Work Summary > Summary of the work of the class teacher

2014 National Small Class Director Moral Education Summary

Summary of the moral education work of the national class teacher

During the semester, I worked as a class teacher in the second grade. I devoted all my energy and love. After one semester, the class can work in all aspects, and the class management is well organized, especially in terms of class style and student morality. There is a lot of gains, as follows:

First, create a harmonious, positive class style

How a class style of a class directly affects all aspects of the class, affecting the formation of students' character. I know the importance of class style, so since this semester, I have taught students to love school and love class. Especially after the school renovation, I often called on classmates to pick up the rubbish on the ground. In my normal working life, I always pay attention to cultivating students' sense of collective honor. Whenever the class has achieved good results in learning, I encourage them, praise them and celebrate with them. When there is a problem in the class and the student makes a mistake, I will analyze the cause with them, find the deficiency, and work together to fight for the next time. In the long-term atmosphere, the students have a very strong sense of collective honor, and the overall ethos of the class is positive and full of vitality.

Second, cultivate students' good behavior habits

I have always believed that the national hourly period is the most important stage in cultivating students' good behavior habits. Harvesting a good behavior habit can really be used for life. In my normal work life, I pay great attention to the education of students' morality. I allow students to make mistakes, but I ask students to take the initiative to acknowledge and correct them if they have mistakes. I gradually infiltrate students' behavioral habits, civility and courtesy, and ideological character, and set an example for them with their own behavior. For our class students, I think they are very good at ideological and moral behavior.

3. Building a bridge between me and my students with love

1. Love is to understand.

Start a new class and learn about students starting with an understanding of the student family. Parents' age, occupation, home address, and living conditions are well known. Then we need to understand the children's interests, hobbies, characteristics, what problems they have, need not take care of; understand the child's preschool education, in order to teach students in accordance with their aptitude.

2, love is caring.

Spring is a period of high incidence of diseases. Children have more colds. I have to ask students about their physical condition several times a day. I have eaten Chinese food every day. I always give medicine to the sick children. In the evening, call the parents of the sick child to ask about the child's situation. One of the students in the class was burnt and one was chickenpox. They stayed at home for nearly a month before going to school. After they came, they couldn't keep up with the class. I used the lunch break and the afternoon class to make up for them and let them fill the course in time.

3. Love is respect.

Respecting, understanding and trusting students is the basis for eliminating blind spots in education. Respect for students to respect the personality of students, only in this way, students can narrow the psychological distance with teachers, students will have a sense of dependence on teachers. In my usual work, I get along with my friends like a friend. I will discuss things with them, tell them reason, ask them to do things for me. I will say thank you. When I do something wrong, I will apologize to them. In this long-term exchange, the children like me and are willing to tell me what they are. If they have things, they will boldly express their opinions and do things. I think this is the basis of communication and the biggest reason for my successful education. .

4, love is the responsibility.

Teachers' responsibilities are not only to teach students knowledge, but also to guide them to learn the basic skills of life and survival, and to be the basic code of conduct for people. Students who have just entered the school do not know how to be tall and thick, and they will only play as they please. I used a variety of children's songs for regular education, which not only made them understand the routine, but also reminded them. And take the opportunity to seize all available opportunities for regular education, such as: class meetings, morning meetings, I let them always have regular awareness. But this is not enough. Their self-consciousness is not strong, and they need to "look" at all times without relaxing. When I was doing exercises, I stood in front of the team, stood there, and then worked with them and visually observed their movements. I also reminded from time to time that a certain station stood neatly and that a certain hand reached out. I don’t know how much to say this. In this way, when I gradually exercise, I no longer look at it from time to time, and the team is standing neatly. Now, when I am away, the class hygiene is clean and the other teachers are very envious.

Education is a constant and never-ending job. The society is developing, the times are advancing, and the characteristics and problems of students are constantly changing. As a responsible educator, it is necessary to discover, research and solve new situations and new problems in the education and management of students in a timely manner with high sensitivity and consciousness, master its characteristics, discover its laws, and do its due diligence. Work to complete the sacred historical mission we shoulder.

Summary of the moral education work of the national class teacher

The class teacher is the helmsman of the class work, the tutor of the student generation, and the shaper of the student soul. The core of the class teacher's work is not only to teach children to learn knowledge but also to teach children how to behave. This semester, I will focus on the school's moral education work plan as follows:

First, to strengthen the regular training to promote class management.

A good routine is to ensure normal study and life. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the regular training of a student in a solid and effective manner. The content of our class training includes the routines of the Primary School Students and the routines, classroom routines, assembly and practice routines, health routines, labor routines, and street team routines required by the Code of Conduct for Primary School Students. Through collective or individual, each child has the idea of ​​"obeying the collective and obeying the order", and is self-disciplined and forms a habit, ensuring that the whole class can always show a good class style of "live without chaos, strict without death". Class appearance. Establish a moral education evaluation mechanism and rules and regulations. The moral education work should be gradually standardized and institutionalized, quantitative management should be established, and a complete evaluation mechanism and rules and regulations for moral education should be established. I gradually perfected the quantitative management system in the work of the class teacher. The main contents are: the primary school students' code, daily behavioral ethics, etc., and establish a children's behavioral scoring system. The scores are summarized and rewarded and punished according to the activities of learning and living. Strengthening ideological and political education while strictly managing, so that the two are closely integrated, and the requirements of the rules and regulations become the conscious actions of the children, thus providing a mechanism and institutional guarantee for doing a good job in moral education.

Second, carefully train the ranks of the cadres and the team

The collective appearance of a class is largely determined by the class cadres. The class cadres have the role of "taking points and face" and "face-to-face" for the class. I call them "the left and right hands of the class teacher." All along, I have carefully trained the class cadres, and "China Inspirational Network" often praises class cadres in the class. Advantages, publicize their advanced deeds, help small class cadres to establish prestige; at the same time, more strict requirements for class cadres to achieve greater progress in knowledge and ability, lead by example, and strive to model the whole class from all aspects Take the lead, that is, "take a point with a face". Each month, through criticism and self-criticism, it forms a collective organization, discipline and initiative.

Third, carefully plan the theme class meeting, implement ideological education

The theme class will integrate ideological, intellectual, fun, artistic, and participatory, entertaining and entertaining, Taozhi students' sentiment, transforming and improving students' ideological understanding. I pay attention to the serialization of the content of the theme class, which is rich in content and in line with the students' actual situation. Various types of theme class classes have a great impetus to the children's ideological and moral, artistic aesthetic ability and psychological quality. I have planned many theme team activities this semester. Such as "Safety with me", "The Eagles fight for the chapter, I can do", etc., through the team activities, strengthen children's safety awareness, health awareness, enhance the sense of collective honor, so that each child from an early age to establish environmental awareness, from Start small things, start from yourself, and actively participate in environmental protection actions.

Fourth, with emotional people, put the moral education work into practice.

The class teacher should follow the new problems and new situations in the new era of moral education, and advance with the times to explore new methods: First, to be a teacher, to lead by example, to teach and focus on teaching, the power of example is endless. The exemplary action of the class teacher affects the students all the time, because the students not only listen to their words, but also observe their actions. Ask students to do it. The class teacher can only educate and educate the children with his own personality strength. The "China Inspirational Network" trains the children's noble moral sentiments and helps them establish a correct outlook on life and values. The second is to be emotional people, to be full of love for the children, to do the children's moral education work, to think about what the children think, and to be anxious for the children, to change the heart and heart. For every child who is sick, I care about taking care and organizing the children to send warmth. For example, Chen Jixiang, a classmate of my class, although he is not very good at school, he is a good boy who loves the collective. When he saw the care and love of his teachers and classmates, he was moved to tears and vowed to study hard and strive to win glory for the class. In my work, I try my best to use emotional people, emotional emotions, and put moral education work into practice.

Class management is in abundance, and the situation and tasks are changing. As a class teacher, I will explore and summarize the effective methods and experiences in practice, so that the level of class management will continue to leap.

Summary of the moral education work of the national class teacher

Summary of the work of the class teacher of the third year of the National Primary School--Strictly grasp moral education and sprinkle love to all students. The work of the class teacher is a very ordinary or very tedious work, but it is precisely under this ordinary and cumbersome, but it contains the great significance of this work. At the end of the semester, a detailed review is summarized as follows:

First, strictly grasp moral education and sprinkle love to all students

The work of the class teacher is thousands of articles. The moral education work is the first one. This is my deep understanding of the work of the class teacher. As the saying goes, jade does not sculpt, not a device. The education of students is inseparable from strict discipline. In view of the fact that primary school students have poor ability to distinguish between self-discipline and self-control, they should formulate a strict management system, impose strict requirements on students, enhance education, improve students' ideological understanding, and promote behavior. specification.

Grasping the moral education of students to promote the all-round development of students is not only a main feature of the work of the class teacher, but also the basis of the work of the class teacher.

In the work, we must do a good job in the construction of the class system, strengthen various rules and regulations, and educate the primary school students according to their different levels of behavior, so as to achieve equal treatment. If some students like to be late, I will tell them about the late story, let them pay attention, timely education, strict requirements, strict management, so that students realize how to do well, for those who post late, plagiarism Homework, I will talk to them, and ask them to change them without mercy, without any bad signs and so on. In this way, whether it is excellent students or underachievers, the same treatment, never soft, so that students enhance the concept of discipline, providing a basic guarantee for the creation of a good class style.

Second, pay attention to the cultivation of small cadres

Each class has a class cadre. When the teacher is absent, the class cadre is the core of the class. I think that cultivating cadres is actually the focus of cultivating their sense of responsibility. They must not only have a sense of responsibility for themselves, but also develop a sense of responsibility towards others. Every dry part is in place so that most students in the class have their own tasks. A small number of students apply a one-on-one policy to them, and learn from conscious and competent students. However, in the process of cultivating cadres and in the management of daily affairs, there are also many faults. I will talk to them separately after they have done something wrong and ask them: Do you think you are doing this right? Let them find the mistakes themselves, sum up the experience, and not make the same mistakes in future work. Then, in the class class, he emphasized: the reason and the passing of this incident, and let other students understand that the small cadres will be criticized by the teacher for doing something wrong, so that the students can feel that everyone is equal. But it is also necessary to help small cadres establish their prestige. If anyone does not listen to the small cadres, they will not listen to the teacher, then the responsibility of the small cadres will be great. It is necessary to let all the cadres in charge be in place and be responsible at all levels.

Third, cultivate students' sense of collective honor

We are all in one class, everything that happens in the class is related to us. I use a chopstick to break easily, a simple reason that a chopstick is difficult to break, and cultivate the child's collective cohesion. In the four competitions held by the school this semester, our class won three first prizes and one second prize. This kind of achievement cannot but say that this is the result of cooperation. The achievement of one person alone cannot achieve such good results. Let students understand the joy of cooperation; let them clean together and taste the joy of labor; let them listen to the students telling stories, singing, reading, discovering the beauty of others, generating the motivation for learning, and gradually understand that the collective has you There is me, there is his composition. As a member of the three classes, we must care for each other, unite with each other, and make each other enterprising.

Fourth, care for the students and make the parents feel at ease.

Care about student learning. During the tenth and one long holidays, students are often too lazy to finish their homework because they are busy traveling or walking relatives. Therefore, during the last two days of the long vacation, I used the evening call to some naughty students to remind them to take time to finish their homework. This made the parents very moved. They taught the children to say, "Look, the teacher even cares about you even after the holiday. You should study hard!" Naturally, my work has received more support from parents.

In short, the class teacher should put the creative education throughout the work, create a good atmosphere of creative education, and make the flower of creative education bloom.

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