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Create a learning family work summary

According to the “Implementation Opinions on XXX Learning Family Creation Work”, we will create a learning-oriented family with the concept of advocating lifelong learning as the core, organize various forms of popularity learning activities, and further create a good social trend that advocates science and advocates learning, and gradually forms and We will build a lifelong education system that meets the requirements of the development of the times, enhance the overall quality of family members, and contribute to the development of Pujiang.
I. The completion of the target tasks According to the “Implementation Opinions on the Establishment of Learning Family”, by the end of XX, 30% of the households in the town were created as learning families. Based on the total number of households at the end of XX, based on 6%, 1898 households of learning families will be created in XX. According to 8% of XX, XX and XX years, 2,530 households will be created each year. This year, 2,170 learning households will be created, accounting for 6.8% of the created indicators, and the target of creation is completed.
Second, the creation of activities According to the "Implementation Opinions", we did four things:
1. Grasp the propaganda. The first is to use the publicity columns of the three communities and the publicity columns of the villages and neighborhood committees to publicize the conditions and standards of the learning family. Second, organize the director of the Women's Congress to study the Implementation Opinions and publicize the purpose and significance of creating a learning family. Third, the grassroots women's congress will organize volunteers, women's congress leaders and other students to learn, to be responsible for grading, responsibility to people, so that the creation of learning-type family activities to achieve family awareness, households striving.
2. Grasp the implementation. According to the "Implementation Opinions", we will implement them at different levels. According to the 30% task, each village and each neighborhood committee will be implemented. The village committee will then implement the task of creating the target together with the village group and the resident group.
3. Grab the activity. Grasping propaganda and grasping activities is the form of creating jobs. Improving the overall quality of the whole people is fundamental to the creation of work. Actively organize a variety of activities to increase the impact of the creation work. We have organized various activities. The first is the “Million Family Learning Law” activity. With the theme of “Improving Legal Quality and Building a Harmonious Family”, the Women’s Learning Law essay activity received more than 70 essays and carried out the “Million Family Law” and “Premarital Medical Examination” knowledge contests, involving more than 1,400 family members. To organize a legal knowledge training course for grassroots women cadres, and invite Tang Guoren, director of the Institute of Law, to share the rights and obligations of women and children in the protection of women’s safety and health at work and in labor in the Protection of Women and Children, the joint property of husband and wife, and prevention of minors. He gave a detailed lecture on how to commit crimes and how to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the elderly. He also analyzed the cases. The teacher interacted with the students and did exercises while teaching. He guided and helped the women cadres to correctly handle the new situation and new work in their daily work. problem. The second is to carry out the "knowledge into the family" activities. Relying on the Community Women's School and the Community School Branch of each village committee, we conducted a series of lectures on health care, legal knowledge, and scientific parenting knowledge, and launched the “Sunrise” cup science knowledge contest with the theme of “Technology creates the future”, 1038 The family-learning family participates in the online click competition. We also distribute the propaganda books of the “People who cherish the source of life to participate in the environmental protection and civility action initiative” to all women’s congresses in the village of Pengdu Village, Maqiao Town, using the publicity column and blackboard. Newspapers and other publicity, so that each family consciously raise environmental awareness, change bad habits, so that Pujiang will soon become a municipal-level civilized town to contribute. The third is to carry out the learning family creation activities of “small hands and big hands”. Through the combination of home and school, home-school communication, under the guidance of the teacher, parents and children learn together to improve their interest in learning, improve the overall quality of parents, and achieve the goal of common progress. The fourth is the Pujiang women's "study etiquette, learning fitness" activities. We invited Xie Dong, a senior lecturer at the Shanghai Institute of Metallurgy, to give lectures on women's mental health and social etiquette for grassroots women cadres and all female teachers. Teacher Xie elaborated on four aspects: etiquette language and female image, ceremonial dress and female image, color matching and female image, civilized manner and female image. The sisters are deeply inspired and enlightened. While striving to create a harmonious society, we must strive to be a lovely Pujiang woman. Jointly set up 3 tap training courses with the Cultural Management Center, training 206 people, 4 dance classes and 200 training sessions. During the Golden Autumn Festival, we will organize a large-scale showcase of women's clothing and showcase the beauty of Pujiang women. The fifth is to carry out the “New Pujiang and New Life Photography Competition. In conjunction with the Family Digital Photography Competition conducted by the Women’s Federation of the District, organize a photo contest that reflects the civilized, healthy and happy family style. More than 20 families participated, and walked with the civilization and peers with Pujiang. .
4. Grasp the typical. The typical approach, role model demonstration is an effective way to create a learning family, and is a "living material" to enhance the persuasiveness and appeal of learning family creation work. To this end, we cultivate and explore advanced models, and use the things around us to educate people around us to do more with less. We take the Wu Fanglan family of the district learning family and the Yuan Zhiqing family of the exemplary learning family in Shanghai as a typical guide. Yuan Zhiqing family seriously explores the connotation of the learning family and deeply studies the characteristics of the learning family, especially for the parent education. Explore research and create a pleasant and harmonious learning environment. Two generations will learn together, strengthen communication with children, and achieve mutual support and mutual growth among family members through communication, improve family affinity and cohesiveness, and promote family members' success.

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