Inspirational speech

High school graduation ceremony student representative speech

High school graduation ceremony student representative speech

good morning everyone:

Today, I am honored to speak on behalf of all senior high school students.

Twelve years ago, we may have buried a seed for ourselves in our hearts;

Three years ago, we stepped into Jianpingyuan and knew that this seed had found the most suitable soil and would grow stronger and tenaciously.

A year ago, we were still standing on the runway, applauding for the brothers and sisters who were about to realize their ideals;

A year later, we also embarked on the same starting line, accepting everyone's encouragement and blessings, and recording the memories that belong to us;

Today, we can even feel that we are within reach of our ideals.

For three years, Jianping taught us not only academic knowledge, but also a special culture and spirit to infect and educate everyone in a variety of forms. When we closed our eyes and began to recall, the military training exercised in the hot sun, the neat pace, the tears of laughter that shed in the smoke of the peasant, the rehearsal of the National Day before the end of the night, that May The songs were sung in the blockbuster, as well as the shouts of hysteria and the sweat of hard work on the basketball court... The first days and nights, the first days are still vivid. Friends go together for a lifetime, please take a look at the person around you, the group of people, those memories that belong to us, open today, is it still moving, fresh still?

For three years, this fertile land of Jianping has given us many opportunities. We are grateful to Jianping for teaching us to be grateful. Nanjing teaches us to remember history. The National Day Church teaches us to be the motherland. The community activities teach us to unite and work hard... We are happy to live our lives. At Jianping, we thank the schools for setting up these platforms, let us grow and teach us adults.

In the past three years, we need to be grateful for too many people. The teachers of the language group of Wen Cai and the readers of the book let us realize the wonderful, vivid and skillful mathematics teachers who let us feel. The function and geometry can be the most beautiful language in the world. The tireless and energetic English teacher makes us believe that even if it is not the mother tongue, we can give birth to a love, and the comprehensive liberal arts teacher of Bogutong, who knows the world, makes us awake. Distant and earthly attention, intelligent and hardworking comprehensive science team teachers let us interpret the mysteries of natural sciences. The strong and powerful, gentle and beautiful group of teachers let us know that people who will live will be happier...

It seems that no amount of adjectives can modify the teachers who have helped us and taught us to fight. No amount of praise can express our respect. But today, we finally embarked on the starting line and finally can use the hard work to realize our dreams. Return to the alma mater.

Today, we have finally become a veritable junior high school graduate. We are about to usher in the college entrance examination and usher in a 12-year challenge. I especially remember that the school motto "I am proud of Jianping today, and Jianping is proud of me tomorrow" has been remembered since the first day I stepped into it. Today, we can finally honor this solemnity with our own fruits. The promise of using his own strength to write another glory of Jianping has become another pride of Jianping. When we are getting closer and closer to the original dream, we should not be nervous about the upcoming college entrance examination, and will not feel sad for the middle school era that is about to say goodbye. Please believe that we have worked hard together and struggled with this fulfilling one. In the year, all dreams will come true.

Today, we will also celebrate our 18-year-old adult ceremony. Out of here, we are no longer the unruly children on campus. Our shoulders have more responsibility, a solemn commitment, and a self-reliance to do everything that is good for society, with a scientific attitude Seeking on the road of life, with a humanistic feeling to care for the people around them, with a sense of symbiosis in harmony with others in society, with a leadership temperament in the crowd to show their courage. In the face of future challenges, we will not be uneasy. "The long wind and the waves are at the time, hanging clouds and sailing the sea." Believe us, Jianping has no losers!

Maybe today, we will never have the chance to sit here together and hold the grand event that belongs to our 09th session. However, no matter how the years change, we will surely remember the most pure and beautiful time in these three years of life. I will always remember the teachers and partners who can't bear to separate now, and always remember the youthful footprints that have struggled.

I sincerely wish every one of you here to achieve your own ideals in the future! Zhu Jianping's tomorrow is even better!

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