Inspirational speech

Inspirational speech: responsible for your own life

Inspirational speech: responsible for your own life

Dear children,

It’s another weekend, is it a big harvest this week? Can you give yourself a correct evaluation? On the basis of the original, even if there is a little progress, I must cheer for myself!

A few days ago, several children said to me: I don’t know why I always like to go to class during this period of time. I don’t know where the teacher is when I listen, I don’t want to control it... I’m thinking This may be related to the weather. It feels very tired in the spring and afternoon. Of course, this is an objective reason. In fact, there are many reasons for going to school. Maybe there is no rest; maybe there is pressure; maybe there are more things recently; maybe I care about something other than learning. In addition to the sporadic situation mentioned above, there are several possibilities: First, some children with strong ability to accept agile, understand the teaching content is fast, often in a state of not eating enough, they think that the rhythm of the teacher's lecture is too slow The content is too simple, it doesn't matter if you don't listen, so it is easy to appear distracted. Second, some children with poor basic knowledge can't keep up with the teacher's rhythm. They often don't know where the teacher talks, so they are distracted. Third, some Children always listen to their lessons by interest, and they don’t listen carefully to subjects and teachers who don’t like them. Over time, there will be classes and distractions; fourth, some children have developed bad study habits in the past, and their attention is always inconsistent. I think that I can't save my medicine, so I give up my efforts, and I am in a state of distraction; fifth, some children are weak, the schedule of work and rest is not good, the brain can't run for a long time, it is difficult to concentrate on learning, so they can't help themselves. Wait. In either case, we must be clear about the real reason for our distraction in class, and we can find out which one we belong to with our problems in order to find a cure for our own situation.

I think that to overcome the class, we must first rest well and ensure sleep, because it is difficult for people to concentrate when they are tired. Therefore, children must rest after lunch. Never leave the bowl and continue to study. Be sure to be in the classroom. Close your eyes and rest for 30 minutes. Whether you can fall asleep or not, it is the best rest for you, so you can guarantee your afternoon study. This is one of them. Second, we must overcome the external disturbances and develop a study habit of quieting, because there are often many internal and external factors in the study, which makes it difficult for us to concentrate on learning. We must learn to take silence from the noise, to make ourselves quiet, to be quiet is power, only to be quiet, to concentrate on learning. Third, strengthen the will exercise and be the master of the attention. In addition to encountering external stimuli, we will also encounter internal factors. Such as low mood, poor health, bad habits, etc., these are easy to distract us in the classroom. Therefore, we must learn to fight with the strong will and the same interference. Fourth, listen carefully to the class, follow the teacher's rhythm, you can understand what the teacher said, which is also critical to completing homework after class. Finally, I suggest that children learn to relax. For those who can't concentrate on doing things, don't force yourself, close your eyes, relax your body, breathe slowly, try to rule out other thoughts, concentrate on the number of times you breathe yourself, a few minutes. Then start working on the topic, so that attention can be concentrated.

As the weather changes, the children's rest at noon is even more important. Don't be uncomfortable. Don't think that using the noon time to study is to hurry and study hard. I don't know if I lost watermelon and sesame seeds. The teacher reminded me that I hope that everyone will attach great importance to it and not be paralyzed!

In the study and life, the children will grow up and mature slowly. In peacetime, they should pay more attention to their own manners, strengthen their self-cultivation, and not passively wait for the world. They must not limit their creative potential. They must cultivate positive 100%. Responsible mentality, responsible for your own life, responsible for your own family, responsible for your own class, trying to grasp each present, taking on your own responsibilities, realizing the value of self at every stage, and showing your meaning to life.

Children, let's share a real story. The American named Anne Lambert told everyone through her experience how her perfect life started. After sharing this story, the children will be convinced: How important it is to take responsibility for your own growth from now on!

One day, Anne Lambert told everyone about her growth story. She said: "The day of my 13th birthday was a major turning point in my life. Mom called me into her room, 'Annie, I want to You talk. 'Mom patted the bed around me and said, 'I have spent 12 years to cultivate your values ​​and ethics. Do you feel that you have the ability to distinguish between right and wrong? Today is your 13th birthday. From now on you will no longer be a child, life is the time for you to start your own ideas. From now on, your own rules will be fixed. When do you get up, when you sleep, when do you write homework, and who Making friends, these are up to you. ''I don't understand. Are you angry with me? What am I doing wrong?' Mom put her hand on my shoulder: 'Everyone will be the master sooner or later. Many young people who are strictly disciplined by their parents often make terrible mistakes when they leave the university, no one gives them guidance, and some even ruin their lives. So I will give you freedom soon. 'I am dumbfounded. Staring at her, flashed through his mind with various thoughts: So, just how late I can go home; the freedom to participate in various meetings; no one urged me homework ...... This is simply awesome!

At this time, Mom stood up: 'Remember, this is a responsibility. The family is watching you. And only you are responsible for your own fault. 'She said and hugged me, 'Don't forget, I am always by your side. Any time, if you need, I will always help you. 'The perfect conversation is over. As always, this birthday was spent with family, with cakes, ice cream, and gifts, and this conversation between mother and daughter was the most meaningful birthday present I received.

"From that day on, when I was enjoying freedom, I never forgot my mother's words - only you are responsible for your own fault. In the years after that, I have done a lot of wrong things, but I am The responsible attitude of my own fault has made me mature quickly."

Children, willing to be responsible for their own lives, is a manifestation of a person's self-respect, and is a sign of a mature person. People will grow up slowly, and their loved ones, friends, and teachers will tell us how to live and how to behave. But the implementation of any action can only be our own. When we all understand this, we will constantly change our behavior, make up for our own faults, and be a mature and courageous person.

I think that when Anne was 13 years old, she began to understand this truth and practice it personally. In the process, she grew up and matured. She knows how to be responsible for herself and also wins a broader space for growth and thinking. From now on, children should keep their living habits normal, arrange the time of study, exercise, entertainment and sleep reasonably. Under the premise of spiritual fullness, we must do our utmost to cultivate our interest in learning, and enjoy learning and living happily!

I wish the children healthy, happy and enterprising!

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