Inspirational speech

Discover your potential gold mine

Plato once pointed out: "Humans have innate wisdom, and the knowledge that humans can master is infinite." About 90% to 95% of human potential is not well utilized and developed. Each of us has great potential to wait. Excavation. The so-called "potential" usually refers to the development possibilities of a person's physical and psychological qualities. According to the laws of human growth, each person has various potentials due to different stages of life growth and genetic differences. The essence of potential development is to induce your innate wisdom potential to activate the knowledge you have and the ability to master new knowledge. The potential of human beings is enormous, and we can do much more than we think. So in terms of self-development, "What do you want, what is you?" Canadian morbid psychologist Hans Seyer made an amazing and extremely fascinating estimate in "The Discovery of Dreams": Human The energy contained in the brain is as great as the physical energy of the nucleus. In theory, the creative potential of human beings is infinite and inexhaustible.

Wiener, who is revered as the "father of cybernetics", believes that even everyone who has made brilliant achievements has less than one billionth of the potential to use the brain in his life. He also believes that the human brain can in principle store a large amount of information, and each person's brain can remember all the information stored in the world's largest library.

Nature gives everyone great potential. For the infinite potential of human beings, the world's top potential master Anthony Robin has told these few stories: an American who has been identified as disabled by a doctor. Mellong has been wheelchair-bound for twelve years. His body was originally very healthy. At the age of 19, he went to Vietnam to fight. He was injured by a stray bullet and was sent back to the United States for treatment. After treatment, he gradually recovered but could not walk. He was in a wheelchair all day, feeling that this life was over, and sometimes he used alcohol to eliminate it. One day, he came out of the pub and went home in a wheelchair as usual, but he encountered three robbers and grabbed his wallet. He screamed desperately to resist, but he angered the robbers, and they set fire to his wheelchair. The wheelchair suddenly caught fire. Mellon forgot that he was disabled. He tried to escape and went through a street in one breath. Afterwards, Mellong said: "If I didn't run away, I would be burned and even burned. I forgot everything, jumped up, tried to escape, and stopped to find myself moving." Now, Mellong has found a career in Omaha City. He is healthy and walks like an ordinary person.

The other story is this: There are two 70-year-old ladies, one thinks that this age is the end of life, so they start to cook things; the other thinks that one can do things not age. Size, but what kind of ideas you have. So she started learning to climb at the age of 70. For the next 25 years, I have been adventurously climbing the mountains, and several of them are still famous in the world. Later, she also climbed Mount Fuji in Japan at the age of 95, breaking the highest age record for climbing this mountain. She is the famous old lady Huda Cruise.

The third story is: A farmer is watching a light truck driving through his land in front of the barn. His 14-year-old son is driving the car. Because he is still young, he is not qualified to test his driving license, but he is fascinated by the car - it seems to be able to operate a car, so the farmer allowed him to open on the farm. This passenger and cargo vehicle, but not allowed to go outside. But suddenly, the farmer looked at the car and turned into the ditch. He panicked and hurried to the scene of the accident. He saw water in the ditch, and his son was pressed under the car, lying there, only a part of the head was out of the water. The farmer is not very tall. According to the newspaper, he is 170 cm high and 70 kg heavy. But he did not hesitate to jump into the ditch, put his hands under the car, and lifted the car up enough for another worker who came to help to pull the unconscious child out from below. The local doctor quickly arrived and checked the boy again. There was only a little flesh wound, he needed treatment, and the other was harmless. At this time, the farmer began to feel strange. When he went to lift the car, he did not stop to think about whether he was able to lift it. Because of curiosity, he tried again, and the result could not move the car. The doctor said that this is a miracle. He explained that when the body function responds to an emergency, the adrenal gland secretes a large amount of hormones, which are transmitted to the whole body and produce extra energy. This is the only explanation he can come up with. To secrete so many adrenal hormones, of course, the body can produce so many glands. If you don't have it, any crisis is not enough to make it secret.

It can be seen that a person usually has a great potential physical strength. This kind of thing also tells us another, more important fact, that the farmer produces an extraordinary force in a critical situation, not only a physical reaction, but also the spiritual power of the mind. When he saw that his son might be drowned, his mental reaction was to save his son. He only had to lift the truck carrying his son, and there was no other idea. It can be said that the mental adrenal glands cause potential power. And if the situation requires more physical strength, the mental state can produce more power, that is, potential.

This is a few real examples of the enormous potential of human beings. Dogs can jump to the wall and people can rush into their potential. Anthony Robin pointed out that people often play an unusual ability when they are in a desperate or distressed situation. If people do not retreat, they will have an "explosive power". This explosive power is potential. Human potential is multifaceted: physical strength, intelligence, religious experience, emotional response, and so on. However, due to the limitations of the situation, people only exerted one-tenth of their potential. Potential is the largest and least developed treasure of mankind!

Numerous facts and the research results of many experts tell us that everyone has great potential and has not yet developed. According to his research results, American scholar James said that ordinary people only developed one-tenth of his possessive ability. Compared with what should be achieved, we are only half-awake. We have only used a very small part of our physical and mental resources.

Scientists have found that the ability of humans to store in the brain is staggering, and people usually only play a very small part of the brain function. If humans can play more than half of their brain functions, then they can easily learn forty languages, recite the entire encyclopedia, and take twelve doctorates. This description is quite reasonable and not exaggerated.

When Edison was a child, he was considered stupid by school teachers and lost the opportunity to be educated in a regular school. However, with the help of his mother, through the development of unique mind and brain potential, he became the world's most famous invention king, completing more than 2,000 inventions and creations in his lifetime. He has pioneered inventions on many projects such as phonographs, electric lights, telephones, and sound movies, which have fundamentally improved the quality of human life. This is a typical example of the better development of human potential. No winner is born, and the root cause of success is the development of the infinite potential of human beings. As long as you develop your potential with a positive attitude, you will have endless energy, and your ability will become stronger and stronger. On the contrary, if you hold a negative attitude and don't develop your potential, then you only have to sigh the fate of the unfair, and the more passive the more incompetent! Everyone has considerable potential inside. Edison once said: "If we do all the things we can do, we will undoubtedly surprise ourselves." From this sentence, we can ask a fairly scientific question: "Have you ever made yourself in your life?" Surprised?"

Have you ever heard of an allegory that an eagle thinks it is a chicken? The fable says that one day, an adventurous boy climbed to a mountain near his father's chicken farm and found an eagle's nest. He took an eagle egg from the nest, brought it back to the chicken farm, mixed the eagle egg with the egg, and let a hen come to hatch. There is a small eagle in the hatched chicks. The chick and the falcon grew up together, so they didn't know what they would be besides being a chicken. At first it was very satisfying and lived the same life as a chicken. But when it grows up, it has a strange feeling of uneasiness. It thinks from time to time: "I must not be just a chicken!" But it has not taken any action. Until one day, a terrific eagle soared over the chicken farm. The eagle felt that his wings had a strange new power, and he felt that his chest was violently jumping. When it looked up at the eagle, an idea appeared in the heart: "The chicken farm is not where I am going. I want to fly to the sky and perch on the rock." It never flies, but it has its inner heart. Strength and nature. It spread its wings and flew to a low hill. Extremely excited, it flew to the top of the mountain, and finally rushed to the sky, to the peak of the mountain, it found the great self. Of course, someone will say, "That is just a good fable. I am neither a chicken nor an eagle. I am only a person, and an ordinary person. Therefore, I have never expected anything that I can do great things. Come." Perhaps this is where the problem lies - you never expected what you could do great things. This is the truth, and this is a serious fact, that is, we only nail ourselves to the scope of our self-expectation. But the human body does have more talents, more abilities, and more effective functions than the ones shown.

There is a very dramatic thing here, talking about a naval sailor during the war. The brain-clear and well-informed person made everyone around him feel amazed. Undoubtedly, his ability to show up in the crisis surprised him.

During the Second World War, an American destroyer was moored in the harbor of a certain country. It was cloudless that night, and the moon was bright and quiet. A soldier patrols the whole ship as usual, suddenly stops standing still, and he sees a big black thing floating on the water not far away. He was horrified to see that it was a trigger mine, which might have been separated from a minefield, and slowly drifted toward the center of the hull as the tide ebbed. He grabbed the intra-communication telephone and informed the official officer, and the value officer immediately ran. They also quickly notified the captain and issued a full-ship alert signal, and the entire ship immediately mobilized. The officers and men are watching the slowly drifting mines. Everyone knows the situation at hand and the disaster is coming. The officers immediately proposed various methods. Should they take the anchor away? No, there is not enough time; start the engine to make the mine drift away? No, because the rotation of the propeller will only make the mine drift to the hull faster; the mine will be triggered by the gun? No, because that one The mine is too close to the ammunition depot inside the ship. So what should I do? Put a small boat and carry the mine with a long pole? This is not the case. Because it is a detonator that triggers a mine and has no time to remove the mine. The tragedy seems to be no way to avoid it.

Suddenly, a sailor came up with a better way than all the officers could think. "Bring the fire hose," he shouted. Everyone immediately understood that this approach makes sense. They sprayed water from the sea between the boat and the mine, created a stream of water, brought the mine to the distance, and then used the gun to detonate the mine. This sailor is really amazing. He is certainly extraordinary - but he is just a mortal, but he has the ability to calmly and correctly think in a crisis situation. Each of us has this natural ability within the body, that is, each of us has the potential to create.

No matter what kind of difficulty or crisis affects your situation, as long as you think you are doing, you can handle and solve these difficulties or crises. With a positive thought of your ability, you can reach your potential and thus produce effective action.

Objectively speaking, people's understanding of potential is still superficial so far. But the above example shows a simple truth. The so-called limit can be broken. The potential of human beings is very huge, and even can be said to be infinite. Nature gives everyone great potential. Everyone is a genius. At least the things in genius can find sprouts in ordinary people. After the death of Einstein, scientists conducted scientific research on his brain. The results show that his brain, like volume, weight, structure or tissue, is no different from anyone else of his age. This fully shows that the "secret" of Einstein's success is not that his brain is different. In his own words, he said that he is beyond the diligence and hard work of ordinary people and the spirit of self-sacrifice for scientific career. Everyone in the world is a different individual, and there is a special talent in everyone's body. That talent is like a sleeping giant, waiting for us to wake it up, and this giant is potential. Heaven will never be ill-treated to anyone. God will give each of us an endless opportunity to make the most of our strengths. As long as we can make the most of our potential, we can also become Einstein and become Edison. No matter how much others evaluate us, no matter how old we are, no matter how much resistance we have in front of us, as long as we believe in ourselves and believe in our potential, we can achieve something. In fact, the world belongs to us. We only need to erase the dust from our body. The infinite potential will be fully exerted like the atoms in the atomic reactor. We will certainly make a difference and create miracles.

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