Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes

The famous saying of life philosophy

1. Change others, it is better to change yourself first.

2. Grateful to the person who hurts you because he has honed your mind

3. Grateful to those who deceive you because he has enhanced your knowledge

4. Grateful to the person who whipped you because he eliminated your karma

5. Grateful to those who abandoned you because he taught you to stand on your own feet.

6. Grateful to the person who stumbles on you because he has strengthened your ability

7. Grateful to the person who rebukes you because he has fueled your decision

8. Grateful to all those who have made you a firm achievement

9. Peace is a blessing, contentment is a blessing, pure heart is a lush, widow is a life

10. Conquering the world is not great. One can conquer oneself and be the greatest person in the world.

11. Lower your desires to the lowest point and sublimate your reason to the highest point, the saint

12. The mind of the person is narrow, the desire is narrow, and the desire is wide.

13. I would rather be poor and happy, not turbid and rich.

14. It is advisable to retreat in the depths of thought.

15. The situation cannot be exhausted, the blessings cannot be exhausted, the cheap can't be exhausted, and the cleverness is not available.

16. Drip through the stone, not the power, but the kungfu

17. Do not frown in your life, there should be no teeth in the world.

18. A person who has to pay a good word, a friend of Unbelievable

19. There is no money in the pocket, there is no money in the passbook, but the person with the full heart is the most bitter; there is money in the pocket, there is money in the bank, but there is no money in the heart, this is a great blessing! The best way to get rid of loneliness is to like it. Loneliness; time is gold, can’t catch it is running water

20. Living is everything, living is pleasure, living is suffering, but suffering is also fun; just like a leaf, when I was born, I came to live happily, grow my green, my shape, It’s time to fall, I’m going to go so fast, let other leaves reborn from my desolate

21. Life is not a process of discovery, but a process of creation. You are not discovering yourself, but are recreating yourself. So don't rush to find out who you are, and be eager to decide who you want to be. Love is music: first love is light music, love is rock music, marriage is popular music, divorce is popular music

22. Since the contract has been signed, it must be strictly observed, so that it is both honest and avoids accidental losses. It is not necessary to just see the immediate interests and not strictly perform the contract. Many times, we are not falling on our own defects, but falling on our own advantages, because defects often give us a reminder, but the advantage often makes us forget

23. Everyone must find the meaning of life. He needs to do a job to make himself feel the time. The less free time a person has, the more he will understand the value of time and the better use of time.

24. In front of the fate, you may wish to take a little more patience. Even if you wait an extra day, wait an hour, wait a minute, the result may be very different. The so-called failure is actually a feeling of oneself. In the process of reaching the goal, the sense of despair caused by the repeated obstruction of one's own actions is an obstacle that nourishes in one's own heart. If we have doubts about our ability or "destiny" after setbacks, and have a feeling of failure, we want to give up our efforts, then we have already failed.

25. In the face of difficulties, many people are discouraged; successful people are often very clear, as long as they dare to fight hard with difficulties, they will find that the difficulty is not so! In life, it is inevitable to encounter all kinds of ditches. Every time you face the choice of advance and retreat, when you feel fear and doubt, it is like facing a small river ditch. In fact, you can jump over when you lift your legs. It is as simple as that. In the face of many difficulties, what people need is just the courage to lift their legs. In the competition, the mindset of humor is far more precious than the rankings and prizes. Only those who have won and can afford to achieve great achievements

26. No need to seek merits, no effort is merit. No need to feel good, no complaints are virtue

27. The greatest enemy of life is himself. The biggest failure in life is arrogance. The biggest stupidity in life is deception

28. The most pitiful thing in life is jealousy. The biggest mistake in life is inferiority. The biggest pain in life is obsession

29. The greatest humiliation in life is to flatter. The most dangerous situation in life is greed. The most troublesome thing in life is fame and fortune

30. The greatest sin in life is self-deception. The most pitiful temperament in life is inferiority. The biggest bankruptcy in life is despair

31. The biggest debt in life is human debt. The biggest sin in life is killing. The most hateful thing in life is fornication.

32. The most benign act of life is dedication. The greatest happiness in life is to let go. The greatest relief in life is giving

33. The greatest gift of life is forgiveness. The most admirable thing in life is the refined. The greatest wealth in life is health

34. The highest enjoyment in life is to learn Buddha. The greatest happiness in life is to recite Buddha

35. Good life, rich and old until old. Life is not good, and blessing turns into a curse. The heart is not good, the disaster turns into a blessing

36. The heart is not good, suffering and being barren. The heart can be saved, and the most important thing is to be human. Life is made in the heart, misfortune is a trick

37. The letter of life does not cultivate the heart, the yin and yang are hypocritical. Self-cultivation is also obeying

38. ignoring the anger, ignoring the gods, ignoring and nourishing, widowed

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