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National Small Moral Education Work Measures

Our school has intensified the work of moral education, strives to explore the thinking of moral education under the new situation, adheres to the principle of "Moral Education, and Five Educations", and strives to do a good job in the education project of the "main theme" of moral education, focusing on patriotism and team spirit. Standardized education for cultivation is embodied in "grasping characteristics, highlighting key points, focusing on effectiveness, and embodying characteristics."
The school has always grasped the "three four" work, and strengthened the "four-quantity" education - comprehensive, full-time, full-time, full-time education, strengthening the integrity of moral education; focusing on optimizing the "four ways" of moral education - The main channels of teaching, extracurricular activities, extracurricular activities, parenting education, and social education are to achieve the "three in one" with the combination of ideology and morality, the work of the class teacher and the activities of the Young Pioneers, and the three-in-one of school education as the center, family and social education; Always pay attention to the four constructions - moral education regulations, teams, teaching materials and base construction.
Therefore, focus on doing well in moral education:
1. Establish and improve the moral education mechanism in the school to manage and educate people, teach and educate people, and educate people.
2. Strengthen the functions of parent education, set up a parent school, hold regular parent meetings, and establish a home visit system.
3. Grasp the behavioral norms to develop education.
4. Adhere to a variety of activities and actively carry out the "Four Ten" activities, that is, watch ten patriotic education films, recite ten revolutionary poems, learn to sing ten revolutionary songs, and learn to tell ten revolutionary stories.
5. Fully tap the role of hidden curriculum, make full use of the existing conditions of the school, create a beautiful campus environment, and make every wall and every attraction of the school become a place for educating students.
6. Reforming the educational methods, always paying attention to the "three changes and three losses", that is, changing the management style to the guiding style, throwing away a "penalty" word, changing the single style into multiple styles, throwing away a "stay" word, and changing the closed type to open. Type, throw away a "block" word.
7. Play the role of the Young Pioneers. We will work hard to run the main front of the "Red Scarf Radio Station" and vigorously promote the good things and related events on campus.

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