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Cute golden claw cat

Two years ago, I took a small cat from my grandmother's house because its four legs and claws are golden yellow, so everyone calls it a "golden claw cat". It is beautiful, cute, happy, and mischievous.

That day, I watched quietly. It looks very beautiful, black and white, and outlines patterns that cannot be drawn: black, just like a piece of black coal, shiny and shiny; white, like a blossoming cotton, makes people feel extremely soft; a pair of golden light Sparkling yellow eyes, one by one, suddenly like a copper bell suddenly into a line; two exquisite ears, its color is like a head with two fungus on its head; the long eight-character on both sides of the mouth and the powerful tail like a whip Looks like a little tiger. As soon as there was movement, such as the discovery of a mouse, it immediately flew like a tiger down the mountain, and the mouse was easily caught.

The golden claw cat will not only catch mice but also play mice. One day, I saw it as a mouse, and I watched it for a long time at the hole. When it was caught, it was pretended to be indulgent, and another one took it back, and the rat was tossed and died. It was so happy that it became a good meal after being tired.

I think it's a little different. On a Sunday, if it's idle, after hiding my other shoe, I will deliberately walk to me and scream, when I want to When I was looking for another shoe, it was happy to jump, like a long-lost puppy, and I didn’t know where it went and came back. I can't help but hold it on my body, gently stroking it, and its "squeaky" sound is a kind of happiness and satisfaction.

Later, I went home from school every day. It was waiting at the gate to wait for me. I was very punctual. After seeing me, I stretched out my waist and tilted my tail. Like a road, I called it and went to the house. Very, very cute.

Accompanied by small animals, they live in harmony and enjoy themselves.

Changshu Yangyuan Center National Primary 6: ccyhhh

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