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Father's famous saying

1. Father, filial piety, brother and brother

2. The father is the source of money, the brother is the comfort, and the friend is both a source of money and comfort. ------Franklin

3. The Son of Wisdom makes the father happy, and the foolish son makes the mother shame. ------Solomon

4. If the father and son do not believe, then the family is not good. ------ Wu Zetian

5. The family is the kingdom of the father, the mother's world, and the children's paradise. ------ Emerson

6. What makes your father feel glorious is that you continue your studies with the utmost enthusiasm and work hard to become an honest and outstanding man. ------ Beethoven

7. Father, it should be a very broad friend. ------ Dickens

8. Father's love is a ray of sunshine, so that your heart can feel warm as spring even in the cold winter; father's love is a clear spring, so that your emotions will remain pure and clear even if the weather is over the years.

9. We almost love our parents unconsciously, because this kind of love is as natural as human beings, and it is only at the last moments that we can see how deeply this kind of feeling is. --------- Maupassant

10. Dutiful sons and relatives, can not make their relatives have a cold heart, troubles, horror, sorrowful, unspeakable, hateful. ------Yuan Cai

11. We are considerate of the elderly, just like children. -------- Goethe

12. How do you want your children to treat you, how do you treat your parents. ------Isocrates.

13. As a person, be respectful to your parents, be kind to your children, be generous to your poor relatives, and be polite to everyone. -----Russell

14. Parents are only worried about their illness. ------ Meng Wubo

15. It is difficult, the disciples take their work; there is wine, Mr. I used to be filial piety?

16. Parents, a few sorrows, seeing ambitions, not respecting, not complaining. ------曰曰

17. Parents are not far away, and there must be a tour. ------曰曰

18. In the years of parents, you must not know. One is with joy and the other is with fear. ------曰曰

19. The father is watching his ambitions, and the father has not observed his actions; for three years, he has not changed his father's way, and he can be described as filial piety. ------曰曰

20. Filial piety still produces filial piety, and Hiccup is still a child. ------ "Zeng Guang Xian Wen"

21. Only filial piety can solve problems. ------Mencius

22. Those who are not filial are the most hateful people in the world. -----------------LuXun

23. Patriotism is deeply rooted in human instinct and feelings. Patriotism is a magnified filial piety. -------Dedfield

24. A born natural person loves his children, and an educated person loves his parents. -----------Lin Yutang

25. Daxiao lives for his parents. Only filial piety can solve problems. ---------Meng Hao

26. Honoring parents can often replace the most noble feelings. -------Meng Yu

27. The love of the Father is not for the newspaper. - Huainanzi

28. Fatherly love can sacrifice everything, including one's own life. - Da Vinci

29. The father’s virtue is the best legacy of his son. - Cervantes

30. Father's love is a ray of sunshine, so that your heart can feel warm as spring even in the cold winter; fatherly love is a clear spring, so that your emotions will remain pure and clear even if they are covered with the years.

31. Father loves the same selflessness as maternal love. He does not ask for a return; fatherly love is a kind of obscurity, a kind of feeling in the invisible, which can only be experienced by those who are careful.

32. The moment of having thoughts is happy; the pleasure of having feelings is happy; it is also happy to have fatherly love.

33. Father loves like an umbrella, sheltering you from the wind and rain; Father loves the rain, washes the soul for you; Father loves the road, and walks you through life.

34. In fear, father's love is a stepping stone; in darkness, father's love is a lamp of illumination; when exhausted, father's love is the water of a bay of life; when working hard, father's love is the spiritual pillar; success When the father's love is an encouragement and an alarm.

35. Fatherly love is as deep and wide as the sea.

36. Fatherly love is silent, if you feel it, then it is not fatherly love!

37. Father love is water --- Gorky

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