Work Summary > Annual Work Summary

Annual work summary report

Enterprise annual work summary report essay

Under the correct leadership of the company's leadership, our company's trade unions fully seized the opportunity to celebrate the 93rd anniversary of the founding of the party, focusing on optimizing the investment and development of the service environment, taking innovative thinking and serving enterprises as an initiative to further solve the impact on our company's industry. The actual problems of economic development have highlighted the adjustment of industrial economic structure, the transformation of economic development mode and service enterprises, and have successfully completed the annual work objectives. The following is a summary of the following work:

First, the main work throughout the year

1. Strengthen situation education and promote awareness of implementation.

The company's trade unions actively promoted the city's major policies, combined with the actual analysis of our company, identified the key points, closely followed the work of the trade unions, focused on the construction of the executive force, and promoted the company's "three constructions" work, integrated resources to enhance implementation. Together, further promote the stable development of the company. The company's trade unions actively organized the company's employees to conduct "two transformations", "three constructions", situational task education and other special studies, and constantly create a public opinion atmosphere through meetings and class learning, and guide employees to recognize the current situation and tasks facing the company. Enhance the sense of self-consciousness and responsibility of employees; unite and mobilize employees to effectively unify thoughts and actions into corporate decision-making.

2. Strengthen the construction of democratic management and conscientiously implement the system of employee conferences.

The company's trade unions conscientiously implemented the "Work Standards of the Workers' Congress of the *** Provincial *** Company" and organized the three-time three-person workers' meeting. The meeting comprehensively reviewed the company's work in 2019, and carried out a profound analysis of the situation faced by the company from the perspective of long-term development; determined 2019 to "soliden one foundation, improve two capabilities, strengthen the three major sectors, and improve the four-oriented thinking Adhere to the work of the five main lines to ensure that the whole production achieves "double zero", the team maintains harmony and stability, civilized construction strives for greater honor, and the production and operation of the enterprise is sustainable, realizing the steady and rapid development of the company. The leaders of the city company visited the meeting in person, gave high praise to the company's work performance, and put forward specific requirements for future work, helping all employees to further clarify their work ideas and clarify the work direction.

3. Strengthen the quality improvement of employees and vigorously promote the standardization of team construction.

In order to further implement the work arrangement of the “three prominent and five-place” construction of the city's corporate team, improve the overall quality of the team as a starting point and deepen the execution of the team. The company's trade unions have improved the management information of the team construction, and also carried out a cross-checking activity of learning records that takes the role of the trade union cadre as the leader and strengthens the training core based on the post. Encourage employees to strengthen their studies, make good study records, and write reading experiences. Taking this event as an opportunity, the company's trade unions organized trade unionists and trade union team leaders to observe the employee's learning records and select the winners to encourage them. Trade union cadres look at the learning records through cross-cutting, find gaps and make up for the shortfalls, and ensure that learning is effective.

The company's trade unions conscientiously implemented the spirit of the superior archives and actively carried out the "safe class group trip" activities. First, it took the lead in holding a safety knowledge contest in the city company. The competition centered on the daily safety work of the two security key units of the station and the company, and organized eight teams to compete for one, two and three. During the competition, the team members of the participating teams strictly abide by the rules, and responded enthusiastically with a full enthusiasm and serious attitude. The atmosphere of the competition was intense and intense. The second is to carry out the "I provide a strategy for team safety" and the "Collection of typical case management of team safety" activities. The company's trade unions have collected 11 excellent rationalization proposals and 3 typical cases. These excellent suggestions will promote the safety management level of the team. Further improvement.

4. Strengthen the care of employees and carry out warm work in depth.

The company's trade unions thoroughly implemented the "National Fitness Program", innovated work ideas, organized employees to take physical and mental health as their purpose, and extensively carried out various forms of popular cultural and sports activities. This year is the 104th anniversary of the "March 8" International Women's Day. The company's trade unions organize women workers to visit Chaiqi River, and jointly carry out the "advanced female employees" commendation activities, and also organize female employee representatives to participate in the city's company to celebrate the "March 8" International Women's Day. The party organized a badminton training event and actively participated in the 4th “Safe Class Team” Cup Badminton Badminton Competition of the Municipal Company. The team members have been deeply impressed by the spirit of training and unity and hard work. They have been awarded the “Organization Award” for the “Safe Class Team” Cup Badminton Competition of the Municipal Company; to enrich the entertainment life of employees, cooperate with the company’s administration for all employees and A total of 154 family members of the family handled the “** Tourism Year Card”. Through the development of the activities, the corporate culture and entertainment atmosphere was invigorated, the spiritual and cultural needs of the employees were met, the physical and mental health of the employees was enhanced, and the cohesiveness of the employees to do their work was improved. The company's trade unions attached great importance to the extremely poor workers and the “Jinqiu Aid” workers. The file archiving and management work carried out the investigation and declaration of the extremely poor workers in a solid and meticulous manner. During the peak summer period, the company’s trade unions set up a heatstroke prevention and cooling condolence group to actively prepare for the heatstroke prevention and cooling condolences, and went deep into the company’s work sites and production teams. Conducting heatstroke prevention and cooling activities; organizing physical examinations for all employees, women workers' gynecological examinations, and constantly improving employee health records; relying on existing staff cultural and sports activities, extensively carrying out employee reading activities, issuing book vouchers for employees, and organizing the construction of "worker bookstores", Actively create a "star staff club", the company's trade union plans to create a five-star "star staff club" for the staff of the Yongyao Residence Property Management Office, and updated the supporting management facilities and books for the club; Living conditions to improve the health of employees The company launched a grass-roots union canteen standardized construction activities, declared **** Management Office, Management Office ****, *** management office three staff canteen for the standard canteen.

In order to build the trade union into a caring home for the employees, the company’s trade unions always gave condolences to the inpatients and workers with difficulties in life, and promptly sent the party, government, and workers’ greetings to the employees. In the past year, a total of 8 inpatients and their families have been condolenced, and 3 people have been members of the major holiday condolences and difficulties, and the blessing activities for the birthday of the employees have been continued. The condolence fee has exceeded 10,000 yuan.

Retirement work is an important part of the company's work. The company's trade unions are ideologically concerned about retired employees and take care of retired employees from life. Cooperate with all relevant functional departments to implement the various treatments of retired employees in a timely manner according to policies; the company's trade unions timely visit the retired employees who are hospitalized and hospitalized, and retired employees who are concerned about family life difficulties; adopt flexible and diverse forms to organize old comrades to carry out various activities. The cultural and sports activities actively provide the necessary conditions for the various cultural activities of veteran comrades. In March, the team participated in the 19th old gateball match of the city company; in May, the old employees were organized to participate in the city company fishing competition and Taijiquan training class. In October, organize retired veterans and their families to visit Qingjiang Gallery and celebrate the Chongyang Festival.

The company's trade unions stand at the height of politics and the overall situation, and carry out "love activities". The purpose is to vigorously advocate the good practices of employees caring for enterprises, caring for others and caring for the society. In April, the company's trade unions organized employees to donate to the “Yushu Earthquake”. The company's 37 employees actively participated in the donation activities and raised a total of 4,450 yuan.

5. Strengthen self-construction and improve the execution of the trade union team.

The company's trade unions have fully played the role of a bridge between trade union cadres and further standardized the work of trade unions. The trade unions regularly hold group leader meetings, arrange for the deployment of recent trade union work, convey trade union files, and promote trade union policies. The head of the trade union team also made full use of the time of the group to publicize the trade union policy to employees, carry out training on trade union laws and regulations, and convey the archives of the trade unions. The staff and workers can timely understand the trade union information and the work of the higher-level trade unions, including the work of the company’s trade unions. The head of the trade union team actively recommended it, and then the democratic selection of trade union officials. The head of the trade union team promptly reflected the thoughts of the employees to the trade unions, let the trade unions grasp the ideological dynamics of the employees in a timely manner, and carried out targeted work to resolve the contradictions in the bud.

Strengthen the training of trade union cadres and further promote the work of trade unions. In order to improve the quality of trade union cadres and adapt to the requirements of the situation, the company's trade unions regularly organize trade union cadres to learn, and encourage trade union cadres not only to learn the trade union business knowledge, but also to strengthen the study of law, management and other knowledge to optimize their knowledge structure. Broaden the knowledge and enhance the ability to speak and speak for employees.

In order to give full play to the important role of trade union theory and policy research in the overall situation of service enterprises and trade union work, the company's trade unions actively organize trade union members to focus on the company's key work and actual conditions, extensively carry out theoretical research and investigation and research work, and collect excellent papers. More than ten articles, including three articles by the municipal company "2019 Annual Trade Union Theory Research Collection".

This year, the company's trade unions have further improved the labor insurance information of employees, and timely completed the transfer of member files, standardizing and strengthening the membership management of trade union members.

Second, the main task of 2019

In 2019, the company's trade unions will give full play to the role of trade unions, help the company's cadres and workers to unify their thinking, identify the situation, find gaps, enhance motivation, implement actions into various tasks, and ensure the full completion of the goals in 2019. The task is to accelerate the "two transformations" and promote the company's good and fast development.

1. Continue to carry out in-depth team building activities. Doing a good job in team building is an objective requirement for improving the cohesiveness and competitiveness of enterprises, and it is also one of the key assessment projects for the city's corporate civilization inspection. The company's trade unions will continue to carry out self-inspection and self-examination in accordance with the "Assessment Rules for the Standardization of Trade Unions" and the work requirements of the "three outstanding five-positions" of the city company team, in accordance with the principles of seeking truth from facts, self-assessment and self-improvement, aiming at existing problems and Weak links will further improve the construction of standardized teams. Carry out good job training, improve the quality of employees through training, employee self-study, knowledge competition, skill competition and other forms. It is also necessary to give full play to the role of the union leader and the team leader in bridging the chain, guiding the grassroots cadres in the front line of the team, closely surrounding the company's development goals and business strategies, and doing a good job in the ideological work of the employees, truly reflecting the wishes of the employees, stabilizing the team, and actively assisting. The company's trade unions solve problems involving the immediate interests of employees.

2. Continue to run the staff bookstore activities. The implementation of the "worker bookstore" construction and the staff reading activities is an important measure to learn to strengthen the ideological and moral construction of employees, deepen the "creation of learning organizations, and strive to be knowledge workers" and implement the quality of employees. The company's work accounting painting was created. The company's staff bookstore is a three-star “worker bookstore”.

3. Do a good job of “sending warmth”. First, continue to carry out poverty alleviation and help to send warm activities, and actively do a good job of visiting condolences for inpatients, employees, workers and widows; second, pay attention to socially disadvantaged groups, advocate the concept of charity, and do a good job of helping the socially disadvantaged groups. jobs.

4. Continue to strengthen the building of spiritual civilization, and continue to carry out year-end summary appraisal and praise and push the preferred tree work. Continue to do a good job in the selection and commendation of grassroots advanced collectives and advanced model figures.

Summary of year-end work of patriotic health individuals

In 2019, under the correct leadership of the district committee and the district government, and under the guidance and support of the Municipal Aiwei Office, I will conscientiously implement the spirit of the patriotic health work conference at the city and district levels, closely surrounding the district committee and district government 2019. The patriotic health work target management task determined by the year, vigorously carry out the patriotic health campaign, pay close attention to the "four evils" prevention and control work, continuously strengthen the comprehensive rectification of city appearance and environmental sanitation, actively carry out the national health education, comprehensively start the construction of healthy cities, and steadily promote the new countryside. The pace of construction of health infrastructure has achieved new results in various tasks. In 2019, the patriotic health work in our district was fully affirmed by the leaders of the National Aiwei Office. The work of building a healthy urban area was highly praised by the chief representative of the World Health Organization in China, except for the “four evils” work for three consecutive years. "title.

First, the leadership attaches importance to the patriotic health organization

In the past year, the district committee and the district government have attached great importance to patriotic health work and have incorporated it into the important agenda. First, according to the actual needs of the patriotic health work in our district, the organization of the district Aiweihui was re-adjusted. The head of the district’s Ren Aiwei Association, the deputy head of the Aiweiwei, the deputy head of the Aiweiwei, and the director of the Aiweihui Office. Second, the 2019 patriotic health work conference was held in time at the beginning of the year to comprehensively summarize, arrange and deploy the Aiwei work. The head of the district and the 28 member departments signed the responsibility letter of patriotic health goals, and incorporated the patriotic health work into the year. Performance appraisal target. The third is to fully implement the “top-ranking” project. The main leaders of all departments and units of the district serve as directors of the Aiwei Association, forming a strong leading organization for patriotic health organizations, and improving the three-level management system of districts, streets and communities to make the patriotic At the level of the health work, there are people who are arrested, everything is managed, and everyone has the responsibility to ensure the implementation of various objectives and tasks. Fourth, give full play to the coordination role of the Aiwei Association. Regularly hold regular meetings on patriotic health work every month, summarize, arrange and deploy patriotic health work in each period and at various stages, timely study and analyze and coordinate the new developments in the Aiwei work. Situation, new problems, and new requirements. The fifth is to strengthen the long-term management of urban appearance and environmental sanitation. Since the beginning of this year, our office has issued the "Notice on Printing and Distributing the Summary of the ‧ Years of Patriotic Health Work in Karamay District and the Work Arrangement in 2019" Notice of Twenty Patriotic Health Months, "Notice on Forwarding the City Aiwei Association" Notice on Doing a Good Job of Destroying the Rats in the Spring of 2019", "On the Forwarding City Aiwei Association" on the selection and commendation xx- Notice of the Notice of Consolidating the Advanced Units and Advanced Individuals of the National Health City in xx Years, and the Notice on the Uniform Killing and Arrangement of Rats and Scorpions in the "Five Small" Industries in the Urban Area, "On the Development of the Twenty-First World Notice of the "Notice on the Activities of the Tobacco Day", "Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Improvement of the Current Patriotic Health Rehabilitation" and "Notice on Doing a Good Job in Improving the Patriotic Health Rehabilitation in the Third Quarter of Our District", I have been holding it for one year. The patriotic health work regular meeting and coordination meeting 10 times, compiled the patriotic health information briefing 4, organized the patriotic health inspection four times in the district, and coordinated the settlement of patriotic health. There were 94 various types of problems, and 14 people received letters, visits and complaints from the public, and the completion rate was over 95%.

In order to consolidate and develop the achievements of our district, in 2019, our district was responsible for receiving the inspection and guidance of the National Aiwei Office Bai Huqun and the Autonomous Region's Aiwei Office Director Dalji on the patriotic health work in our district. The chief representative, Dr. Han Zhuosheng and his entourage, conducted an investigation and research on the progress of building a healthy city in our district. The district also received the inspection and exchanges of leaders from many brothers and cities in Xinjiang and abroad. Effectively promoted the all-round development of patriotic health work in our district.

Second, the city in addition to the "four evils" work is solid and effective

New achievements in the eradication of rodent control in spring and autumn

In addition to the "four evils" work is a major part of patriotic health work, in order to effectively and effectively do the work of eradicating rodents in the spring and autumn of this year.

First, the organization mobilized the staff of 52 community neighborhood committees in five streets. According to the unified arrangement of the Municipal Aiwei Office, the government will invite 140,000 packs of cockroaches for free, and 160,000 bags of insecticide bait. 580 kilograms of rodenticide drugs were delivered to the homes of nearly 70,000 households in the city in time. According to scientific methods, they were uniformly killed and received obvious results.

The second is the spring and autumn season, entrusting two professional killing teams in the city to carry out unified killing and killing of the squirrels in 978 business premises in the “five small” industries in the city, placing 2457 poison bait boxes and killing an area of ​​110,000. In square meters, the density of groin has been controlled.

Third, in order to accurately grasp the current density of groin and its infringement rate in the urban area, our office has hired experts from the Autonomous Region Disease Control Center and relevant professionals of the Municipal Aiwei Office to conduct investigation and evaluation on the pre- and post-destruction of the urban squirrel. The result is: the “five small” industry has a density of 26%, which is higher than the national standards. The situation of extinction is not optimistic. Residential areas: The density of ticks and rats was 0.07% and 1%, respectively, far below the national standards of 3% and 5%, and achieved the expected results.

A new breakthrough in the work of killing mosquitoes and flies in summer

Effective killing of mosquitoes and flies is the main way to reduce the spread of disease. Starting from May of this year, our district organized two professional killing teams, for 48 consecutive months, 48 ​​main roads in the urban area, 52 residential quarters, forests, green spaces, flowers and grasses and rivers in and out of the institutions, schools and units. The cross-strait green space has carried out more than 5 large-scale, large-scale artificial ground fights against mosquitoes and flies; for scenic spots such as Century Park, Pedestrian Street and Jiulongtan, where residents are leisurely and entertaining, focus on killing and killing according to the density of mosquitoes and flies; Mosquito-fly breeding and breeding grounds, Jinlong Town breeding base, reed wetlands around the urban-rural fringe, ponds and places of immigrants, etc., have carried out more than two killings every month; on Yingbin Road, swimming Pavilions, golf courses, new administrative office environment, garrison camps, and areas with high mosquito and fly density such as Nanquan, Nanyuan, Nanlin and Zefu, Huifu, Runfu and Athena have also increased their efforts to kill them. Always keep mosquito and fly density to a minimum.

In order to strengthen environmental protection, the drugs used in this area except for the “four evils” are all high-efficiency, low-toxic, safe, non-polluting and environmentally-friendly drugs prescribed by the state, and will not cause any harm or impact on the human body, birds and the environment. .

Third, the appearance of the city appearance and environmental sanitation has changed significantly

2019 is the first year in which the city was renamed as “National Sanitary City” by the National Aiwei Association. It is also the most crucial year for me to consolidate and develop the achievements of the province, build a healthy urban area and create a national-level ecological zone. The district combines the annual patriotic health month activities in April, mobilizes and mobilizes the masses of workers and staff, vigorously develops the spring patriotic health campaign, and carries out environmental sanitation and rectification, and has received remarkable results. Since the beginning of this year, we have focused on the following aspects in terms of the city appearance and environmental sanitation:

First, the urban management, sanitation, gardens and streets and other departments worked closely together to carry out comprehensive rectification of the suburban junction and the environmental sanitation of the inhabitants' living places, and cleaned up all kinds of garbage, waste and hanging objects in the windbreak forest and tree ditch, and the environment. The health outlook is greatly improved. The second is to further increase the administrative law enforcement of urban management, severely investigate and deal with the phenomenon of “six chaos” along the street, rectify and standardize the operation and management order of the early and night markets, and significantly improve the appearance of the city and the environmental sanitation. The third is to continuously strengthen the road cleaning and sanitation in front of the three-package responsibility, constantly standardize garbage collection, removal and disposal, timely clean up the urban white pollution and all other stickers, hangings and pollutants, so that the urban environment is more tidy. The fourth is to strengthen cooperation with the property management department, further increase the cleaning of buildings, decorative garbage and other dumping materials in residential areas, and to manage the public toilets, garbage room walls, ground sanitation and sanitation facilities in the community. The cleaning and cleaning of the community has significantly strengthened the environmental sanitation management of the community. The fifth is to carry out the environmental sanitation and remediation activities of the “five clearing and five cleansing” of the new rural areas in Xiaoyao Township. New progress has been made in the construction of earthquake-resistant housing projects and standardized sanitary toilets, and the rural health has been improving.

Fourth, health education work has been fully carried out

Health education is a basic work of patriotic health. Vigorously carrying out a healthy and civilized lifestyle is the main direction of health education in our district this year.

First, a publicity campaign on smoking hazards was held in the middle school. In the National Elementary School, a new generation of signature activities was held to refuse to smoke the first cigarette, small hand and big hand, and never smoke.

Second, gardens, passenger transport and other units, using the electronic screens such as People's Square, Cultural Street, and Passenger Station Waiting Hall, have carried out rolling publicity campaigns on tobacco control and smoking bans, achieving the goal of “promoting a healthy lifestyle and reducing smoking to the public”. "Promotional effect."

Third, the streets used the window of the community culture propaganda position, the newspaper, the publicity column, the posters, the hanging banners, the health knowledge lectures, and the consultation services for the diagnosis of tobacco.

Fourthly, the blackboard education competition and health knowledge answering activities with health education as the content were carried out in the whole district. The rewards of the five street exhibitions were rewarded. A total of 500 health knowledge questionnaires were distributed and 450 valid responses were returned.

V. Construction of a healthy city project is fully launched

Building a healthy city is a global action strategy proposed by the World Health Organization for the impact of global urbanization on human health. Building a healthy city, a healthy community, and a healthy population is not only the inheritance and development of patriotic health work, but also the future patriotic health. A long-term task of the work, in order to fully implement the "Five Health Projects", our district has done the following work:

First, on the 6th of May, the Olympic Games countdown to 100 days, our district cooperated with the relevant departments in the sports stadium of the Municipal Sports Bureau, officially launched the “One Two One” in the urban area to participate in the Wanbu walk fitness activities.

The second is to carry out a knowledge-answering activity for the construction of a healthy city in the cadres of the whole district, and distributed 485 copies of the knowledge questionnaire and received 520 copies of the answer.

The fourth is to continuously strengthen the standardized management of food hygiene in cooked food processing bases and continue to implement food safety projects. For 118 business households who entered the cooked food processing base in the dark, they implemented centralized and unified supervision, which changed the situation that the past food processing was scattered, the operation was difficult to supervise, and the food safety was difficult to guarantee. All the quantitative assessment indicators met the prescribed standards. .

6. Carry out village rectification and continuously improve the appearance of rural environmental sanitation

In 2019, in order to improve the appearance of the rural environment, the goal of promoting Wuqingwu was changed. A total of 3 pages, the current page 2 123 is to carry out more than three times in the village of Xiaoxiang, the national village environment rectification activities, the township government mobilizes the villagers in the villages, using the opportunity of the leisure, on the village road, in front of their own, around The leftover livestock and poultry and domestic garbage were cleaned up, and the weeds and dead branches in the road between the two trees were completely removed. In the whole year, more than 60 tons of various types of garbage were removed, and the area of ​​cleaning and remediation reached more than 50,000 square meters. The number of people participating in environmental remediation reached more than 500, and the overall appearance of the village environment has changed significantly.

Second, the construction of the earthquake-resistant housing project in Xiaoxiang Township and the construction of its harmless sanitary toilets have made breakthroughs. With the completion of the earthquake-resistant housing construction and the full occupancy of the villagers, 303 harmless sanitary toilets were put into use.

In 2019, although the patriotic health work in our district has achieved certain results, we are also clearly aware that there is still a certain gap between all the work we have done and the requirements of the higher authorities and the expectations of the people. It should be acknowledged that some work is still done. Not enough to be in place, there are still many weak links. We are confident that in the new year, guided by the important thinking of the 'Three Represents' and the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we will take effective measures with a more realistic and pragmatic working attitude and a solid work style, and work hard to develop and develop. Innovate, carry forward achievements, overcome deficiencies, and continuously achieve new achievements.

School year-end work summary report

Dear teachers and comrades:

In the past five years, we have relied on the courage and wisdom of all faculty and staff to fully promote the three-level development strategy of “getting out of the predicament, building a strong school, and building a top-ranking strong school”, and successfully realized the “leadership of the city and the province. Demonstration, the national key point of the "three full" struggle goals. In the past year, the school education industry has achieved fruitful results, and the success of the news has greatly promoted the school's prestige and boosted morale. Since then, our school has bid farewell to the weak, and has become strong, our teachers and students have left their self-esteem and set their confidence. All the faculty and staff have put a lot of effort into it, and they deserve to win enough respect and honor to get more flowers and applause. Here, I lead all the members of the team to salute you! Dedicated to you from the heart of your heart! I look forward to the future, and everyone continues to perform brilliantly!

Comrades, have officially set sail in 2019, and there should be more beautiful expectations tomorrow. We will plan and design the future of the school with a new perspective and a new concept.

One or five-year planning goal: to create three business cards, improve the quality of the school, and build a job into a feng shui treasure land of Yueyang Education

Comrade Li Keqiang said: Reform is China's biggest dividend. The same is true of our school. In the past few years, the development of the school has been the result of reform. To continue to break through and write a new chapter, we must rely on reform. At present, teachers and students have a growing sense of identity and self-confidence in the school. There are many comrades who have moved us and made a lot of things that touched us. But to be realistic, there are still some teachers who have burnout and even professional fear, and their work enthusiasm is far from being fully mobilized. Students also have a considerable part of learning burnout and even learning fear, and learning is still passive. Although this situation is common in all schools, and some even more serious than our school, it cannot be paid enough attention. Our school will continue to move toward new goals, and my principal is not satisfied with being a president. In this case, it is obvious that teachers and students cannot be blamed. The root causes of all problems are deeply rooted in the leaders. I and the entire leadership team must take responsibility. Serious analysis, the crux of the problem is still in management philosophy, management ideas, we tend to pay too much attention to the work itself, ignoring the people who do the work. The state of mind of a person determines the state of work, and the state of mind of a person determines the state of life. Our teachers and students do not fully enjoy the happiness, happiness and glory brought by the identity of an employee or a student. They are only in a state of passive acceptance of role responsibility. We must improve the work of teachers and change the learning of students. First of all, we should transform the spirit of teachers and students. Spirit changes fate, spirit changes the world, and of course the spirit can change the quality of a school. Therefore, in the next five years, we will carry out work with a different concept and a different way of thinking, continue to push the cornerstones of reform to a deeper level, put the construction of the spiritual level first, and implement the management of entering the teacher’s mind. The education of the soul, the pursuit of the happy life of teachers and students, as the first goal of running a school.

Of course, one thing I am very conscious of, spiritual reform is far from easy, and it may be more difficult than nuclear weapons. But I always believe that I have to think about it, I have to do it, I think it is better than not thinking about it. Although you can't imagine it immediately, as long as you don't give up, don't slack off, stick to it day by day, accumulate it bit by bit, and reach a certain level, there will be a process of qualitative change, and the nuclear explosion of the spirit will be realized. I have such confidence, I am sure that this good intention can be recognized by everyone. Really change the true heart, true feelings for the true feelings, if we are all moved to work, what responsibility is worth to shirk, there will be no burden to bear, there will be no reason to not return to our best Myself! After five years of work, at that time, we should be radiant and energetic. The whole campus is full of enthusiasm and passion. I am waiting for you to be proud! I am proud of you! For this day, we will focus on creating three business cards:

Implementing a self-cultivation project and building the school into a spiritual special zone

A well-known president of Hebei Province once said: Hong Kong and Macao are political special zones, Shenzhen is a special economic zone, and schools must be built into spiritual zones. The school is a place for teaching and educating people. It is a frontier for the construction of spiritual civilization. If this place is polluted, the entire social ecology will be seriously affected. The school is of course a spiritual SAR.

To build a school into a spiritual special zone is mainly reflected in three aspects: First, the spiritual quality of teachers and students is noble: we must have a kind heart, a lover's heart, a tolerant heart, a dedication, a clean heart, and an enterprising heart. In the end, it is to be a good person; second, the mental state of teachers and students should be full: full of ideals, full of pursuit, full of optimism, full of fighting spirit, full of passion, in the end is to be full of enthusiasm; third is the teacher and student The spiritual life should be elegant: to stay away from vulgarity, away from the scent of copper, and away from the low-level taste, in the end it is to reject all unhealthy lifestyles. If people in the circle have such a spiritual realm, it will become a real spiritual SAR, and this is the ideal campus in my mind. How to climb to such a high spirit?

First, study and self-cultivation. "Books are the ladder of human progress". At the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Central Party School on March 1, Comrade Xi Jinping said: If the country wants to progress, it must learn. This is still true in a country, not to mention the school, not to mention the teacher. Reading is the first priority of self-cultivation. There are poetry and poetry in the abdomen, people who study and do not read, and those who read more and read less are different in their inner temperament and spiritual outlook. Some people see their charms of personality and personality. The source is reading, which is its own cultivation. The school's library and reading room must be built, and open at regular intervals. The environment should be warm, a book, a cup of tea, a faint mood, such a realm, can make people quiet, relaxed, those things that were originally cherished I will forget that even if I remember it, I will not care about it. We have to carry out the activity of “reading a good book in one semester” among the teachers and students of the whole school. The book fee is the responsibility of the school. All kinds of books can be read. If you choose from the perspective of self-cultivation, it is recommended to read more Chinese studies, especially Confucian classics. The ancients had half of the saying that the Analects of Confucius ruled the world. The headmaster of a famous school used the Analects of Confucius to rule the school. Books can't close the door to read, but also exchange, enlighten, apply, and exert value. I suggest that the teacher's hall be called "Slim Body", so that everyone can bring their own experience and personal feelings to the Slim Body to give lectures, comrades who give lectures, and the school gives appropriate rewards. It is also necessary to set some titles belonging to the school itself, such as “Dr.”, “Scholars”, “Professors”, etc., to issue honorary certificates to respect those comrades who are knowledgeable and highly cultivated. Through various methods, we should form a style and atmosphere of reading, so that reading becomes the pursuit and habit of everyone and becomes a need for life growth.

Second, believe in a strong soul. A nation lacking in faith cannot be strong, and an organization lacking in faith cannot be strong. Faith is about the soul, about the soul, can make our souls clean and kind, can make our souls depend on, and can make an organization produce immeasurable cohesion. When it comes to faith, maybe we will be very upset. Do I need faith? Every day at two points and on the campus and in the family, what can I believe in? Do I need faith? Don’t expect me to have such a high level of knowledge to make this problem clear. But I can make a suggestion about what I can believe in. I don't want to talk about political beliefs, religious beliefs, only the beliefs of our position. As a person, please believe in three things: First, the core value of a job - "sincerely united, adhere to ideals, dare to be first, pursue excellence", this is our campus spirit, but also our common spiritual pillar. Believe in her, everyone's heart will go to one place; second, the ideal campus of the post - spiritual SAR, happy home, cultural strong school, this is our school's development vision, but also our common spiritual pursuit, believe in her, Everyone's strength will go to one place; the third is the name of a good person in a position - true, good, beautiful, this is our creed, and our common spiritual conversion, believe in her, everyone's anger will go to one place Gather. As long as it truly becomes a kind of faith, it will be a "spirit" possession, inspiring the infinite desire and persistent pursuit of faith. When every one-time person has no regrets and dedication, will our ideals be far behind?

Third, exercise health. A person's mental state is a comprehensive reflection of his posture and mentality. Only those who are physically and mentally harmonious and healthy can be energetic and passionate people, and they may be optimistic, open-minded and positive. Our work pressures are very high, and we often feel physically and mentally exhausted. Many comrades are worried about their physical and mental condition. We must promote the harmonious development of teachers and students as an important task. First of all, we must guide teachers and students to strengthen physical exercise. Physical exercise is strong and healthy, increasing physical fitness and rejuvenating. To walk, run, do exercises, play, etc., these exercises will allow you to live longer and benefit. The school should build a teaching and fitness center to attract teachers to participate in physical fitness. On the other hand, it is necessary to organize older teachers to actively carry out health conditioning. Body conditioning can reconcile yin and yang, harmonious mind and body, prevent disease and cure diseases. TCM experts can be hired to do health care counseling, and they can also learn health knowledge by watching TV, reading, and surfing the Internet. You can maintain your body and maintain your body. If you reach a certain level, you will feel comfortable, full of qi and blood, and your eyes will be clean and clean. It is necessary to form a craze for exercise and health in the teachers and students of the whole school and continuously improve the quality of life.

Fourth, the event is pleasant. Some teachers are addicted to bad habits such as smoking, drinking and playing cards. Many students are addicted to Internet cafe games and fighting, which seriously affects physical and mental health and life safety, and seriously affects work and study. As a school, we must advocate an elegant and healthy life, and liberate teachers and students from some uncivilized consumption and entertainment by carrying out frequent and meaningful activities. It is necessary to organize the sports festival, the literary festival, and the skill festival. It is necessary to arrange the activities of Women's Day, Youth Day, Double Ninth Festival, National Day, and New Year's Day. It is necessary to establish various associations and club organizations. I especially hope that when you are free, you will go to nature, get close to nature, and return to nature. Those mountains and rivers are full of poetry and Zen. When you enter that world, you will get another life experience. We have lived in the world for too long, and the turmoil of the world makes people uneasy. Sometimes, our lives really need such a rest.

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