Inspirational speech

Speech of the 100-day sprint swearing-in meeting of the college entrance examination: firm confidence, challenge the limit

Firm confidence and challenge the limits
——Speech at the 100-day sprint conference of the college entrance examination

Dear leaders, teachers, parents, dear students:
Hello everyone! The rooster’s report reminds people early, and it’s coming in the spring of the year. Today is February 26, 2007, in this spring of vitality and vitality, in this special day just 100 days from the college entrance examination, we stand on the starting line of the new semester, with the eager eyes of parents, depicting With the blueprint in my heart, I started the 100-meter sprint of the 10,000-meter race. Recalling more than 900 days and nights that have passed in high school for three years, the books we have read can be turned into mountains, and the finished papers can be rounded into the sea; we have had tears of achievements, and we have even scored step by step. joy. Looking back at the last semester, the students created one after another brilliant, two interim and mid-term Huizhou entrance exams, predicting that the number of college entrance examinations with no more than 50 years in total will be listed in the forefront of all entrance exam schools; these achievements are hard-won. It is the high school teachers and students who use self-confidence, diligence, and hard work. These achievements are more inspiring and remind us that the 100-day sprint is more difficult. We have a fine tradition in the first place, that is, the results are not stopped, the more difficult and dangerous.
Students, in the college entrance examination to achieve excellent results, in hundreds of thousands of candidates to stand out, relying on strength, not luck, and strength comes from hard work, from hard work, from hard work. As long as the high exam paper has not been collected, the opportunity is in your own hands. 100 days is not long or short, but don't take your own status as the standard. Everyone should think about the morning breeze. How to work hard today, ask the stars and ask how many people grow up today. The potential dialogue, challenge your own limits, create a miracle in 100 days, give yourself a surprise in 100 days, and never give up in the end.
Let me talk about the last 100 days of reviewing the sprint.
First, overcome the bad psychology, establish a win, confidence, good psychology is the magic weapon for the college entrance examination to win, bad psychology is the enemy of the college entrance examination. We must find ways to overcome the following six bad mentalities during the sprint phase:
1. Pride and complacency. The performance is not to listen carefully in class, answer questions are not positive, like to do difficult problems, do not pay attention to basic training.
2. Negative and tired of learning. I can't afford to go to class, don't even come to class, come to class is to read novel magazines, do small moves, gossip.
3. Rely on laziness. I don't have my own study plan, I rely entirely on my teacher, and I rarely take the initiative to read textbooks and do exercises.
4, vanity floating psychology. Some students have little knowledge of knowledge, do not know how to understand, seem to accept on the surface, and actually do not master.
5, pessimistic nervousness. On the one hand, some students always feel that their intelligence is not as good as others, and they have no hope of taking the university. On the other hand, they want to step into the door of the university. Therefore, they are in a very tense state for a long time, which is: when they are sleepy, when they work overtime. Look at this information, the information is awkward, much more, and less digestion and absorption.
6, greedy and quicker psychology. Do not dismiss the basic "short-quick" test questions, do a comprehensive problem with more knowledge points, and only seek speed and quantity, without summing up and improving.
In addition, there is the most deadly bad psychology, that is, some students think about what to do if the college entrance examination is not available all day long. Such a classmate is also not very wise, and he has advanced his concerns. It’s only 100 days. If the test is not good, it’s 100 days later. What is the concern now? The role is to waste your valuable review time. Therefore, students should grasp the short time to check for vacancies, instead of worrying about the future. Whether the sprint stage can challenge the limit depends largely on whether a person has confidence. The process of overcoming bad psychology is actually the process of building confidence. How to establish a confidence to win?
One is to learn to smile on your own, to walk up and walk straight, to be a straight-lined person, to help build confidence. There must be an attitude of not deceiving ourselves and not deceiving people. We must have the spirit of hard work and hard work. We must abandon the idea of ​​"more than enough, more than enough", to dare to think, to dare, to dare, in the slightest Don't relax yourself, always remind yourself that there are higher goals ahead and you need to climb yourself.
Second, it is also helpful to develop good habits of doing exercises. First, it is not mechanical. It is not enough to just ask for answers. It must be thought and marked. Think about what knowledge points are tested in each question, how to test them, which type of test method, and then give one to the other... mark each question that is wrong, this can help the students to avoid some of the same mistakes in the future. Second, a problem must be done from the beginning, not to develop the habit of doing half of the problem. Third, the wrong question should be changed. For students with poor foundations, they can start from multiple-choice questions and fill in the blanks, and fill in the holes one by one. As long as they make progress on the original basis, they can gradually build confidence.
Third, in the last 100 days, students should treat the mock exam as a college entrance examination. The mock exam is not only a simulation of the exam, but also a simulation of the scene. In this way, after many scene simulations, you will not be nervous when you go to the college entrance examination.
Second, choose the appropriate review method to improve learning efficiency. Appropriate review methods can get twice the result with half the effort. It is recommended that students use the following centralized review methods.
1. Review in time. According to Ebbinghaus's law of forgetting, we should review it in time, because forgetting happens quickly after learning, and then gradually slows down as time goes by. If the teacher left a few minutes in the classroom to let us freely control, then we have to use these few minutes to digest the knowledge of the temple, "hot iron." In addition to completing the day's homework and papers, the daily self-study should ensure that the homework is reviewed in a timely manner. The day of the class is cleared on the same day, and one week of homework is cleared. Timely review takes less time, but the effect is good.
2, scattered review. From a psychological point of view, concentrated review is prone to fatigue, and is susceptible to interference, which affects the review effect; scattered review due to short time, not easy to cause fatigue and interference, review efficiency is naturally high. In the pre-test sprint stage in which all subjects have entered the review, each subject should be interspersed and reviewed according to the principle of decentralized review. The principle of interspersing is: the liberal arts and sciences alternate, the interference between the two subjects should be as small as possible, and subjects that may interfere with each other must be reviewed.
3. Review many times. As the saying goes: Old books don't get tired of reading back, and they are familiar with themselves. Some students always said that they couldn’t remember after learning, and they blamed their brains for being stupid. In fact, the number of repetitions was not enough. Marx has amazing memory, but he has a good study habit. Every once in a while, he will review the key chapters in the notebook and the book to consolidate his memory. Gu Yanwu, a famous scholar of Ming Dynasty in China, can recite the "Thirteen Classics". The reason is that when he studies, he spends a total of three months each year to review the books he has read. The staged multiple review should distinguish the primary and secondary, highlight the key points, and do not ask for everything, but should focus on it.
4, a combination of multiple ways to review. A single review method is prone to negative emotions and fatigue. If you use the review method, the review method, and the self-examination review method, you will stimulate the enthusiasm of intellectual activities.
Third, tap the potential, overcome the weak points Students in the previous stage of the review almost always encountered such a situation, that after a period of review, the results will no longer be greatly improved, even high Suddenly low, ups and downs, this is what people often say is the "plateau phenomenon" that is common in the college entrance examination review.
For students who entered the 100-day sprint, the "highland phenomenon" is extremely harmful. Because the closer to the college entrance examination, the more people feel the preciousness of time. If there is no progress, everyone will have a misunderstanding of useless and empty time, thus relaxing or even giving up further study of knowledge. This is also one of the important reasons that many students have achieved good results and poor college entrance examination results.
In the 100-day sprint, to overcome the "plateau phenomenon", you must first understand the reasons for its occurrence. Generally speaking, those knowledge points and ability points with lower difficulty and higher frequency are easier to master; on the contrary, those knowledge points with higher difficulty and lower frequency are often poorly mastered. In addition, everyone's thinking characteristics, learning interests, study habits and learning process vary widely. Over time, they form the phenomenon of "deviation" and "weakness". As a result, the total score is stagnation, that is, the emergence of the "highland phenomenon."
Second, we must find out our own "bias" and "weakness." To this end, the scores of the scores of each test can be recorded in detail, and then the statistics are sorted item by item, and you can see your knowledge of the knowledge points and ability points, thus turning your own Click "Weakness" to find out.
Third, take a certain period of time, carry out the necessary fixed-point training and reinforcement for your own "punctuation" and "weakness", and implement key breakthroughs, because these "bias" and "weakness" are the ability growth points of the students.
Fourth, preparing lessons must handle seven relationships
1. The relationship between planning and implementation is still 100 days. The students have to set a reasonable review plan. The review time is assigned to each subject every day. For a relatively good subject or "benefit link", the allocation time is less appropriate, while the weak subject or "weak link" allocates a little more time. It is recommended that each classmate build a wrong set of questions, specifically to collect the wrong questions, and often turn over, the probability of the next mistake is much smaller. In addition to grasping the basic knowledge, the summary is indispensable. It is very important to check for missing traps on the basis of summarization. In addition to keeping pace with the teacher's review, personal summaries are very important. In the summary, the knowledge of each subject can be condensed, which is also easy to understand and remember.
In the general review, we must ensure the integrity of the subject review. The so-called integrity means that the review of each day of the candidate, the review of each time period must ensure the integrity of the subject, review a subject according to the plan and then carry out another subject. Review, in this way, the basic knowledge is solid, the subject knowledge network is clear, the review efficiency is high, and the review effect is good. Some candidates have a history of history, a politics in the west, and grabbed geography in a while. The result is that the eyebrows and beards are caught, and the disciplines interfere with each other. The more the candidates review, the less they will be.
2. The relationship between the exam and the textbook.
In the sprinting stage, you should take every exam seriously and never let go of every wrong question. The examination is a test of the level of knowledge of the students. The purpose is to find out what the students have learned. What else is it? Therefore, while we are glad that we have achieved good results, we must never give up every mistake that has occurred. This mistake is the loophole of our own learning. It is the fault of our own knowledge system, which is the embodiment of our own logical reasoning. So grasp this mistake, start from the error, find out the key point of the problem, break the casserole and ask the end, what is causing my mistake, whether a certain concept is unclear, or a method does not, or some kind The performance is not in place? It is recommended that students treat mistakes as if they were to treat enemies. They must be completely eliminated, and they must not glimpse and squander things. Some people simply attribute many mistakes to carelessness. In fact, the mistakes in our study are often not accidental. You think it is careless, but the next time you encounter it, you will be wrong because you don’t have enough experience on a certain problem. There is no deep understanding, so please ask the students to prepare a notebook. If there is an error, record it in time, and indicate where it came from, carefully write the reason and correct solution, and ask yourself, if I will never again Making the same mistake? If you don't understand the problem, try to ask the teacher. It is not only the teacher who can help you answer, but the teacher will diagnose the real cause of your mistake, find out the blind spots in your knowledge system, and give you the most reasonable advice and solution. Program.
Of course, outside the exam, most of the time you should return to the textbook based on the course standard and the test instructions, and pay attention to the review of the basic knowledge. Otherwise, the foundation will be lost and the test will not achieve the goal. In the high test paper, the proportion of easy, medium and difficult test questions is 3:5:2 or 3:6:1, and the easy and middle test questions account for 80% or 90%, so you should grasp the basics in order to achieve good results. My slogan is: foundation, foundation, and foundation; extra points, extra points, and extra points. Here are three suggestions:
Further thoroughly understand the spirit of the "Examination Outline" and "Exam Description" and clarify the scope and requirements for review. The "Examination Outline" is the basis of the college entrance examination proposition. It strictly defines the scope and ability requirements of the proposition. Students should further study the "Examination Outline" before the college entrance examination to clarify the content, direction, ability requirements and difficulty level of the review. The requirements in the syllabus and their actual situation have a purposeful and focused arrangement for review.
Make full use of textbooks to use textbooks and do a good job in the implementation of "double bases". Some students put away textbooks in the review before the college entrance examination, drilled in a large number of review materials and mock papers, and tried to complete the work of covering high exam questions by doing more and repeating the questions. The result was half the effort. Students must attach great importance to using textbooks to use textbooks, put most of their energy into textbooks, and follow the requirements of textbooks to implement the "double-base" implementation. Do not deliberately pursue the problems, problems, problems or skills that have spread in society. Strong questions, don't extricate yourself in the sea of ​​questions.
Correctly handle the relationship between quality and quantity of training. In the training of the students, students should pay attention not only to the quantity of training, but also to the quality of the questions, not to the topic, but to the "rule" of the topic, the "law" of the title, and the maximum use of each question. The utility. When there is a contradiction between the quantity and quality of the questions, it is necessary to adhere to the principle of “should be less, but better”, so that you can see through the same questions and see the differences in the same way. Knowledge and mastery of the best methods to achieve the desired results in the exam.
3. To attack weak and weak disciplines and to play the role of dominant disciplines.
Each subject has a comparative advantage and a relatively weak subject. Students should strengthen their superior disciplines to enhance their confidence and rely on it to get high scores. Make up for the weak subjects, take effective steps and take small steps to improve the strength of the weak subjects step by step, thus strengthening the confidence of their own exams. The more you go to the back, the more you need to avoid weaknesses. Play a dominant discipline
4. The relationship between the main role and the leading role.
The review should adhere to the principle of synchronicity. The so-called synchronic principle is that the review plan of the students must be carried out in parallel with the teacher's review arrangement. The students must have their own review plan, but the plan is at school. The teacher reviewed the refinement and adjustments under the arrangement.
After all, the teacher has many years of teaching and coaching experience, so it is the person who can best grasp the measurement. They can transfer effective knowledge to students in a systematic and systematic manner, and explain the problem-solving skills in detail. "When you are in class, you must pursue not to go anywhere, anytime." The knowledge points explained by the teacher have long been mastered, and the teachers who do not understand themselves are less mentioned. It is easy for students to go into two major misunderstandings: one is to touch the teacher's teaching plan and the knowledge link, and the other is to study the difficult test questions alone. " Such candidates ignore a very important question: the college entrance examination is not a competition, it will not be high and low; and the teacher is coming over, he knows how to guide."
After reviewing the steps of the teacher, the most important thing is to “connect the giant knowledge points”. The students themselves must have active awareness and action.
5. Review the relationship between the effect and the class style. History proves: Which class has a good class, the college entrance examination scores must be good!
6, the relationship between learning and exercise, rest. Scientific arrangement, mutual promotion!
Teacher, classmates, if life is a star scattered in the sky, the meteor that suddenly flashed is the last 100 days of our senior high school sprint! We didn't care about the radiation of our own radiation, but we only noticed the pain of burning the body when we created the splendour. It seems that we only feel the tension of life, the burden of learning, and the eyes that our parents expect, but when we look back after the college entrance examination, The final sprint of the third year of high school will be unforgettable. ?
Teachers, classmates, the horn of the decisive battle has already sounded, the order to accelerate the advance has been issued, the time is tight, the task is heavy, the pressure is high, the students should be clear and sensible to understand: the choice of high school sprint means hardship, willingness to loneliness, means giving up Entertainment and play; no matter how hard the process is, after experiencing it, it is also a kind of happiness. We don't have to hesitate, we don't have to back down, we have the courage to face the sun, we have gone through the difficulties, we have gone through setbacks, we have been fighting for 100 days, welcoming hope, and dreaming of a university!
In the team where the students accelerated, there were school leaders and all the teachers of the third year who were beating with the students. There were school leaders, all the high school teachers and the students who stood firm. I am distressed and shaken. Don’t forget that there are so many school leaders and teachers who support the students and care about the students. The school leaders and teachers are willing to be ladders, let the students climb on the shoulders; they are willing to make paving stones, laying a solid road for the students' success. They are willing to make red candles and illuminate the students' poems. journey! Three days are destined, seven points by hard work, love will win! In the tortoise and the hare, the turtle won the final victory because of its perseverance. Mr. Lu Xun said: "It’s not shameful. Even if it is slow, it will be able to achieve the goal that he is aiming for." In high school for more than 900 days, we came from the wind and rain. In this final sprint we want Use our diligence to meet the impact of fate and play a new movement of life! Write a new glory in Chuanzhong!
Classmates, work hard! To seize the last 100 days, cherish the minutes and seconds, with the spirit of hard learning, good learning, and learning, to achieve the realm of forgetting, forgetting, and forgetting, Wan Nian one, sprint! It is a ship, it is necessary to fight the wind and waves; if it is a paddle, it is necessary to move forward! !
Thank you!

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