Work summary > class guide work summary

Summary of the work of the 2014 National Primary School

Summary of the work of the second grade of the National Primary School

The semester is nearing the end, and it’s time to take stock of the semester’s work. For me, the experience of class work is like a drop in the ocean, but at the same time I feel that I have gained a lot. Whether it is handled properly or biased, I have accumulated valuable experience for later use. The following review and summary of the class work of this semester is as follows:

I set an example by acting as a teacher

The class leader is not only a class organizer and manager, but also a class educator. Compared with other teachers, the class leader’s responsibility for education is even greater. Usually, I spend more time with students than other teachers, so every move of the class will have a greater impact on students. As the saying goes: "Teaching is more important than teaching." The teacher's external behavior has a role as an example and a demonstration. It will have a subtle influence on the students, especially for the lower grade children with poor ability to distinguish and control. protruding.

Therefore, in the usual time with the students, I strictly demand myself, to do "to do what the students do, the teacher must do first." For example, students are required to do the same. In normal times, when I saw confetti on the ground, I always bent down and picked it up. I found that those students who saw me were doing this and searching for the confetti on the ground. . Educating students to be civilized and polite, then I will take the initiative to say hello to the students, say thank you and other polite language, the child will naturally answer me with polite words. Such a positive impact will certainly benefit the development of students.

2. Strengthening the education of ideology and morality

The basic task of the class guide is to educate the students about their moral character and morality so that their body and mind can develop in a comprehensive and healthy manner. For the second-year children, it is the best time to accept all aspects of education. Besides learning, I think it is more important to teach them to know the world, to distinguish between right and wrong, and to learn how to behave. Therefore, I use the weekly class meeting, combined with the contents of the speech under the flag, to make corresponding arrangements in class classes.

For example, when the Lei Feng spirit propaganda was held in March, I asked the children to look for information or books about Uncle Lei Feng in advance, and use the class meeting to exchange stories. Let us talk about the spirit of Uncle Lei Feng. When I talk to the children about the current situation of the global environment, the children will feel the environmental crisis, and then ask the children to be "environmental protection guards" to give environmental protection support; when conducting safety promotion, I will combine daily life. The case allows students to comment on one story, to talk about it, to discuss it...

In addition, I also use the class to carry out various activities with the children: for example, when they plant the tree festival, they are urged to protect the surrounding grass and trees by self-made small labels; when they are on Mother's Day, let the children give dear mothers or Amo sent a blessing to the festival or helped them to do good things; carried out a lively and vivid theme class with the theme of “competing as a civilized and polite soldier”; divided the class into seven mutual aid groups, allowing students to pass in the mutual aid group. Various forms of mutual assistance activities help each other, learn from each other's strengths, and make progress together. Triple reading reproduced please keep

3. Strengthen class management and develop students' ability

How to make students develop good habits and develop students' ability in daily class management? I try to make class management become everyone's business, let students become the masters of class management, and at the same time cultivate their abilities in this process. So try the following:

1. The team is responsible for sanitation.

Hygiene is responsible for each group. The method of rotating the value of the day is used to select the head of the health team. The team leader assigns the tasks and cleans them according to the order of the work in the value day. After the cleaning is completed, the sanitary tools are put back in place and then at the hygienic value. Japan has made relevant records and the team leader is responsible for checking the value of the day.

2, for the less discipline between classes, children who still do not change after the reminder, I will also take a small punishment, for example, when he runs sweaty, I will ask him to return to his seat Rest, of course, do not forget to say to him, "You can preview the content of the lesson." Some children who like to play, I will ask him to help me with things, such as finishing the book, sending and receiving books, dragging and smearing, wiping Table..., another way to keep his hands free, and finally don’t forget to say, “Your hand will really help the teacher to do things.” The purpose of this is to let the children realize the joy of doing something, and thus carry out the civilized class. activity.

3. Let students show themselves and build confidence

The second-grade school life is very active, so that you can express yourself more and more quickly in a variety of activities. In the class, I worked hard to build a stage for students to showcase, using a good platform such as the school website, and writing the students weekly to select some excellent ones to send online, so that more children and parents can see and write in the composition. The students' readings were read aloud, and the students' response was warm and the interest in writing was more intense. In addition, the class will be used to carry out some small activities, such as: dictionary search, idioms, fairy tales, etc. to encourage the children to perform for everyone and enhance self-confidence.

4. Education for special students

There are always some students in a class whose grades are slightly worse. Often, in the past, they will delay the class. Therefore, I will use some inter-class time to help them. If there are difficulties in homework, I will work with him together. Of course, the time between classes is basically not enough, because we must pay attention to the activities of other children's class activities. Therefore, most of the time, after school or during lunch break, leave a few students who have difficulty learning to take tutoring. Mainly to help them complete the homework and corrections of the day, and also to clear the requirements for homework with them, in addition to counseling the text or words do not understand. There are still a few students in the class who have bad study and living habits. For example, the phenomenon of interjecting is very serious, and the posture of sitting is not correct. In this case, I mainly disperse them in the class, and there are some special naughty arrangements. They sit at the forefront, reminding reminders in class and facilitating management.

5, home school communication, work together

Children's education is inseparable from the cooperation of teachers and parents. Therefore, it is our responsibility and obligation to get in touch with parents. The performance of the child at home can only be learned by the parents. Similarly, the performance of the students in the school should be promptly fed back to the parents. Only by a two-pronged approach can the education be received. Therefore, during the semester, I used the home visit platform to take the initiative to keep in touch with parents, inform parents of the performance of some children, discuss countermeasures together, and use the class website or communicate with many parents when they are out of school.

Summary of the work of the second grade of the National Primary School

Time is really fast, in the dull and busy, the days of doing class for more than one school year have passed by. This is my second year with my children. I feel that the growth of children is really inadvertent. Inadvertently, their heads grew a lot higher. Inadvertently, they knew a lot. They learned a lot... Inadvertently, they grew up bit by bit. They began to formally enter the small school gate, and I also entered the small school as a new teacher. It can be said that I am their colleague. As the witness of their growth, the biggest feeling is: have fun in the bitterness.

Looking back at the class work in this school year, I deeply understand that only the whole class and the class leaders work together to enhance the collective cohesiveness and create a harmonious learning atmosphere, in order to promote the overall development of the class style, thus enabling students Progress has been made in all aspects.

The work of the class guide is trivial and complicated, but there is joy in the bitterness, and every bit of it makes me remember. In summary, there are the following aspects:

I. Studying the work experience of excellent class guides

Every teacher at school has a bright spot to manage their own students. In the usual conversation, teachers who can do well in some aspects can ask for advice. There are more than one hundred practices in one thing. It is also a learning process to make others progress by learning how others are effective. At this point, I would like to thank all the teachers who have helped me. It is your warm reminder. I have avoided many detours in managing students. It is also your kind help. I really feel the warmth of working in this team. .

2. Pay attention to cultivating children's behavior habits

The cultivation of various habits is the basis for the formation of a good class style, while the lower grades are the key period for good habits. I think the key to developing good habits is to cultivate students' good habits and make them feel like teachers are not. If a class forms a good class, the student will be improved in all aspects. Therefore, I especially pay attention to cultivating students' good habits, whether it is study habits, class habits or health habits. The students in the lower grades prefer the form of competitions and competitions. I posted 6 apple trees in the learning area of ​​the back wall of the class. Whoever performs well, I will draw an apple on the apple tree. On the other hand, as a teacher, lead by example, every time you enter the classroom, you will first look at the ground, and you will see the whole thing. The children look in their eyes and create a good atmosphere for developing good habits.

3. Cultivate small cadres and develop children's abilities

Class cadres are the core of the class and the backbone of the class. To build a good class, we must first build a team of cadres with strong sense of responsibility and ability.

Our second-grade dry cleaning tasks in the dry area are quite heavy. To this end, I arranged for two teams to clean up every other week. Each team had a strong student as the team leader. After cleaning, the team leader led the team leader to inspect the entire playground. And take the form of competition between the two teams, which is conducive to better complete the class day work.

In terms of learning, I divided the whole class into six groups, each with a team leader. I asked each team leader to oversee the other three students. In this way, the team leader can easily supervise the assignments, endorsements, etc. of the other three team members. I also specially arranged the four students in this group to facilitate their usual study and life communication.

4. Cooperate with the teacher

The class leader can't succeed only on his own prestige and strength. He must work closely with the teacher's work to form a joint force. "Threesome people, there must be my teacher," the teacher of the class is also very experienced in the education of the children. With the education of good children, the class guidance work can be more relaxed. The class leader and the teacher are sincerely collaborating, and the participation strength cannot be underestimated.

5. Pay attention not to abandon the students

The proportion of students who are poor in our class is very large. It is estimated that there are 20%. This is a look.

People pinch the number of sweat. Don't give up on them, I would rather work hard. I will be very pleased to see that they have made small progress. To this end, I basically use the lunch break to give them individual counseling. I believe that there is definitely a reward for paying. I don't care if the return is big or small.

The road is long and the road is long, and I will search for it. It is hard to do classes, but it is fun. The joy of drinking a clear spring after a long thirst is the most valuable of all happiness. What I am pursuing is the joy of this kind of hardship.

Summary of the work of the second grade of the National Primary School

The second grade is the stage of stereotype education. This step clarifies the students' understanding of the profession, stabilizes the students' professional thinking, enhances students' confidence, interest and love for the profession; further corrects the students' attitude towards learning, and consciously strives to learn the basic knowledge of culture, and Professional knowledge and skills, so that students' self-education, self-management ability is cultivated and improved, laying the foundation for the next step toward internship and social progress. Around this goal, the work of this semester is carried out as follows.

First, the guiding cadres set up prestige among the classmates.

At the beginning of the semester, the class's students were curious and familiar with the school's discipline. Some students who were so naughty and unsatisfied were relaxed in discipline and wanted to drill discipline. Some of the class committees After these students were helpless, they lost patience and confidence in their work and did not dare. Unwilling to manage, lost the trust of the students, class discipline fell. In response to these circumstances, I have held a class committee several times to guide class cadres how to establish their own prestige among the students.

1. Unify thinking and understanding, pay attention to unity, strictly demand self, and follow the rules of school discipline and law-abiding.

Class cadres are role models in the class and are the model of classmates. Every move has obvious influence among the students. Only by strictly demanding themselves and setting an example can we win the respect and trust of the students and become their model and discipline. If others do, they must do it themselves. Don't allow others to be good, don't do it first.

My class's class and study committee member Xiao Fang, in the process of long-term management class, has a certain prestige in the class, time is long, it is inevitable that some of them are floating, revealing some problems in front of the students, and then reported by the students, I I also found some problems and educated them. I patiently did her work, pointed out that she was not strict with her own requirements, and she did not know enough about the influence of the class cadres among the classmates. The discussion enabled the class committee members to deepen their understanding and understanding of their role as a leader. Xiaofang also recognized the mistakes and accepted the suggestions of me and the students. She corrected and corrected her words and deeds at work. In the students, they took the lead.

2, in the study, we must work hard to make our achievements excellent. My class is a classmate who laughs and laughs. She has strong work ability and can work hard but has low grades. She is of a medium standard. I guide her when she educates her: the main task of the students is to study, not to learn, work. In purchasing power, it is also difficult to convince the students that the class cadres can only do a good job of learning and speak with strength. As a class cadre and a student cadre, they spend more time than other students because they have to learn and Work, so the time of the class cadres is more precious and urgent than the average student. This requires learning to deal with the relationship between study and work, understanding the scientific learning method, using the time reasonably, and his own efforts to laugh at the students in this semester. Study hard and catch up with the outstanding students in the class, and have a high prestige among the students.

3, excellent personal morality, is the basis for the class cadres to establish prestige among the classmates, as a class cadre, to cultivate their diligence, honesty and modesty. Tolerance and other outstanding personal qualities, this is also a basic requirement for a travel service staff. It is necessary to cultivate their own principles of principle, to make the daily management of the class a measure of the daily behavior of the school, and to be strict and Do not courageously manage classmates, make it a habit, and make progress together. After repeated study and practice and management, the class committee's prestige among the students has been improved, and the unity and cooperation ability between the class committees has also been improved.

Second, the guiding cadres learn to grow in practice.

There are many activities in the school this semester. In addition to the activities of the school, I also developed a number of activities such as copying, Mandarin, Cantonese, pen word competition and professional skills competition and English activities according to the situation of the class to enhance the participation of the students. The ability to form self-education and self-management in activities requires the development of abilities. Class cadres are the key. Only when the cadres grow up can they promote the growth of the entire class and the construction of good class style.

1. Guide the class to work part-time cooperation responsibility.

Each activity is subdivided into each cadre. According to the content of the activity and the characteristics of the class cadres, a class leader takes the lead, and then she specifically arranges the class committee and classmates to collaborate to complete the method of learning to collaborate with others. The limited ability of oneself reproduces infinite energy, making the event complete and more perfect.

2. Guide the cadres to work proactively.

Class cadres must have the spirit of hard work and dedication, have the awareness to serve the students, work first, and use their own efforts to drive others, to explain others with their own diligence, to share the work for the teachers.

3. Guide the working methods.

Due to the limited level of knowledge of the class cadres. Many of the classmates have not served as class cadres before, and the work of class cadres is not known to develop. I usually use the spare time to train them. Timely work report.

4. The guiding cadres learn to summarize the gains and losses of the work in a timely manner to guide the next step.

three. Use collective positive public opinion to help the transformation and progress of the underachievers.

This class has made progress in all aspects of this semester, and I will continue to work as a class leader.

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