Fan Wen Daquan > Program essay

Mathematical and efficient classroom implementation plan

Part 1: Mathematical Efficient Classroom Implementation Plan

I have learned the theory of "efficient classroom" and I feel very deeply. Of course, at the same time, I can feel that my classroom is far from high efficiency. My class laughs and is too little, too much pressure and pressure, so I need to change and need improvement. I have learned a lot of real things in efficient classroom theory. Instead of spending a shelf. Its simplicity and nature make me feel deeper. I have the following understanding of "Efficient Classroom":

1. Start with the concept and further improve the business quality.

To build an "efficient classroom," we must focus on the guidance and leading role of teachers. Teachers must have advanced and practical concepts, establish the concept of equality and democracy, no longer sing alone, do the judgment of knowledge, the master of the classroom, but should lay down the shelves, pay attention to the students, and strive to be friends of students to learn, in the classroom. More students are given appreciation, encouragement, tolerance and understanding, and become excellent classroom teaching organizers, instructors and collaborators.

Pay attention to the simple and efficient teaching design, the situation creation should be reasonable and attractive, the teaching method should be flexible and diverse, and must be practical, avoiding the flow of lively but lack of effectiveness.

2. The cultivation of students' autonomy

"Efficient classroom" is a classroom with students as the main body and center. Teachers should give full play to the role of guidance, boldly let go, and return the initiative of learning to students.

Create a reasonable situation and be good at inspiring questions. And make this situation have a distinct era, affection, life, participation, to cast a spur of the waves, to guide the situation, thereby stimulating students' cognitive cravings, triggering students' cognitive conflicts, awakening students' questioning thinking, and teaching students to question and make It is willing to discover problems, ask questions, be brave enough to explore, and develop students' ability to analyze and solve problems.

Grasp the entry points, such as social hotspots and focus issues, let students ask questions, design problems, solve problems, and cultivate students' ability to generate knowledge.

To give full play to the role of group cooperation, we must first divide a reasonable group. The division of the group members should take into account the gender complement, the complementarity of personality characteristics, the collocation of various specialties, the level of academic achievement, and the balance of organizational skills to design the best group. Second, we must do a good job in group training: determine the responsibilities of the team members, make them clear tasks, and perform their duties. At the same time, we must emphasize strengthening cooperation and establish corresponding reward and punishment systems to carry out supervision and encouragement.

Third, use love to affect all children.

The essence of education is a word "love." In the teaching process, under normal circumstances, the teacher's expectations for poor students are very low. In fact, think about it, the so-called "poor students" that affect our teaching achievements, many teachers believe that poor students are worse! They even lost hope for them. Just calm down and think about it, why is it worse? Why is it breaking discipline? There is a saying that "free to live", so we need to do three not to give up: do not give up, do not abandon, do not leave. That requires us to look at them with the right eye. We need to pay more attention to them. In the classroom, we also force us to implement "layered teaching", layered design of classroom exercises, and layered design of after-school assignments, such as: eugenics for 5 questions, poor students for 3 questions, If the eugenics are pulled up, it will allow the poor students to consolidate the double-base exercises. After a long time, they will become accustomed, so that eugenics can be full and poor students can improve. At the same time, they should also stimulate their interest in learning and cultivate their confidence and success. In short, "difference" is stronger than "compensation." In order to improve the efficiency of classroom teaching, we must achieve "preventing problems before they happen."

Part 2: Mathematical Efficient Classroom Implementation Plan

First, the question is raised

Classroom exercises are effective means for teachers to understand students' learning situation and check their teaching effects in a timely manner. It has important functions such as consolidation, reinforcement, feedback, promotion and development, which plays a vital role in improving the quality of teaching. However, in the face of the actual situation of the school, students have more subjects to study and more activities. At school, mathematics teachers can't find extra time, and they simply can't catch students. How to solve the contradiction problem of improving quality and not having enough practice time? There is no other way, only to the classroom 40 minutes to benefit. Let classroom exercises run through the entire classroom teaching activities, optimize classroom exercises, and improve the effectiveness of classroom exercises.

The current problems in the practice of mathematics classrooms in the country are mainly as follows:

1. Blindly practice more.

2. Focus on written exercises.

3. Limited to closed exercises.

4. Mostly "one size fits all" practice,

5. Focus on skill training and neglect the cultivation of thinking ability.

The problem of effective practice is based on the current state of inefficient or ineffective practice resulting from a lack of overall consideration of form to content. We propose this topic, and we will explore the strategies of designing effective exercises in the classroom, the structure and level of exercises, the form of exercises, the educational value of exercises, and the status of teachers in practice. Let students in the mathematics practice not only master the knowledge but also develop the thinking ability, but also make positive and good emotions for the mathematics learning, so as to achieve the goal of mathematics teaching.

Second, the significance of research

Classroom exercises are an important part of the teaching of mathematics in elementary schools. Students apply what they have learned in practice, test their understanding of what they have learned, and promote effective reflection while teachers can get feedback and correct errors and guidance. In mathematics classroom teaching, the effectiveness of teaching has a lot to do with the practice factors: practice can produce quality, but practice can also increase the burden. For a long time, the teaching of mathematics in small and medium-sized schools advocated “speaking more and more practice” and “speaking on behalf of practice”. Therefore, there are many, complicated and mixed phenomena in practice, and in our teachers’ concept, there is “not strengthening practice, no Repeated exercises do not enable students to master the knowledge, so that we rarely reflect on which exercises are effective for students' learning, and which are ineffective or even negative.

Third, the theoretical basis of research

Effective teaching theory believes that teaching, in terms of its ontological function, is an effective practice for purposely mining people's potential and promoting physical and mental development. It emphasizes the effect that teaching without effect is worthless teaching or even harmful teaching. The concept of effective teaching is mainly reflected in the following three

1. Promoting student learning and development is an effective fundamental purpose and the only criterion for measuring the effectiveness of teaching.

2. The initiative, enthusiasm and consciousness of stimulating and mobilizing students' learning are the starting point and foundation of effective teaching.

3. Providing and creating appropriate teaching conditions to promote effective learning is the essence and core of effective teaching.

Constructivist cognitive theory

Constructivist cognition theory believes that students must learn, experience, and cognize themselves through their own knowledge, construct their knowledge of knowledge, construct the structure and knowledge system of knowledge, and fully transform into their own knowledge and form. skill. This requires us to create flexible and passionate classroom exercises in teaching, inducing students to take the initiative to practice, guide students to think independently, and ingeniously inspire students to solve problems. Therefore, students can construct their own knowledge of knowledge, construct the structure and knowledge system of knowledge, and cultivate students' ability to create problems and solve problems.

Meaningful learning theory

Meaningful learning theory believes that the process of learning is the process of connecting and interacting with new and old knowledge. Meaningful learning is a kind of understanding-oriented learning with its core of thinking. It is characterized by the full input of students, including body and mind, cognition and emotion, logic and intuition, and the result is the development of cognition and ability. It is also the perfection of emotion and personality. At the same time, the results of meaningful learning can be self-identified, so effective learning should be meaningful learning, while mechanical learning can achieve the purpose of mastering knowledge to a certain extent, but the results of learning often have to be strengthened by external factors. So we think this is an inefficient learning.

Fourth, the implementation principles of the topic

1. Targeted and hierarchical principles

Classroom practice design should proceed from the content of the teaching and the reality of the students. First of all, it is necessary to accurately grasp the key points and difficulties in each part of the knowledge structure according to the teaching content and the proposed teaching objectives. Secondly, the design of the practice should follow the development sequence from easy to difficult, from simple to complex, from basic to variant, from low to high, so that students of different levels have a happy and happy after successful study. Experience makes students' learning more proactive.

2. Diversity and fun principles

The variety of design and the variety of practice methods in the design of classroom exercises can make students learn actively and learn to be flexible. The questions can be practiced, applied, practiced, etc. In practice, students can practice collectively, or they can practice independently. Of course, they can also be group cooperative exercises, which can reduce the psychological burden of students' practice and expand Students' participation makes students interested and improves the efficiency of their practice.

3. Expandability and openness principles

Expanding exercises, thinking about the capacity, so that students must "jump for a jump, in order to pick the fruit." In this way, students who have the ability to learn will have a strong desire to express in the process of solving problems, resulting in a strong interest in learning. Practices with incomplete conditions, incomplete problems, incomplete answers, and inconsistent problem-solving methods are characterized by divergence, inquiry, development, and innovation. It is conducive to promoting students to think positively, activate ideas, fully mobilize the internal intellectual activities of students, and seek the best problem-solving strategies from different directions. Through practice, students should become more and more intelligent. The thinking is more and more flexible, and the ability to adapt is getting stronger and stronger, without being imprisoned and bound by the stereotype.

Part 3: Mathematical Efficient Classroom Implementation Plan

First, the purpose of the research

1. Reality needs: Because many teachers are not comprehensive and inaccurate in understanding the new curriculum concept, they are more impetuous in their thinking, they are more radical in their actions, they are fashionable in classroom teaching, and they are blindly chasing “new”, which makes the new curriculum exist during the experiment. Teaching situation deviation, teaching method deviation, activity organization deviation, means application deviation and classroom evaluation bias, etc., which deviate from the original intention of curriculum reform, make the classroom teaching exaggerate the main role of college students, ignoring the leading role of teachers, leading to out of control and over-exaggeration of classroom teaching. The process ignores the result and causes classroom teaching to be ineffective, excessively exaggerating emotional goals, ignoring knowledge and skill objectives, and leading to a decline in teaching quality. Therefore, the effectiveness of teaching as a practical problem has become a topic that every teacher needs to study.

2. Reform needs: Since the new round of curriculum reform experiments, the mathematics teaching of the national junior college has experienced a huge change in educational concepts, teaching methods, learning methods, evaluation methods, etc., but the actual situation of our county is that many teachers have not yet entered. Roles, thoughts, and behaviors are still at the level of traditional teaching, "wearing new shoes and walking the old road", teachers dominate the classroom. The so-called "inspired teaching" of playing the billiard-style question and answer, such as the "mechanical teaching" of the syllabus, the "performance teaching" of the one-man show, the teacher-centered "craving-style teaching", etc., are common in rural areas of our county. Teachers are boring, students are boring, teachers are hard-working, and students learn pain. "Mathematics Curriculum Standards" points out that mathematics teaching is the teaching of mathematics activities, and it is the process of interaction and common development between teachers and students and between students.

3. Development needs: The change in the way students learn makes revolutionary changes in the relationship between teaching and learning, and between teachers and students. This requires the teacher's teaching to actively adapt to the student's learning and improve the effectiveness of student learning activities in the classroom teaching. Carrying out the effective teaching strategies of the mathematics classroom activities of the national junior colleges can encourage teachers to proceed from the reality of their own teaching work, from the promotion of students' development, to explore ways and means to improve the effective teaching strategies of the mathematics classrooms of the national and primary schools. Effectiveness, improving the quality of teachers themselves and the professional growth of teachers are of great significance.

4. Research needs: At present, there are many achievements in the study of teaching effectiveness, but there are many theoretical studies and action research is not deep enough, which leaves a relatively broad space for the research of this topic. Therefore, research on this topic has great practical significance.

Second, the definition of the subject

Teaching effectiveness: In the teaching activities, teachers can adopt appropriate teaching measures, use the least time and minimum energy input, achieve the best possible teaching effect, achieve specific teaching goals, and meet the educational value needs of society and individuals. . There are three main implications for effectiveness: effectiveness, efficiency, and effectiveness.

Third, the research objectives

1. Investigate and analyze the main factors affecting the efficiency of classroom teaching, explore and summarize the teaching strategies to improve the effectiveness of classroom teaching, and optimize the structure of classroom teaching.

2. Through the research of this subject, the way students learn mathematics such as learning, imitative learning, independent learning, cooperative learning, and inquiry learning can be used reasonably and effectively in classroom teaching. Fully comprehend the value and significance of various learning methods, thus achieving the coordination of subject and dominance, the solid and agile unity, the integration of tradition and modernity.

3. Through the research of this subject, teachers are encouraged to effectively change the concept of education and teaching, firmly establish the "life-oriented" thinking, and strive to practice the basic concept of "learning by teaching, teaching to promote learning", so that classroom teaching becomes an implementation. The main position of education, to achieve students' comprehensive, harmonious and sustainable development.

4. Through practical research, rational thinking, the formation of the basic mode of classroom teaching in different content and different types of mathematics in small and medium-sized mathematics.

5. Improve the teaching level and theoretical level of teachers in the process of this subject experiment, and fully realize the professional development of teachers.

The content of the four topics

1. Analysis of the factors affecting the effectiveness of mathematics classroom teaching in small and medium-sized schools.

There are many reasons for influencing the effectiveness of mathematics classroom teaching in small and medium-sized schools. Through the research on this subject, we focus on the key factors affecting the effectiveness of mathematics classroom teaching in small and medium-sized schools, and carry out targeted analysis and research.

2. Explore strategies for optimizing classroom instruction. Effective teaching strategies include:

Effective pre-course preparation strategy;

Effective new course introduction strategy;

Effective classroom teaching strategies;

Effective classroom practice strategies;

Effective classroom evaluation strategy.

3. Form the basic mode of classroom teaching with different content and different types of courses. include:

Basic mode of concept teaching;

Calculate the basic mode of teaching;

Solving the basic mode of teaching;

Basic mode of statistical teaching;

Basic model of probability teaching;

Basic mode of practice class;

Review the basic mode of the class.

V. Conditions for research

1. Pre-preparation work carried out around this topic, including literature collection, research work, etc.

Strengthen business learning: use free time to carry out theoretical study, read relevant newspapers and magazines, conduct an online reading activity once a week, and make a good reading record to ensure that the theoretical level and teaching and research level of the researchers are constantly improving.

Do a good job in the preliminary investigation: conduct in-depth and meticulous investigation and research on the research object, make a good record, and write a good research report.

2. The guarantee conditions for completing the research task, including the acquisition of research data, the financing of research funds, and the guarantee of research time.

Make use of the members of the former famous teacher's studio, the backbone teachers of the county and city level, and the famous teachers of Kaixian County to form the teaching and research group of the county's national mathematics center. Make full use of the library of each school, and have a total of hundreds of thousands of books and more than 100 newspapers and magazines. Strive for the support and assistance of the leaders and peers of the school members of the research team. It provides a solid foundation for the research of this topic.

Sixth, research objects and methods:

Research object

Taking the classes taught by the members of the teaching and research group of the Kaixian National Primary Mathematics Center as the research object, the other classes in the same grade of the same school are the comparison classes. Conduct tracking classroom observation - data collection - data analysis - summary refinement - expert guidance - promotion and application.

2. Research methods

Education survey method: According to the established research objects, students in the experimental class are given planned, purposeful, systematic interviews or questionnaires, collecting first-hand information about the research subjects, tracking and observing, and regularly sorting out the data.

Literature and Information Law: Focusing on strategies for improving teaching effectiveness, reviewing and researching relevant materials. Pay attention to the research results inside and outside the city, and take the research results at home and abroad to the research of this topic.

Action Research Method: In the process of teaching and learning, while practicing, exploring, testing, perfecting, combining research and practice, exploring effective strategies to improve classroom teaching efficiency, accumulating rich classroom teaching effective Experience. This is the main method of research in this topic.

Comparative method: comparative analysis with the comparison class to evaluate the effectiveness of the subject experiment. In the research group members to carry out the same class isomerism, a lesson in the lesson, comparative analysis of the relationship between related factors, and refine the effective teaching strategy.

Case analysis method: attach importance to case collection, collation and analysis, find problems in practice, and seek breakthroughs in solving problems.

Experience summarization method: Regularly reflect on the research status of the subject, exchange research experience, summarize experiences with various methods such as papers, display, and interaction, and gradually form results.

Part 4: Mathematical Efficient Classroom Implementation Plan

Creating a harmonious, efficient and happy mathematics classroom is the dream and pursuit of every mathematics teacher. Efficient classrooms allow students to acquire more knowledge and improve their learning efficiency in a limited time.

First, effective preparation of lessons is the premise of building a harmonious and efficient mathematics classroom

Preparing a class is the foundation of a good class. A class is only a short 40 minutes. If you don't prepare enough lessons, the teacher will look like a horse. Teachers do not presuppose classroom generation in advance, and the classroom will also reduce efficiency due to poor teacher regulation. As a mathematics teacher, the author believes that the effective preparation of the lesson should be done as follows:

1. Preparation for the course

The new curriculum standard has made scientific and specific regulations on the teaching objectives of different sections. Before the teaching, we should study it carefully, know the specific teaching objectives of different sections, locate it easily and moderately, fully consider the unity of the three-dimensional goals, and formulate different levels of teaching objectives for different students. It is important to understand the status of this section or this chapter throughout the book or the entire semester, and to break through the foundation and break through the difficulties.

2. Prepare teaching materials

The author believes that before teaching mathematics, you should familiarize yourself with all the mathematics textbooks of the first and sixth grades, and clarify the status and role of the content in the whole country. At the same time, the textbook is also the main source of students' knowledge acquisition. Making full use of teaching materials and carrying out creative teaching is the key to building a harmonious and efficient mathematics classroom.

3. Preparation method

The new curriculum standard clearly states that students should make full use of their autonomy in the classroom. In the classroom, each teaching session should have a specific and suitable method for students to learn, let the students know what to learn, how to learn, and ultimately achieve what goals, let students master and accumulate certain self-learning methods, improve self-learning ability. Good self-learning ability is also a favorable factor for building a harmonious and efficient mathematics classroom. The lack of teachers' self-learning ability is an important reason for classroom inefficiency.

4. Student

Understand the individuality of students, master the learning situation and acceptance level of students, only in this way can flexible design of teaching methods, implementation of stratified operations, training and replenishment, and effective counseling for individual students.

5. Preparation questions

Solving problems is the focus of mathematics learning. The design of teacher problems in the classroom is the key to effective teaching. When preparing lessons, you must take classroom questions as a key point to avoid random and invalid questions. Problem design must be scientific, purposeful and hierarchical. Questions that need to be answered collectively are difficult and moderate, so that students can get a jump.

The problematic design of individual questions should be hierarchical, and there must be a certain depth for the problems of excellent students. Students with poor foundations can start with simpler problems, cultivate their enthusiasm and enhance their successful experience. Give students some time to think after presenting the problem. At the time of preparing for the lesson, we must pay attention to the cultivation of students' problem awareness. Sometimes it is more important to ask a question than to solve one problem.

Second, the optimal teaching process is the key to building a harmonious and efficient mathematics classroom

1. Choose effective teaching methods and teaching methods

Clever use of multimedia. The use of multimedia teaching allows students to access a large amount of teaching information in a short period of time, improving students' interest in learning and learning efficiency. For example, when studying the first grade of the book "Looking for the Law", you can use the courseware to present colorful images and regular pictures in life in front of the students, which is conducive to students' understanding of regular objects. With the modernization of education and teaching methods, multimedia has played a multiplier role in the breakthrough of some difficult problems.

Teaching methods are flexible and diverse. The small and medium-sized students are lively and active. At this time, their thinking is based on intuitive thinking. Teachers in lower grades can introduce the forms of animation, fairy tales, stories, games, competitions and other children to the classroom. For example, when the first grade is in the next volume, students learn less about the abdication and subtraction within 20, students are not very interested in the calculation of boring, but the author uses games and competition methods to effectively stimulate students' interest in learning. In teaching, we should use a variety of teaching methods to make teaching truly "live".

2. Pay attention to every corner of the classroom and evaluate students correctly.

Nowadays, large-class teaching has become a common problem in many places, and it is also a situation that teachers cannot change. Therefore, teachers should constantly improve their abilities and adopt various strategies to take care of each student as much as possible. For example, in the classroom, “Who hasn’t answered the question” and “Who understands, who speaks” and other languages ​​are used to remind each student to answer questions. At the same time, the answers to the students should be evaluated in a timely manner. Of course, you can also take advantage of group cooperation so that every student can get exercise. For the vulnerable groups in the class, teachers should give them great care in their study and life. Don't directly deny a student and see their strengths.

3. Focus on the integration of mathematics and other disciplines and life

Teachers should not let students learn mathematics in order to learn mathematics. They should fully exploit all the materials that can be used in the textbooks, and apply mathematics knowledge to all aspects and disciplines to apply to our lives. For example, when teaching "useful collocation", the teacher is designed in such a way that after the problem is introduced, the collocation of numbers in mathematics, the matching of pinyin in Chinese, the matching of colors in art, the matching of notes in music, and the clothes in life are presented. The collocation and so on, let mathematics be integrated into various disciplines and life, let students truly understand the ubiquity of mathematics, feel the beauty of mathematics, and appreciate the charm of mathematics.

Third, attach importance to the close connection between the classroom and the classroom, to provide a guarantee for the construction of a harmonious and efficient mathematics classroom

Due to the limitations of the development level of students' thinking, some knowledge teaching may be completed in a few or a few semesters. It is necessary to pay attention to the connection and systemization of knowledge, and review the content in time. It can be seen that after-school review is an important part of learning. It helps to urge students to consolidate the content of the classroom in a timely manner, to check for missing vacancies, and to help teachers timely grasp the students' learning situation and prepare for the next section of teaching. At the same time, review can also help the undergraduates catch up with the progress of the course.

In summary, the construction of a harmonious and efficient mathematics classroom is the organic integration of pre-class, classroom, after-school and other factors. Only by truly achieving a harmonious and efficient classroom teaching will everyone realize mathematics and make different people in mathematics. Get different developments.

Part 5: Mathematical Efficient Classroom Implementation Plan

The society is constantly improving, science and technology are constantly developing, and our classroom teaching is still the same. The traditional teaching model has continued for thousands of years, and it is becoming less and less suitable for the requirements of the times for human development. People are increasingly engaged in the study of new teaching models in an effort to change traditions to adapt to social development and human progress.

What is the teaching model? Pedagogy believes that the teaching mode refers to the stable structural form of the teaching activities in a certain environment under the guidance of certain educational thoughts, teaching theories and learning theories. The abbreviation of the process of teaching activities is what is commonly referred to as the "teaching process." The traditional model is teacher-centered. Teachers use lectures, blackboards and various media as teaching means and methods to impart knowledge to students; students passively accept the knowledge imparted by teachers. The biggest flaw of this model is that it obliterates the creativity and autonomy of students, which is not conducive to the cultivation and development of talents.

The constructivist learning theory believes that students should be the center of teaching, emphasizing that students are the main body of information processing and the active constructor of knowledge meaning. Therefore, all activities of education must be based on mobilizing students' initiative and enthusiasm, so that students have sufficient motivation, active learning, good at learning, and gradually form self-learning ability. This view has been generally accepted, but it has not been well implemented and implemented in education and teaching. In the face of the new curriculum, we must change the habit of letting students follow their own steps and guide students to learn independently. The main battlefield for students' learning is in the classroom. Classroom teaching is a bilateral activity process. Only by creating a strong self-learning atmosphere, arousing the students' subjective consciousness and inspiring the learning needs, students can truly mobilize their own learning potential and conduct independent learning. Become the master of classroom learning.

The author believes that the new teaching mode should be student-centered self-directed learning. Through the help of teachers throughout the teaching process, teachers can create teaching scenarios with effective teaching resources, give play to students' initiative and enthusiasm, and encourage students to actively explore and cooperate with each other. Multi-party conversations to achieve the meaning construction of knowledge. It is also the author's self-directed classroom teaching mode. The characteristics of this model are: to cultivate students' consciousness, enthusiasm and independence as the main goal; to give full play to the students' subjective cognition; to focus on cultivating students' cooperative spirit and innovative ability.

So how should a mathematics classroom with self-learning as a model be constructed? The author tried some attempts. Its structural program is: introduction - introduction - exchange - evaluation.

I. Introduction - Creating a good learning situation to stimulate students' initiative and enthusiasm for learning

Suhomlinski has had such a brilliant statement: "In the depths of the human heart, there is a deep-rooted need, that is, I hope that I am a discoverer, researcher, and explorer. In the spiritual world of children. This need is particularly strong.” Creating a situation in teaching and hiding the problem in the context will cause children to wait to explore research interest. Constructivism believes that learning is always associated with a certain social and cultural background, that is, “scenarios”. Under actual situations or through the near-realistic scenarios created by multimedia, it is possible to effectively inspire associations with vivid and intuitive images. Awaken the knowledge, experience and representations in long-term memory so that learners can use the knowledge and experience in their original cognitive structure to assimilate the new knowledge they have learned.

In mathematics teaching, the introduction of the subject requires context, the problem-solving teaching requires context, and the development of students' thinking ability also needs to create a situation. Many students reflect the monotony and boring of mathematics. In fact, only when the situation is created well, can students attract active participation and Active learning, so that they will appreciate the beauty and fun of mathematics.

So how do you create a teaching situation in teaching? There are many methods, and the following are listed in this article.

1. Create suspense and create situations.

In teaching, teachers can skillfully set suspense according to the content of teaching, so that students have a strong desire for knowledge, thus stimulating the enthusiasm and initiative of learning.

2. Create questions and create situations.

The ancients said, "Learning needs to be suspicious." "Doubt" is an effective motivation for students to find problems and think positively. Teachers skillfully guide students to work hard at the contact points of new and old knowledge, overcome students' psychology of "dreading fear" in new lessons, and guide students to use the old knowledge to explore new knowledge. This kind of teaching situation can make students taste their own Apple's sweetness, students' enthusiasm for learning is high, interest is strong, and thinking is active.

3. Operational practice, creating situations.

In mathematics teaching, students can fully use the learning tools to acquire knowledge in the operations of spelling, folding, cutting, painting, and measuring. The creation of this situation can greatly motivate the initiative of students.

4. A heated debate, creating a situation.

Children are more eager to win, teachers should use this feature to encourage students to explore, to compete, to cultivate students' creative thinking and the desire to learn independently. At the same time, we must also pay attention to the fact that in the creation of the situation, it is forbidden to be forced to attach, lack of problems and deviate from the stage.

Second, the exploration - carefully design the teaching process to ensure the time and space for students to learn independently

To ensure that students have the time and space for independent activities in the classroom, to cultivate the spirit of independent learning and inquiry, and to succeed in mathematics teaching, it is necessary to choose a good teaching method and carefully design the teaching process to make their teaching more suitable for students. The cognitive reality makes students happy to learn actively. Therefore, I mainly start from the following aspects:

1. Let students start from asking questions and learn independently

The famous scientist Einstein said: "It is often more important to ask a question than to solve a problem."

In classroom teaching, we should let the students ask questions, raise questions, and cultivate good quality of students' independent exploration and positive thinking.

Asking questions should be reflected in the whole process of teaching. When the sample questions are given, let the students ask questions; every step of the teaching should let the students continue to question; when summing up the whole class, students should also be questioned. Teachers should constantly adjust the teaching design according to the students' questions, maximize the autonomy of students' learning, and ensure the space and time for students to learn independently.

For example, in the lesson of "Cognition of Cone", after the teacher showed the image of the cone sand on the construction site, he asked the students: What problems do you want to ask the sand pile? After thinking, the students are vying to ask questions: How much is the sand pile? What is the shape of the sand pile? What is the size of the sand pile? How many sands are there? and many more. Although this lesson cannot answer these questions one by one, these questions are raised by students through their own positive thinking. The thinking is at its best, and it is very serious and active when solving related problems.

At the same time, it should be noted that the questions raised by students are often not accurate enough and trivial. Sometimes they are not related to the content of the teaching. Teachers should carefully screen useful and valuable questions for research and protect students' enthusiasm for asking questions.

2. Let students learn autonomously in self-operating activities

Piaget believes that the most fundamental way for children to learn should be activities. Activities are the bridge between the host and the object and the direct source of understanding development. Teachers should let the students do their hands, brains, and mouths, and use a variety of sensory coordination activities to participate in the process of knowledge formation.

For example, when guiding students to learn 10 points, because they already have the experience of 2 to 9 in the previous study, ask the students to take out 10 small sticks prepared in advance, and first think about how to divide the energy. Make all the divisions a leak? Let the students do it by themselves, and say that each time 10 is divided into several and a few, a few and a few synthetic 10? Through the patrol, the teacher discovered that through such autonomous operation, the combination of mouth, hand and brain, the students were guided to master the composition of 10 in an orderly manner, which fully reflected the autonomy of learning.

In this session, we must pay attention to the requirements of the activities, teachers should continue to patrol, to help some students with poor ability to perform.

3. Let students continue to reflect and conduct independent learning

Reflection is a scientifically cautious and critical review, analysis and examination of an apparent passage point in the student's thinking process or the thinking result of a subject.

The comprehensive reflection on learning not only includes specific learning links, but teachers should also guide students to reflect on their interest in learning, learning attitudes, learning methods, learning plans, and will to learn. They can also learn from their own experiences or strengths in learning. Or weaknesses for reflection and so on. The more comprehensive and deep the reflection activities are, the more favorable the students' cognitive level is, and the students' potential is easy to stimulate, so that the initiative and integrity of students' learning can be comprehensively improved, and the teaching will achieve twice the result with half the effort.

For example, in the basic nature of teaching scores, in the basic nature of teaching scores, students reflect on the relationship between scores and divisions, analyze the discussion, and get the basic nature of the scores in the forward migration. Without the teacher's painstaking professors, through the students' internal reorganization of knowledge, rethinking the connection between old and new knowledge, and thus mastering new knowledge, but also more profoundly grasp the relationship between scores and divisions, it is really a two-pronged effort, with twice the result with half the effort. Moreover, students are very active in learning, far more effective than acquiring knowledge through teacher teaching.

In this session, it should be noted that teachers should listen to students' reflections in a timely manner and avoid excessive openness and form.

Third, communication - let students collide in thinking and learn more actively in cooperative discussions

In the individual self-learning, students will always encounter some difficult problems that cannot be solved by their own abilities. At this time, they can put problems in groups or classes, relying on collective strength and collective wisdom, through communication and discussion. Fully expounding on your own ideas, you can listen to other people's opinions, take the long-term shortcomings of others, and provide conditions for better independent learning.

For example, when teaching the abdication and subtraction of 9 minus 9, the teacher showed the courseware, a little monkey was selling peaches, 10 were placed in the box, and 3 were outside the box. The little monkey said: There are 13 peaches, and the rabbit says: I bought 9 and the cabbage teacher asked: How many left? The little monkey scratched his head and couldn’t think of it. The teacher said: Can the students help the little monkey? Students are so excited that they have to use their brains to find a way. After thinking for a few minutes independently, some of my classmates frowned and faced a difficult face. This class is the first time students have come into contact with abdication and subtraction. Most of the students feel that they have certain difficulties. At this time, the teacher said that the group's classmates can cooperate and everyone can come up with ideas and find ways. As soon as the students heard it, they immediately became active again. You exchanged their opinions in a word, and got a lot of solutions through collective wisdom. At the same time, they learned a lot of valuable experience from others.

Communication is the most crucial step in self-learning. Therefore, to mobilize the enthusiasm of each student to participate, it is necessary to guide students to make sense and make sense.

Fourth, attach importance to the evaluation of students, and promote "autonomy" by evaluation

The evaluations in the classroom are diverse. There are teachers' evaluations of students, students' evaluations of students, and students' self-evaluation.

1. Teacher's evaluation of students

The influence of teachers' evaluation on students is enormous. Appropriate evaluation can stimulate students' strong desire to learn and maintain a strong learning spirit. Therefore, in the classroom of self-learning, teachers must pay attention to the evaluation of students. This kind of evaluation not only shows some appraisal language-style evaluation, but also more of a teacher's gesture, a look, a kind of acquiescence, a kind Recognition, a kind of approval, a smile, etc., to give students encouragement and praise, so that they can more actively play their own learning potential. Especially for the middle and lower class students, they should see their progress in the subtlety, and fully affirm and praise their insightful answers, especially to get rid of the shadows of those eugenics and establish a strong desire for curiosity and creativity. Be more active and confident in learning.

For example, I will discuss such a problem with the students: A city will transport 60 tons of cargo to City B. If it is transported by a large truck with a load of 5 tons, it will cost 120 yuan, and it will be transported by a small truck with a load of 2 tons. The shipping cost is 50 yuan. Please design several shipping plans. Compare which one is the most expensive. It is not difficult to design several shipping plans, but to calculate the most cost-effective one of all the plans, it depends on what angle you think. The big truck will cost 120 yuan for transportation, 120÷5=24 per ton, 50 yuan for small trucks, and 50÷2=25 per ton. Therefore, it should be transported by large trucks as much as possible, 60÷5=1 2 . It can be seen that the delivery of goods in 12 large trucks is the most economical. When designing the program, the teacher patrolled and found that several middle and lower students did not design the most cost-effective solution, but they all designed a single program, although not the most cost-effective, but they independently explored I have affirmed them, and in the following studies, they all showed confidence and initiative.

2. Student evaluation of students

Living in a group, every student is eager to get recognition from their peers. In order to get a good evaluation between their peers, they will strive to show their excellent side. Teachers can effectively use the students' psychology in teaching and fully mobilize their autonomy in learning.

3. Student self-evaluation

Self-evaluation not only enhances students' subjective consciousness, but also is an effective way for students to understand themselves and develop themselves. In teaching, timely self-evaluation of students is also an aspect of students' self-directed learning.

In the current classroom, you can often hear the praises of “嗨, 嗨, 嗨, you are awesome!”, you can often hear the applause of “啪, 啪, 啪”, and some of the students’ acknowledgments can even be posted. A few Venus, students who answered badly can also unexpectedly get the teacher's thumbs up.

In fact, too many external rewards are not conducive to the development of students' long-lasting interest in learning. In the above-mentioned fragments, the appreciation used by teachers is too much too much, and such encouragement has lost its value and meaning. Students will gradually fade away from the joy they deserve in the first round of applause. In the long run, they can only bring them more "lost." Students' creative answers must be affirmed and encouraged. Students should answer the wrong questions. It is also necessary to seize the merits to encourage and not to damage the students' self-esteem and self-confidence. Only on an objective basis, adhering to the principle of encouragement and dominance is a fascinating and valuable evaluation!


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