Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes

Famous words of musicians

1. Be careful to listen to all the folk songs because they are the treasure trove of the most beautiful melodies. They will open your eyes and make you notice the different nationalities. ———Schumann

2. Music is a language that accurately reflects the spiritual qualities of individuals and people. - Aenescu

3. The art of musicians is not to directly portray the image, but to place the mind in the emotions that these objects can create in the mind. —— Rousseau

4. Music makes a nation more noble. ———Flaubert music is only attractive to the peace of mind. ———蒲柏声

5. The entry of music is also deep, and its people are also fast. It is easy to change the customs and be good at music. Loudly in the ear, high and widowed. Prosperous in poetry, standing in courtesy, and becoming happy. The German, the end of sex, the music, the music of Germany. The beginning of the sound, the heart is born, the movement of the heart, the thing makes it. ---the ancients

6. Music should spark the spirit of humanity. ——— Beethoven

7. Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and all philosophy. —— Beethoven

8. When I was sitting next to the dilapidated old piano, I was not envious of the happiest king. —— Haydn

9. Music is the greatest gift of heaven to mankind. Only music can explain quietness and silence. ———Chaikowski

10. The suffering of life does not mean me. The joy in my heart is not my own. I put joy into music, in order to make the world feel happy. - Mozart

11. The best music is this kind of music, which makes the best and most educated people happy, especially the one who is the most outstanding in character and cultivation. —— Plato

12. Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and all philosophy. Whoever can penetrate the meaning of my music can surpass the suffering of ordinary people. —— Beethoven

13. Different life contacts, can not create for their lives; do not exercise their personality, can not produce great works. - Nie Er

14. It is the people who really create music, and the composers just make them into songs. - Glinka

15. Music education is not the education of musicians, but the education of people first. - Suhomlinski

16. The purpose of music is two, one is the sense of pleasure and the joy of the people, and the other is the enthusiasm that touches or inspires people. ———Roger North

17. Not loving music is not worthy of being a person. Although I love music, I can only call it half a person. Only those who dump music can be called people completely. —— Hegel

18. Musicians must constantly reflexively introspect and cultivate their innermost things in order to turn it to the outside world. —— Goethe

19. The purpose of music is two, one is the sense of pleasure and the pleasantness of the people, and the other is the enthusiasm of touching or inspiring people. ———Roger North

20. Having music is enough for a person's life, but it is not enough to embrace music for a limited lifetime. ———Rachmaninoff

21. Music is the greatest happiness in life; music is a clear spring in life; music is the melting pot of temperament. ———冼星海

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