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2014 Bank Security Summary

Bank security summary

In recent years, criminal cases in banking financial institutions have been frequent, especially violent crimes have become prominent and remain high. The emergence of financial crimes and the cruelty of criminal means pose new challenges to the security and internal control of banks. In the face of the increasingly severe banking security situation, we conducted a review of the situation and vision, and organized employees of the Bank to learn bank security knowledge and conduct anti-grab and anti-theft drills. I have benefited a lot from my studies and exercises.

"Forewarned is forearmed, without prejudging the waste". Correct and reasonable security measures are an effective barrier to ensure the safety of funds and personnel. We should fully recognize the importance of strengthening employee safety awareness education, improving employee vigilance and ability to deal with emergencies. At the same time, we should profoundly recognize the need to establish and improve security rules and regulations and strictly enforce them. Only by combining "human defense", "physical defense" and "technical defense" can an effective safety protection network be established. Throughout the occurrence of financial cases, although the forms are different, the reasons for the investigation boil down to one point, the main system is missing, and the management is absent. Mainly reflected in several aspects:

First, the awareness of prevention is not strong, and management is neglected. Most banks pay attention to business development, neglecting security precautions, and the phenomenon of hard work is more common, especially in grassroots banks, benefit first, task first, only pay attention to the assessment of major business indicators, not paying attention to internal management, neglecting safety education. To dilute the sense of responsibility, a small number of warning educations are often in the form, and even bully or walk through the field of perfunctory learning. Second, the legal awareness is poor and neglected. The bank has many points, a wide range, and a long line. Most employees are at the grassroots level. For a long time, standardized and institutionalized ideological education has not been carried out enough. Employees attach importance to reality, regard ideological education as a form, empty talk, and ideological education is meaningless. Over time, the ideological and moral standards of employees have declined, the concept of laws and regulations has been weak, the self-consciousness of law-abiding and the ability to resist corruption have been poor. Most of them rely on their own conscience to do their work, and they cannot talk about noble outlook on life and values. Third, the auditing efforts are weak and the supervision is insufficient. On the one hand, the auditing and inspection power is relatively weak, and it is difficult to fully implement effective supervision and inspection on banks with many points, wide areas, long lines and objectively; on the other hand, auditors have some responsibility, lack of principle, and audit inspection charts. The form, the passing of the scene, the problem of the discovery was not discovered in time, and the problems found did not take effective measures to punish, but the big things were small and the small things were not. Although some things were discovered, the rectification notice was issued, but no further supervision and inspection was carried out on the implementation, which caused the problem to accumulate and eventually led to major economic cases.

Through study, especially in-depth analysis of the case, I believe that in order to reduce the occurrence of cases in the banking system and make the prevention and control mechanism effective, the following points must be done.

First of all, we must strengthen the construction of laws and regulations. Of course, the various rules and regulations within the bank are not incomplete, and the punishment can not be said to be harsh. However, many systems seem to be only a wall system in many employees, and they are not well implemented and regulate their own behavior. However, we cannot ignore the necessity and importance of institution building. Although the system is not omnipotent, the system is necessary and indispensable. We must further improve the enforcement of the system, plug the management loopholes, and make it necessary to cover all aspects and levels of business operations and management. Everything must use the system to implement responsibility and speak with the system. First, each employee must first strengthen the concept of doing things according to the rules and regulations, and no longer rely on "experience". To establish the belief that everyone is equal before the system is no longer a matter of fact. It is necessary to establish internal control for everyone. The thoughts that start from me are no longer things that are not related to oneself. With a good system, it is necessary to have a group of people who implement the system to implement it in order to receive good results. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the follow-up and supervision of the implementation of various internal control systems, and to deal with serious violations of internal control, and to make every employee who violates the rules and regulations pay a heavy price, so that it has a personal pain, serious It is better to clear out the bank team.

Second, we must strengthen the prevention mechanism. Mechanism loopholes are an important factor in the occurrence of various cases. Behind every case involving internal employees, there are all long-term deliberations of the perpetrators. They are using some loopholes in the working mechanism, carefully prepared and waiting for an opportunity to commit crimes. We must prevent the occurrence of cases through the transformation of working mechanisms. We must pay close attention to the dynamics of employees' thinking and eliminate the hidden dangers of various induced cases in the bud. For example, in terms of working mechanism, job rotation can be carried out in an institutionalized form, auditing and supervision work can be done in an institutionalized form, and employee training can be done in an institutionalized manner to avoid long-term work of employees in the same position. The negative effects come from avoiding the temptation of crimes caused by familiarization with regulatory loopholes. It is necessary to make the effectiveness of internal control execution in an institutionalized form.

Third, we must strengthen risk education management. It is necessary to establish a sense of risk for all employees and highlight the key points of prevention. Every post, every link, and every employee is the key to preventing risks. A little carelessness will result in losses and risks. Therefore, we must combine the prevention and control of cases with the completion of business operations, and combine the special case management of risk cases with the enhancement of employee risk awareness and improve the overall quality of employees. Improve the awareness of risk prevention for all employees.

Fourth, we must strengthen the construction of security and soft environment. First, we must pay attention to the hardships of employees, solve the difficulties of employees' study, life and work, and solve the worries of front-line employees such as noon to eat hot meals at noon, and not get rest after meals, so that they can work hard and be full of enthusiasm. Second, we must increase employee income. The facts fully prove that the income level of employees has a great relationship with the frequency of cases. The units and industries with high income, stable work and no worries are lower or zero. Increase the income level of employees, at least to maintain the same level as the price index, so that low-income employees have no worries, work carefully, and consciously resist any form of violation. Third, we must listen to the voices of employees and pay attention to changes in employees' thinking. Leaders at all levels must go to the grassroots level to fully engage with each employee, and be good at using the art and methods of leadership to enable them to speak out what they want to say in order to grasp the ideological movements, pay attention to grooming and solve the various life they face. , learning, work difficulties and contradictions, and the focus and difficult issues they are concerned with, negative and positive.

Fifth, we must strengthen education on prevention and control awareness. Further improve awareness of prevention and control. It is necessary to increase the intensity of learning and education, enrich the learning content through innovative learning forms, enhance the learning effect, and let the compliance culture such as system regulations be memorized in the minds of employees, keep in mind, and constantly improve the awareness of prevention and control. It is necessary for employees to learn to look at the essence through the phenomenon in education, to be prepared for danger in times of peace, to be good at discovering the undercurrent of the dark tide from the calm, to eliminate the accident in the bud and the initial stage, to be self-aware, self-protection, self-protection and self-improvement. Further improve the internal control execution. It is necessary to comprehensively strengthen the construction of internal control execution from the case education, system learning, business operations, inspections and inspections, and the discovery and rectification of problems, and further improve the internal control execution capability of all employees. We must attach great importance to the weak links in internal management. Finding signs and hidden dangers, rectifying the violations found, arbitrarily pursuing them, and severely punished them, always maintaining a high-pressure situation, so that every minor violation can be highly valued and alert, and fundamentally eliminate violations. . Bank security is the cornerstone of the rapid development of banking business. Building a security barrier against us is a powerful guarantee and support for the rapid development of our business.

Bank security summary

This year, under the correct leadership of the Xingfu Social Security Bureau and the X Public Security Bureau, I will seriously implement the spirit of the X-Ren Rural Social Security Case Work Conference, and focus on the objectives of the case prevention and prevention work. Preventing the main, in order to check and promote the guiding ideology, strengthen the team building, strengthen the management of the police team, create a good atmosphere of "safety for the collective, everyone's preservation", achieved certain results in the security work, achieved the year There is no target for safety and security incidents.

First, grasp ideological education and enhance safety awareness

Strengthen the security responsibility mechanism. It is the key to strengthen the prevention and preservation of responsibility. Our county rural quota society starts with a sound organization and leading organization, strictly implements the “first-in-command” responsibility system, puts the target management in an important position, crosses the side to the bottom, does not leave a dead end, signs the target responsibility at all levels, and implements risk responsibility. The responsibility control mechanism for the gold special assessment strengthens the leadership responsibility and the sense of participation of all members, and is responsible to the first level. The leaders of each branch took the lead in earnestly studying and implementing the spirit of the superior archives, regularly researching and deploying the security work, often conducting security inspections at the grassroots level, paying attention to the security dynamics within the jurisdiction and timely solving the problems in the security work.

Strengthen the case to prevent common sense learning. Our affiliated association strictly implements the crime prevention knowledge learning and education system. In the monthly general meeting of the branch directors and the centralized accounting, we adhere to the safety common sense learning and education, so that the superior files must be learned, the basic knowledge is normal, and the basic operations are well known. Anti-planning" is a heart. The police officers also have to separately carry out the skills training and safety knowledge in safety and security, and we have also conducted special studies on the cases notified by the higher authorities.

Strengthen ideological warning education. This year, our association has carried out special warning education for Hubei XX gun robbery case, Hunan XX gun robbery case report, etc., and made a reversal of the situation, combined with the social security situation within the jurisdiction, tidying up the mind, grasping the self-examination and promoting rectification, so that the majority Employees have a clear understanding of the seriousness and necessity of safety precautions, enhance their sense of urgency and urgency, overcome the paralysis and luck, and sound the alarm.

Strengthen the awareness education of case prevention. In the face of the increasingly severe security situation, following the all-X rural quota social defense work conference in August, the leaders of the association reviewed the situation and advocated the implementation of the rural quota social defense system as the main line to "strengthen security measures and enhance security." "Preventing awareness, focusing on rectifying potential safety hazards, improving safety and prevention capabilities" as a content, taking "learning, training, and reforming" as a measure, launched a campaign to strengthen the awareness of safety awareness in the rural quota society of the whole jurisdiction, and divided the system files and plans. During the three stages of drills and investigations, the Associated Press has convened a special meeting of the directors' office and the branch directors to deploy the full X rural quota social defense work. The mobilization of each branch is combined with the content of the professional moral education of the X rural quota society. A variety of case prevention education has achieved good results. According to statistics, during the activity period, the whole district organized a total of 24 sessions with the club as a unit. The per capita learning time was 10 hours, and the organization was tested once. It also targeted business, library, escort, bullets, computer operations and equipment security. The implementation of the security system was reviewed and rectified, and 15 security risks were rectified, adhering to the principle of “three not letting go”. Through the development of the activities, it has effectively promoted the consciousness of all staff to operate according to the system and operate according to the regulations, enhance the awareness of safety precautions for all employees, improve the emergency response capability of “four defenses”, and strengthen the safe operation of rural quotas. Thought "protection dike". Overcoming the misunderstanding of the past, "heavy business, light security, re-examination of the form of light rectification and implementation, rebuilding and light investment", formed a consensus of "spending money to buy peace, not hesitate to invest in security", effectively promote security and security work to business operations Safe operation and a benign development track.

Second, grasp team building and improve safety and prevention skills

Strengthen the construction of the police team. In accordance with the requirements of the X, X Public Security Bureau and the higher-level administrative offices, our association has adjusted and enriched the police team this year, and implemented the file construction and unified management. Adjusting the number of security personnel X, newly added economic police X people, the police officers have been strictly examined by the personnel and security departments, with good health, political thinking, high cultural standards, serious and responsible work, younger, The team's youth and vitality are guaranteed, and the team's quality and combat effectiveness are greatly improved. X00 times of the escort position task was completed throughout the year, all of which were safe, timely and error-free.

Strengthen skills training. This year, X new recruits were recruited to participate in the professional training of the X Public Security Bureau, and they were trained in the ranks, police, and live fire. All of them were qualified for employment. At the same time, the X-member of the Associated Press also participated in the "gun knowledge" exam organized by the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

Strive to improve living and work security. The police are responsible for the main target guards and banknote escorts. The work is assaulted and dangerous. The service activities require early departure and late return, and the wind and rain are unimpeded. In order to mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of the police force and maintain the healthy development of the team, we have effectively improved and implemented the labor insurance benefits of the security personnel. This year, the whole jurisdiction has invested in the funds to purchase the police clothing, and the subsidy system for the police officers to transport the positions, to solve the team's worries. So that the players can unload the burden from the mind and work with peace of mind. The leaders of the association took the form of individual interviews and democratic life meetings, and repeatedly learned the opinions and suggestions of the police officers. They properly solved the problems concerning the subsidies for security personnel, the living facilities on duty, and vacations, and fully mobilized the enthusiasm of the security personnel. .

Third, grasp inspection and rectification, and increase safety management

Strengthened inspection and rectification. In order to promote the institutionalization and standardization of safety and security work, the inspection results will be implemented. At the beginning of the year, according to the instructions of the X Office, we formulated the implementation measures for safety and security inspections and the implementation rules for violations of laws and regulations, and adopted the methods of routine inspections and surprise inspections, daytime inspections and evening inspections, daily inspections at the countryside, and major festivals. Always pay attention to the dynamics of security and security work within the jurisdiction, rectify hidden dangers, plug loopholes, and prevent problems before they occur. This year, we have adopted methods such as listening, checking, asking, and testing, taking the form of a percentage system, checking the system to see the implementation, checking the management to look at loopholes, checking the facilities to see hidden dangers, and checking the thoughts and understanding to incorporate safety and security into each quarter. Comprehensively assess the work objectives, implement new measures for quarterly assessment and annual cashing.

Strict five management. First, strict escort safety management. Strictly implement the security system of defensive and custodial, and strictly abide by the operational procedures, ensuring that the business outlets are safely and on time and delivered without errors, and that the escort has no accidents. Second, strict management of the business, keeping the library, and duty safety. Each branch has generally established 11 basic safety work systems, formulated the “four preventions” emergency disposal plan, and can achieve the system on the wall, the content is heart-felt, and the operation is skilled. The third is strict management of bullets. The firearms management safety responsibility system has been generally implemented, and the “ten strict” standardized management system such as bullets and tubes has been strictly implemented. The procedures for collection and handover are strict, the registration is complete, the responsibilities are clear, and the department checks and leads the monthly inspection and supervision. The custody of the fixed person's fixed cleaning and maintenance system was maintained, and the performance of the firearms was maintained. There were no violations of guns or abuse of firearms throughout the year, which ensured the safety of bullet management. The fourth is strict management of joint defense. All outlets have established joint defense relations with the four neighboring government units or households, local governments and public security police stations, signed a joint defense agreement, and strengthened the association with the joint defense households so that they can come. The fifth is strict management of information files.

Strengthen the construction of physical defense. We firmly establish the idea of ​​"spending money and keeping peace", implement the principles of starting from safety and proceeding from reality, formulating scientific and rational safety facilities, designing and painting, prioritizing, implementing step by step, and increasing capital investment. This year, in the case of tight funding, it has invested 13,000 yuan to continuously improve and strengthen the construction of safety facilities, improve the physical defense and technical standards, and improve the safety factor. First, the construction of safety facilities for the vault house was strengthened. Xintai Lianshe Center warehouse full safe X station, improve the company's business department to keep warehouse equipment. A new exhaust fan, a double iron bed X frame, and a reinforced warehouse door X. The second is to strengthen the construction of escort safety facilities.

Highlights computer security management. The application of computers has improved work efficiency and brought new problems to safety and security work. In order to strengthen computer security management, our association has effectively formulated computer security management methods and centralized management methods for computers according to the requirements of the municipal office, and implemented management responsibilities to gradually purchase, install, operate, use, maintain, and back up business. Towards standardization. At the same time, the inspection and implementation efforts were intensified, and the computer security management organization inspection activities were conducted X times. The computer system user and password protection, data security, network security, hardware installation, virus prevention and other aspects were carpeted and rectified. To ensure that the computer management of the entire jurisdiction is safe and without accidents.

In the past year, the case prevention work of our affiliated company has been continuously strengthened and achieved certain results. However, the case prevention work is a complicated and arduous system project. The severity of the social security situation and the aging of a large number of safety facilities and equipment have made the security and security work encounter unprecedented challenges, and the existing problems are gradually exposed.

First, the awareness of safety precautions needs to be further enhanced. A small number of workers and leaders still have paralyzed thoughts on safety and security work, and they are lucky, mainly because they are not able to rectify some old aging facilities. Such as. . . . . . And other issues.

Second, the security facilities need to be further improved. Due to historical conditions and existing funding restrictions, several affiliates of our affiliated association are rudimentary, such as: ...., there is only one special bullet-proof transport truck, and it also has to carry out daily administrative vehicles. The treasury of the Associate Center has not yet been carried out. The TV monitoring and transformation, the GPS satellite positioning system of the cash transport vehicle is also to be installed.

Third, security management needs to be further improved. Low personnel and poor defense facilities have always been our weak link and the business model of the village-to-village family is an important hidden danger. In addition, with the rapid development of electronic construction, computer security management needs to be further improved.

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