Work summary > class guide work summary

In the 2019, the fifth grade of the national small class class work summary essay 5

Summary of the work of the 5th grade of the National Primary School in 2019:

This semester, I continue to serve as a class guide for five classes . After several semester efforts, in general, the work of this semester has been carried out smoothly, and I have continued to strengthen the following points on the basis of the original:
First, continue to strengthen understanding and study of each student to understand the students, including understanding the students' ideological and moral conditions, such as observing discipline, civilized behavior habits, respecting teachers, uniting classmates, etc.; student learning conditions, such as academic performance, learning attitude, learning ability , learning methods, etc.; students' personal interests, hobbies and specialties. Because only by understanding and researching each new student can we better manage them, educate them, and fully integrate them into our collective. As students grow up, they are also changing. Only by keeping abreast of the students' thoughts and changes can they be effectively educated. During this semester, I still understand the information I need through home visits, televised, etc.
Second, continue to strengthen the moral education for students first. Continue to strengthen the moral education of students through the weekly ideology and morality classes and daily morning conversation classes.
Second. Continue to let the deputy class record the good deeds and other bad performances in the class every day; let the instrument committee record the students with bad behavior every day. And I insist on watching the "good and bad things record book" every day, and seeing the "character record book" every week. As long as the students do good things, I will praise them; as long as the students make mistakes, they must investigate clearly and then strictly educate them; The students are more serious.
Third, strengthen the care and moral education for the two double students. For those few poor students, I talked to them every few days, and I also found a few students who were good at class to help them. Once they fight or make other mistakes, I will educate immediately.
Fourth. Encourage students to behave well. Once a student has a good performance, or does a good deed, I will be affirmed for the first time, so that students have strengthened some good behavior habits.
Fifth. At the same time, through the class meeting and noon time, let them contact some good books, and give them time to talk about the "Three Kingdoms" in the four famous books.
Sixth. In order to motivate the students, this semester, I continue to open the moral education award, and at the end of the semester, three outstanding junior young players will be selected and selected by the students. Eligible for both good and bad grades, selected students will receive a prize, which is the most generous of the final prizes and takes pictures of these students. At the same time, their performance is excellent.
Third, continue to develop students' study habits This semester I continue to maintain the method of the last semester: students begin to learn after the morning in the classroom, value students on the day; noon, start learning after 11:40. In the homework, they are required to write neatly in their usual homework. In the second half of the semester, due to the hot weather, lunch break at noon.
4. Strengthening routine training to promote education and teaching work is a good practice for normal study and life. A student’s mischievous and unconventional behavior often leaves a good class with regrets, which will cause the entire group activity to fail, even Let the glory of the whole class strive to be lost, directly affecting the interests of the class. Therefore, it is also important to strengthen the regular training of a student in a solid and effective manner. The content of regular training in this semester is based on the routine requirements of the National Rules for Children and the Standards of Daily Behavior of the National Primary School. At the same time, it combines classroom routines, assembly and practice routines, health routines, labor routines, visits, and road teams. Regular and so on. Students can maintain good discipline, whether they are in the classroom or out of the assembly.
V. Strengthening the management ability of class cadres In the first few semester, I have continuously expanded the class committees, so that more students have the opportunity to exercise, and they also understand the hard work of class cadres. In this semester, I used the compression class committee to compress the original 30 class cadres into 10, because not every student has the ability to be a good class committee. I decided to train several capable cadres individually. After a semester of study and exercise, most of the 10 cadres in the class can be independent in his sense of responsibility.
Sixth, strengthening safety education In the two semesters, the school is building a new teaching building, the student's activity space is small, and because of curiosity and other reasons, there are many potential safety hazards. In order to ensure the safety of students, I have implemented the safety rules of the school and strived to be "safe and trivial, safe to start small things." Use the daily morning conversation class and use the usual free time to emphasize again and again.
As a young teacher, there must be some deficiencies in the work. However, I believe that with the deepening of practice, we will continue to reflect; the accumulation of experience and continuous improvement. I will be able to do better and better, and strive to be an excellent class leader .

Summary of the work of the 5th grade of the National Primary School in 2019:

One semester has passed. In the current semester, I mainly did the following work:
First, play the role of the cadre team, and grasp the class discipline.
A good army needs strict discipline. Similarly, a good class needs to have good discipline. If the class has good discipline, it will have a good learning atmosphere, and it will have a strong cohesiveness. Have a harmonious relationship.
The fifth-grade students are already in the high school section, and they are much maturer in all aspects of body and mind. Many students have their own ideas, have different opinions on various issues, and sometimes dare to question the teacher's opinion. This is a good thing for them, indicating that they are growing up, but at the same time, it adds a lot of difficulty to the management of the class . Therefore, when the teacher uses the morning conversation or the class class to repeatedly emphasize the need to pay attention to discipline, Some students still have the bad phenomenon of repeated education.
The current situation is this: the time of the student in the school can be divided into three parts, namely, the time of the class guide and the teacher management, the time of the teacher's management, and the time of the student's self-management. In these three parts, the Chinese language mathematics During the class, the discipline of the students is certainly no problem. The key is how to manage the discipline of the upper class and the time of self-management of the students. Because there are so many sub-courses, the disciplinary problems that appear in the sub-courses are sometimes not reflected in the class guides. Those who are not well-disciplined use these management loopholes to continue to have problems such as speaking in the middle of class, which affects discipline. In order to grasp the discipline of sub-courses, I imitate the methods of other classes in the class. In the implementation of the disciplinary evaluation system for deputy teachers, it is to let the teachers of the upper class take an evaluation of the performance of the students in the class after class, and divide them into good, medium and poor. "Good" is discipline. Good, "中中" is an individual student who speaks empty words. "Poor" is a lot of people talking empty words. The results of the evaluation are praised and criticized during the morning conversation in the next day. If it is good, praise the whole class. If yes Punish Individual students copy the text. If it is bad, the whole class transcribes the text. Since the implementation of such a method, the discipline of the class in the sub-class has been significantly improved. Let me talk about self-study, noon, how to discipline when there is no teacher, I am I used ten excellent class cadres to manage. At the beginning, I convened a class cadre meeting, which required class cadres to manage class discipline when teachers were absent. Class cadres began to use methods to remind students, but there were individual The students did not put the class cadres in their eyes, and the effect was not good. Later, I went to the class cadres to open a meeting and changed the way they work. When the classmates talked empty words, the class cadres who were closer to him first proceeded. Oral reminder, when he did not listen to the advice, he used the second method, which recorded his words and deeds of disciplinary disobedience. When he talked in the morning the next morning, he wanted to rely on it. The teacher can carry out effective education. After such measures are implemented, the effect is also very good.
Second, to enable the undergraduates to gain confidence and gradually improve. Make the students compete with each other and be more excellent.
There are many students in our class. In addition to the three mentally handicapped, there are also Zhang Baojie, Chen Binjun, and other five or six students who can't get 60 points. In the psychological process of entering the students, the most lacking is self-confidence. No, it is so stupid, so no matter what you do, it is very passive, for fear of being laughed at, and looking down. In my usual teaching management, I intend to encourage these students to study and think boldly. No matter how incomplete they are, even if they only complete a small part of the task, they must not lose the opportunity to affirm the completed part and encourage them to continue their efforts to complete better. Through the incentive method, we can gradually build up self-confidence for the undergraduates and care for and help them in their study and life. I know that doing a good job is not a one-off event. I need teachers to continually give their own efforts, but I firmly believe that my contribution will definitely be rewarded. I will continue to care for them and help them.
Since the top students are much better at learning than the average person, if they are not often motivated, some eugenics will be proud and complacent, lack of fighting spirit, and the results will be stagnant. In order to make eugenics better, I will encourage them by competing with each other. After each exam, according to the quality of the results, the top ten of the class will be discharged, so that each eugenics can clearly see their position in the class. The eugenics have a strong self-esteem. After such rankings, they secretly inspired. Their sense of competition allows them to look ahead, find their own competitors, and make greater progress in their continuous efforts.
Third, through the activities, enhance team spirit.
During the semester, I used various activities to cultivate the team spirit of the students and cultivate their solidarity, mutual help, responsibility, discipline, and collective honor. For example, during the school volleyball competition, from the beginning of the selection of players, to the later training, to the final game, I tried to involve every student, not a few volleyball players, to train them. Team spirit. This volleyball tournament requires 12 full-time players. During the selection and training, I chose more than 20 students, often practiced effectively, and often encouraged other students to watch their training. The audience, the training of the athletes is more effective. When the official competition, in addition to the twelve athletes, the formation of several cheerleaders, in the key position of the stadium to cheer the players, the athletes of course more hard competition. Results Our class has achieved the first place in the first grade. The ranking is secondary. The most important thing is to cultivate team spirit and strengthen the cohesiveness of the class through activities. There is also a two-day society in which Tengtou participated in June. Practical activities also enhance the team spirit of students.
Class work is broken and complicated. I still have to humbly learn the valuable experience of the excellent class guides , and do my best to do it, it is possible to do a better job of class guidance !

Summary of the work of the 5th grade of the National Primary School in 2019:

Time is always passing by, just immersed in a stressful review, and then I have reached the stage of self-summary. Looking back at the semester of work, I have had joy and regret, but I have seen my students continue to explore in failure and success. Going forward, I am still very pleased. This is the sixth semester of my class. Through six semester efforts, class management has achieved certain results, and the student's code of conduct is basically on the right track, and the class situation is relatively normal. The main purpose of this semester is to strengthen the sense of class management, consolidate the management results of several semesters, and take class management to a new level.
First, establish a correct learning concept and form a strong learning atmosphere.
1. Grasp the classroom discipline, first make the students' ideological work, and ask the students to look at each class with the same vision. Second, take appropriate incentives and rewards and punishments. Students are required to prepare for the class before class. Students are required to learn to listen and to control the classroom order in a timely manner. Let students learn to take notes in the book and improve the efficiency of learning in the classroom. At the same time, strengthen the relationship with the teachers, understand the classroom performance of the students, and record the student's classroom discipline by the head of the discipline, the team leader, and timely feedback. Give certain punishments to students who violate discipline, and affirm the students' progress and improve their attention. Finally, understand the learning situation of students in various disciplines, and formulate measures for individuals to help them get their academic achievements.
2. Resolutely stop the phenomenon of students copying homework and not doing homework. I ask that the day's events be completed on the same day, and often schedule time-limited assignments to improve the speed and efficiency of students' work. Usually, students are lazy and strict, and strict requirements are imposed. During the review period, we actively cooperated with the teachers in each class to help students to carry out review work and cultivate students' good learning attitudes and habits.
3. Set an example of learning in the class, let the students learn from the class and the students with excellent grades. Each person finds a small opponent for himself, establishes the short-term goals and long-term goals, and enhances the sense of competition. Study and evaluate frequently and do rewards.
Second, stimulate students' sense of competition
Competition is a huge impetus. Only in the competition can we reflect our own abilities and find our own deficiencies, so as to achieve common progress. I mainly grasp the following points to stimulate students' sense of competition:
1. Stimulate competition with parallel classmates: mainly in the performance of various group activities and competitions, class honors, and other class teachers' evaluation of each class.
2. Establish a regular evaluation system: Regularly evaluate the performance of individual students and groups. Make each student and group clear the recent strengths and weaknesses, and where to stay in the class, thus enhancing vigilance and initiative.
3. Establish mutual aid groups: With mutual help groups, 1+1 groups, group help group members, and other mutual assistance methods, the poor students can make greater progress and achieve the goals of individual, group and collective struggle.
Third, understand the students, close to the students, do a good job of the psychological work of the problem students in my class called Zou Lili, the results are quite good, but due to various reasons of the family caused its unique character. The character is very introverted, and the psychological endurance is extremely poor. Once I went to the Tengtou practice activities. Because of some contradictions with my classmates, I escaped from the air, and the teachers and classmates looked for a long time without seeing people. According to other teachers, she has been too aggressive. When she and her classmates collide, when the teacher handles it, she shows that she is low-headed, her eyes are straight and very hostile. Once, I really scared me. I didn't mean to go to the classroom, I saw her crying on the table, and left a note next to it, saying: I really can't stand it. When I saw it badly, I immediately took her to the office and told him to calm down first. I went back to the classroom and asked the truth about the matter. It turned out that some students were saying that her mother was a neuropathy. So I first worked as a classmate. I analyzed her character in front of my classmates. We should take into account the feelings of others, compare our hearts, don't say anything to hurt others, and ask them to be very careful in front of her. Later, I went back to the office to do his work. I didn't ask what happened just now. Seeing that she was not angry, I talked to her about other things, joking with her, and getting tired at first. Then the anger slowly eased. I said to her: "I also told you so many things about you. In fact, you can tell me a lot of things. Don't be old, whether you are happy or wronged, we can share it together. You don't want to say it too. It doesn't matter, I see your composition is very good, you can also write it down to me as I just said." I didn't expect her to nod. Although it is not so easy to change a person, I still see her progress.
After three years of class guidance , I feel that I am not so stable. Sometimes I am still prone to noise and lack of stamina, but I want to summarize it for better work. Although it is very hard to do the class , most of the time. Still happy!

Summary of the work of the 5th grade of the National Primary School in 2019:

The work I made at the beginning of the school year has the following points:
1. Pay attention to fostering education: It is necessary to develop good study habits and living habits for students' growth and progress. Good behavior habits can benefit a person's lifelong development. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a good moral education in the class. According to the students' actual situation, they will closely cooperate with the school's moral education. During the semester, students will be regularly trained in different aspects and angles. Focus on the implementation of the "National Standards of Daily Behavior", so that students gradually form a good moral quality, behavioral habits, study habits and positive learning attitude, do not leave a student behind
2. Strengthening the management of the undergraduate students: For all students, classify and teach, strengthen the counseling for the underachievers, and learn from the perspective of caring and caring for the students. Keep abreast of the psychological changes of students and master the development of their growth path.
3. Keep abreast of the situation: Accurately grasp the students' mastery of knowledge, teach students in accordance with their aptitude, and work hard in key difficulties to promote a smooth and solid rise in the performance of the class.
4, the combination of family and education: often maintain the contact with the parents of the students, so that the school education and parenting education organically combined, this semester, strive to visit all parents once or even many times. We must tirelessly do a good job of transforming students into backward students, grasping both ends, and promoting the middle, so that the whole class can form a game of chess and truly become a united and united class.
5. Cultivate class cadres: promptly convene class cadre meetings to teach them how to work in the work, teach them how to work, make them clear their responsibilities, point out their strengths and weaknesses and the direction of future hard work. At the same time, they are also required to pay attention to the cooperation between the members of the class cadres, work together, twist into a rope, try their best to establish their prestige among the students, create opportunities, exercise and develop their abilities.
6. Pay attention to caring education: care for the students' life, contact with parents in time, consider their warmth and coldness, understand their psychology, establish an equal and harmonious relationship between teachers and students, and be a close friend of students so that the class guidance work can be done better. .
7. Grasping the work of the Young Pioneers: An important part of the class work is the class guidance work, which is an effective way to give full play to the students' specialties and publicize the students' personality. This semester will actively cooperate with the school's young pioneers and combine various activities to improve the activities.
8. Emphasis on cultural and sports work: educate students to take courses in all schools, actively participate in physical exercise, actively participate in recreational activities organized by schools, pay attention to the active participation of various competitions, and cultivate students' awareness of participation.
A semester has worked and there have been more than a few red flags.

Summary of the work of the 5th grade of the National Primary School in 2019:

Another semester has passed. I have become a class leader of five classes this semester. I spent a semester with my students. I will summarize the work of this semester as follows:
First, the overall situation of the class can not be bold and free to express their opinions in the classroom. When the teacher asks questions, there are always a few students who raise their hands to answer the questions. If the classmates who raise their hands are asked to answer questions, their voices are also Very light, in the classroom is absolutely quiet, it is possible to hear their answers. This is a big problem in our class and needs to be solved.
Although most of the students in this class are able to abide by the discipline, go to school on time, and complete the homework on time, but there are also some students can not complete the assignments arranged by the teacher on time, there are students who do not write homework, such as: classmates. Most students have weak learning and less self-consciousness. Comprehensive ability and quality have to be improved. Because of the influence of students' family environment, many good behaviors have not yet formed. In managing this class, I often use many activities to mobilize the students' learning consciousness, improve their love for the school, and cultivate them with good psychological and personality qualities.
Second, the student position is the main body of education. In order to educate students well, you must first study the students. Each student has the characteristics of each student. You need to know that he is doing something embarrassing and thinking about it so that he can think about how to let him accept your teaching. There is a cloud in the military law: knowing that he is known, there is no war. According to the characteristics of the students, they should be inspired to guide them in a way that he can accept. In fact, every student wants to be a good student. They are full of respect and dependence on the teacher. However, each student's ability is different, and the things they are good at are not the same, so there is no difference in the class, so it is impossible to teach students according to their aptitude. While strictly demanding, encourage them as much as possible, praise them as much as possible, and try to Many students are praised, let them feel the success, feel the joy of learning, and form a benign circle. One class in our class is very careless. The homework is only for speed, not for quality. It is difficult to distinguish between the words written and the criticism. Later, I adopted the method of “retreating forward”. After correcting his homework, he wrote on his book that “this word has improved compared to the last time!” or “Come on, you are getting better and better!” "When I was in the class, I was praised for his progress. This time, he became the progressive king in the eyes of the students. He himself has the consciousness to do his homework seriously, and the progress is really getting bigger." . From this point it can also be proved that different students have to adopt different treatment methods.
Third, through a variety of activities, enhance class cohesion. This school has received a variety of activities in the school, there are a variety of activities, such as: bag parents. In these activities, the enthusiasm of students and teachers was mobilized. The students cooperated with each other, faced each competition, exerted their best side, and tried their best to win glory for the class. In such an atmosphere, the collective sense of honor of the class has never been higher, and the same honor has been achieved. These things that are worthy of our class's pride are also displayed by parents during the parent meeting so that parents can see their children. The progress made during the year, the achievements in this year, let parents be proud of their children, let the children take pride in their achievements, and work harder to make their own contribution to the growth of the class.
Fourth, pay attention to home school contact work
It is impossible for the class leader to succeed in education based on his own prestige and strength. The education of students is inseparable from the cooperation of parents. There is such a formula: "5+2=0" I think this formula has its truth. Students accept the teacher's teaching at school, follow various rules and regulations, form good study habits little by little, and form a good Learning attitude, if you return home, parents will not pay attention to it at all, and will not ask students to study hard at all. Then the education on a Friday will become useless. Such a vicious circle has no effect on the growth of students. Therefore, I attach great importance to communication with parents and treat each other honestly, so that parents can understand that they can not relax their children's studies at home, so that the education of the school and the family is the same, and the education requirements are the same, so that the students can grow better. But most of our parents are very busy, even if they are concerned about the performance of their children at school, they don't have enough time to ask the teachers, and they don't have enough time to educate their children to learn on Sunday. Parents are powerless, so they always say to the teacher: "Teacher, then our children will be handed over to you!" This is not a good phenomenon. Without the cooperation of parents, students can not make enough progress. Therefore, at the parent meeting, I would like to ask parents: no matter how busy, take time to look at the home school contact book, sign your name on it; turn over the student's homework book and check their homework completion, no Asking parents to check each question is just to let the students know that they must carefully complete each question, not serious, parents should check out this awareness, this is also a way to cultivate students' good habits.
At the beginning of school, I will tell my classmates my phone number and mobile phone number, so that parents can contact me. I also take the contact number of the parents with me. Once the students have something, they can contact the parents at any time to let the parents know the students. The situation helps parents to treat their children's progress and problems together, reach a consensus with parents, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of parents, and cooperate with school to educate children.
Fifth, it is a little unsatisfactory. Although it took a lot of thoughts to build this class, especially in the process of transformation after the birth, but the effect is still not obvious, and it has not been able to effectively stimulate the learning morale of students with weak motivation. Still have not been able to touch their souls, bringing greater resistance to the improvement of the class learning atmosphere. I want to pay more attention to working with the school and the school in the work.

In short, as long as our heart is sincerely for the children, for the healthy growth of the children, and correcting their own work attitude, everything is to improve the child's life state as the starting point, I believe that my class work can be constantly honed Get promoted. Through one semester of work, my class guidance work has improved and improved under the care and guidance of the school leaders! The class management work is very complicated, and the working methods vary widely. Let me explore and summarize the effective methods and experiences in practice, so that the level of class management work will continue to leap to a new level.

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