Inspirational speech

Inspirational speech: watering flowers more beautifully

Inspirational speech: watering flowers more beautifully

Dear leaders, teachers, good afternoon!

Today, thanks to the love of the school leaders, let me speak and talk about the English teaching experience here. I feel very honored and at the same time I am very frightened. There are a lot of famous teachers here, and there are many excellent teachers. I am here to talk about teaching experience, and I am not afraid of getting axe. However, due to the arrangement of school work, I have to make it difficult for me to talk about some of my experiences and superficial understanding of high school English teaching. I hope that I can get criticism and correction from leaders and teachers to help me improve my teaching skills faster and better.

First, we must love and dedication, and love our own work.

I feel that if we want to achieve good results in education and teaching, the precondition should be to love education. As the saying goes, only one line of love and one line can do a good job. Because only love, will invest. If a person does not love his or her own job, he will not have any achievements in any way. Therefore, since we have chosen to be a teacher, we should love the profession of teachers, and therefore love the school we work for and love every student we teach. As long as there is love in the heart, there will be gains in doing anything.

Since taking over the two classes of the third year on August 26, I have done my duty and worked hard. Whether it is class management or English teaching, I strictly demand myself and strive to do better. As a class teacher, I ask students to do it. I always lead by example and take the lead in setting a good image among the students. Every morning I almost got up at five o'clock and went to work at half past five. I always put in place in advance for the nine rules of the school. For more than three months, no matter how windy or rainy, I have never stopped. I know that my ability is limited, and I know that diligence can make up for it, so I only have to work diligently to make up for my lack of ability. Under the influence and drive of my students, the spirit has changed a lot. The learning attitude has also improved significantly compared with the past. The students have set off a good atmosphere of learning, comparing, catching up and surpassing. It can be said that there is no strict class style and good study style. It is very difficult for students to sit down and study with peace of mind, let alone improve their performance.

Dedicated love is also reflected in another aspect, that is, the teacher must go to every class with a full spirit. It can be said that the teacher's mood and emotion directly determine the efficiency of the students' classroom learning, which requires our teachers not to bring their own personal emotions into the classroom. In the family or in life, we will always encounter some unsatisfactory things like this or that. For these things, we should solve them outside the classroom. We can't mix personal life with work, don't show it in front of students. Personal anger, dissatisfaction or other negative emotions. Before class, you should adjust your mood in a timely manner. The class should be full of passion. You should use enthusiasm to infect students and inspire students, so that you can achieve good teaching results.

Second, teaching should be targeted and teach students in accordance with their aptitude.

If you want to have achievements and achievements in teaching, teachers must have a full understanding of their educational objects and be taught in accordance with their aptitude. As Chairman Mao said: Do not fight unprepared. This requires our teachers not only to prepare the materials seriously, but also to prepare students and study students seriously.

When I started school, I conducted a survey and investigation on the English level of the two classes of students, and had a preliminary understanding of the basic situation of the students. The third class is a liberal arts class. There are 35 students, including female students. Students have a certain English foundation, but they are uneven. They can test more than 100 points, and the difference is only one or two. The third class is a regular science class with 64 students. At the end of the second year of the second year of high school, the English level is only 41 points, with a maximum score of 81 points and only 70 points or more. Lu Yang, who ranked first in the final exam results class, scored 16 points in English. Seeing these low scores on the transcript, I still feel a lot of pressure despite the psychological preparation. As an English teacher, I feel that the task on my shoulders is arduous. It will be a very difficult year for the next academic year. But since the school has already made work arrangements, let me take over the class, I also have a hard scalp.

To this end, at the beginning of the school, I developed a detailed teaching plan based on the actual situation of the students obtained from the investigation and the overall review schedule of the Senior Three English Teaching and Research Group. The teaching progress, the depth and breadth of the teaching content of these two classes were clarified, and the staged goals of student development were determined. The goal is clear, and teaching has a direction. The student base of the four classes is slightly better. Therefore, during the first round of review, my teaching progress is faster, and the content has been expanded to a deeper level, and the training volume is also slightly larger. In the second class, because the English foundation of the students is very weak, the students' ability to accept is poor. Therefore, in the second class, the capacity of each class is significantly reduced, and the difficulty is correspondingly reduced. Only students are required to master key words and phrases. And some of the most basic usages of sentence patterns, appropriate reduction of some difficult content on the supplementary materials, to minimize the pressure of students' learning and the burden of memory, and strive to make students learn easily and learn every day. Earned.

Third, use a variety of teaching methods to stimulate students' interest in learning.

Einstein said that interest is the best teacher. If you are interested in a subject, students will be proactive in learning new knowledge and will try to solve the problems encountered in the study. The student's interest comes up, and the teacher's teaching will get twice the result with half the effort.

How to stimulate students' interest in learning English? My specific approach is to carefully prepare lessons, elaborate multimedia courseware, use video, animation and pictures to display English words, phrases, sentence patterns and grammar, create good visual and auditory effects, and make students feel spiritually happy. sense. The second is to link language teaching with daily life, combine current affairs and hotspots, and give students news or knowledge about politics, military, history, social and cultural customs to attract students' attention. The third is to actively seek opportunities to communicate with students after class, help them solve some problems in life, and be a good teacher and friend of students. By participating in activities with students, you can keep abreast of the students' thoughts and understand the needs of students.
Less criticism and more encouragement are also a way to improve students' interest in learning. Especially for our regular class students, their English foundation is not good at all. It is very difficult to listen to classes, and some people simply don't understand, so it is inevitable that students will sleep in class. If one day I find that a student who is always sleeping is not sleeping in class today, we can praise him in public in time, saying that a certain classmate is doing well today, not sleeping in class, making progress, and hoping not to sleep in class later. Our students, despite their poor grades, all died. When he heard the teacher say this, he was too embarrassed to sleep again. Therefore, as a teacher, don't be praised by students. I found that there are many places worthy of our praise. Some students usually do not take notes. If we do it today, we can praise it. We have never done homework before, and we have done it today. We can also praise it. Every student has a sparkle, and we just want to find their sparkle and zoom in properly. More praise and less criticism will invisibly close the distance between teachers and students. For those students who are usually used to the teacher's criticism, a praise may make their thoughts change dramatically, and thus have a good impression on the teacher, and then have a good impression on the subject taught by the teacher. The facts prove that this practice is indeed very effective. Now the phenomenon of sleeping in our class has been significantly reduced, and the style of study has also been greatly improved. The teacher of the department does not spend a lot of time in each class to maintain classroom discipline.

Fourth, strict requirements for students, do not give up any student.

This "strict" type is now in the classroom to take notes and post-class questions to consolidate two aspects. In the classroom, I always talk while I am in the middle of the class. I will promptly remind the students who do not listen carefully and distract themselves, and urge them to concentrate and carefully record the lectures in the book or in the notebook. Although some of the student's notes are detailed, some of the notes are simple, but after all, everyone has done it. Being able to move a pen is a good thing, and more or less will always have some effect.

I also attach great importance to the training and consolidation of classroom and after-school exercises. The process of doing the problem is not only a process of detecting the mastery of the knowledge acquired by the students, but also a process of autonomous learning. The knowledge points are not firmly grasped, and they will not be used. They can only be reflected through the questions.

Therefore, in the usual teaching process, I am constantly working on these two aspects. After the end of a unit, I will use the time of early reading or late reading to check the "Master 1" and notebook used by the students one by one to see if their notes have been made, whether there are traces left in the book, check After the completion, we must also approve the date so that we do not miss a student. For the students' homework, whether it is the basic reinforcement questions, test papers, or the exercises printed by our senior English teacher, I will accept the corrections, not simply to approve the date and "check" or "read" "The word, but a whole batch of all changes without missing a question, and circle the students' mistakes and problems. Although the whole batch of reforms may take a lot of time, I think I should do this, because only the teacher pays attention to it, and the students will seriously treat each assignment. If the teacher holds a casual attitude and simply approves the word "read" or "check", it will definitely have a negative impact on the students. They will think that the teacher does not pay attention to their homework, then he will do the next time he is doing the problem. It is likely to be perfunctory.

Fifth, intensively speaking and practicing, it is necessary to focus on student training and supplemented by teachers.

The review class is not a new class. It can only be that the teacher takes the students to systematically summarize and sort out the knowledge they have learned before. It can't be explained word by word like the new class. What should be said in detail, which should be said or not, the teacher should be aware of the number before the class, and strive to work hard on the word "fine". In the classroom, you must avoid the teacher singing a one-man show alone. More time should be reserved for the students to practice, especially the words and knowledge points required to be mastered in the examination. It is necessary to practice and let the students understand and implement one by one. In view of the reality of our students, I feel that the amount of training should be moderate, too much, and the amount of training is too large for students to digest, and there will be no good results.

These are some of my personal experiences and superficial views. If you don't, I would like to ask my colleagues to criticize me.

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