Inspirational speech

Class teacher 2019 New Year inspirational message

Class teacher 2019 New Year inspirational message

The old man's footsteps are quietly moving. Do we not all have the feeling of time, the sun and the moon? Tao Yuanming, a poet of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, once had such a sigh: "There is no reunion in the prime year, it is difficult to be in the morning, and it should be encouraged in time. The years are not waiting for people." We also have this sense of urgency. Taiwan has a sorghum saying this: "At some stage of life, you must put all your strength, wisdom, and potential into a goal, so that it will form a focus, and in this focus will bloom a rich flower." May 2009 be the most memorable period in the lives of dear students.
The New Year’s bell is about to ring,
The voice of the college entrance examination is getting closer and closer;
Let's make an appointment, like a dandelion trip,
Even if there is no sun, there will be a meteor;
Let us strengthen our confidence, just like a snail trip,
Leave footprints wherever you go;
Let us keep searching, just like a hero,
No matter where you are, you have a brave heart.
Youth is beautiful because of struggle, and life is colorful because of pursuit.
I am not running at the forefront, but I will never give up;
I am not the fastest, but I will persevere.
Learning is like rowing upstream;
I am determined to move forward with enthusiasm.
Cast strength with sweat and achieve goals with specifications.
Weave dreams with perseverance and achieve brilliance with hard work.
There are a few strokes in life. At this time, you don’t fight, but when to wait;
I am born to be useful, I have been studying hard for more than ten years, and I am dreaming of the Ming Dynasty!
The smoke has already ignited the battle drum, and the horn is bright. I can’t breathe, and I can’t breathe. I want to say to you:
For the mother, you can't indulge yourself. For yourself, you can't give up even a little bit of hope. I hope that you will hold the dream of full sail. In order to dream, you must choose to be strong. When you fall, I want you to wave your sword and then when you are tired. I want you to bite your teeth and show your boy's spine. When you are jealous, I want you to strengthen your confidence and grasp the direction. When you are slacking, I want you to learn to be arrogant and mad. When you are proud and self-satisfied, I want you to compare it with you. When I use it for 99%, I want you to take out that one percent of the power. When you are successful, I will really cheer you up behind the scenes.
Classmates, from the time you came to the class, we became a united, diligent and mutually supportive group. As a class teacher, while also being proud, I also want to tell you that youth is a banner, and only in the vitality of the wind can you dance. And youth has no boundaries and no limits. The meaning of youth is not young. It is an understanding of the input of life. Youth means cost, only paying to get it. Please read a little more book because it makes you smarter; do more things because it makes you more mature; use more distractions because it allows you to experience what life is.
Laughing, crying, happy, sad, have become the past, the sun will rise tomorrow, life will continue. We are also welcoming a new, more brilliant, more promising, more challenging, and new 2019. At that time, you have the ability to meet any challenge and climb to the peak of your life. You will be able to pay. A perfect life answer, so that everyone is proud and proud!
If the heart is there, the dream is there! I believe that you will be successful in a crucial year in life. I wish the students good results in the college entrance examination, let you be the pride of your parents, let you become the pride of the class!
Finally, I wish the students all the expectations in the new year, all the dreams can be realized, all the hopes can be fulfilled, all the contributions can be fulfilled!

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