Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes

Mark Twain's famous sayings

1. I always waited for the opportunity to miss and found out that I had a chance.

2. There are two main types of people in the world. The first type of people have achieved success, and the second type of person claims that they have achieved something. The first category is not as many as the second category.

3. Kindness is a language that blind people can hear and blind people can see.

4. Don't say everywhere that the world owes you. The world owes nothing to you. You are still here when you are not born.

5. Everyone has two kinds of opportunities in his life that should not be speculative: one is when he has the money to speculate, and the other is when he can't afford it.

6. If you adopt a dog that is going to starve and feed it fat, it will never bite you. This is the main difference between people and dogs.

7. The enormous wealth is full of temptation to stabilize the local deadly role and to lead those who are not strong in morality.

8. Beauty and charm are two kinds of things to be taken. Fortunately, not all beautiful women have charms. They tend to be ordinary women, but they have another kind of charm.

9. Discipline is like massage therapy and must be rubbed hard.

10. You can not trim the margins on your clothes, but you must not let the soul stain.

11. The class is the only animal that blushes, or the only animal that blushes.

12. The truth is our most precious thing. We save on using it.

13. Wrinkles only indicate that the smile had been there.

14. The golden age is before us and not behind us.

15. Sincere friends, good books and a sleeping conscience, this is the ideal life.

16. I will never use money that is obtained in a suspicious way.

17. When false humility comes out, true humility will die out in time.

18. People's thoughts are remarkable. As long as they focus on a certain cause, they will certainly make achievements that surprise them.

19. Habit is a habit, and no one can throw it out of the window and can only step down the stairs step by step.

20. If I was born 80 years old and slowly grew to 18 years old, life will be even more happy.

21. If you know how to use it, money is a good servant. If you don't know how to use it, it becomes your master.

22. Sadness can be cooked by yourself; if the taste of joy is to be fully realized, you must share it.

23. Truth is the most valuable thing in what we have. Let us save.

24. A passionate desire will induce dangerous actions and do ridiculous things.

25. To break your heart, you need your enemies to work with your friends, one to change you, and the other to tell you.

26. Those who came up with new ways, before his new approach came up, people always said that he was whimsical.

27. There was a congratulatory message in the past, very beautiful, and precious like gold: when you climb to the rich hills, I hope that you will not meet a friend.

28. Kindness is a universal language that can make the blind feel and the scorpion smells.

29. When politicians deal with state affairs, they often consider whether they are ceremonial and never care whether they are ethical.

30. The only way to stay healthy is to eat what you don't want to eat, drink what you don't like, and do what you don't want to do.

31. Don't leave the illusion, once the illusion disappears, you may be able to continue to live, but life will never be with you.

32. I hope that like a family, without it, you will feel that life is boring; with it, you feel that it is hard work for it every day.

33. We should thank our benefactor, Adam. He freed us from the "happiness" of leisure, and many of them got the "sin" of labor.

34. Your enemy and friends can work together to hurt your heart. The enemy yells at you, and the friend rushes to you.

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