Inspirational speech

Ma Yun wonderful motivational quotes

Ma Yun wonderful motivational quotes

Today is cruel, tomorrow is more cruel, the day after tomorrow is very beautiful, but most people die tomorrow night, only those real heroes can see the sun of the day after tomorrow.
* How to make each person's talents really work, we are like pulling a car, if some people pull here, some people pull there, and they give themselves up first. Quoting my friend Chen Shuai's words, when you have a fool, it is stupid, you will be very painful; you have 50 fools who are the happiest, eat, sleep, go to the toilet lined up; you have a smart person It’s very energetic. You have 50 smart people who are actually the most painful. My role in the company is like cement, which binds many outstanding talents and makes them work hard in one place.
* Internet companies will judge two in the future: first, its team; second, it has technology; third, its concept, possessing these things, is necessary for existence.
*Judge alone, a company is not good, don't see if he is Harvard, is it Stanford. Don't judge how many famous college graduates there are, and if you want to judge this guy, do you go crazy, see him go off work every day. Not smiling at home.
*30% of people can never believe you. Don't let your colleagues work for you, and let our colleagues work for our goals, work together, and unite under one common goal, it is much easier than uniting under one entrepreneur. So first of all, we must convince everyone to agree with the common ideal, instead of letting everyone work for you.
* I think that employees are the first and customers are the second. Without them, there would be no such website. Only when they are happy, our customers will be happy. And the words and encouragements of the customers encourage them to work like crazy, which makes our website continue to develop.
*See 10 rabbits, which one do you catch? Some people catch the rabbit for a while, grab the rabbit for a while, and finally one can't catch it. The main task of the CEO is not to look for opportunities but to say NO to opportunities. There are too many opportunities, only one. I can only catch a rabbit, catch more, and everything will be lost.
*Our company is evaluated once every six months. Although your work is very hard and excellent, you are the last one. I am very sorry, you have to leave. Between two people and two hundred people, I can only choose to be cruel to two people.
* Can you summarize the basic qualities that you think employees should have in one sentence? Today, Alibaba employees require integrity, learning ability, optimism, and embracing change attitudes!
* The Internet is a four-by-100-meter relay race. You can only run a great one. You should give opportunities to young people.
* In the sprint of the first 100 meters, no one is an opponent, because of the three-kilometer long-distance running. You ran and ran for four or five hundred meters before you could open the distance.
* We spent two years playing the foundation, what kind of building we want to cover, the drawings have not been announced, but some people are already commenting on how bad our house is. Some companies have a good house, but the foundation is unstable and it falls when there is a strong wind.
* The biggest difference between us and our competitors is that we know what they are doing and they don't know what we want to do. What we want to do, there is no need to let everyone know.
*On the Internet, there is a saying that barefoot is never afraid to wear shoes.
* Chen Shuai said that it is not a big chance to make a fortune online today, but today's network can save a lot of costs for everyone. No one in this world can make a fortune for you. Only you can make a fortune for you. What you need is investment and investment, spendtime, investtime, ontheinternet, invest your time on the Internet, and the network will save you money. But not necessarily how much money you can earn today, making money is tomorrow's business, saving money, you can see it today.
* The biggest beneficiary of e-commerce should be a businessman. We should make money because we provide tools, but the people who make us tools make a fortune, and the people who use the tools are confused. This is not normal. The so-called new economy is the traditional enterprise that uses the Internet as a tool to create greater economic benefits and increase it by dozens of times. This is the arrival of a truly new economy. Today's new and old economy is two skins.
* Chen Shuai's words say that failure on the Internet must be caused by oneself, or that the brain is hot, or that the brain is not hot, too cold.
* I feel that Internet companies must make mistakes and must make mistakes. The biggest mistake of Internet companies is to stop at the same place. The biggest mistake is not to make mistakes. The key is to summarize our reflection on all kinds of mistakes, to run better for tomorrow, and to make mistakes. The key is not to make the same mistakes. * We teach people to fish, not to mermaids.
* Entrepreneurs are in the current environment, improving this environment, light complaints, what is the use of light complaints? There are too many things that the country has to deal with now. Failure can only blame yourself, or everyone fails. Now that someone has succeeded, and you fail, you can only blame yourself. In a word, even if you are not lucky, you are not right.
* Chinese e-commerce people must stand up and walk, instead of always holding hands, always hand in hand to finish.
* We know that we can knock a few squats at that time, and when we can surround so many people, we all knock well and the tricks are not good. Knocking on all the flowers are coming out.
*I mean that Alibaba discovered the gold mine. Then we definitely don't dig it ourselves. We want others to dig. He dug up the gold mine and gave it to me.
* I am convinced that our model will make money. Amazon is the longest river in the world, 8848 is the highest mountain in the world, and Alibaba is the richest treasure in the world. A good company is alive by blood transfusion. The key is to make blood.
* We said that listing is like our gas station. If you don't go to the gas station, you can stop and go. You have to go and continue.
* The Internet is a 3,000-meter run that affects people's future lives for 30 years. You must run as fast as a rabbit and be as resistant as a tortoise.
* Why can I survive? The first is because I don't have money, the second is that I don't understand INTERNET, and the third is that I think like a fool.
* When the gun is ringing, you don't have time to see how your opponent is running. Only tomorrow is our competitor.
* If the early bird does not eat the bug, it will be eaten by other birds.
*If not now,when?If not me,who??
* The Internet is like a beer, and it's best to drink it when it's foamy.
* I heard that the lobster is rich, I have never heard of whaling.
* We can't ask for inspiration. The inspiration comes when it comes, just like the six-spirited sword of Duan Yu.
* Alibaba's six-pulse sword is Alibaba's values: integrity, dedication, passion, embrace change, teamwork, customer first.
* I always believe that as long as we never give up, we still have a chance. Finally, we still firmly believe that as long as there is a dream in the world, as long as you keep working hard, as long as you continue to learn, no matter how you grow, no matter what, or so, the man's appearance is often inversely proportional to his talent. Today is cruel, tomorrow is more cruel, the day after tomorrow is very good, but most of them are dead tomorrow night, so everyone should not give up today.
* In my opinion, there are three kinds of people, businessmen: creating money; businessmen: doing something, doing something wrong; entrepreneurs: taking responsibility for society. Entrepreneurs should create an environment for society. Entrepreneurs must have a spirit of innovation.
* Three years ago, I sent a colleague to an MBA. I told him that if you forgot what you learned after graduation, you have already graduated. If you still think about what you have learned every day, then you have not graduated yet. Learn MBA knowledge, but jump out of the MBA's limitations.
* For all entrepreneurs, always tell yourself a word: From the first day of entrepreneurship, you face difficulties and failures every day, not success. I haven't arrived yet at the most difficult time, but I will definitely arrive one day. Difficulties are not inevitable, and others cannot be allowed to fight for you. The experience of nine years of entrepreneurship tells me that any difficulties must be faced by yourself. Entrepreneurs are facing difficulties.
*ebay is a shark in the sea. Taobao is a crocodile in the Yangtze River. The crocodile fights with the shark in the sea. As a result, we can tell the shark to the Yangtze River.
* A company is the easiest to make mistakes in two situations. The first is when there is too much money, the second is to face too many opportunities. What a CEO sees should not be an opportunity, because opportunities are everywhere. A CEO should see the disaster and kill the disaster in the cradle.
* Taobao's main business should never be placed on the competition with its rivals, but instead focus on improving the customer experience.
* In the 1980s, earning money relied on courage. In the 1990s, relying on relationships, now must rely on knowledge and ability!
* I think that employees are the first and customers are the second. Without them, there would be no such website. Only when they are happy, our customers will be happy. And the words and encouragements of the customers encourage them to work like crazy, which also makes our website constantly develop*: Doing business is not a knight.
*: Establish self and pursue selflessness.
*: The sky is not afraid, the ground is not afraid, I am afraid that CFO is the CEO.
*: Always believe that the people on the side are smarter than you.
*: I want to start a business after five years, and you will start a business again.
*: Today is cruel, tomorrow is more cruel, the day after tomorrow will be very good, but most people die tomorrow night.
*: It’s not that others are too embarrassed, but they are too greedy because they are fooled.
*: In fact, many people have problems because they are all right.
*: A first-class creative, third-rate executive, I would rather like a first-class executive, third-rate creative.
*: Mengniu is not planned, but is made up of solid products, services and systems.
*: The best model is often the simplest thing.
*: To open a store and open a good store, the store is not much, but it is fine.
*: It doesn't matter if the entrepreneur's book is read too much, so I am afraid that I will not study in the society.
*: There is no secret in today's shopping malls. Secrets are not your core competitiveness.
*: The reason many people fail is not too little money, but too much money.
*: The concept has not been able to sell money in this era.
*: Entrepreneur's passion and innovation is not enough. It requires a good system, system, team and good profit model.
*: This world is not because you can do anything, but what you should do.
*: Your project feels like a business, not a unique business.
*: When building a company, consider having good value to sell. If you think of selling at first, your path may be off.
*: People must have something to focus on. People will go on and challenge more in a lifetime. If you change every day, I am afraid of you.
*: When looking for venture capital, you must share the risk with venture capital, and you will be more likely to get it.
*: Remember, the relationship is particularly unreliable. Doing business cannot depend on relationships, and doing business cannot be smart.
*: Don't be greedy, it's important to be good at it. When you come across a strong opponent or role model, what you should do is not to challenge it, but to make up for it.
*: There is no good idea in the world, only the result of down-to-earth.
*: A good thing is often unclear, and it is often not a good thing to say clearly.
*: If you read a lot of books, don't tell others, tell others that you will continue to test you.
*: The most taboo of strategy is to cover everything. It is important to remember the key breakthroughs. All resources will break through at a point before they can win.
*: Small businesses have big minds, big companies have to talk about the details.
*: Sometimes there is always a chance to die.
*: All entrepreneurs should spend more time learning how others fail.
*: Focusing on the opponent is a very important part of the strategy, but that doesn't mean you will win.
*: The strategy cannot be implemented on the results and goals. It is empty talk.
*: The vast majority of entrepreneurs push from micro to giant, by discovering the needs of some people, and then pushing them to a group of people.
*: Regardless of how much resources you have, always think of your opponents a little stronger.
*: People in the 80s should not compete with the people of the 1960s, but with the future, and with the people of the 1990s, so that you have the possibility of winning.
*: The business plan is definitely not a sales plan, there are countless details, and the operation of countless talents.
*: Strategy has many meanings. The strategy of a small company is simple, it is alive, and living is the most important.
*: You must first understand the market and customer needs, and then go to the relevant technical solutions, so the possibility of success will be even greater.
*: The core problem is to develop your product according to the market. The key is to listen to the customer's voice.
*: Free is the most expensive thing in the world. So try not to be free. I will consider it for free after you have the money.
*: The word "marketing" emphasizes both the pursuit of results and the process. It is necessary to "sell" and "camp".
*: Integrity is definitely not a kind of sales, it is not a deep and empty concept. It is a real and succinct detail.
*: Public relations is a by-product. This is the best public relations because you will gradually spread it out after you have solved it.
*: A short-lived passion is worthless, and only a lasting passion is to make money.
*: Cleverness is the natural enemy of the wise, the fool speaks with the mouth, the wise man speaks with his head, and the wise man speaks with his heart.
*: Always think of your opponent as very powerful, even if it is very weak, you have to think of him very powerful.
*: I am not willing to hire someone who often jumps between competitors.
*: Spend more time on your other employees.
*: What is a team? The team is not to let another person fail, not to let any one of the team fail.
*: Take your wife as a partner, don't treat her as a wife.
*: Sometimes high education does not necessarily sink yourself to do things.
*: Don't look for a star team during the startup period. Never look for someone who has already succeeded. Start a business to find the best person, not the best person.
*: The biggest challenge and breakthrough lies in employing people, and the biggest breakthrough in employing people lies in trusting people.
*: Everything you want to do yourself, you can't finish this world.
*: Every business must make money. Free is not a good strategy, and the price it pays will be very large.
*: When leadership is in good times, everyone can come out. Only in times of adversity is real leadership.
*: The first thing that comes to mind with disaster is your customer, the second one thinks of your employees, the other is the opponent.
*: Always remember that every success can lead to your failure. Every time you fail to take a good lesson, you may be successful.
*: The temper is partly because of insecurity or because you don't have an open mind.
*: Maybe one person said that you are not convinced, two people said that you are not convinced, when many people are talking, you have to reflect, you must have some problems.
*: A successful entrepreneur, three factors, vision, mind and strength.
*: Others can copy my mode, can't copy my suffering, can't copy my passion.
*: People in the 80s still need to beat, no matter what they do, check subjective reasons. *: Be small and be unique.
*: Cleverness is the natural enemy of the wise, the fool speaks with the mouth, the wise man speaks with his head, and the wise man speaks with his heart. So always remember, don't think of yourself as the smartest, the brightest person believes that there are always others who are smarter than themselves.
*: People never forget their dreams of the first day. Your dream is the greatest thing in the world, that is, to help others succeed.
*: Soldiers who don't want to be generals are not good soldiers, but a general who is a bad soldier must not be a good one.
*: The strategy of a small company is two words: survive and earn money.
*: The first idea to survive is to do well, not to be big.
*: The most unreliable thing in the world is relationship.
*: "Win in China" has no losers, only lucky ones.
*: The result may not be successful, but no result must be a failure.
*: Always remember the criticisms of others on your mind, and others will forget it.
*: Authority is when you give power to others, you can have real rights, you know how to listen, know how to respect, and when you take responsibility, others will listen to you, and you will have authority.
*: Personality and emotional intelligence are mainly learned and shaped by the day after tomorrow.
*: Establishing a company whose purpose is to make ordinary people make extraordinary contributions.
*: Service is the most expensive product in the world.
*: Failure to pay wages is a shame for leaders.
*: Entrepreneurship requires persistence, persistence and modesty, passion and perseverance are the throttle, modesty is the brakes, and one cannot be lacking.
*: As a leader, you should control your emotions. Many times, losing your temper is an incompetent performance. Reasonable emotional control plays a big role in team harmony and stability.
*: The good trend is not necessarily good, the bad trend is not necessarily bad for you.
*: Integrity is not a kind of sales, not a deep and empty concept, it is a real word of words, bit by bit details, integrity can not be used for sales, can not be used to do concept.

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