Work summary > class guide work summary

Summary of the work of Gao Yi class

Summary of the work of Gao Yi class guide With the continuous deepening of education reform, the new educational values ​​have broken the traditional concept of education time and space. At the same time, it has also changed the traditional teacher-student relationship, a new type of equal, dialogue and interaction. set up. This new type of relationship achieves extensive communication and communication between teachers and students. In order to achieve mutual self-improvement and self-expression in this kind of communication and communication. Years of practice in class work have made me realize the importance and significance of class work. Below, I will talk about the work of the class guide :
First, give a smile to the students Many people refer to the teacher, always associated with "serious", "not laughing." In fact, the power of "smile" is endless. The Czech educator Comenius once said: "Children's desire to learn is inspired by teachers. If they are gentle, they are tempted and do not use rude methods to alienate students, but with kind feelings and Words to attract them; if they treat their students kindly, they are easy to get the students' good feelings, and students would rather go to school than stay at home." Giving students a bright smile every day will make students feel happy. The wisdom has developed. There is a Chinese proverb: "No one can tell which cloud will rain." And I believe that every "cloud" of mine will "rain". Because, I have a special educational method - smile. There is a student in our class. At the beginning of the day, I always love to drag and drop, so the test scores are always unsatisfactory. How to do it? Training one, no! I tried to find his merits, and found that he really had many advantages: For example, love labor, every time the drinking water in the classroom is finished, he always volunteered to go to the general affairs office to exchange water. In addition, he is very polite, and every time he meets the teacher, he will always say hello. So as soon as I found out that he had done a good job, I praised him in the morning meeting class, and then quietly smiled and asked him after class: "Is the homework done? Hold on a little bit!" He always blushes. I squinted at me and said, "There is still a little bit." I still smiled and said to him: "Wait for me, but I have to check it out." He read the encouragement from my gaze, and found himself over time. The value of it later became more daring to speak in class. When the student is successful, I will send it with a smile; when the student feels lost, I will send it with a smile to encourage; when the student makes a mistake, I will send it to tolerance with a smile. Therefore, I used the smile to win the respect and love of the students. I want to say: Smile is a sparkling golden key that can open the door to educational success and help students thrive.
Second, give the true feelings to the students to sincerely care for and care for the students, not only in the mind, study, life, etc., but also to be embodied in the actual action, equal treatment of each student, whether it is good results or achievements Poor, whether it is family wealth or poor conditions, whether or not he has made mistakes, the class leader must be treated as one, not special, not prejudiced, respect the student personality, fair, just and equal treatment of the class Each classmate, harmonize the relationship between teachers and students, enhance the channels of emotional communication between teachers and students, and let students learn to have a warm and harmonious place, so that they can learn well and have the motivation to learn. For example, my class has a famous student. My mother didn't know where to go. She lived alone. Although she was taken care of by her uncle, she always saw his face frowning. She often went to the Internet cafe to go online, and there was no motivation to learn. Sometimes the payment was always delayed. The students are also not very happy to associate with him. I called the class cadres to open a meeting and said his situation. The students decided to work together to help him. At that time, the school just made the school uniform, and the students donated one yuan. I donated the binary to start donating. I also made up. For a dozen yuan, I made a uniform for him. When I handed the new school uniform to him, he didn’t say anything, but I clearly saw the gratitude and enthusiasm from his tearful eyes. . Sure enough, he began to concentrate on listening to the class.
I also competed for our class in a long-distance race in our school. These little things often happen to you and me. For example, if the student is ill, I will call the parent to inform him or send him home. If the student returns to school, I will take the initiative to make up for him; and always pay attention to the weather. Remind students to add clothes. These are small things, but the memories left in the minds of the students are very deep. What I sent is the true feelings, and the harvest is more true rewards. Every time I read the words of gratitude from the students, I always have a feeling of happiness filled my heart.
Third, give innovation to students

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