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Reflection on physical education

Reflection in Physical Education

Reflection in teaching , that is, timely and active reflection in the implementation of the teaching process, this reflection enables classroom teaching to be carried out in a high quality and efficient manner. In the classroom teaching , teachers should always pay attention to the students' learning process, pay attention to the methods, means and goals achieved. Capture the inspiration in teaching , adjust the teaching method in time, and make the teaching flexible and ingeniously control, so that the classroom effect is optimal.

1. Student participation in class

Students are the main body in the classroom, and they are guaranteed with a certain degree of participation. Students are not involved or less involved, even if they are not "subjects." The participation status of students depends on the breadth of participation and the depth of participation. In terms of breadth, whether students are fully involved in classroom teaching , whether they participate in every aspect of classroom teaching ; in terms of depth, students are active, active, passive, and coping.

2. Student communication in class

Communication is an important way to cultivate students' friendly exchanges and cooperation spirit, and it is also a concrete embodiment of students as the main body. In the classroom, teachers can only create a democratic, harmonious, equal and relaxed learning atmosphere, so that students can feel safe, harmonious and independent in this environment, and can have an equal dialogue with teachers and classmates. In teaching , I use the "random" grouping method to communicate, which is beneficial to the students' personality. However, due to the difference of the elements, they can't communicate well; so they can use the "friends" combination to conduct cooperative learning. It is conducive to students learning and promoting each other, the atmosphere of communication is quite strong, and the personality of students can be played freely. Because they are friends, it also promotes the students' enthusiasm for learning, and also reduces the individual differences, because they help each other for this cooperation, so that their cooperation group can be fully developed and improved. In the study of changing the dribble, students learn through a "friend-like" exchange and cooperative learning, and find that many ways to change the dribble are rich and colorful.

3. Student's goal is achieved

In the classroom, teachers should always pay attention to whether students have mastered the movement techniques and integrate the skills they have learned into their original technologies. At the same time, we must pay attention to whether we are actively investing in the process of achieving the goal, whether we are skilled in mastering and applying it, and whether we can make the vegetarians "satisfied" and let the slow-tempered "eat" while committing to the whole. Got it." Let each student learn the income and get what he wants. This lesson is based on the “change direction” as the main line, allowing students to get the body movements in the game of “chasing each other”. Then, combined with the basketball dribble chase, let the students set their own goals, cooperate and learn under the guidance of the goals, and achieve their goals, so that students' motivation can be stimulated. It also experienced the joy of success, so that every student has developed.

Reflection after physical education

Classroom teaching is sublimated in post- teaching evaluation and feedback correction, reflection on "good or bad", "discarding", seeking "correction" and promoting "improvement". It is a shortcut to find out the cause and solve the problem, and it is a systematic and theoretical process of practical experience.

1. Successful experience

It can be a whimsy of instructional design, a gesture of inspiration; it can also be a meticulous arrangement of teaching methods, ingeniously; it can also be a wonderful dialogue between teachers and students... These successful teaching experiences are worthy of the future. The most successful part of this lesson is to use the game of "mutual chase" in the dribble; experience the change of the body in the game, experience the movement of the footsteps, and extend the focus of the lesson to the difficult points of the lesson.

2. Lesson of failure

No matter how good the teaching method is, there are also extra-budgets in the implementation process. The terrible thing is that it has not been systematically reviewed and sorted out, and there is no deep reflection, exploration and analysis. It is very difficult to get a new level in the future teaching . Only by learning lessons, summing up and reflecting on the reasons for failure, and finding ways to solve problems can we make persistent efforts in our teaching . In the teaching of changing the dribble, I pay attention to the "change direction" and ignore the change of the students' ball. Therefore, when the students with poor coordination ability show, the ball is changed, and the body does not change direction in time. I did not go deep into the students at this level. Therefore, this part of the students is not ideal for achieving their goals.

3. Teaching strain


In the teaching , with the development of the basic part, the development of the thinking of teachers and students and the harmony of emotional communication often lead to instant inspiration because of some incidents. This "practice" is much more sophisticated than what I usually think. These "sparks of wisdom" are often involuntary and sudden. If you don't use the after-school reflections to capture them in time, they will disappear because of the passage of time. It is regrettable.

4. Correction of lesson plans

After the class, meditate and meditate: In addition to the problems mentioned above, what are the new ways to organize teaching methods? What innovations are there in teaching methods and learning methods? Is there a breakthrough in the misunderstanding that is easy to occur? Is the guidance appropriate? Is the exercise in place? What are the teaching rules? and many more. Keep a record of these gains and losses in a timely manner, and make necessary integrations and trade-offs. Consider what to do when you teach other content, and record it, which will become a rich material for future teaching .

In short, teachers should take notes in time when they reflect on teaching . The exploration and innovation of teaching can be completed in a day or two. If you want to think hard, you often want to be new, good at capturing the spark of inspiration, and being diligent in writing. At the same time, we must always study the theory of education and accumulate teaching materials in order to better guide our teaching practice. Train yourself into a research-based teacher who adapts to the new curriculum reform.

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