Classic Quotations > Quotes Recommended

Modest and famous sayings

1. Dissatisfaction is the upward wheel. - Lu Xun

2. If you are modest and self-defeating, you will be attached to the public; if you are arrogant and arrogant, you will go there more. ——Ge Hong

3. The greatness of the country, the people of the people, the desire to see the enemy, the arrogant. - Wei Xiang

4. The liberation is not enough, and the full body will be devastated. - Zhang Wei

5. The virtual person has entered the foundation of virtue. ——Fang Xiaoyu

6. Full of the person, do not lose what is it? Shen Zhi! Shen Zhi! - Zhu Yishui

7. A serious illness in life is just a word of pride. ——Wang Yangming

8. If you are not arrogant, you can learn from others. ——Tan Yutong

9. The stupidity of life is that the bad news has passed, and the evil of life is a good talk. ——Shenju郧

10. Full of susceptibility to disaster, humility and blessing. ——Zhang Tingyu

11. Pride and complacency is a terrible trap for us; moreover, this trap is hand-picked by ourselves. - Lao She

12. It is the norm of a mediocre and militant person to go out with his head and go home with his tail. ——Feng Xuefeng

13. We don't want to have our eyes on our heads, so we use our own feet to break what we think of in heaven. ——Feng Xuefeng

14. Instinct makes people progress, pride makes people fall behind, and we should always remember this truth. - Mao Zedong

15. We can't have achievements, just like a ball, others can't shoot, and when they take a shot, they jump high. The greater the score, the more modest and prudent. ——Wang Jinxi

16. I am a bit skeptical about the word "pride." Anyone who is a bit motivated and a little capable, he always believes in himself, is a bit of a person. The more assertive people, the more confident they are. This is not bad. I am a little proud. If I put it in a proper position, he will be humble, or he will not be able to mix. - Deng Xiaoping

17. A proud person, the result is always destroying himself in pride. - Shakespeare

18. Most people who owe their luck to their intelligence and ingenuity are unfortunate. - Bacon

19. Modesty is an indispensable character. - Montesquieu

20. A young bud, a bud, is the most precious virtue, the mother of all morality, this is humility; with this virtue we will have fun. - Gardos

21. Cautiousness is much more powerful than boldness. - Hugo

22. Don't be exaggerated. It’s better to say nothing than to say too much. --Leo Tolstoy

23. The first condition of success is true humility, and all prejudice against oneself, as long as it sees conflict with the truth, is willing to give up. - Spencer

24. Humility can make a warrior more beautiful. --Ostrovsky

25. The most difficult thing to overcome in the national feelings is the pride. How can you change it, fight it, defeat it, destroy it, shame and humiliate it, it will also show its head and show itself. . - Franklin

26. When we are greatly humble, it is when we are in great times. - Tagore

27. Conceit is a ruin to any art. Pride is a terrible misfortune. - Dimitrov

28. True modesty can only be a product of deep thinking about vanity. - Bergson

29. If you refuse to do so, you will be distracted. ——Huang Shigong

30. Being proud is not to be proud, not to be favored. - Zhuge Liang

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