Inspirational speech

Best time to say goodbye

Hello everyone,

I am Li Na, playing tennis. I think everyone should be very curious. I announced my retirement on September 19th, and now it has been a week. How has this week passed? Weibo released on the 19th, in fact, I was surprised at that time, that is, I did not think of myself, is to retire as a professional player, this thing will be so big. In fact, for the first time, everyone saw that when the short film was first opened for the press conference, I was particularly nervous before I played, although I have experienced many press conferences. But this time it is totally different. It may be that sometimes it is sometimes a win or a loss, there will be a little emotion in it, but this time the mood is very nervous, before I did not play, I told my team, finished, I Why are you so nervous? It is the kind of feeling that the heart and feet are cold, and the heart beats if the mouth is open and the heart jumps out. Then they wondered why they had been so nervous after so many press conferences. I think it may be the first time. I have the opportunity to say goodbye to all the media, because as I said just now, all the athletes are at any level, or whatever project, as long as they are players. There will be a day of retiring, but this day, it is coming early or late. In fact, the mood of this week, how to say it, may be relatively easy for the past. Because I don’t have to worry about my schedule today after I wake up every day, I still feel sad. Because after all, tennis has been with me for so many years.

But when you want to say goodbye to it, you will feel that I have asked myself to say whether my decision is correct or wrong. In fact, before I made this decision, I thought about it for almost 4 to 6 weeks before I decided to retire. Because I was at the end of July, I had surgery on the left knee. I also thought about going back to the court again, but I forgot that I was thirty-two years old. Because the last operation was done at the age of 28, after four years, I always thought that I was Li Na, and the time of recovery was the same as before. But this time may not be done, I think it is also the best time to say goodbye to everyone. But because it is a career that I love, my future accounting book can have my own tennis school and then help more children. I just want to play tennis, but many people don't have such an environment or opportunity. I hope to provide them with such an opportunity, so this is also my personal idea. Of course, family life is an indispensable part, and I am very grateful to tennis for letting me know Jiang Shan. I can have a family with him. So I am very much looking forward to having a mother's day. I hope that his path of growth is different from that of me. He can choose completely freely. We will not force them to do things they are unwilling to do. I hope they can be free and then let They are free to play.

I have thought about what I want to say before I come here. I don’t know what to say, because I always feel that doing things is very simple. I just play with a tempo. I don’t know what influence I have when I play. However, after retiring, after receiving so many blessings, I feel that I am still a good person, not a failure, at least there are so many people who are willing to remember you. But I have to clarify that Li Na has no problem. So I think, really, please some people can give players a more relaxed environment, let them play more freely, don't make a firm judgment because of the loss of one or two games, because I think one is not qualified. To comment on another person, because each person's lifestyle is different, the growth experience is different, and what he has experienced has not been seen or personally experienced, why do you say others, and say that you are doing better than him? Better. So what I want to say is that the sports circle is really not easy, because the sports circle is talking about results. Everyone just sees the glamorous side of the players. How about how to win the championship, but they have not seen it, in order to take it. They are hard to pay on this road to good grades. Maybe everyone thinks that they should play at home during the summer vacation, and write homework, but for the sports circle, we don't have winter and summer vacations. We don't have holidays, including when we call the Spring Festival, we don't. So this is as a sports athlete, please let us give us a more relaxed environment, let us better glory for the country.

I played tennis and slowly liked tennis. It took 15 years in the middle. During these 15 years, everyone may think, oh, why don't you like it, why do you insist? Because I think I am a very filial daughter. So after my parents helped me choose, I didn't want to live up to their wishes for me, or their minds. Then I kept going this way until I retired for the first time. After two years of studying, I slowly and slowly liked the career of tennis. It was only in the past two years that I slowly learned about myself and learned about the tennis project.

I want to say this. Who do you think your best friend is? You will all say a name. But I rarely think about myself because I know myself the best. But sometimes there may be something deep inside that people are not willing to face up bravely, because it is very simple. As a personal project, if we lose, we find the reason, it is the best way to forgive ourselves. I can say that the weather is not good today. Today, I feel bad. Today my opponent is playing better. But what is the reason for the real loss? In the past two years, in fact, I will thank the coach who brought me or My physical physicist, but before I worked with Carlos, I never understood too much. What did tennis mean to me? When I worked with him for the past two years, when I met him for the first time, he Ask me a word, he said that you are not a very vulnerable person. He said that because you are too mentally strong, you are not willing to share your thoughts, so when you have problems, your team your friends I don't know what kind of thought you were at that time. After he finished speaking, I felt that, um, he was not right. He didn't understand me at all. How could we say such a problem when we first met, but slowly and slowly I learned to release myself and learn to tolerate myself, because I would have thought that winning the ball should be, losing the ball. How can I lose? Because it may be that I have not had such a big confidence in myself, including after I entered the so-called professional circle, because the ranking may be around 5 or 60, then a coach said, you can definitely score before twenty. That is, after I was engaged in tennis for about 15 to 17 years, I heard the first coach said that I can reach the top 20 in the world, but at that time I said that it was impossible. I said that the top 20 is difficult. Because at that time, I had no confidence in myself. No one instilled in me that Li Na is a very good player. You can do what you expect. But at that time, I completely denied myself.

I don't know if everyone is like me. When I set goals for myself for the first time, the short film that everyone just watched, when I was fifteen, I said, I hope to reach the top ten in the world. In fact, the goal is over there, but I don't know how to go, just like a frog in a glass, the future is bright, but there is no way out. This is my feeling at the time, and then I am still very grateful to it, maybe it is getting mature with age, so-called maturity, that is, in the circle, staying for a long time, then including some I am willing to share my heart very much When I was thinking deeply, I thought, hey, Li Na, you can really do it, and especially in the past two years, I have a special thanks to Li Na from the bottom of my heart, because I believe that if Li Na did not insist on being like a fool, There must be no Li Na here today.

I want to tell you a little bit later. I believe that everyone has their own dreams. No matter whether you want to be a lawyer, a doctor or a kindergarten teacher in the future, as long as you can stick to your goals, although the process is very difficult, you will definitely I have encountered all kinds of difficulties or disobedience, but please be sure to stick to it for your own dreams. Believe in yourself, you can do your own thing, or do better, so I hope everyone can realize their own. Dreams, make our future better!

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