Fan Wen Daquan > Rethinking Fan Wen

Reflection on the teaching of harvest song

Part 1: Reflection on the Teaching of Harvest Songs

This class makes me feel that every student is great, because with their creation, our classroom has become so rich and colorful. In this lively teaching process, students are “hearted” to "Action" fully exerted the students' imagination and creativity, cultivated the spirit of unity and cooperation, enhanced the sense of cooperation among the students, and enabled the students to have an aesthetically pleasing experience in a happy and happy learning atmosphere and enhanced them. Learn more about the strong interest and confidence in music. At the same time, it also makes my music teaching more relaxed and enjoyable.

Chapter 2: Reflection on the Teaching of Harvest Songs

This time is the fourth grade music class of the Jiangsu Education Edition, "The Song of Harvest". I carefully analyzed the outline. The requirements of this class are fully integrated into the comprehensive course of listening, singing, jumping, playing and acting. I chose the "jumping" teaching focus from this, so that students can experience and feel the joy of this harvest, and cultivate the spirit of mutual cooperation through group dance.
I made a series of preparations before class, familiar with the current level of the fourth-grade students and the state of the music class. The class can be carried out according to my teaching ideas. The students are also very serious and active, and the enthusiasm for learning group dance is high. The classmates completely rushed to fight and staged performances to reach the climax of this class. In general, this class can accomplish the teaching objectives well, but you still need to deeply reflect on this class, because the mood of the class is completely different from the class, and it is not easy to relax into the students. Going, there is no comprehensive attention to the performance of students, this also needs to be continuously improved in the future teaching, more brains, more thinking, as soon as possible in the music classroom.

Chapter 3: Reflection on the Teaching of Harvest Songs

"Song of Harvest" is a Danish folk song, the music is cheerful and lively, the rhythm is dance-like, one tone corresponds to one word, the cool and cool music style, the straightforward and slightly humorous lyrics can remind us of people around the campfire. The lively scene of dancing. This is a piece of music that is cheerful and lively, with rhythm and dance. By learning to sing songs, to stimulate students' life emotions, learn to dance collectively, and cultivate students' cooperative spirit and active consciousness. The whole song shows people's labor enthusiasm and joy of harvest. The song "The Song of Harvest" is a song that motivates students to participate in music activities, learn independently and explore music, and to feel the music in the experience. In order to realize the pursuit of the teacher's "internal thinking process in the music classroom to meet the cognitive characteristics of students", it should not be satisfied with the "easy" and "fluent" on the surface of the classroom. In the design of this lesson, I inspire, guide, teach, create situations, discuss, perform and other methods to stimulate students' curiosity and desire to explore, so that students' participation becomes passive. This lesson not only allows students to learn songs but also experience the hardships of labor. Every student is so serious that the atmosphere of the whole class is good. After a thorough review and reflection, it can be seen that the schedule of some activities in the class is too tight, so that the students' creation time is not enough, and some teachers can help them to complete. This is also related to the lack of basic quality training. In addition, a small number of students take the initiative to participate in low interest, not fully participate in all, it is regrettable, it is obvious that it is a long way to go to improve the overall quality of students! In addition, I found in the teaching that the gap between the class and the class is there, some are even quite big, some class knowledge, will beat the rhythm, some classes will not both, everything starts from the new, therefore, The tasks ahead are still very heavy. I also need to strengthen the study of teaching materials and improve the professional level to adapt to these students.

Chapter 4: Reflection on the Teaching of Harvest Songs

The Song of Harvest Song is an interest in students participating in music activities, learning independently and exploring music through singing, listening, and analysis of songs, and realizing music in the experience. In order to realize the pursuit of the teacher's "internal thinking process in the music classroom to meet the cognitive characteristics of students", it should not be satisfied with the "easy" and "fluent" on the surface of the classroom. In the design of this lesson, I inspire, guide, teach, create situations, discuss, perform and other methods to stimulate students' curiosity and desire to explore, so that students' participation becomes passive. In teaching, I have the following experience:
First, focus on reflecting the subjectivity of students
The singing, creation and performance of students is actually an art re-creation activity. Without their own feelings, it is difficult to express their true feelings without their own understanding of the works. Only the learning emotions that stimulate students' consciousness, enthusiasm and creativity are taught. Will get the best results. Therefore, in teaching, in addition to letting students find out the shortcomings of singing, they also let them slap the rhythm and create various forms of performance, so that most students feel the joy of success and encourage students to have confidence.
Second, pay attention to the usual accumulation
Nowadays, music instruments enter the classroom. Our school has chosen the clarinet. In this lesson, I used the clarinet to make the students' learning have a place to play, so that they can learn more seriously and actively.
Third, the shortcomings
After a thorough review and reflection, it can be seen that the schedule of some activities in the class is too tight, so that the students' creation time is not enough, and some teachers can help them to complete. This is also related to the lack of basic quality training. In addition, a small number of students take the initiative to participate in low interest, not fully participate in all, it is regrettable, it is obvious that it is a long way to go to improve the overall quality of students!

Part 5: Reflection on the Teaching of Harvest Songs

In this class, I used the train to lead the students to play as a primer, which led to each teaching session, including the practice of vocal practice, the teaching of the theme melody, and the teaching of new songs. In this way, the children's hearts can be grasped according to the subject teaching content. Through the way of the game, let the students experience the fun of learning to sing the melody. The songs are repeatedly listened to, and the children’s impressions of the songs are deepened, so that the children can master the songs faster, and at the same time, they can join the percussion accompaniment, let the children master the accompaniment method, and enrich the children’s The connotation of music and the addition of dance let the children know that people often express their joy in the way of singing and dancing.
Inadequacies: As a teacher, my classroom rhythm is not well mastered, and the details will not be dealt with in time. For example, when a child has a dance rotation exaggeration, it cannot be stopped in time, and there is a certain security risk. The way to ask questions is still too big to ask questions, and the children don't know where to answer. In these two aspects, we must pay attention to the accumulation of more and more records in the ordinary classroom teaching, I hope that I can give each child a good music lesson.

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