Work Summary > Annual Work Summary

2014 Kindergarten Annual Work Summary

Kindergarten work summary

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it is time to end the semester. Looking back at the work of this school year, the state of tension is vivid. Through the joint efforts of all the teachers in this semester, all the work is coming to an end. Based on the principle of “feedback, summary, introspection and improvement”, the work of this school year is summarized as follows:

1. Teacher arrangements and curriculum arrangements:

In this school year, our park still faces a relatively difficult work situation: there are few Chinese teachers and young teachers are absent. In this state, in the teaching schedule of the beginning of the school, the teaching characteristics of the teachers in the park are carefully selected according to their personality characteristics, teaching ability and professional characteristics. In the aspect, the teachers' tutoring work has been carefully adjusted and arranged. In the difficult time, the difficulties in teaching and educating kindergartens have been solved in a timely manner. Teachers who have stronger Chinese expression skills and rich work experience have been adjusted to the front line of teaching. Larger and more patient teachers are placed among the younger middle-aged children. It is easy to communicate with the children. The teachers who are lively and cheerful and have outstanding musical and dance skills have been adjusted to the language, music, and children’s wisdom activities. The enthusiasm of the corresponding post teachers also improved the children's enthusiasm for learning and was mobilized and developed.

Second, the teacher's ability training:

1. There are few professional teachers, there is a shortage of funds in kindergartens, and the teaching design of teachers is limited. Therefore, we are actively organizing teachers to watch the training courses on the excellent education courses of distance education broadcasted by the Education Department of the Autonomous Region every week and to discuss in the teachers, learn from each other, learn from each other. It is useful, and it is applied to the teaching process of the park in the way that the teaching conditions are suitable for the environment of the park, and the teaching conditions can be achieved. The new model inputs such as music and props are boldly invested in the classroom teaching and have won the children's likes. A single small-scale classroom teaching has transformed more flexible forms of teaching.

2. Due to the shortage of teaching equipment, we actively organize teachers to look at the information on the computer, learn the reuse of used and used materials, and also mobilize parents to collect waste materials and teachers to create together, and create many teaching tools and game toys for young children. The development of this activity has solved the dilemma of the single teaching mode and the monotony teaching equipment. The production of various headwear and handmade cards and the use in the classroom have attracted the attention of the children. When the teacher is tired, the teacher has grasped the psychology that the children like to be fresh and inquiring, and the classroom teaching work has become easier;

3. Through the study, the teachers have developed the characteristics of the child's age in the preparation of the lesson. The habit of expressing the child's personality characteristics in the lesson plan can see the teacher's reaction to the child's learning effect in this lesson after each lesson in the lesson plan. In the next lesson, teachers can continue to find problems in their work, find them in time, and solve them in time.

Third, the design of teaching activities:

This semester, we mainly set up the teaching of Pinyin, Mathematics, Language, Art, Science, Health, and Behavior Guide. Teachers strive to improve each class. The teaching requirements require teachers to carefully study the teaching materials before class, accurately grasp the difficult points, pay attention to strengthening the difficulties in the classroom teaching, emphasizing the key points, strictly follow the cognitive rules of young children in teaching, age characteristics, combined with children. The life experience, purposeful, planned, and organized to carry out the study of each course, and continue to summarize and actively improve their own teaching level.

1. Pinyin teaching:

The teaching of Pinyin in this semester allows the children to learn the complex vowels, the whole syllables, and to read the syllables, recognize the shape, write correctly, and read them four times. Learning the syllables composed of initials and complex vowels, can accurately spell the syllables and correctly write the syllables. From the actual, use intuitive teaching, such as: pictures, cards. In education and research, teachers can carefully write teaching plans, prepare classes early, carefully study materials during class preparation, learn the "Outline", and strive to find out the key points and difficulties. Listen to each other's classes, listen carefully to colleagues' opinions, and improve teaching methods. Write reflective reflections and lessons learned every day. In the process of teaching and learning, efforts are made to stimulate the interest of young children, focusing on spelling, mastering certain spelling methods, and correctly using "situation maps" and "context songs". Rationally infiltrate the humanity of the textbook, let the children make small stories; use songs; edit the slogan and compose songs to help the children remember. In the classroom, everyone strives to create a lively and active teaching environment suitable for children's psychological characteristics, which causes children's interest in learning, attracts children in various ways, and enables them to get infected and educated, while completing physical and intellectual aspects. In terms of moral behavior, emotional and aesthetic education, our teachers also pay attention to “happy teaching” and “education and fun” to keep children in an atmosphere of happiness and high desire for knowledge.

2. Mathematical teaching:

Under the guidance of the teacher, our young children can combine the practical experience in life, distinguish and understand the related connections of some things, understand, analyze and summarize the relationship between numbers and numbers through their own operations, and be accurate. Perform 20 additions and subtractions. Can have a certain space imagination ability to the things around. In the work during this semester, we closely integrated teaching activities with the daily life of young children, and cultivated and protected young children's interest in mathematics learning through game methods, creating and providing certain conditions to help children use mathematics knowledge reasonably. Turn it into the ability to recognize things. Organize the creation of various scenes in teaching, develop with interesting stories and games, and cooperate with specific image teaching aids to guide children to find problems and solve problems in multiple directions, multiple angles and methods, and give full play to the main role of children's learning.

3. Language, art, health, science teaching:

In terms of language, the children are proficient in the story of children's songs in the language textbooks. They can recite the children's songs in the textbooks during the semester, and can repeat the stories in the texts, and can use some words to speak orally. We ask teachers to standardize the blackboard in the classroom, explain in detail, teach the children the correct way to memorize, help the children to develop good learning and healthy habits, and guide the children to master the correct habits of memorizing and cherishing school supplies, and asking the children to Emphasis on eye hygiene, develop good study habits, and promote the overall development of children's physical and mental health.

4. Teaching activities:


1. We organized young children to enter the park, established a normal teaching order, and put the start of school work in place.

2. Strengthened the training of children's safety awareness and good behavior habits.

3. The teacher has strengthened the creation, re-adjustment and scientific planning of the class theme environment and formed an orderly game environment.

4. In the current semester, our school also conducts post training activities for young teachers.


1. Regularly check the routines of each class and urge teachers to educate their children on weekdays.

2. Each school segment organized different teaching and research activities.

3. We organize key teachers to conduct demonstration classes and observe all the teachers to attend classes and evaluate classes.

4. Investigate the subject wall of the class and improve the ability of the teacher's theme wall to create. Enrich the natural angle of the class and form a class, rich, beautiful and participatory class natural landscape. Replace and innovate a variety of teaching aids and game props every month.

5. Young teachers' post training activities have improved the overall quality of teachers.


1. Supervised the teaching and research activities of each scholastic group to jointly explore the problems that have arisen, and achieved the purpose of teaching different forms of education for children of different ages.

2. To mobilize young teachers to open class activities. This method not only improves the professional level of teachers, but also helps young female teachers to establish self-confidence through encouragement and mutual praise in the evaluation.

3. The launch of the Parents Open Day event has drawn the relationship between kindergartens and parents, so that parents can truly understand the importance and difficulty of early childhood education, and thus get the support of parents.


1. The development of teaching and research activities in various scholastic groups has enriched the educational model of kindergartens, and also mobilized the enthusiasm of all teachers to participate in education.

2. The activities of the June 1st activities have stimulated the children's dance nerves. The teachers and pheasants of our garden encourage the children to practise all their exercises. Whether it is good or bad, right and wrong, the teachers actively encourage and give the children the right to spend the holidays.


1. Organized and archived various types of materials.

2. Each teacher will do a good job at the end of the period, and make a good review and outlook.


1. Develop various work plans and complete regular education for children;

2. Normally carry out various teaching activities and supervise all aspects of work;

3. Because of the completion of the new teaching building, all the teachers are doing the work of designing and decorating the interior decoration of the teaching building under the premise of ensuring the children's safe work.


1. Do a good job in the manual production of the teaching building;

2. Do a good job in the design and environmental creation of the theme walls of each class;

3. Complete the decoration design work.


1. Do a good job in winter heating safety;

2. Carry out activities in the theme wall covering and corner design activities.


1. Do a good job summary of each work;

2. Do a good job in holiday work.

Fourth, enhance safety awareness and pay close attention to safety work

1. "Safety is the sky, teaching is the land" is a joke, but it is not difficult to see that people's value is getting more and more attention. The leaders of all levels of education are safer than the teachers and children. Grasping more and more tight. The frequency of legal person responsibility, accountability, and responsibility to people appearing in various files is increasing. In order to strengthen the safety awareness of teachers and establish the concept of safety first, the safety work leading group is first established. The formation of the head of the park is directly led by the deputy director, and there are plans, summaries, inspections, assessments, and links to the year-end assessment. Meetings are held every week to let everyone know that safe work is a major event in human life, so that teachers' doors are highly valued for their safety work. In addition to a few unpredictable emergencies, many accidents in kindergartens are mainly caused by the lack of responsibility of the parties. Let everyone realize that their responsibility is great, and they should take the precautions and strengthen their sense of responsibility to prevent accidents.

2, morning inspection is the beginning of a day of activity, therefore, I ask teachers to seriously do a question and two to see three touches and four investigations to prevent children from bringing dangerous goods and infectious diseases to kindergartens. In the morning inspection, the children who have found the problem should contact the parents in time, and the young children who take the medicine should be asked to clear the reason and register to prevent the wrong medicine. In the period of the outbreak of hand-foot disease, take a good morning check, wash your hands before entering the class, and make timely detection of illness, timely treatment,

3, each class is equipped with a disinfection cabinet, adhere to the disinfection of children's tableware every meal. During the semester, safety inspections such as disinfection of various classes were also carried out irregularly, such as cupboards, towels, articles and other cabinets, preparation of disinfectant, whether the tableware was placed neatly, and even if the floor was wet. Now teachers have gradually developed good habits.

4. Regularly check the kindergarten facilities to find hidden dangers in the park, including obvious and hidden, such as switches, electrical appliances, food hygiene, disinfection, fire hydrants, fire extinguishers, outdoor large sports equipment, etc. Taking measures to eliminate it ensures the safety of young children. Safety inspection files have been established to summarize and improve safety work in a timely manner.

5. Let the children master simple self-help skills, tell the children, let the children know about the earthquake, flood, self-rescue methods when the fire occurs. And learn to dial the special phone number: 110, 119, 120, etc. Children are often reminded to pay attention to safety during the activity. If you are careful of electric shock, beware of danger, do not push, so as not to collide. Educate young children not to play with fire, do not move the plug switch. Also actively carry out child evacuation drills to improve the ability of young children to save themselves. The children are led by the game to simulate the safety education of dangerous places such as roads. The "safety system" is the safety standard for kindergartens to carry out various work. At the beginning of the semester, the safety work responsibility letter was signed with each class. As the teacher's awareness of safety precautions strengthened, no accidental accidents occurred during the semester.

In short, while we are making children's routine learning the focus of this semester, we must continue to train children's reading and writing. The most important thing is to train children's good behavior. In the next school year, we will combine the shortcomings of this semester with the teaching of various subjects to lay a good foundation for young children to enter the national primary school. I hope that through the efforts of this semester, the park will have a large-scale improvement in terms of kindergarten atmosphere, environmental creation, and implementation of guidelines!

Kindergarten work summary

The season of snowflake flying, the hope of flying, the harvest is full, watching the time rushing away, nervous, busy, full and happy 2019 also quickly leave us. The rush of time seems to be just a snap, and the work of a school year is over. Looking back on what happened in the past year, although the work is very busy, it is very busy. "In order for every child to make progress," this is the driving force for my unremitting efforts. Looking at the growing children, I feel a sense of pride from them. In this school year, with the help of leaders and the help of colleagues, the teaching work has been completed well. The work in the past year is summarized as follows. By summing up the experience and lessons, we will learn from each other in the future work. Strive for greater results.

First, the ideological side:

I can conscientiously abide by the rules and regulations of the implementation of kindergartens, unite my comrades, make love homes like home, and do my best to do a good job of teaching, teaching and learning, teaching and educating people. I love the preschool education, based on my job, dedication and dedication. Seriously study new educational theories, update educational concepts in a timely manner, and actively participate in various training and observations. The new form of education requires that we must have advanced educational concepts in order to adapt to the development of education. Therefore, I not only pay attention to the collective political theory, but also pay attention to the nutrition from books, and carefully study how to do a good job in the new form. teacher.

Second, class work:

To love children, we must understand children, including a deep understanding of the child's physical condition, family situation, hobbies, personality temperament, joys and sorrows. This is the prerequisite for doing a good job in class management, avoiding blind spots in education, teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, and also the necessary conditions for improving the level of education management and improving the quality of education and teaching.

In order to understand the children, I am with them every day, play games with them during class, talk to them at noon, and understand their basic situation during the chat. After a long period of understanding, I know a lot. In the usual time, we can actively communicate with parents to synchronize their homes, educate children well, and make good connections with our homes. In life, I care as much as possible about the healthy growth of each child. In teaching, I have used as many teaching methods as possible that are easy for children to learn.

Third, education and teaching:

Now I don't mention the class well, I can be afraid of class and I want to go to class. I think I have already defeated myself. During this semester, I heard that Teacher Mei arranged the teaching and research classes of other teachers. I haven’t heard my name for a long time. I finally couldn’t help but ask the leader that I want to go to class. I always remember that there is such a saying: the opportunity will always be left to Prepared people! I carefully and repeatedly analyzed the textbooks and prepared for the class. A music event was well received and affirmed by the leaders. At the same time, the leaders also put forward suggestions and higher requirements. After class, I The textbook was analyzed and reflected again. The other two classes were also studied in the second and third studies. They were also praised and affirmed by the leaders and teacher Wang Lan.

Teaching and educating people is a comprehensive art that shapes the soul. I feel very gratified when I grow up as a teacher. Children's young age is full of curiosity and curiosity about new things, which requires me to have more knowledge to satisfy the child's curiosity and curiosity. I used the rest time to read a lot of books carefully. When I encountered a child's question that I couldn't answer at the time, I used the book and the Internet to check the information to tell the child the most accurate answer. In the teaching work, I carefully wrote the teaching plan before class and carefully prepared the lesson, striving to achieve the accuracy of the knowledge and the artistic and flexible teaching methods. In the classroom, actively adopt various forms of teaching methods, use vivid and concise language to attract the attention of young children, and give children plenty of space for children to imagine. Adhere to all children, pay attention to individual differences according to the characteristics of children in this class, so that children can play in middle school, learn to play, and enjoy the knowledge easily and happily. I have always insisted on the cultivation of heavy abilities, the infusion of light knowledge, the cultivation of children's interest in learning, and the teaching methods for children to be used in a practical way, so that children can be used flexibly in practical applications.

The children in the big class are about to rise to the national level. I want to be their friends and communicate with them so that they can eliminate the tension before entering school. In daily education activities, I mainly focus on the cultivation of child routine and good study habits. And often in the class forum to send some articles about the young connection, so that parents and children can have a correct understanding of the country, so that children can easily and happily into the national small.

As teachers care and love every child, we must do it, especially to treat each child equally. Everyone wants to be respected and understood by others. The children in kindergartens are the same, so when I talk to my children, I kneel down and talk to them, hold his hand, touch his head, or hold a hug. It is also very happy to make the child happy to accept. I regard children as friends and they treat me as a friend.

Fourth, personal learning:

Actively study various educational theories to enrich themselves so that they can be guided by solid theories in their work and better educate and teach. Actively carry out academic study and study, cherish the opportunity for the park to give me a place to study, I also use my spare time to seriously study computer knowledge, learn to produce multimedia, find information online, further serve the teaching and so on.

5. In conclusion, I also established an effort for myself:

1. Strengthen their own training, pay attention to the cultivation of children's abilities, and improve their ability of random education.

2. Improve the level of theoretical research.

3, work hard in teaching, and strive to make the children in the class have greater progress on the basis of the original.

4, remember to see in a book, the teacher is divided into four types: wisdom love type, love hardworking type, diligent and conscience type, conscience coping type. In the future work, I will continue to work hard and actively think about how to do a good job as a preschool teacher. I hope that I will become a superb kindergarten teacher with wisdom and love, and strive for this goal.

Society is developing and the times are advancing. As a responsible educator, we must do our job with due diligence and responsibility with a high degree of sensitivity and consciousness to accomplish the sacred historical mission we shoulder. On the road of teaching and educating people, I paid sweat and tears, but what I harvested was the fullness, the heavy emotion. I will dedicate my most precious love to the children. I believe that today's flower buds will be blooming, and tomorrow will be able to bloom beautiful flowers.

Kindergarten work summary

In the current school year, under the guidance of the correct leadership and cordial care of the higher level, all the faculty and staff work together, unite and cooperate, adhere to the principle of “prevention first, prevention and treatment, and strengthen education”, and enhance the self-protection ability of children through safety education. . Through concerted efforts, the situation has been created for the entire school faculty and staff to care for and support the safety of kindergartens. In this semester, we seek truth in safety management, pragmatically conduct safety education, and strive to create a good atmosphere of "harmonious society, harmonious education". In order to make children's body and mind get better development, ensure the safety of young children, and make children form a preliminary The safety awareness, the safety work is summarized as follows:

First, strengthen leadership, strict management, clear responsibilities, and do a good job in kindergarten safety work

1. "Safety" is the eternal theme of kindergartens. Grasping safety is the top priority for kindergarten leaders. Safety work is important to implement, and it must be implemented in the minds of everyone, and must be implemented in actual actions. To this end, the kindergarten has implemented a situation in which everyone works in a safe manner, and a deputy director is specifically responsible for the safety work. It is required that the faculty and staff of each post must conduct safety inspections in the areas under their jurisdiction before going to work, and wait until every aspect of the link is confirmed to be safe or not. Every day, the safety team conducts safety inspections, finds problems in time and rectifies and reports them, and carefully records safety inspections to ensure solid security work.

2. Kindergartens always adhere to the principle of “safety first, prevention first”. In this school year, we mainly focused on safety management, persisted in safety education and training, and made all faculty and staff realize that “safety” is directly related to the survival of kindergartens through various plans and organized safety education. It is directly related to the status and reputation of kindergartens in society. Without security, there is no work. Thus forming a consensus on ideas and actions. Through training, study and practical drills and operations, all faculty and staff have enhanced their awareness of safety equipment and facilities while strengthening safety knowledge and safety awareness. They have strengthened their awareness of safety and truly achieved the goal of “no chaos, no alarm”. Panic has improved the ability of all faculty and staff to respond to emergencies and provided security for the development of kindergarten education.

3. Constantly establish, improve, and improve various safety systems for kindergartens, enhance safety and prevention, and focus on institutionalization of safety management. To do a good job in the safety of kindergartens is to do a good job in the safety precautions in daily life and establish a sound inspection and management system. The safety management team was set up, and the head of the school personally served as the team leader. The deputy director and the health teacher and the information officer Duanchang were members. Each member separated the responsibilities, signed the safety target responsibility letter at all levels, defined the safety responsibility, and strengthened the safety responsibility. Regular meetings are held on time every Monday, and the safety situation is summarized and analyzed. A safety work seminar is held every month to find out the hidden dangers in a timely manner, so that the safety work can be foolproof.

4. Adhere to regular and irregular safety inspections: Every month, the safety management team will investigate the safety hazards of kindergartens under the leadership of the director. The safety team will check the various facilities, equipment, activity venues, large-scale teaching aids and equipment in the park every day. Safety status of guardrails, doors and windows, power supplies, switches, gas stoves, etc., check fire-fighting facilities and alarm devices, safety conditions, placement and use status, check whether the emergency passage is unblocked, etc., to ensure that in case of emergency, timely Get foreign aid, etc., to ensure that the whole work goes smoothly.

Second, attach great importance to safety work and improve the safety awareness of faculty and children

Our park attaches great importance to safety work, regularly conducts safety education for all faculty and staff, and enhances the sense of responsibility of faculty and staff. And organize all faculty and staff to seriously study the various security education, security inspections and other files forwarded by superiors. Through study, let everyone know that safety work is a matter of life and death. Everyone is responsible for safety work, so that faculty and staff are safe in their thinking. Work is highly valued. Organize faculty and staff to study various accidents and cases reported by newspapers, magazines and media, analyze the causes of accidents, and conduct discussion and comment. Apart from a few unpredictable emergencies, many accidents in kindergartens are mainly caused by the lack of responsibility of the parties. Let everyone realize that their shoulders are of great responsibility, and they should take the precautions and strengthen their sense of responsibility to prevent accidents. During the semester, we conducted two fire safety drills, two earthquake emergency drills, watched traffic safety videos, and prevented the drowning safety micro-movie "殇", and invited the traffic police brigade instructors to come to the park to give traffic safety lectures to faculty and children. Lectures and drills have greatly improved the safety awareness of faculty and children.

Third, strengthen the standardized management of food hygiene in kindergartens

Food hygiene work is a key task in kindergarten safety work. In order to ensure the food safety of young children, our park has established a sound responsibility system for health and epidemic prevention and food hygiene and safety, and decomposed the responsibility for health and epidemic prevention and food hygiene and safety work in kindergartens. The person in charge, to fulfill the duties to the post, the responsibility to the people. Health teachers have increased supervision over the food hygiene of the canteens, ensuring that the procurement of facilities, equipment, articles and food in the canteen meets safety requirements, strictly control the safety and quality of food, prevent the occurrence of food poisoning accidents in kindergartens, and strengthen the faculty and staff. Food hygiene safety awareness and health knowledge, consciously resisting unclean food, enhancing disease prevention ability and public health responsibility, thus ensuring the health and safety of teachers and children, and insisting on regular and irregular food hygiene inspections to effectively strengthen food Health and safety management, promptly check the hidden dangers of food hygiene and safety, require the warehouse to strictly remove the warehousing, adhere to the invoice request system, do not enter expired, rot, deteriorated food, do a good job of disinfection records, goods procurement and food sample records.

Fourth, strengthen the guardian management system

In order to strengthen safety management and ensure the safety of young children, kindergartens have strengthened the door management system. If there is something in the middle of the parents, they need to pick up the child to leave the park. First, they should call the teacher of the class. The teacher will send the child safely to the parents. It is also stipulated that anyone who does not know or a minor will pick up the child and will not be allowed to release it to ensure the safety of the child. Strict gatekeeper registration system for outsiders is prohibited, and outsiders are prohibited from entering.

5. Do a good job in health care and create a safe and healthy environment for children.

1. The health teacher and the duty teacher insist on daily morning check to ensure that the child does not bring dangerous goods into the park. If the situation is found, the child is educated and communicated with the parents.

2. Usually pay attention to prevent scald children. Allow the boiled water, hot soup and hot rice to be warmed up before feeding to the child, and remind the child not to be hot.

3. Adhere to the daily inspection to prevent children from entering the bedroom with foreign objects, to prevent foreign matter from entering the ear, nose and mouth. On duty at noon, double the number of children, do not ignore the children of the lunch break, especially taking medicine for children and frail children. Inspect children for bad sleep habits, whether they are sick, etc., and inform parents of the abnormal situation and promptly give proper treatment.

4. Put good children into the park and leave the park. Every day, when the child enters the park, there are duty administrators and duty teachers to maintain the order at the gate of the kindergarten. Prevent the loss of young children, the infringement of criminals and the abduction of young children.

5. Strictly implement the sanitation and safety disinfection system. Class teachers are required to ensure that the classroom is ventilated and kept clean every day; the safety and hygiene of the tables and chairs are guaranteed; the toys are disinfected regularly to ensure that the children's cups and towels are cleaned and disinfected daily to ensure that the sleeping rooms are clean and disinfected on time. Every two weeks, remind parents to take the quilt home, clean and dry, and prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases in time. Strictly fill in disinfection records, illness absence records and one-day observation records to ensure the safety of young children in the park.

Through the efforts of this school year, the safety work of our park has achieved certain results. There are no major safety accidents. We will continue to work hard, develop and innovate, and actively create a peaceful, stable and harmonious kindergarten environment to ensure the healthy and healthy growth of every child.

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