Work Summary > Summary of Teaching Work

Summary of the 2014 seventh grade English teaching

Seventh grade English teaching summary

In this academic year, I worked as an English teacher in two classes in the seventh grade. In my work, I study hard, study the teaching methods in depth, and learn from the old teachers and other colleagues with humility. Combining the actual conditions of the school with the actual situation of the students, I have gained a lot of valuable experience and learned practical teaching methods. The following is a summary of my teaching work during the semester.

First, classroom teaching for different classes

Every class is like everyone, personality, temper, and temperament are different. Therefore, I designed the teaching for the two classes I taught: the students in class 210 are more active in thinking, and the answering questions are positive, but the middle students account for the majority, and the top students are relatively few. Therefore, during the class, I weakened the difficulties, strengthened the key points, and took care of most of the classmates; while the class 211 students were calm and enthusiasm. Although there are top students, the large proportion of the backward students is not enough to drive the entire class. Therefore, for the top students, I encourage them to have the "advance" consciousness. People have not seen it. I have already done it without doing it. For the poor students, I encourage them to understand the most basic and most commonly used words and sentences. After a period of practice, it proved that the teaching effect has improved compared with the previous semester.

Understand and analyze the actual situation of students, seek truth from facts, analyze specific problems, and teach students according to their aptitude, which has a direct impact on the effectiveness of teaching. This is what is mentioned in the pedagogy. This theory has been verified in my teaching practice.

Second, the preparation for the lesson is full, the work is half the effort

The ancients said, "Do not fight unprepared," the same is true for class, not an unprepared lesson. Based on the content of the textbook and the actual situation of the students, and based on the seventh-grade teaching objectives: "the aim of cultivating students' interests", the ability to train and read words, the type of design, the method of teaching, and the program of teaching process And the time schedule has been recorded in detail, and the teaching plan is carefully written. Every class is “ready to come”, each class is fully prepared before class, and produces a variety of interesting teaching aids that are conducive to attracting students’ attention. Good teaching postscript, and carefully collected the knowledge points of each lesson, summed up into a collection.

Third, enhance the skills of the class and improve the quality of teaching.

In class, the explanations are clear, organized, accurate, organized, accurate, emotional, and vivid, so that the clues are clear, the levels are clear, the words are concise, and the words are simple and simple. In the classroom, special attention is paid to mobilizing the enthusiasm of students, strengthening the communication between teachers and students, fully embodying the main role of students, basically making students learn easily, learning easily, and learning happily; paying attention to refinement, I speak in class. As little as possible, students have more opportunities to move their brains. At the same time, each level of students is fully considered to meet the learning needs and learning abilities of each level, so that students at all levels can be improved.

4. Carry out the teaching, listening, speaking, reading and writing of the syllabus.

In the teaching process, English is divided into listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Listen: Usually put the recording, let the students read with the recording, train the students' listening, and use the English to train, and also find some special training to improve the students' hearing.

Say: Make full use of early reading, encourage students to read boldly, usually let students speak English in their daily life, and let students carry out work in pairs training in class, improve students' oral ability and stimulate students' interest in learning.

Reading: The main aspect of reading is to improve students' reading ability. Firstly, students should be taught how to do these problems. Students are usually allowed to do more essays on reading comprehension and training to improve their reading ability.

Write: implement the requirements of new questions and new curriculum standards, composition teaching mainly teaches writing methods, conducts some targeted essay writing, emphasizes the number of words and writing these hardware things, and usually encourages students to use time to write short articles in English. To improve students' writing skills.

Five serious corrections

Arrange the work to be refined. Targeted and hierarchical. Correct and conscientiously correct the students' homework, analyze and record the students' work situation, classify and summarize the problems they have in the course of the operation, make thorough comments, and timely improve the teaching methods according to relevant situations, so as to achieve targeted. The training team leader helped me to check other students' reading and memorizing the text.

Six strengthen self-study and constantly accumulate knowledge.

Because I have insufficient experience in English teaching, my knowledge is limited. At the same time of teaching, I always ask the teachers with deep qualifications to learn the teaching methods of English in our English group and strengthen my business. Learn and expand your horizons; constantly summarize and reflect on your own teaching examples, constantly understand the essence of the new curriculum spirit, and strive to make unremitting efforts to become an excellent English teacher.

In short, this semester has achieved certain results through its own efforts. In the future, I will try to fill my own shortcomings in teaching, continuously improve teaching methods, and actively develop and effectively use curriculum resources. Ask more, think more, learn from older teachers and colleagues, and better serve English teaching, and strive to make greater progress in the future of English teaching.

Seventh grade English teaching summary

This semester, I am working as an English teacher for two classes in the seventh grade. In my work, I study hard, study the teaching methods in depth, and learn from the old teachers and other colleagues with humility. Combining the actual conditions of the school with the actual situation of the students, I have gained a lot of valuable experience and learned practical teaching methods. The following is a summary of my teaching work during the semester.

First, classroom teaching for different classes

Every class is like everyone, personality, temper, and temperament are different. Therefore, I designed the teaching for the two classes I taught: the students in the second class of the seven-year class were more active and answered the questions positively, but the middle school students accounted for the majority, and the top students were relatively few. Therefore, during the class, I weakened the difficulties, strengthened the key points, and took care of most of the students. The students in the seven-year class were calm and enthusiasm. Although there are top students, the large proportion of the backward students is not enough to drive the entire class. Therefore, for the top students, I encourage them to have the "advance" consciousness. People have not seen it. I have already done it without doing it. For the poor students, I encourage them to understand the most basic and most commonly used words and sentences. After a period of practice, it proved that the teaching effect has improved compared with the previous semester.

Understand and analyze the actual situation of students, seek truth from facts, analyze specific problems, and teach students according to their aptitude, which has a direct impact on the effectiveness of teaching. This is what is mentioned in the pedagogy. This theory has been verified in my teaching practice.

Second, the preparation for the lesson is full, the work is half the effort

The ancients said, "Do not fight unprepared," the same is true for class, not an unprepared lesson. Based on the content of the textbook and the actual situation of the students, and based on the seventh-grade teaching objectives: "the aim of cultivating students' interests", the ability to train and read words, the type of design, the method of teaching, and the program of teaching process And the time schedule has been recorded in detail, and the teaching plan is carefully written. Every class is “ready to come”, each class is fully prepared before class, and produces a variety of interesting teaching aids that are conducive to attracting students’ attention. Good teaching postscript, and carefully collected the knowledge points of each lesson, summed up into a collection.

Third, enhance the skills of the class and improve the quality of teaching.

In class, the explanations are clear, organized, accurate, organized, accurate, emotional, and vivid, so that the clues are clear, the levels are clear, the words are concise, and the words are simple and simple. In the classroom, special attention is paid to mobilizing the enthusiasm of students, strengthening the communication between teachers and students, fully embodying the main role of students, basically making students learn easily, learning easily, and learning happily; paying attention to refinement, I speak in class. As little as possible, students have more opportunities to move their brains. At the same time, each level of students is fully considered to meet the learning needs and learning abilities of each level, so that students at all levels can be improved.

4. Carry out the teaching, listening, speaking, reading and writing of the syllabus.

In the teaching process, English is divided into listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Listen: Usually put the recording, let the students read with the recording, train the students' listening, and use the English to train, and also find some special training to improve the students' hearing.

Say: Make full use of early reading, encourage students to read boldly, usually let students speak English in their daily life, and let students carry out work in pairs training in class, improve students' oral ability and stimulate students' interest in learning.

Reading: The main aspect of reading is to improve students' reading ability. Firstly, students should be taught how to do these problems. Students are usually allowed to do more essays on reading comprehension and training to improve their reading ability.

Write: implement the requirements of new questions and new curriculum standards, composition teaching mainly teaches writing methods, conducts some targeted essay writing, emphasizes the number of words and writing these hardware things, and usually encourages students to use time to write short articles in English. To improve students' writing skills.

Five serious corrections

Arrange the work to be refined. Targeted and hierarchical. Correct and conscientiously correct the students' homework, analyze and record the students' work situation, classify and summarize the problems they have in the course of the operation, make thorough comments, and timely improve the teaching methods according to relevant situations, so as to achieve targeted. The training team leader helped me to check other students' reading and memorizing the text.

Six strengthen self-study and constantly accumulate knowledge.

Although I have done a lot of work in English teaching, I still can't avoid the polarization, especially the post-entry work. Because of objective reasons, I have not done enough. Therefore, in the future teaching work, I should always be humbly and highly qualified. The teacher asks, and learns teaching methods related to English in our English group, strengthens their business learning and expands their horizons; constantly summarizes and reflects on their own teaching examples, constantly comprehending the essence of the new curriculum spirit, and strives to become one A good English teacher has made unremitting efforts.

Seventh grade English teaching summary

However, after a period of exploration, discussion and practice, I have some experience in the English teaching of the seventh grade in the last semester, especially the teaching of the first-grade English introductory stage has the following experience.

First, the importance of the first section of English class. It mainly introduces the purpose, meaning and method of learning in Chinese and English. Teachers can teach in Chinese. Teachers should strive to create a friendly and harmonious atmosphere, eliminate students' fear of going to middle school and foreign language students, and enable students to meet new learning with confidence and confidence.

Second, the teaching content of the entry stage.

The first few units of the first textbook started from the beginning of listening and speaking, and I heard that the proportion of training is large. Around the "greetings" and "introduction", the daily language of teaching topics such as people and things is explained. It is only required to hear and hear, and does not require reading and writing. At the same time, teaching 26 letters and a small number of words, requires listening, speaking, reading, and writing "four meetings" to master.

1, letter teaching. Letter teaching can help students master the sound and shape through examples and example sentences, and enhance the impression of the sound shape of the letters in the students' minds by the practice of quick dictation and quick reading of the cards, and carry out various forms of letter-toothed contact competitions. .

2, writing teaching. Before teaching, students can first watch the demonstrations on the blackboard and the teacher on the blackboard, form a clear English alphabet image in the brain and the continuity of the teacher in writing, and demonstrate the overall action image. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly require students to observe carefully, and to enable students to develop a look--thinking--writing three-in-one, or a good habit of eye-catching, brain-moving, and hands-on.

3, phonetic teaching. In the beginning stage, the teaching of phonetic symbols should receive the attention it deserves. First of all, you can start to touch the phonetic symbols from the name of the letter, and you can gradually combine the pronunciation of the vowels in the words. You can also concentrate on the teaching of the phonetic symbols after you have finished teaching the letters. Pay attention to the combination of vowels, consonant classifications and vowel phonemes, and consonant phonemes. The pronunciation of the letters cannot be confused with the pronunciation of the phonetic symbols. This will greatly help students in spelling words, opening training, and reading texts in the future.

4, the spelling of words. There is a direct connection between the phonetic and the word Jiang, and words can be memorized by a combination of sound, shape and meaning. Therefore, we must first let students master the spelling rules from the teaching of letters. The second is to teach each student a single tone word that conforms to the basic phonics rules, so that students have a preliminary concept of the spelling rules. Then, with the vowels as the center, combined into more words, design different oral, written and written oral and written exercises, so that students can practice repeatedly, you can see the words that meet the spelling rules and you can hear them. The degree to which words that match the spelling rules can be written.

5. Encourage students to learn English enthusiasm and cultivate students' interest in learning English. A good start is half the success, so the classroom teaching in the entry stage is particularly important. Teachers should use intuitive and visual teaching methods combined with simple paintings, wall charts, performances, etc. to make students feel new, interesting and adjust the classroom atmosphere. Give full play to the main role of students. Encourage students to speak English boldly.

Third, to complete the above five aspects of teaching content, teaching should pay attention to the cultivation of students' good study habits.

1. First of all, we must establish the self-confidence of students. When you begin to learn English, you must have a goal that suits your actual needs. Through step-by-step learning, you can build a sense of accomplishment in your heart.

2. Spell the words correctly. The purpose is to train students to judge their pronunciation from the spelling of words, and to hire their spelling ability from the pronunciation of words, so as to "see the shape and know the sound, see the sound to know its shape."

3. Read the sentences and text aloud. In the introductory stage, students are required to use the tone and word accent to read the sentence basically correctly, and use the correct pronunciation, intonation, pause, and sentence accent to read the essay. This requires students to speak boldly, read boldly, and pay attention to overcoming fear, shyness, and fear of opening.

4, listen to more English in and out of the classroom. Teachers should try to teach in English as much as possible so that students can get more exposure to English. Each class takes a certain amount of time for students to use different everyday language and classroom language to conduct conversations. It can also be combined with physical objects, pictures, etc. in English for simple description. Listening to audio tapes is a combination of listening and speaking, and enhances students' ability to listen and speak.

In short, learning English must be hard-working and hard-working. It is necessary to persist in learning over time and to be afraid of difficulties. Only in this way can we gradually reach the level of proficiency, achieve the purpose of being able to understand, understand English, and use this tool for communication.

Summary of English teaching work in the first semester of the seventh grade

This semester is the first semester of my teaching. I am in the first grade and the second class in English. Because of the shallow teaching experience. Therefore, I dare not neglect the teaching work, study hard, study the teaching method in depth, and learn from the younger generation. After a semester of hard work, I gained a lot of valuable teaching experience. The following is my teaching situation this semester.

Teaching is teaching and learning. The two are interrelated and inseparable. If there is a teacher, there must be scholars. Students are the subjects to be taught. Therefore, understanding and analysing the situation of students is crucial to the success of teaching. When I first came into contact with teaching, I still didn't know how important students are to teaching. They just concentrated on studying books, textbooks, and trying to make the classroom vivid and easy for students to accept. But at the beginning I touched the nails. When I taught the first lesson, I followed my own teaching design and took a class that I thought was easy to understand and not rigid. I thought that the teaching effect was as expected. I didn’t know how to judge it when I was small. Later, after listening to the students' reactions, I realized that most of the students I spoke didn’t understand, and some of the students’ content had never been touched before. Therefore, I did not understand the actual situation of the students before class:

On the one hand, the students who are new to English speak relatively weakly, and the lectures use deeper English teaching, and the students can't adapt. On the other hand, the second class of students are more active, the class atmosphere is positive, but the middle school accounted for the majority, and the top students were relatively few. Therefore, it is too deep and does not take care of the whole. Some of the students in the class are more naughty and less motivated. Although the proportion of good students is large, but the middle and lower levels are also wide, I did not notice this when preparing lessons, so the teaching The effect is not as good as expected. From this we can see that understanding and analyzing the actual situation of students, seeking truth from facts, specific analysis of specific problems, to teach students in accordance with their aptitude, has a direct impact on the effectiveness of teaching. This is what is mentioned in the pedagogy. This theory has been verified in my teaching practice.

In teaching, preparing lessons is an indispensable and important part. Preparing students and preparing for teaching. Inadequate preparation of lessons or poor preparation will seriously affect the atmosphere and enthusiasm of the classroom. A predecessor once said to me: "If you are not prepared for the lesson, it is better not to take classes, otherwise it will be in vain." I understand the importance of preparing lessons. Therefore, every day I spend a lot of time on the lesson preparation, seriously study the teaching materials and teaching methods, and do not accept the work if I am not satisfied. Although it is hard, it turns out to be worthwhile.

A well-prepared class will benefit both students and teachers. On the contrary, when I did not prepare for the lesson, the classroom atmosphere was dull and the teaching effect was not good. Compared with this, it is very important to prepare lessons carefully. Especially for foreign languages ​​that are not familiar and difficult for English students.

The preparation for the class is sufficient, and the enthusiasm of the students can be mobilized. But at the same time, we must have the ability to control the classroom, because every move of the students in the classroom will directly affect the classroom teaching. Therefore, it is necessary to try to get students to invest in class and not to distract them. This is very particular. The class is rich in content and realistic. Naturally, the lectures are lively, and it is difficult to take care of all of them. It is natural to attract students. Therefore, teachers must have sufficient spirit every day to let students feel a natural atmosphere. In this way, teaching is more effective. Looking back at my own lectures, I feel a little embarrassed because sometimes I can't do it very well. When students are unwilling to learn in class and violate discipline, my emotions are affected, and this is brought to the teaching, so that the original normal lectures are impacted, and the level of teaching is not enough to affect the teaching effect. I must work hard to overcome, research methods, and take a favorable approach to solve the difficulties.

English is a foreign language. It is both strange and difficult for students. In such a big environment, to teach English well, students should love English and make them interested in English. Otherwise, students will be afraid of this subject, not original, and unable to learn. To this end, I have taken some measures to help the classmates change their English names, and to talk about the culture and life stories of the British and American families as much as possible so that they can understand English better and prefer to learn English. Because only the improvement of English proficiency can improve the students' English writing ability, it is very good for students with excellent grades.

Because of the special circumstances of English, students will have a good differentiation phenomenon during continuous learning, and the expansion of the poor face will seriously affect the learning atmosphere in the class. Therefore, it must not be ignored. To this end, I have developed specific plans and goals. I have planned counseling for these students. For example, in one class, I divided the students into three groups. The first group is students who have the ability to improve, but they don’t want to learn. But for these students, I take collective counseling and assign them a fixed task, so that they don’t have the chance to be lazy and let them play their proper standards. The group is willing to learn, but because of the students who are not strong. This class of students should be properly guided, patiently taught, and slowly improve their performance, not too hasty, and more encouragement. As long as they are willing to work hard, the results are expected to improve; the third group is students with loose discipline, not serious study, and poor foundation. For this part of the group, you need to give individual tutoring in your spare time. Because this class of students needs a quiet and undisturbed environment, they will make up their minds to learn. As long as the counseling is adhered to, the foundations of these students will be re-established, and the effect of teaching will be better in the future.

English is the language. In addition to the classroom effect, students need to read more, talk more, and practice more. To this end, during the morning reading, I insisted on getting off work to understand the early reading situation and found that the problem was corrected in time. After class, I found that the students' homework problems were solved in a timely manner, and they were clearly explained in time to allow students to digest them immediately. In addition, some unconscious students also take a tough and memorable way to improve their abilities.

The midterm and final exams examine the learning outcomes of each student during the semester and should be taken seriously. Conduct a systematic review before the exam, and conduct a summary of the subject after the exam. From the middle section examination, it can be seen that the average level of the two classes is equivalent, and the difference between the classes is relatively large. Therefore, in the middle of the middle examination, I concentrated my strength on the poor tutoring of the two classes, especially one class, to shorten the gap. In addition, it is also found that students' comprehensive ability is not strong enough, so training in this area should be strengthened in future teaching. Make it easy for students to learn and easy to master. The results of the examinations prove that proper counseling for poor students can greatly help the overall development of the class.

After a semester of hard work, the final exam is a test. Regardless of the level of achievement, it reflects the teaching results of my semester. I understand that this is not the most important thing. What is important is how to improve myself after the semester and how to improve the English standard of the two classes together. Therefore, no matter how hard, I will continue to work hard, ask more, think more, learn more from the older generation, and strive for progress.

The above is my summary of the teaching work in this semester. Due to the shallow experience and lack of experience in many places, I hope that in the days to come, I will be able to achieve better results under the guidance of leading teachers and seniors.

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