Good sentence Daquan > Discourse Daquan

To the teacher's words 2019

1. You are an umbrella, sheltering me from the rain; you are a light, illuminate the future for me; you are still a candle, burning hope for me. I sincerely wish you, my dear teacher!

2. Teacher, I want to tell you - we know you. The teacher's heart is far-reaching. It embraces the hearts of sanitation workers, and can't tolerate filth and rubbish; it embraces the gardener's responsibility, and everything is dedicated to the students. Our achievements are condensed with your hard work. During the process of growing up, you are also navigating for us. Strict blame is the concern of “hate iron and not become steel”. The teaching is the wish of “looking for dragons”. How can we Do you understand you? I wish you a smooth and healthy life!

3. Dear Li Fengqin: Thank you, you gave me the knowledge. If a person has no knowledge, they don't understand anything. If I don't understand anything, maybe I can't even find a job. By that time, my parents were old, and I could not afford my parents. Or, I will beg for life like a beggar on the street, not to mention buying a car or buying a house. In winter, if the weather is cold, I may not even have cold clothes. Teacher, you have worked hard, I must study hard. Wang Sijia, the second class of the second country

4. Dear teachers: I am going to the fifth grade, but I still can't bear you. Your sweat is the ladder of my success. As the saying goes: "The teacher is like a chalk head, spreading knowledge for us." If the background of the blackboard is a sea, then the teacher is a bronze boat, in your hands. Chalk is the cockroach that shakes a lot of fruit, and the rusty pointer is the mast on the sailboat. Here, I want to say to you: "Teacher you have worked hard, you let us swim in the ocean of knowledge, thank you!" Yuan Hongliu, the first experimental class of the city

5. Dear Li Ying, Teacher Hu Jing, in the upcoming Teacher's Day, the teacher I most want to thank is you. In the time of teaching me, you comfort me when I have not tested well, encourage me to continue to study hard, and let me see the dawn of hope in the darkness. In my future life, always remember your teachings, study hard, and strive to be your pride. Here, I sincerely wish you all the best: good health, happy family, peaches and plums all over the world! I will always bless you, thank you, my teacher, you have worked hard! City Kai two countries Xiaoliuban Anzhen

6. Dedication to the teacher: Your motherly smile will be the best memory of my golden childhood. City Experimental State Second Class Li Xintong

7. The teacher is like a candle, burning himself to illuminate others; the teacher is like a gardener, and he is diligently cultivating the flowers of the motherland. People often use these beautiful sentences to praise the teacher, but I feel that no matter how good the language is, I can't express my feelings for Mr. Hang. I feel that only with simple, heartfelt words can you portray your deep concern for us.

8. You are an amiable teacher. You don't dress yourself as beautiful as some teachers, but you are dressed in plain clothes, and you put all your energy into your work. You think about us all day long. Whenever a classmate has a mistake, you still want to help him to correct when you are resting. Whenever a classmate has a grade, you will remind him not to be proud while continuing to work hard. I remember when I went to work on Thursday, I asked if you liked to read the story. You said, "I used to watch it, I ordered it myself, but I don't have time to read it now." At that time, I really wanted to say something to you. : "Teacher, take a rest."

9. Teacher, I am very proud to be your student because I met a good teacher like you. In the past, my words were not very well written. I showed you the problems and corrections every time I looked at my homework. I made up my mind that I must write the words in a standardized way. After some efforts, my words have improved more than before. Anyone who sees them must praise them. I know that without your teachings, I am not determined to write the words well.

10. Teacher Hang, I can't express my gratitude to you for a thousand words. I only use the practical actions of learning to report your hard work.

11. Dear teacher, your teaching has made me know such a beautiful world, and your efforts have made me realize the colorful life.

12. Today's sun rises for you, today's flowers are blooming, today's hymns sing for you, today's eagle flies for you!

13. Move your sincere heart and remember the bitterness of your growth. You will never be separated from you on the road to success. Dear teacher, I wish you happiness forever!

14. Teacher, you have lighted my heart with heart, and have nurtured my love with love. With you, I feel the warmth of the world... Although I am not your best student, you are my best teacher. .

15. Sowing in words, cultivating with colored pencils, watering with sweat, moisturizing with blood, this is the noble work of our beloved teacher.

16. Hello teacher, I hope you will cherish your body while you work. The health of your body is the wealth of the country and students.

17. Move your sincere heart and remember the bitterness of your growth. You will never be separated from you on the road to success. Dear teacher, I wish you a happy new year!

18. Teacher: On the occasion of the New Year, the students will send you a couplet: two-sleeve Qingfengqin sword painting and calligraphy, and a martial arts.

19. I am a seedling, you are a rain dew, nourishing my dry heart. I am a grass, you are the sun, shining the way I grow up. Thank you, teacher!

20. Teacher, you have lighted my heart with your heart, and have nurtured my love with love. With you, I feel the warmth of the world...

21. Ten years of trees, the teacher’s kindness is deeper than the sea. One day is the lifelong father of the teacher, and it is difficult to report to the teacher for life.

22. Teaching and educating people to pour out the world; teaching people to do things for the world; teaching people to be honest and upright!

23. Going through every corner of the heart, stepping through every inch of the heart is full of deep respect for you, thank you, dear teacher!

24. On the journey of life, you ignite the light of hope for me to enrich my heart, add my wisdom, thank you! The teacher hopes that you will always be healthy! Happy! Happiness!

25. Three-foot platform, dyed pale white hair, peach and plum garden, Lu Meimei smiled. Praise you, dear teacher, bless you, dear teacher!

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