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Good friends

1. People know each other, you are intimate (Han Li Ling)

2. The sorcerer died

3. The sea memory knows that the world is close

4. The husband should know what it is, the world is safe and secure.

5. Life is precious in knowing, and the sea meets each other.

6. How many people can you know?

7. When people are in love, they will also pay attention to each other, and the sorrow will be on the fire, and on the water, it will not be prevented in the world. ——Ink

8. Disguised friends are worse than sinister enemies. - Pukalisir

9. The older the friend, the better the wine will be. - John Ray

10. The gentleman carefully chooses, rests with the poisonous beast. ——Zhang Wangyu

11. People help me, never forget; I help others, don't mind. - Hua Luogeng

12. Make friends with wine, just like wine, only one night. - Luo Gao

13. I can't find a friend who is totally dedicated to me. I must have some friends who can overcome my inertia with their impetus. - Rousseau

14. When you are happy, friends will know us; when you are in trouble, we will know friends. - Collins

15. A person who is upright will take a long time to see that a bad person can be recognized in one day. - Sophocles

16. Relatives are not choiceable, but friends can. ——De Lille

17. The words of benevolence, the promise of benevolence, the easy way to speak, only when you are in trouble, can you see the true heart of your friends. - Krylov

18. The sugarcane tastes old and sweet, and the friendship is longer and more ambiguous. ——Yuan Mu

19. People who are extroverted are prone to get a lot of friends, but there are always very few true friends. The introverts are lonely. Once they get friends, they are often true.

20. It is often our friends who make us wrestle. --- Hugo friendship is a sincere treat of two hearts, not a heart beats another heart. --- Lu Xun

21. Pride is linked to failure, humility and progress make friends; lazy and ignorant, and struggle to shake hands with victory. --- Aphorism

22. The lack of true friends is the purest and most pitiful loneliness; without friendship, the world is just a wilderness; we can also use this meaning to talk about "loneness". Anyone who is not suitable for making friends can say that his temperament comes from Animals, not humans. --- Bacon

23. Make friends and vote, cut the rules. --- Zhou Xingyu

24. The world is now spicy wine, making friends since ancient times Yunbao --- Su Shi

25. Make friends with “light” words, stop with “聋”, and blame yourself with “engraving”. --- Li Shutong

26. First light and then thick, first and then secret, first and then near, the way to make friends. --- "Hu Family Training"

27. You can enjoy the happiness of making friends only if you don't rely on friends and don't ask for friends. --- Anonymous

28. A friend who is not what we ask for is a true friend. Friends are not asking for anything from the other. --- Hebad

29. If you take friends with your friendship, you will learn about Nissei; if you are prudent, you will have a long way to go. ——Hong Yi Master

30. In misfortune, useful friends are even more necessary; in luck, noble friends are even more necessary. In the unfortunate, finding friends is necessary; in luck, finding friends is noble. - Aristotle

31. Live like this; make your friends not become enemies, and make your enemies friends. - Pythagoras

32. The best to deal with the fear of the outside enemy is to make friends as much as possible; for those who can't be friends, at least avoid grievances with them; if you can't even do this, you should avoid dealing with them as much as possible. The interests of alienating them. - Ignatius

33. I can't figure out the details of the other side, and I can't make your heart come out. - Balzac

34. The gentleman is a friend of the text, with a friend. - "The Analects"

35. Relatives are God's gifts to us, and our friends are chosen by ourselves. - Mamford

36. If you want to have friends, you must have enough friends. ---- Emerson

37. Life is like everywhere, it should be like flying snow. Accidentally staying on the mud, Hongfei recounts things. --Su Shi

38. Observing the words and gaining strength. ----Lv Kun

39. The gift is given to the Jinshizhuyu. ----荀子

40. Those who can use others are invincible to the world. ----Wang Fuzhi

41. Employing people, taking people long, avoiding people short. ----Weiyuan

42. The husband acts, right and wrong, regardless of the interests; on the rebellious, regardless of success or failure; on the world, regardless of life. ----Huang Zongyi

43. People who share their happiness with others must worry about their worries. If you are with others, you will be saved. ----Cao Tong

44. Without friendship, the world seems to lose the sun. ----Cicero

45. Poverty can test the authenticity of friends. ---- Dante

46. ​​Friends of unbelief are especially abhorrent to the enemy. ----Shakespeare

47. When you are lucky, your friends know us. In the face of adversity, we know our friends. ----Collins

48. Good friends do not forget to do their duty. Byron

49. Snobby friends will leave you sooner or later. ----Adams

50. Wealth is not a permanent friend, but a friend is a permanent treasure. ----Leo Tolstoy

51. The best thing in the world is that there are several friends who are very upright in mind and heart. ----Einstein

52. If you are not alone, you must be neighbors. ---- Mencius

53. The sea memory confidant, the end of the world. ---- Wang Bo

54. Loyalty is the bridge of friendship, and deception is a traitor to friendship. ----Indian slang

55. It is always a beautiful thing to mourn a lover for morality. ---- Plato

56. The way to make children good is to make them happy. ---- Wilde

57. True and lasting love must be respected before it can be established. ---- Fichte

58. A good heart is the best law. ----Merkeley

59. Don't be small and don't do it. Don't be evil. ----Chen Shou

60. The most intelligent people often pretend to be fools. ----Lin Yutang

61. The best thing about life is that when you stop your life, you can serve the people with everything you create. --Ostrovsky

62. People who are more prone to inflammation may not share difficulties with them. Byron

63. Because you are profitable to be friends with you, you will also be friends with you because you are profitable.

64. Recently, the person is red, and the near ink is black.

65. First light and then thick, first sparse, first, then close, and make friends.

66. Reading can be broad-minded, and forgiveness can make friends. When you have the opportunity to study, please don't give up the opportunity to study. When you can tolerate others' mistakes with open-mindedness, your friends are much more natural.

67. It’s not hard to know the gentleman.

68. When the brothers are robbed, they meet each other and smile.

69. If the first rule of friendship is that it must be nurtured, then the second rule is that when the first rule is ignored, tolerance must be achieved.

70. Between friends, observe the following rules: Do not ask others to act with shame and shame, and if they are required, they should reject it.

71. Ning has no hundred gold and has a hundred friends.

72. Talk to a friend and have a letter.

73. The gentleman and the gentleman are friends with each other; the villain and the villain are friends with each other.

74. Sit more and more to calm your heart, to cherish the color of the wine to clear the heart, to the desire to raise your heart. Watching the ancient training is to be alert, and to realize the truth.

75. There are five difficulties in health care: fame and fortune are not difficult, and the anger is not a dilemma. The sound is not a trilemma. The taste is endless, and the dilemma is a dilemma. Five people are saved, although the heart is hard to be old.

76. The way to keep in good health, long time to sit for a long time, long sleep for a long time; Mo Qiang appetite, not drunk, great anxiety, great grief, this so-called neutral. Those who can neutralize will have a long life.

77. There is no worry, no peace of mind.

78. Good health care: not enough food, too much to drink; winter is not very warm, summer is not very cool.

79. The good-natured person is the end, the side-worry person is half, and the virtual user is guilty.

80. Because you are profitable to be friends with you, you will also be friends with you because you are profitable.

81. The loyalty, although sincere, always misses too much.

82. With the potential, the potential is absolute;

83. It is necessary to know that the friend is really good and will not be seen in the ordinary trip.

84. If you want to make friends, you must do something for others – things that take time, energy, and dedication to do.

85. First light and then thick, first sparse, first, then close, and make friends.

86. I have a high breeze, and I know that I don’t care for the cold.

87. People who are extravagant are prone to get a lot of friends, but there are always very few true friends. The introverts are lonely. Once they get friends, they are often true.

88. It’s not hard to know the gentleman.

89. The beginning of the letter should be a long time, and the old and the old.

90. A blank death certificate is sent to the birthday, and two blank divorce certificates are issued for marriage. If you can give gifts like this, you are really good friends.

91. If a person does not make new knowledge in his life, he will soon find himself alone.

92. Relatives are not choiceable, but friends can.

93. The barren friendship is unforgettable, and the spoiled wife does not go down.

94. Misunderstandings between friends should be frankly exchanged opinions, and must not be swayed; there should be negligence to be persuaded, and behind the scenes should praise his merits.

95. If a friend does not believe, the transaction will be a must.

96. If you can be tempted by me, you should be able to harm me. It is advisable to prevent it. If you are willing to help, you should be willing to listen.

97. Deer screams and eats, and logs together to seek friends.

98. There are no regrets in both remorse, and there is no difference between the two demands, and both anger are a curse.

99. The intersection of a gentleman is as light as water;

100. The gentleman and the gentleman are friends with each other, and the villain and the villain are friends.

101. The gentleman chooses and then pays, the villain first pays and then chooses, so the gentleman is especially fuss, the villain complains.

102. The range of friends should be a little broader, and everyone has the best, not necessarily limited to their own peers.

103. If you love a woman, you should love the dog of a woman. Then, if you really make friends, you should forget your friend's fault.

104. The people who are interested in the heart are not tired, and the people who know the voice are too long.

105. Living with a good person, such as entering the room of Zhilan, has been a long time since the Fang; and the wicked person, such as the abalone, long and self-deodorant.

106. The gentleman's turn is as light as water.

107. In the case of potential communicators, the potential will be absolute;

108. Gentlemen and gentlemen are friends with each other, and villains and villains are friends.

109. Reading can be broad-minded, and forgiveness can make friends. When you have the opportunity to study, please don't give up the opportunity to study. When you can tolerate other people’s mistakes with open-mindedness, your friends will

110. It is not a good time to be a gentleman. You can't break it for a moment.

111. First lighten and then thicken, first sparsely, first, then close, and make friends.

112. The road is different and does not suit each other.

113. The inferiority of the poor is unforgettable, and the spoiled wife does not go down.

114. The range of friends should be a little broader, and everyone has the best, not necessarily limited to their own peers.

115. If you can be able to marry me, you should be able to harm me. It is advisable to prevent it. If you want to help, you should be willing to listen.

116. When you want to make friends, you have to do something for others – things that take time, energy, and dedication to do.

117. Too much understanding or over-understanding also hinders each other's proximity.

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