Work Summary > Annual Work Summary

National Summary of National Assessment for National Defense Students

In the twinkling of an eye, the time has passed, and we have ushered in the annual national defense annual assessment. In the whole school year of my freshman year, I have performed well in my studies and I am serious and responsible in my work. Now I will summarize the following as follows. I hope that the relevant leaders will carefully review the examinations.
I. Ideological understanding and political attitudes.
This year's military and political education, as well as the education of the platoon leader, let me further recognize the difference between our national defense students and ordinary local college students. As a national defense official, the future military officer of the Republic, it is far from enough to study only. The improvement of individual military and political factors, the cultivation of good style and the cultivation of military consciousness also play a vital role in the future development. Therefore, I must pay attention to my thoughts, and exercise and hone myself in the usual bit by bit, so that I can move closer to a qualified Republican officer.
One. In terms of learning, I was able to complete various learning tasks in accordance with the requirements of the school. I actively expanded to extracurricular activities and obtained a “third-class scholarship” in the first semester of the freshman year. The average score in the next semester also reached 85 points or more. However, I also admit that there are still some problems in my study. In the future, I will also guard against arrogance and arrogance, work harder, and strive to take it to the next level.
two. Discipline in obeying discipline is the lifeline of military personnel. As a national defense student, we should abide by the discipline of the school, insist on not being late, not leaving early, rejecting absenteeism and cheating in exams, and obeying the one-day living system of the Office. We must also consciously strengthen the awareness of organizational discipline and maintain the glorious image of the military. In this regard, I must strictly demand myself and persevere. If there are any shortcomings, I hope leaders and comrades will promptly criticize and correct.
three. In the aspect of caring for the collective and obeying the collective interests, I am able to correct my attitude and actively participate in the activities of the election and training office. This is not only a force for the collective, but also a rare opportunity to improve my ability. During the school year, I participated in the activities of “new-born military training” and “summer military training” organized by the Office of the People's Republic of China. Although I did not receive any honorary title, I personally felt that I was very productive. After continually summarizing the lessons learned, I believe that in the future work and study, I believe that I can do better in the future.
four. The individual military and physical fitness of individual military and physical fitness needs to be improved. I can also actively participate in training and strengthen physical exercise, but my personal military and physical condition is not too ideal. The reason why I am not ideal is that I don’t know enough. Therefore, in the future, I will pay more attention to the coordination of military, physical training and learning, the relationship of life, and strive to learn and train. A qualified soldier must have a strong body and a strong military savvy. Therefore, I will more actively cooperate with the training tasks of the election training office in the future, grasp the opportunity of this annual assessment, and strive to improve my military physique and physical fitness.
Fives. Comprehensive evaluation In the work and study of the freshman year, I was able to strictly abide by the various living systems of the school and the election office, and actively participate in various collective activities organized by the school and the school, and pay attention to the ability to exercise oneself. To cultivate individual military and political factors, I feel that I have gained a lot. However, I also admit that the individual's military and physical fitness are still not ideal. Therefore, the focus of the future will be to put the individual's military and physical abilities into consideration, study hard, raise awareness, and become a qualified national defense student.

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