Work summary > class guide work summary

Summary of the 2012 National Primary School Class Guide

During this semester, I continued to serve as the class leader for the five classes . In order to make every student get a comprehensive and healthy development, I did the following work during this semester:
1. Conducting ideological and moral education for students.

This is the main task of class work and the focus of class work. First of all, I care about loving every student, educating them to start from the classes and schools that love them, loving their own country, enhancing their collective ideas, and cultivating their noble sentiments. I insist on following the methods and principles of moral education. Xiaozhi reason, guided by the line, persevere.
Second, attach importance to the construction of the class committee.
In the process of selecting and cultivating the cadres in the class, I believe that the replacement of the teachers will definitely make the cadres lose the foundation of the people and bring unnecessary difficulties to the future work. It is not advisable. Therefore, in the current semester. I continue to use the class cadres to compete for the post-employment system. The class cadres who are running for elections must accept the supervision of all the students in their work, regularly report their work, let the students conduct democratic appraisals, and assess whether the work they do is in line with his Your own requirements and commitment to your classmates. Choose from the best candidates to improve the cadres of the class cadres. Practice has proved that the class cadres who are born on this basis have strong working ability and responsibility, and have won the trust and support of the students, and have strong cohesiveness and combat effectiveness.
The cohesiveness of the class is generated in the activity. The big group is like this, and the small group is the same. In order to improve the students' collective consciousness, I organized a four-person group to help each other in this semester. Through the "more than one group, which group of apples are more" activity, as long as the average of 20 small apples per person in a group, each person can get a medal. This has led to children who are not very easy to get medals, because with the help of classmates, he has more opportunities, so the students are very motivated to participate in the activities. In the activity, learn to have a good life with poor students, remind each other in discipline, and help each other in labor life. Through the activities, the spirit of cooperation and solidarity among the students was strengthened, and a spirit of solidarity and friendship was formed in the class, making the class a favorite family of students.
3. Educate students to study hard and complete the study task. The main task of the students is to learn. They often use the class and midday activities to educate students on the purpose of learning, so that students have a clear learning purpose, a correct learning attitude, and abiding by learning discipline. Guide students to develop their own learning plans and learning methods, improve students' self-consciousness, develop good study habits, improve their learning performance, and reward parents' parenting.
Fourth, care about the physical and mental health of students and promote the all-round development of students.
Be fully responsible for the students. Not only should we care about the students' academic study, but also the students' physical and mental health. Therefore, I often go into the middle of the students to understand the students, understand the students' thoughts, find out the problems and contact the parents in time, guide the students to have a healthy attitude towards life, let them learn to care for others, care about the things around them, start from me, from Start small things around you, correctly understand yourself, establish a correct outlook on life, and guide students to carry out useful scientific and technological activities and cultural activities, as well as social practice activities.
In the class work, although I have achieved certain results, there are many places that need improvement. In the future, I will sum up the lessons learned and make the class management to a higher level.

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