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2014 Bank Internship Summary

Article 1:

Just ten days of pre-job training is the end of my 20-year student life, so I stepped into the first step of the society. Through this training, I learned a lot of professional knowledge and skills outside the book, and I have a deeper understanding of the importance of teamwork, communication, and coordination, and accumulated a lot of wealth for my personal growth.

The main contents of the training are: expansion training and pre-job skills training. At the opening ceremony, President X introduced us to the economic development of the national and x regions and the operation of China Construction Bank. In particular, the x region is now in a period of rapid development, and the economy is showing a trend of large-scale development. This is both a challenge and an opportunity for banks. We should seize the opportunity, actively innovate, and scientifically develop, and strive to realize the early realization of our world-class banks. aims.

The next two days of development training is very fresh for our newly graduated students, because in school, it is difficult for us to understand the importance of team spirit, from broken bridge to back, from the ladder to the Bohai Sea. In the end, more than 70 people worked together to climb the 4m wall. We not only challenge ourselves but also smelt the team. Sometimes we will enlarge the difficulties and underestimate our abilities, and sometimes the difficulties are great, but as long as our team can work together, then it is even more difficult. Can also be overcome. In our actual work in the future, no matter which industry or position you are engaged in, it is inseparable from the cooperation between colleagues, because a drop of water can only survive in the sea. Since we need to cooperate, we must communicate. Only when different departments, at the same time, communicate with each other, cooperate with each other, and unite to improve work efficiency and progress faster.

Eight days of pre-employment skills training, I have two deep feelings: The first point is that there is no end to learning the sea, 20 years of learning accumulated a lot of knowledge, but basically all theoretical knowledge, for work is just The role of foundation and guidance, come to the new environment, face new work, we can not relax ourselves, but also must learn more professional knowledge and skills, strive to adapt to the new environment, and strive for excellence. The second point is to thank the tutors very much. They carefully prepare the courseware tutorial. Although there are many places we can't understand in a short time, but many of the knowledge and methods are the experience of the teachers in CCB for several years or even decades. This is an invaluable asset. It allows us to take a lot of detours in our work. A new employee can get such a wealth, which makes me confident in my future work and urges me to study hard and study hard. Active innovation.

In the past ten days, I still have a very deep feeling. CCB is like a big family. It has the warmth of home. In the ten days of the hotel, Mr. Zhang from the Human Resources Department has been with me for a long time. The heart's input into the study, this family's feelings not only give me a sense of security, but also give me the motivation, I am willing to tie my destiny closely with CCB, honor and disgrace, and create brilliant.

I thought that people's life, small wins on their own, wins on the team, and wins on the platform. We have provided such a good platform, and I should seize this opportunity to continuously learn to enrich myself, strive to improve my ability and quality, and improve professional skills. We must not only achieve a great victory in life on the platform of CCB, but also achieve the great victory of CCB through the joint efforts of all of us, let us work together to fight for a more brilliant tomorrow for China Construction Bank.

Article 2:

Someone once said that the first time I entered the bank, I was very nervous and curious. Looking at the smooth floor, the white walls, the feeling of going to jail on the TV, the quiet corridors have a footstep. It feels a bit boring.

I think that I will go to work in the bank in the future, and that's it. I can go to work on time, but I can't get off work on time. I can't be perfunctory. I am wrong, I have to pay for a penny, look for a situation to find you, and feel the feeling of serious work while walking. At least I can still walk freely now.

Living in a recent era, no matter which industry, there will be more or less serious impulsive emotions. Perhaps the beauty of the financial world has been ignored by people. Like Director Deng, using finance as a lifelong career, he is in a high position, and tirelessly tapping the essence of his business. Not only does he have no shelf, he does not take finance as a step to become famous, and he still has a persevering attitude, from repetitive work. I have repeatedly tried my best to sublimate my work experience and ask the teacher for an article with seriousness and modesty. This style has made me admire. I am also honored to see such a leader. "Being a good person and doing things well" I was deeply impressed by the criticism of the director and teacher of the summer. Negligence in small details can lead to a very different future. Pu Jun Bank Beijing Branch Administration Department Director Jia Junying This is the first time that the "Financial Practice" teacher has seen the internal administrative staff of the bank and has also done personnel work.

Maybe we will think that a person occasionally has no principle, do not know how to make fun of people in the depths, imitate it, and try it out, it will damage your personal image, it will make people feel unreliable, others will be thin on you. I think what I have to do is to improve my interpersonal skills, not to practice hard. At least I won't lose the fun of drinking with my loved ones because of the practice of drinking. It’s always envious to see expert articles. At the meeting, I’m just eager to keep a record, I’m afraid I’m pulling something down, but during the discussion, Editor-in-Chief Yang’s editor has an opinion and asks for advice. He sincerely asked me what opinions I had. I didn't think about anything at the time. The answer was very perfunctory. I really didn't expect that as a student's opinion, they also paid attention to it. At the end of the lecture, there were many student cadres and teachers taking photos, but there was a lot of student cadres and teachers posing at the end of the lecture, but it was very excited, but I took it that day. The excitement of listening to the class at night was forgotten, and even the photos were not sent to the teachers. If these students are like this, they feel that they will add more impetuous to the world in the society. The teacher went to a financial company he had lectured to find an old friend to discuss business. Because the colleague was very busy, the teacher came out in advance and greeted me to go back by bus. At this moment, I saw the leader of the company. Standing in front of the elevator, he knew that the teacher was about to leave, and immediately asked the driver to keep up. Not to say a word, the action was not too big. I saw him followed the teacher’s hand, very sincere, and told me to see it for the first time. To those who respect the teacher, there will be such a level of success. I was exercising on Chang'an Avenue in a passenger car that day, which is the first time in my life.

There may be many people in the society who do not respect the teacher or have the use of the teacher, and then the people who can achieve great things are different. The so-called "the world's masters are different" is not the same, and may not be able to have hundreds of millions of assets. Then, small things are not handled by small people. I think that in my life, I will respect the teacher as the principle of knowing my friends. I will study for life and use the results to reward the cultivation of the "Finance Practice" teacher.

Article 3:

I was lucky enough to enter the Laiyang Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China for an internship through the interview. Although the internship was not long, I learned a lot of things in this precious time, enriched and practiced the theoretical knowledge of the university, and also felt that my knowledge was lacking. I have identified my belief in active learning. At work, the change of work attitude is an important life wealth I have learned. "Technology level can only make you reach a certain level, and the attitude of being accidental and responsible for work is the real magic weapon to enhance you." The director's words gave me the first lesson of internship. During the internship, I learned with humility, worked hard, and completed my tasks seriously, and established a good relationship with my colleagues, which was unanimously recognized by the employees in the industry.

Just internship, both physically and mentally tired, have thought about giving up, and the colleagues in the business department of Hehe have never forgotten their experience: always insist on being a "heart" person, learning business with humility, exercising skills and patiently handling Business, enthusiasm for customers. A real bank may be different from everyone's imagination. Maybe everyone thinks that the working environment of the bank should be comfortable and quiet. In fact, the bank is a very noisy environment. The sound of the printer, the sound of counting money, the sound of stamping, the work of the bank is very busy every day. Repeat the same work, although the work is very tired, but I feel very happy, and my heart is satisfied. The old employees are skilled in handling the business proposed by the customer, professional answers, flexible fingering, quick handling, and a good attitude are the goals I want to learn.

Because I haven't touched it before, I don't understand a lot of business in the post-loan center. "Master" is an easygoing and bold person. From the first day, he carefully taught me the personal loan business. With the care and support of the masters and leaders, I have made rapid progress in all aspects and have a new understanding of banking work. In the work of the bank, we must first hold the principle of “taking seriously work, being honest and being a man” and working diligently in the internship position. During work, you must complete your work tasks in a timely and prudent manner. You should not be rashly perfunctory, and be cautious about every business you work. In the banking industry who won the customer who is the final winner.

An impetuous heart is calm, but not lacking in passion. I have just entered the society from school, I have a quiet heart, and after I work, my greatest experience is that personal development and improvement of ability not only require superb skills, but also need to be loyal to work and work-centered. Professionalism, that is, doing things can sink the heart. This is mainly reflected in the many small things in daily work, starting from the details. In today's fierce competition in the financial market, in addition to strengthening our theoretical quality and professional level, we should strengthen our business skills, so that we can work in the future to better provide customers with convenience, speed and accuracy. Service.

After this period of internship, I deeply realized that there is still a gap between the knowledge in the book and the actual application. It is not enough to master the knowledge of books. The practical skills in practice are more important. And this is where you need to learn and work hard. Only by combining books with reality and enhancing hands-on ability can we accomplish all kinds of work better.

I most appreciate the Sanmao that turns the Sahara Desert into an oasis in people's hearts. I also admire her most: even if it is not successful, it will not become a blank. The goddess of success does not favor all people, but all those who have participated and tried, even if they have not succeeded, their world is not a dull, not a blank. The work of the internship is busy and fulfilling. The space of life must be set aside by cleaning up and diminishing, and the space of the mind is expanded by thinking and comprehending. When I turned to face the sun, I found myself no longer stuck in the shadows. I began to learn to look for happiness from an internship that seems to be mechanically repetitive. I am happy to work internships and work hard.

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