Secretarial knowledge > agreement

[Boutique] Appointment Agreement

Part 1: Appointment Agreement

Party A: Shanghai Second District Center, Luwan District

Unit nature: All addresses of the whole people: No. 642, Fuxing Middle Road, Shanghai

Legal representative:

Party B: Gender: Ethnicity: Education:

Date of birth: ID number:

Postal Code: Residence Address: Road Lane Room

Account location: District Road Lane Room

According to the spirit of the archives of the Shanghai Municipal Personnel Bureau's "Some Provisions on Improving the Employment System of Employment Units to Strengthen the Management of Employment Contracts" and the Notice of the General Office of the State Council on the Opinions on the Employment System of Personnel in the Institutions and the Measures for the Employment Contract of Shanghai Public Institutions "The spirit of the archives, as well as the "Implementation Plan for the National Small Employment Contract System of the Second Center of Luwan District, Shanghai" and the various supporting rules and regulations of the school. Party A and Party B have concluded this employment contract by consensus on the premise of equality and voluntariness. Both parties abide by the terms and conditions listed in this contract and confirm that this contract is the basis for the parties to resolve personnel disputes.

First, the contract period and work position

Party A employs Party B as the faculty and staff of the school, and the employment period is from the date of the year to the day of the year.

The specific job position of Party B shall be subject to the post task book issued by Party A every academic year. During the period of this contract, Party A may adjust the work position of Party B according to the needs of the school work and the business, work ability and performance of Party B. Party B shall obey the arrangement.

Second, job responsibilities and job discipline

1. Party B must complete the tasks stipulated in the duties of the post on time, quality and quantity according to the duties and norms of Party A.

2. Party B must abide by the laws and regulations of the State and the rules and regulations formulated by Party A. It has a good professional ethic and loves its work.

Third, work remuneration and insurance benefits

1. Party A shall pay Party B the wages and salaries according to the current state and the current salary system and payment methods of the institutions.

2. Both Party A and Party B shall abide by the various social insurance and tax regulations stipulated by the State and this Municipality.

3. Party B shall enjoy relevant medical treatment according to the laws and regulations of the State and this Municipality and related regulations during the work of Party A due to illness or non-work injury.

4. Party A shall conduct assessments according to the completion of Party B's annual work objectives and tasks and compliance with various rules and regulations, and shall manage and reward and punish Party B according to the provisions of the State and its own units.

5. Party B's work-related injuries and female employees' pregnancy, maternity leave and long-term post-natal leave treatment shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State and this Municipality.

6. Party B's various statutory holidays, marriage and funeral leave, family planning leave, family leave, winter vacation, etc. during the contract period are implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State and this Municipality.

Fourth, labor protection and working conditions

1. Party A shall implement a working hour system of 40 hours per week in accordance with state regulations.

2. Party A shall provide Party B with a working environment and labor protection facilities in accordance with state regulations, establish and improve the labor safety and health system and strictly enforce the requirements.

3. Party B shall establish a sense of safety precautions to ensure the personal safety of the unit and individual, and shall bear corresponding responsibility for the losses caused by violation of safety regulations.

V. Awards and punishment

1. Party B's work performance is excellent and there are outstanding contributions. Party A shall reward according to relevant regulations.

2. If Party B fails to perform the employment contract and the various rules and regulations of the unit, violates the post discipline and brings losses and adverse effects to the work, Party A has the right to criticize and educate and give corresponding punishment according to relevant regulations.

3. The rewards and punishments of Party B during the work of Party A shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of the school.

6. Termination, renewal, alteration, and dissolution of the employment contract

In one of the following circumstances, the employment contract is terminated:

1. The employment contract expires;

2. The termination conditions of the employment contract agreed by both parties appear;

3. The employer has been revoked and dissolved.

Renewal: Before the expiration of this contract, according to the needs of the post, after passing the examination, and both parties agree by consensus, the “Renewal of the Employment Contract” may be signed in accordance with the prescribed procedures 30 days before the expiration of the contract.


During the employment contract period, Party A and Party B may not be able to perform the relevant contents of the contract due to changes in objective conditions. The two parties may negotiate to change the relevant contents of the employment contract and sign a supplementary agreement.

If Party B fails to pass the business assessment, Party A may adjust its position and change the employment contract accordingly. Party B shall accept it.

During the employment contract period, if Party B has one of the following circumstances, Party A may unilaterally terminate the employment contract at any time:

1. Violation of national laws and regulations and damage to Party A's interests;

2. Violation of Party A's rules and regulations and damage to Party A's interests;

3. In violation of this contract of employment, Party A has indicated twice that it still does not correct it; or that the work is irresponsible, and a liability accident occurs, causing great losses to the State or Party A;

4. Two consecutive annual assessments are unqualified;

5. Completion of more than 10 working days after completion of more than 10 working days or less than one working day;

6, without the consent of Party A, go abroad without authorization or go abroad for no time;

7. Being sentenced to criminal detention, sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment or re-educated;

8. Other circumstances as stipulated by laws, regulations and rules.

Party A may terminate the employment contract in any of the following circumstances, but Party B shall notify Party B in writing 30 days in advance:

1. Party B is sick or not injured by work. After the medical period expires, no other posts or non-compliance will be arranged for other work;

2. Party B is not qualified for his or her job. After training or adjusting the position, Party B is still not competent;

3. Party B’s annual assessment is unqualified and refuses to obey the work arrangements of Party A;

4. Party B’s competitive position is unsuccessful and does not obey Party A’s other arrangements.

5. The objective situation on which the employment contract was based was significantly changed, resulting in the failure to perform the original contract, and the agreement could not be reached on the change of the contract after negotiation;

6. Party B has not fulfilled the employment contract;

7. Others meet the relevant requirements of the state.

During the contract period, Party B may cancel the employment contract at any time in the following circumstances, but Party A shall notify Party A in writing:

1. Party A does not perform the employment contract, fails to pay the work remuneration or provide working conditions according to the contract;

2. Party A violates national policies and regulations and infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of Party B;

3. Party B is admitted to ordinary institutions of higher learning;

4. Party B is hired or selected to work in a state agency;

5. Party B shall perform military service according to law;

Except for the circumstances listed in the sixth paragraph, Party B shall not terminate or terminate the employment contract if Party B has one of the following circumstances:

1. Due to work-related injuries, the labor ability appraisal agency is identified as a class 1-4 loss of labor capacity;

2. Female workers who plan to give birth during pregnancy, maternity leave and breastfeeding;

3, sick or injured, within the prescribed medical period;

4. Severe diseases or mental illnesses that are difficult to cure under current medical conditions.

5. The conclusion of the legal review has not yet been reached.

6. Other circumstances as stipulated by laws and regulations;

In addition to the provisions of Article 6 of the provisions of Article 6, Party B shall notify Party A 30 days in advance of the termination of the employment contract. If Party B proposes that the termination of employment contract has not been agreed with the unit and does not fall within the circumstances stipulated in Article 6, paragraph B, Party B shall continue to perform this employment contract; after 6 months, it is again proposed that the termination of employment contract has not been agreed with the unit. Party B can unilaterally cancel the contract. Where the laws, regulations and rules provide otherwise, they shall be handled in accordance with the regulations.

In the following cases, the contract must be terminated with the consent of Party A:

1. The task of undertaking major scientific research projects has not been completed;

2. The task of undertaking the research project is not completed;

3. As a graduating class teaching work, the semester is not over.

7. Economic compensation methods and liability for breach of and termination of employment contracts

During the employment contract, if any party violates the employment contract and causes economic losses to the other party, it shall bear corresponding compensation liability according to the actual loss and the size of the responsibility.

In any of the following circumstances, Party A shall give Party A the economic compensation for one month's salary for each working year according to the actual working years of Party B:

1. Party A does not perform the employment contract, fails to pay the work remuneration according to the contract or provides working conditions, and Party B proposes to terminate the employment contract;

2. Party A violates national policies and regulations and infringes on the lawful rights and interests of Party B, and Party B proposes to terminate the employment contract;

3. If Party B suffers from illness or is not injured by work, Party A shall propose to terminate the employment contract after the expiration of the medical treatment period after competing for no job or obeying other work arranged by Party A;

4. Party B is not qualified for his job. After training or adjusting his position, Party B is still unable to do so and Party A proposes to terminate the employment contract;

5. If Party B fails to pass the annual assessment, and refuses to obey the post adjustment, Party A proposes to terminate the employment contract;

6. The objective situation based on the conclusion of the employment contract has undergone major changes, resulting in the failure to perform the original contract. After the negotiation between the two parties, the contract cannot be agreed upon and the contractor unilaterally terminates the employment contract.

During the contract period, Party B shall be funded by Party A for education, training, house purchase, and going abroad, and must serve the school for a certain period of time. If the service period exceeds the term of this contract, the term of this contract shall be renewed according to Party A's needs. If Party B terminates the employment contract due to the personal reasons of Party B, it shall pay the liquidated damages according to Party A's relevant regulations. The specific matters shall be supplemented by a supplementary agreement between Party A and Party B.

The compensation for breach of contract and compensation shall be implemented in accordance with the Provisions on Compensation and Compensation for Fees of the University.

8. Mediation and arbitration of personnel disputes

Both Party A and Party B have disputes arising from the performance of this contract, and both parties shall resolve the matter through consultation. If the negotiation fails, either party may submit a written mediation application to Party A's personnel dispute mediation team, or may apply to the higher authorities of Party A or the government personnel department for mediation. The personnel disputes accepted by the personnel dispute mediation group shall be closed within 20 days from the date of acceptance, and failure to close the case as a mediation failure. If the mediation fails, both parties may exercise their rights in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State and this Municipality.

9. Other matters that the parties believe need to be prescribed

1. If Party B engages in other work with income during sick leave, Party A has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract.

2. If Party B was originally employed as a cadre, if Party A fails to continue to be employed in the cadre position, Party A will manage it as a worker and enjoy the treatment of the workers. The retirement procedures will be handled according to the state's policy on the status of workers.

3. According to the characteristics of the educational system education and teaching, except for special circumstances, Party B proposes that the cancellation of the contract should be notified to Party A in writing 30 days before the end of the semester.

4. If Party B accumulates 10 times in a year without any reason, causing adverse effects, Party A has the right to unilaterally terminate the employment contract.

5. If Party B has a false act in the materials for the application or the materials provided for the job evaluation, Party A may unilaterally terminate the employment contract at any time.

6. _____________________________________________________________________

7. _____________________________________________________________________

Ten, other

1. If this contract does not comply with national laws, regulations and policies, the national laws, regulations and policies shall prevail.

2. The Task Book of the National Center for the Second Center of Shanghai Luwan District is an auxiliary file of this contract.

3. This contract is made in triplicate and will become effective after being signed and sealed by both parties. Party A and Party B each hold one copy and are included in the personnel file.

4. During the performance of this contract, other types of files entered into by the parties shall have the same effect as this contract.

A method representative signature: Party B signature:


= signing date: year, month, day, year, month and day

Part 2: Appointment Agreement

According to the relevant provisions of the "Labor Contract" signed by Party A and Party B, in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of Party A and Party B in actual jobs, mobilize and exert Party B's work enthusiasm and creativity, and Party A and Party B agree on the basis of Party A and Party B. The agreement for hiring Party B to engage in labor services in Party A is as follows:

First post

1. Party A employs Party B to work in the field.

2. Party B shall conscientiously perform the duties and duties agreed upon by both parties, and complete its own duties on time, quality and quantity; Party B shall not work part-time in other units without the permission of Party A.

3. During the employment period, Party A may adjust the work position of Party B due to the needs of work and the working ability of Party B, and notify Party B to adjust the salary level. Party B shall obey.

4. Party A shall, in accordance with the production needs, if it is approved by the labor security department, agrees that Party A shall implement the irregular working hour system and the comprehensive working hour working system, and Party B shall obey.

Second post change

1. Party B signs the appointment agreement with Party A for the first time. If there is a probationary period, Party A may perform the adjustment of Party B's work performance during the trial period.

2. Party A shall, in accordance with the needs of production and work, adjust the work position of Party B according to the professionalism, specialties, work ability and performance of Party B. In principle, it shall be agreed, except for the following:

l Party A shall accept Party A's work, business, product structure adjustment, process regulations, organizational settings, etc., when Party B needs to mobilize Party B's work position; Party B shall accept it;

l Party A shall temporarily arrange Party B to work in other positions due to the needs of business services.

l Party B cannot meet the production and service, work quality, output and other indicators due to factors such as skills and body, and is not qualified for work.

3. If the position changes and the two parties agree to change the agreement, the appointment agreement shall be adjusted at the same time, and the formalities for the change agreement shall be handled.

Article 3 Employment Period

1. The term of employment of this contract is from the date of the year to the day of the month. .

2. Upon expiration of the term of employment, this Agreement shall terminate. If both parties intend to renew the contract, Party A and Party B shall re-sign this Agreement; if the employment period exceeds the term of the Labor Contract, Party B shall first sign or amend the Labor Contract with Party A, otherwise it will exceed the term of the Labor Contract. The term of employment is invalid and this Agreement shall terminate upon the expiration of the term of the Labor Contract.

3. If the Labor Contract is terminated, the employment agreement will be terminated at the same time.

4. If the Labor Contract is renewed without affecting the performance of this Agreement, this Agreement shall continue to be performed.

5. Any change in the Labor Contract that affects the performance of this Agreement shall be re-signed.

6. Party A may re-sign this employment agreement after the expiration of the employment period based on the comprehensive management of its production and operation and the performance and performance of Party B during the employment period.

Article 4 Rights and Obligations

1. Party A’s rights and obligations

l Party A provides detailed job descriptions for the jobs held by Party B to facilitate Party B's implementation;

l Party A shall provide necessary training and guidance to the positions that Party B is engaged in;

l Party A shall provide necessary working conditions and labor protection for the work performed by Party B;

l Party A is responsible for daily education, management, assessment and post adjustment for the position work undertaken by Party B;

l Party A is responsible for paying wages to Party B according to the position and assessment of the position that Party B is engaged in.

2. Party B’s rights and obligations

l Party B shall do its job in accordance with the requirements of the labor contract and the employment agreement;

l If Party B terminates the contract and changes in the position, it shall actively cooperate with the handover of the work.

Article 5 Labor Remuneration and Insurance Benefits

1. According to the "Labor Contract" signed by Party A and Party B, Party B shall enjoy the following basic salary every month before the date of employment, according to the work responsibilities and tasks:

During the probation period, Party B’s monthly basic salary before tax is RMB;

After the trial period expires, Party B's monthly basic salary before tax is RMB.

Party B's overtime pay, deduction standard for deductions, and paid holiday wages are determined in accordance with the internal wage allocation method in the rules and regulations established by Party A according to law.

Party B's performance bonus, other welfare benefits other than statutory benefits and wage adjustment mechanism shall be determined by Party A according to the internal distribution method according to Party B's work performance, labor results and actual contribution.

2. According to the "Labor Contract" signed by Party B and Party A, Party B shall, during the period of employment, Party B handle the statutory social insurance for Party B in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State and Dalian City; the part that Party B shall pay according to law shall be Party B’s salary and remuneration are withheld and paid.

Article 6 Labor Protection and Working Conditions

Party A shall provide Party B with safe working conditions and environment to ensure safety and health in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State and Dalian. Party A shall perform the obligation of truthful notification to Party B for positions that may cause occupational disease hazards, and conduct labor safety and health education for Party B to prevent accidents during the labor process and reduce occupational hazards. At the same time, Party B is obliged to strictly abide by the safe operating procedures during the labor process. Party A has the right to immediately terminate this Agreement if there are rules, irregular operations, illegal command, forced dangerous operations or strong risk-taking operations.

Article 7 Work Discipline, Confidentiality Requirements, etc.

1. During the employment period, Party B must abide by the laws and regulations of the State and Dalian, and follow Party A's rules and regulations, labor discipline and job operation rules.

2. During the period of employment, Party B shall be obliged to keep confidentiality of Party A's business secrets and the contents of Party A's trade secrets in the rules and regulations. Party B shall not disclose or sell Party A's trade secrets, intellectual property rights and technical materials without authorization. When terminating or releasing this Agreement, all confidential materials and data should be filed with Party A.

3. If Party B grasps Party A's scientific and technological secrets, Party B shall notify Party A in advance of the month when it wants to terminate this Agreement. During this period, Party A may arrange for Party B to transfer the post to the office.

4. After leaving Party A, Party B shall continue to undertake the obligation of confidentiality, shall not illegally use Party A's technical achievements and materials, and shall not infringe Party A's technical and economic rights and interests, or pursue the tort liability.

5. When Party B violates its confidentiality obligations, Party B shall pay Party A's breach of contract amount. If Party B violates the confidentiality obligation and cause economic losses to Party A, the amount of liquidated damages shall be less than the amount of the loss, and Party A shall be compensated for all losses.

6. During the performance of this Agreement, Party A may sign a "Competition Prohibition Agreement" with Party B when it deems it necessary.

Article 8 Situation of the negligence agreement

Party B may immediately dismiss Party B if one of the following circumstances occurs:

1. It is proved that it does not meet the requirements for Party A's employment during the trial period;

2. Seriously violate the rules and regulations or labor disciplines formulated by Party A;

3. Party B has completed more than 3 consecutive days of completion, or has completed more than 5 days of completion in one year;

4. Party B will not return after a business trip or overdue for more than 10 days;

5, serious dereliction of duty, malpractice, so that Party A's interests directly lost more than 1,500 yuan or more than 5,000 yuan a year;

6. Dereliction of duty, malpractice, kickbacks and other unjust enrichment behaviors;

7. Privately take Party A, customers, and third-party property without proper reasons;

Article 9: Non-negligent dissolution agreement

Party A may terminate this Agreement in any of the following circumstances, but Party B shall notify Party B in writing 30 days in advance:

1. Party B is sick or not injured by work. After the medical period expires, he cannot engage in the original work or work in a separate arrangement arranged by Party A;

2. Party B is not qualified for the job and is still not qualified for the job after training or adjusting the position;

3. The objective situation on which the post employment agreement was concluded has undergone major changes, resulting in the inability of the original post employment agreement to be fulfilled, and no agreement can be reached on the change of the employment agreement after negotiation by the parties;

4. The annual assessment is unqualified.

Article 10: The situation in which Party B cancels the agreement

Party B may terminate this Agreement in any of the following circumstances, except as otherwise provided by the State or Dalian:

1. Party B is in the trial period;

2. Party B can confirm that Party A forces Party B to work by means of violence, threats or illegal restrictions on personal freedom;

3. Party B can confirm that due to Party A's reasons, it has not received labor remuneration or Party A has not provided the labor conditions as agreed in the agreement;

4. Party B shall submit a resignation application to Party A 30 days in advance and obtain approval from Party A.

Article 12 In any of the following circumstances, this Agreement shall be terminated:

1. The term of appointment agreed upon in the agreement expires;

2. Party A is dissolved or revoked;

3. Party B retire, dies, declares missing or declares death.

4. Party B begins to enjoy the basic pension insurance benefits according to law.

Article 13: Dissolution of improper liability for agreement

Party B has not submitted a resignation application to Party A in violation of the provisions of Article 4, paragraph 4 of this Agreement, 30 days in advance, except for compensation for one month's salary to Party A to replace the advance notice period, thereby causing losses to Party A. Party B shall also bear full liability for compensation.

Article 14 Other matters

1. This Agreement shall enter into force upon signature and seal by both Party A and Party B. This Agreement shall be in duplicate and shall be executed by both Party A and Party B, with the same legal effect.

2. If Party B funds for Party A's investment or receives Party A's investment in training, training, housing or other special treatment, it may stipulate the service period and the corresponding breach of contract period in a separate agreement.

3. If the contents of this Agreement are inconsistent with changes in laws, regulations, rules and policies, the laws, regulations, rules and policies shall prevail.

4. Matters not covered by this Agreement, laws, regulations, rules and policies, shall be implemented in accordance with laws, regulations, rules and policies; if laws, regulations, rules and policies do not stipulate, Party A and Party B shall resolve the disputes.

5. If Party A and Party B have disputes due to the implementation of this Agreement, they shall resolve it through consultation; if they are unwilling to negotiate or negotiate, they may file labor dispute arbitration according to law.

6. Party B confirms that the following address and telephone number are the service address or contact information of the relevant documents and documents related to labor relationship management. If the following information changes, Party B shall notify Party A within 5 days after the change; it shall not be notified in time or because Party B is in contact. If the obstacle status cannot be contacted, Party B entrusts the “emergency contact person” of the first part of the contract as the trustee of Party B. The trustee has the right to accept the settlement and mediation, and to accept and sign the relevant documents.

person A person B:

Legal representative or authorized agent:

Date of signing: Date of signing date: Year, month and day

Part 3: Appointment Agreement


Employed party:

identity number:

According to the "Labor Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Labor Contract Regulations" and other relevant laws and regulations, the two parties are engaged in the following agreements on the principle of equality, voluntariness and consensus:

First, work and work

According to the needs of the work, the employed party is employed by the department to work.

Second, the contract period

According to the nature of the job position of the candidate, the employer adopts the first form of contract:

Fixed contract term: from the month of 200 to the year of 200, the year. The probation period is one month.

No fixed contract term: From the day of the month of 200, to the termination of the contract, the parties terminate this contract.

Third, working hours

The employer adopts the standard working hour system stipulated by the state, that is, the employed person works 8 hours a day and 40 hours a week. Due to the different nature of the work, some management positions and business positions can be flexibly arranged according to the needs of the work.

Due to the needs of the work and management, the employer may extend the working hours after consultation with the employed party, generally not more than one hour per day; if it is necessary to extend the working time for special reasons, the working hours shall be extended under the condition of ensuring the health of the employed party. No more than three hours. Overtime work does not exceed 36 hours per month.

In the case of extension of working hours in other circumstances as stipulated by laws and administrative regulations, it shall not be subject to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

Fourth, wages

According to the nature of the job and the salary and welfare system of the employed person, the employer adopts the first salary system:

1. Fixed salary system. The fixed monthly salary standard of the employed person is RMB yuan;

2, the basic salary + commission salary system. The fixed monthly salary standard of the employed person is RMB yuan, and according to the business evaluation system, the business assessment salary is issued according to the amount of business completed by the employed person each month.

3. Business commission system. The employer adopts loose management of the employed person. The employed person enjoys the business commission in a certain proportion. The employer uses this as the monthly salary of the candidate to pay the salary.

The employer's monthly date is the payday.

If the employer arranges to work overtime, it shall pay wages in accordance with the provisions of Article 44 of the Labor Law.

The wages of the employed person during the period of illness or non-work-related injury shall be implemented in accordance with the Interim Provisions on the Administration of Wages of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Enterprises and other relevant laws and regulations.

When the employed person performs the state and social obligations in accordance with state regulations during working hours, the wages are paid.

The wages and salaries of the employed persons during the period of suspension of work shall be implemented in accordance with the Interim Provisions on the Administration of Salary Management of Shenzhen Special Economic Zones and other relevant laws and regulations.

The employed person shall enjoy the right to vacation according to the relevant provisions of the State, and the wages during the vacation shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State, the province and the municipality.

V. Labor protection and working conditions

The employer must provide the employer with labor safety and sanitation conditions and necessary labor protection articles in accordance with the state regulations. Workers engaged in occupational hazards should be regularly inspected for health.

The hiring party has the right to refuse to execute the illegal operation of the employer's management personnel, and has the right to criticize, report and accuse the behavior that endangers life safety and physical health.

6. Social insurance and welfare benefits

The employer will receive the relevant provisions of Shenzhen Social Insurance and provide social insurance for the employed, such as pension, work injury, medical care and unemployment.

If the employed person is disabled or killed as a result of work, it shall be dealt with in accordance with the Regulations on Industrial Injury Insurance and relevant regulations.

Other benefits are implemented in accordance with the relevant system established by the employer. Enjoy the benefits.

The employer shall continuously improve the welfare of the employed party if the economic conditions permit.

Seven, work discipline

The employed person should strive to achieve during the contract period:

Comply with the rules and regulations established by the employer.

All kinds of files, materials and other information that the employer is exposed to are all business secrets of the employer. The hiring party is obliged to keep it secret and not to spread. It is not possible to hold a position in a position other than the employer in an individual or part-time position, or to engage in a business that conflicts with the interests of the employer.

Complete the assignments assigned by the employer on time.

Actively obey the work transfer of the superior supervisor.

Love the property of the employer.

Comply with national and local family planning policies.

8. Change, dissolution, re-conclusion and termination of the contract

The employer can adjust the job position of the employed person according to the job requirements and the ability of the employed person to achieve reasonable allocation and utilization of people and positions. After adjustment, both parties should change the labor contract for the transfer of positions.

Due to changes in other factors of the contract, the labor contract may be changed according to law after the two parties have agreed to negotiate. The changed contract or contract terms shall become effective after being sealed or signed by both parties.

In any of the following circumstances, the employer may cancel the employment contract at any time:

1. The candidate is proved not to meet the conditions of employment during the probationary period;

2. The employer seriously violates labor discipline or the rules and regulations of the employer;

3. The employed person is seriously derelict, malpractices for business, and causes significant damage to the interests of the employer;

4. The employed person violates the work discipline of the second and third paragraphs of Article 7 without the permission of the employer;

5. The employed person is investigated for criminal responsibility according to law;

6. Other circumstances as stipulated by laws and regulations.

In any of the following circumstances, the employer may cancel the employment contract, but the applicant shall be notified in writing 30 days in advance.

1. The employer is on the verge of bankruptcy during the statutory rectification period or the production and operation situation is seriously difficult. The management of the employer decides that it is necessary to reduce the number of personnel;

2. The employed person is sick or not injured by work. After the medical treatment expires, he or she cannot work in the original job or engage in appropriate work arranged by the employer.

3. The employed person is not qualified for the job. After training or adjusting the position, he is still not qualified for the job;

4. The objective situation on which the contract was based was significantly changed, resulting in the inability of the original contract to be fulfilled. The agreement could not be reached by changing the employment contract.

In any of the following circumstances, the employer may not terminate the employment contract in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 of this article:

1. The employed person suffers from an occupational disease or is injured by work and is confirmed to have lost or partially lost his ability to work;

2. The employed person is sick or not injured by work, within the prescribed medical period;

3. The employed person is in pregnancy, childbirth, or lactation period;

4. Other circumstances as stipulated by laws and regulations.

In any of the following circumstances, the hiring party may at any time notify the hiring party to terminate the employment contract:

1. During the trial period;

2. The employer fails to pay labor remuneration or provide labor conditions in accordance with the employment contract;

3. The employer forces labor by means of violence, threats or illegal restrictions on personal freedom;

4. Other circumstances as stipulated by laws and regulations.

In one of the following circumstances, the employment contract is cancelled by itself:

1. The employer declares bankruptcy according to law;

2. The hiring party is dissolved according to law or is revoked according to law;

3. The candidate is killed.

Except as provided in the fifth paragraph of this Article, the hiring party shall notify the hiring party in writing 30 days in advance of the termination of the employment contract.

Re-establishing the labor contract: If the contract expires and the parties agree to continue the employment relationship, the parties will re-enter the employment contract within 30 days before the expiration of the contract.

Termination of contract: The contract expires or the termination conditions agreed by both parties appear, and the contract terminates on its own.

IX. Liability for breach of contract

Legal liability of the employer

1. If the employer deducts or defaults on the salary of the employed person, and refuses to pay the employed person to work overtime to pay the wages, in addition to paying the salary of the employed person in full within the prescribed time, an economic compensation equivalent to 25% of the salary shall be added. .

2. If the employer pays the salary of the employed person lower than the minimum wage for the current year announced by the municipal government, it shall make up the sub-standard portion. At the same time, compensate the employee for the lower part of the daily total of 1% of the total.

3. If the employer violates Article 6 of this contract and fails to handle the relevant social insurance for the employed person and causes economic losses to the employed party, the employer shall compensate the employed party according to the relevant provisions of Shenzhen Social Insurance.

4. In case one of the following circumstances, the employer shall issue the economic compensation to the candidate at one time:

1) The employer proposes to terminate the labor contract after mutual agreement:

2) The employer terminates the employment contract in accordance with Articles 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the contract and paragraphs 2, 3, and 4 of the paragraph.

5. If the employer terminates the employment contract in accordance with the second paragraph of Article 8 of this contract, the employer shall issue a one-time medical subsidy to the employed according to the relevant provisions of the State.

6. If the employer terminates the employment contract in accordance with Articles 2, 3 and 4 of Article 8 of this contract, and fails to notify the employed party 30 days in advance, the employer shall pay the average monthly salary of the employed party as economic compensation.

Legal responsibility of the employed party

If the hiring party violates the contract and terminates the employment contract and causes losses to the hiring party, the hiring party shall compensate the hiring party for the following losses:

1. The employer recruits the fees paid by the employed person;

2. The training fee paid by the employer for it;

3. Direct economic losses caused by production, operation and work.

The parties also agree to the following breach of contract obligations:

X. Dispute Resolution

After hiring labor disputes between the two parties, they should be resolved through consultation. If the negotiation fails, it may apply to the Labor Dispute Arbitration Commission for arbitration. If there is no objection to the arbitral award, both parties must perform; if they are dissatisfied with the arbitral award, they may sue in the people's court.

11. The parties believe that the original terms and conditions need to be changed and re-agreed: 12. If the unfinished matters of the contract or the terms of the contract differ from the existing labor laws and regulations, it shall be implemented in accordance with the current labor laws and regulations.

XIII. This contract shall become effective on the date of signing or stamping the parties, and may be invalidated or not authorized in writing.

14. This contract is made in two copies, each party holding one copy.

15. The following files are provided as ancillary files of this contract and have the same effect as this contract:

Employer: Candidate:

Main person in charge / date and date

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