Work Summary > Summary of Teaching Work

Summary of the work of enlightenment reading teaching in Taipan

Time flies so fast, and in the blink of an eye, we are welcoming the end of the semester's enlightenment reading teaching work. In the process, we have harvested fruitful fruits, and encountered many difficulties in the middle. However, with the enthusiasm of the children and the help of the parents, we have overcome difficulties and made great progress.

In this semester, we use the third book of Enlightenment Reading, the literacy supporting textbook for children's listening and reading games, the use of large-scale and large-character cards, and combine the "play" and "study" sciences in the teaching process. "Mechanical memory" is "sense memory", which adapts to the physiological characteristics of children and allows children to learn language and literacy in the game.

In order to avoid the singularity and repetitiveness of children's learning, to make the teaching forms rich and varied, and to make children have good language expression ability and improve children's learning interest, this semester in the "Enlightenment Reading" teaching , through the picture to tell, the word baby Games, children's songs, listening and speaking games, situational performances, etc., children have met many words in the happy game, and let the children develop a good listening and pointing habits, these teaching methods combined with the age characteristics of children and The application of the means greatly enriched the children's visual and auditory sense, so that the interest of children's learning increased greatly, and the children became loved, loved, and loved through a semester of study.

In the enlightenment reading teaching , special attention is also paid to creating a relaxed and pleasant teaching atmosphere for young children. Combining the characteristics of each child, the children are subtly taught to learn language and literacy. In order to make children interested in enlightenment reading literacy, we also pay special attention to communication with parents, can provide diverse contexts for children's literacy, and help to stimulate children's desire for active literacy. To make parents understand that early childhood is a critical period for cultivating interest, pay attention to methods and methods, and not force young children to learn. Stressful learning will only make children lose interest in everything.

Through the study and training of the third volume of Enlightenment Reading, you can develop the brain potential of young children, let the children rich vocabulary, practice oral expression ability, and easily master the Chinese baby. Although this semester's work has been well received by many parents, I know that there are still many places that are not very good, and I hope to do better in my future work!

The summary of the large class enlightenment reading teaching work:
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