Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes

a famous saying of reading

1. The bird wants to fly high and flutter the wings first. ——Li Kuchan

2. Be determined to think about the true character, and you must do your hard work. ——阮元

3. Non-indifferent, no ambition, no peace and no distance. - Zhuge Liang

4. Don't be evil, don't be good or small. - Chen Shou, "Three Kingdoms"

5. Read 300 poems of Tang poetry, and you will not be poetry. ——Sun Yan’s "Three Prefaces of Tang Poetry"

6. When the book is used, it hates less, and the matter is not difficult. - Lu You

7. Ask the canal to be clear, so that the active head comes alive. - Zhu Xi

8. Old books don't get tired of reading back, and they are familiar with themselves. --Su Shi

9. The book idiots will work, and the art idiots will be good. —— Pu Songling

10. Reading a hundred times, its righteousness. - "Three Kingdoms"

11. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. - Laozi

12. The road is long and the road is long. I will search for it. - Qu Yuan

13. Qi Wen has a total appreciation, and the doubts are like analysis. - Tao Yuanming

14. The method of reading is gradual and gradual, familiar and thoughtful. - Zhu Xi

15. My life is also boundless, and knowing is boundless. - Zhuangzi

16. Non-study is not talented, and there is no way to learn. - Zhuge Liang

17. Jade is not awkward, not a device; people do not learn, do not know. - "Book of Rites"

18. Mind and eager to learn, not ashamed to ask, the famous sayings of reading and feeling. --Confucius

19. The industry is diligent and diligent, and it is ruined; - Han Yu

20. Learning without thinking is awkward, thinking without learning is awkward. --Confucius

21. Those who know are not as good as those who are good, those who are good are not as good as those who are happy. --Confucius

22. Three people must have my teacher. Choose from the good and change from it. --Confucius

23. Happiness in "Poetry", standing in courtesy and becoming happy. --Confucius

24. Do not do what you want. --Confucius

25. Read a book and write a thousand volumes. - Du Fu

26. There are three readings, that is, the heart is coming, the eyes are coming, and the mouth is coming. - Zhu Xi

27. Standing on the basis of establishing a school, the study is based on reading. - Ouyang Xiu

28. Read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles. ——Liu Wei

29. Ah! It’s boring to praise it, out of your mouth!

30. Cleverness is hard work, and genius lies in accumulation.

31. Do not do what you want.

32. The first condition of success is true humility, and all prejudice against oneself, as long as it sees conflict with the truth, is willing to give up.

33. The difference is a thousand miles.

34. Listening is clear, and partial belief is dark.

35. The ruler is short; the inch is long. There is something wrong; wisdom is unknown.

36. Short and unprotectable, short-term protection is short; long is not to be embarrassed, but not long.

37. When the wind and the waves break, there will be time when the clouds sail to the sea.

38. The method of reading is gradual and gradual, familiar and thoughtful.

39. It is necessary to engage with social realities to make the books read live.

40. Proud not to be long, to be indefinite, to be incompetent, to be unsatisfied.

41. The heart of the heart is a magnetic needle, and the guide is not willing to take a break.

42. If you look at yourself, you can know people.

43. On the side of the sinking boat, thousands of sails pass, and Wan Muchun is in front of the sick tree.

44. When you are at high risk, you will be tempted to graze and graze. If you are full of fear, you will think of the rivers and rivers.

45. Qi is not prosperous, new taboos, only to avoid exposure.

46. ​​It’s not hard to be quick and quick, it’s only a small day, and it’s old.

47. Being proud is not to be proud, not to be a favor.

48. Read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles.

49. Do not wait, white head boy, empty and sad.

50. Eat a meal, grow a wisdom.

51. Black hair does not know how to work early, white hair regrets reading late. ——Yan Zhenqing

52. The book is more like a deceased person. - Yu Qian

53. The book is also a medicine, and it is a good thing to read. ——Liu Xiang

54. Young and hard, the boss is sad. - "Han Yuefu. Long songs

55. Mo is idle, white head, empty and sad. ——Yue Fei

56. I’m fascinated with the world’s words, and I’m determined to read the world’s books.

57. If learning is only about imitation, then we will not have science or technology. Gorky

58. The book is a pure, beautiful special world in which life is fun. Wordsworth

59. The enemy of learning is self-satisfaction. To learn something seriously, you must start from complacency. For ourselves, "learning and not tired", for others, "staying tireless", we should adopt this attitude. Mao Zedong

60. Don’t be greedy for reading, but think more. This kind of reading has benefited me a lot. Rousseau

61. The same is true for reading other books. You still have to think for yourself and observe for yourself. If you only read a book, it becomes a bookcase. Even if you find it interesting, the fun is actually hardening and gradually dying. Lu Xun

62. The biggest reason for reading is to get rid of mediocrity. One day, one more life will be wonderful. One day later, one day will be mediocre. Yu Qiuyu

63. Teachers spend more time working and creating than a big river, relying on many small streams to nourish it. Teachers often read books. The more knowledge they usually accumulate, the easier they are in class. Suhomlinski

64. It takes a lot of effort to do learning, and it will last forever. Wu Yuzhang

65. A person who loves books, he must not lack a loyal friend, a good mentor, a lovely partner, a good comforter. Isaac Barro

66. Aspirations are one of the most important things for a scholar. Sun Yat-sen

67. The more we learn, the more we feel that we are poor. Shelley

68. Books have made some people knowledgeable, but they have also made some people who are not eating mad. Petrarch

69. I don't have any special talents, but I like to pursue the problem. Einstein

70. Reading without understanding is equal to not reading. Comenius

71. The more you read a book without thinking, you will feel that you know a lot; and the more you study and think, the more clearly you will see that you know very little. Voltaire

72. In the long river of seeking truth, only learning, continually learning, diligently learning, and learning creatively can make the mountains and mountains more important. Hua Luogeng

73. Books are friends, although there is no enthusiasm, but very faithful Hugo

74. Reading without thinking is equal to eating without digesting. Polk

75. The three conditions for studying are: more observation, more hardship, and more research. Garfield

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