the work of the third grade of the National Primary School in 2019:

Ordinary class work is a trivial and busy job that allows students to improve their abilities, develop habits, and shape their personality. Therefore, it takes a lot of energy and effort to do this work well. Under the concerted efforts of the leaders and the teachers of the department, the tasks of this semester were successfully completed. I summarize the work of this semester as follows:
First, further improve the class management and construction.
Students go to school from morning to school, whether the routine of the day is normative and civilized, affecting the formation of a good collective and the development of all aspects of students. In the work of class guidance , I mainly started from small things, grasped routine management, cultivated students' good study and living habits, and created a harmonious and clean learning and living environment for students. At the beginning of the semester, I defined the person in charge of each position according to the actual situation in the class. Such as: red scarf wearing inspectors, two inspectors, class health inspectors, desk inspectors, television administrators, disciplinary inspectors, etc. At the same time, I used the team and the morning meeting to let the whole class discuss and clarify what Guo Xiaosheng should do and what not to do. I also organize students to summarize and evaluate each week, and recognize the students with good daily behaviors. They are rated as the winners and are attached to the glorious column in the form of small red flowers. This will continue to strengthen and help students to develop good learning and living habits.
Second, training class cadres.
As the saying goes: the train must run fast with a headband. In the same way, to bring a class, the role of the class cadre can not be replaced by the teacher. Therefore, I pay special attention to the selection and training of class cadres in the class management. In this semester, I adopted the post appointment system and first showed it. Job title and job responsibilities, then let students voluntarily sign up for the campaign. After the class cadres were born, I and they often held class cadre meetings, asking them to strictly demand themselves in all aspects, clarify their responsibilities, and do their own work. The class cadres thus elected are proactive in their work and work well. Every once in a while, I will call a class cadre to have a meeting, let them talk about gains and losses, and plans for the future. In this way, both the cadres of the class have been instructed and their work enthusiasm has been improved.
Third, do a good job in home visits.
Teachers should teach good students. In addition to doing well the education and management in the school, they must also do a good job outside the school. They should contact the parents and get parental assistance to teach the students well. I usually pay attention to doing this job, especially those naughty classmates and behavioral norms are more important to parents to discipline. Let me give a special example, such as: Chen, who made three particularly serious mistakes this semester. On the first Sunday of the school year, the first time, he stole the money from the store. After I knew it, I contacted the parents actively, communicated, and persuaded the education. After listening to Chen, he repeatedly said that he was wrong. But on a Sunday, the second time, he stole the money from the fast food restaurant. I knew that I was still communicating with the parents again with the anger of my heart, and I was tired of telling him what the country’s students should not do. Parents are also very angry about what he has done. This time, Chen’s tears of remorse after receiving our education once again indicated to me and the parents that he was wrong, and he must change this bad thing in the future. However, I never thought that, after another Sunday, he went to the neighbor's house and stole the mobile phone. When I knew this message, I couldn't help but express it in words. For three consecutive weeks, the amount of stealing is not more than once. I think that I am his class leader . No matter how much helplessness, I have to be patient with him to help him, to communicate with parents and solve problems, maybe it is me. The sincerity touched the parents, and the parents took the initiative to apologize to the other party and compensate the loss. After many times of communication and education with my parents, Chen has changed a lot, and basically can abide by the school's student norms. Like: After Wang Ji was sick, I was rushed to visit and greet the first time, so that the students felt that the teachers were kind and like parents. My contribution is supported by my parents' work.
Fourth, make up for the poor students in this class, they did not give up, but find ways to help them to advance, care, care for each classmate. On the one hand, they use their spare time to talk with them, to resolve the gaps in their hearts, and let the students feel the care and love of the teachers, so that they are willing to show them to the teachers in their own good aspects. On the other hand, the morning meeting and the class meeting often explain some daily behavioral norms. Local education students should use behavioral norms to control themselves and restrain themselves. Only the correct attitude of learning, the purpose of learning is clear, the interest in learning has also gone up, the learning momentum has come, and the academic performance can be improved. In addition, I use the night and weekend time to call the poor students to urge them to write homework and understand the situation at home in order to enhance the friendship between teachers and students. This has also been well received by the parents of the students.
It is not easy to do a good job in class guidance . I feel that I have done a lot of work, and I have spent a lot of time to make up for the shortfall, but the effect is not obvious. I am a bit discouraged, but I have seen several achievements. Very poor classmates, under my tutoring, this test is OK, and give me some encouragement. In any case, I will, as always, continue to do a good job of filling up the gaps, paying attention to every poor student and encouraging eugenics to get their achievements up.
In short, I feel that the class work is mixed and complicated, but as long as you have a love word, you will definitely do your job well. However, I feel that my weakness in this semester is that I have not adjusted my mentality, but I believe that through my efforts, I will gradually refine it. This is my goal for the next semester.

Summary of the work of the third grade of the National Primary School in 2019:

Another semester has passed. When I first booked the plan, I mentioned that this semester is the class of the class. Seeking stability in the class work, of course, it is best to develop naturally, but based on stability. Sometimes development is abandoned for stability, which is a major shortcoming of this semester. In this semester, because of the adherence to the idea of ​​conservation, the focus of work is placed on the behavior of students, security, and should be reviewed is the phenomenon of neglecting students' academic performance.
In this semester, what is most gratifying to me is the maturity of the class cadre team. They have been able to manage most of the things for three years. Although they are not as good as the high section, they are really relieved compared to the past. a lot of. Especially at noon, during the meal, I basically sat in the classroom and studied quietly when I went to the classroom. Because this has also been praised by the leadership, in fact, the great credit here is the loss of these class cadres.
The second one I found that the problem of class students began to be complicated and the thinking was active. Some of the students transferred in the third grade can not be integrated into the class. Some problems have not existed in grades one or two, and now there are traces. Playing video games, the first grade has not been found at all. This year, a post-class student became fascinated with the game console, and the scores have declined. Fighting and nuisance, the first and second grades are at most a small fight between the students, and this year a student who transferred to the home, actually hit the fourth grade.
The low-level preaching has no effect on them, and their disputes have gradually evolved from disputes within the class to disputes between classes, sometimes with low and sometimes high, and students’ ability to communicate is increasing. The chances of making trouble are also rising. It makes me feel that they are really growing up, and the contradictions are gradually different from the low ones.
The third grade is the most turbulent grade. It has a process of undertaking. Students are the most likely to change in this process. Good students may change into bad children, and bad children may gradually seek advancement.
This is quite obvious in our class. Some students who are usually better at the beginning of this year have begun to decline in their performances. However, children who are not very good at the time are suddenly serious in their studies. The class is also serious, and the fluctuations are relatively large.
To this end, what I am taking among the students is to strengthen ideological education. ?
First, behavioral norm education also includes legal system and social morality education. Due to the poor self-discipline of students, the education of behavioral norms is always unremitting. Every semester, students should be organized to learn the relevant norms, and urge students to raise their minds in thinking. Usually, some students talk more, remind more, and urge more. In time, pointed out the uncivilized behaviors such as littering and swearing, and demanded correction. In the past year, most students have consciously abide by the code of conduct and maintain collective honor. ?
Second, team spirit education. Team spirit requires individual behavior to be integrated into the collective, and individuals must obey the collective. However, the current students have a strong sense of self and lack the awareness of taking care of the overall situation. Therefore, through education, students are encouraged to learn from each other, enhance friendship, make progress together, establish a sense of collective, and train students by participating in group activities organized by the school. The collective consciousness of being glorious and ruining has greatly enhanced the collective cohesion. ?
Third, learn the importance of education. Some students have poor foundations and poor learning abilities. Some students are even tired of learning, but I still consciously guide students to learn and learn more. First, strengthen contact with the teacher, understand the situation of the students, treat the students with poor self-awareness, and educate and help; secondly, arrange the students to match the students with poor grades, and supervise and check the completion of the learning tasks. ?
I am more cautious about the education of students in special groups. Because they are generally inferior, sensitive, and improperly approached, they are easy to dampen their self-respect. I mainly adopt a private approach, which is easy to communicate and easy to accept. I pay more attention to them, more observations, more encouragement, so that they can also make progress, have achievements, so that they can also have confidence.
Some achievements have been made this semester. Sun Qiaomei was rated as an excellent small reporter in Fenghua Daily, and Yan Hongyan was named as Fengxing Children in Fenghua City. The class won the first place in the reading competition and the Xiaohongqi also had 16 faces. Of course, there are still many shortcomings and we will continue to work hard in the future.

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