Fan Wen Daquan > Rethinking Fan Wen

Dad’s flower fell into teaching reflection

Dad’s flower fell into the teaching reflection of Fan Wenyi:

"Daddy's Flowers Fall" is from the second article in the first module of the new curriculum standard seventh grade. This unit is about the theme of two generations of spiritual communication, showing different periods from multiple angles. The living conditions and emotional experiences between parents and children in different cultural backgrounds indicate the importance of communication and understanding between the two generations. The lesson is selected from the last part of Lin Haiyin's "Old Things in the South of the City". The focus is on Dad’s deep fatherly love for Yingzi and the difficulty of Yingzi’s growth. It is written deep and inconspicuous. The article takes the graduation ceremony as the main clue, and tells the story of the protagonist's ups and downs, and then remembers the things in front of the eyes, and sometimes recalls the things going to the scene. The content is rich and not dragged, and the events are staggered and not chaotic. After a long period of time, the author can still remember the past, and he must leave a deep imprint on his growth path, and at the same time thank his father for giving encouragement, hope and love in the process of growing up. In the deep feeling of fatherly love, "I" really grew up: strictly demanding myself everywhere, dare to dare to practice, courage to face setbacks, and shoulder the heavy responsibility of the family. It is more practical to understand the difficulty of growing up. At the same time, the language and the action descriptions in the text better represent the characters. The person in the text is the most ordinary person. The matter in the text is the most ordinary thing, but the author uses these simple, elegant, subtle and profound language to sway the reader's heartstring, let the reader feel the beauty of human nature and the beauty of human feelings. Taste language, learning language, movement and other descriptions have become the focus of the article. Experience the deep fatherly love in the text, and feel the difficulty of growing up. Of course, this is the sublimation of understanding and understanding!
One. The formulation of teaching objectives is more appropriate, but the main feature of this article, the use of the narrative is not involved, it is indeed a major failure in design. The length of the article is so long, it is recorded with the ups and downs of the protagonist, and sometimes the things in front of the eyes are remembered, and sometimes they are recalled to the matter. The content is rich and not dragged, and the events are intertwined and not chaotic, all thanks to the use of the narrative. The goal "to understand the difficulty of growth" is not enough. The "difficulties" are not deep, and they are not superficial, and they cannot be achieved in a timely manner. The effect is not good. Yan's "fruit" is not only that Yingzi is no longer late for school, but also honorably represents the graduation certificate and gratitude of all the students on the graduation ceremony of the National Elementary School. It is also a well-known writer in the future... The interpretation of the text is endless.
two. The activity link feels smooth, and the lack of necessary atmosphere between the activities is very “hard” and unnatural. The character recording volume is small, and the re-tweaking is not re-tweaked. The problem design is very large and not clear enough. "What is the thing that impressed her most about what Yingzi learned?" Next, "Why are you most impressed?" In this way, some students don't know where to start, think, and solve problems.
three. Teacher-student interaction lacks vitality and lacks deep-level random generation. When you get some water, it will stop. "Dad is strict, can you understand?" When students talk, they can also ask "Have your father ever had a similar approach?" This allows students to connect with reality to understand, feel, take a bold step, and the effect will be better. When the activities are carried out step by step, the language classroom loses its vitality. The student took the teacher's nose and lost the leading role of the teacher. The understanding of many keywords and key sentences is only on the surface, such as the strict description of the action and language description of Dad, the reading of “from!”, “抡”, etc., the students and teachers answer the reporter’s question, the teacher It is impossible to effectively and timely evaluate and evaluate. Of course, deeper things cannot be dig.
In the next lesson, try to improve these capabilities:
1. Improve self-monitoring ability: Improve your ability to observe, judge, evaluate, and design. It is necessary to have a sense of teaching efficacy and always have a clear understanding of the effect of teaching, so as to better evaluate and deal with it.
2. To improve teaching monitoring capabilities. Clarify the content of the course, the interests and needs of the students, the level of student development, teaching objectives, teaching tasks, teaching methods and various means. Problems that may arise in multifaceted prediction teaching and possible teaching effects.
3. To improve the organization and management of the classroom. Pay close attention to the response of all students in the classroom, try to motivate students to learn enthusiasm, and be ready to cope with incidents in the classroom. In teaching, teachers and students communicate with each other and teachers should strive to infect students with their own positive attitudes, encouraging students to study hard in various forms.
4. The teacher evaluates the student's questioning, answering, homework, communication, operation and other learning behaviors in a timely manner, or guides the learning subject or peer to evaluate the learning behavior. Teachers' speech should also be standardized. The words of a class teacher should be an article.

Dad’s flower fell into the teaching reflection of Fan Wenji:

If the teacher regards the classroom as the stage for his own display, then there will be no smart thinking in the classroom. If the teacher does not mobilize the emotional experience of the students, then your class is your own one-man show. In this article, students understand The storyline is quite simple, and the important thing is the two clues of the article. So this is also a focus of student learning. To this end, in the classroom, I use the difference in time to understand what is going on, what happened in the past? In this way, the students clearly understand the writing narration of the narrative used in the article. A good solution to this focus.
In addition, one of the most exciting highlights of this article is that there is a saying in the article that Yingzi’s thoughts at the graduation ceremony: How much we like to grow up, but how scared are we? This is an extended and extended thinking problem for cultivating students' emotional values. Students will have many answers to this question, but they may not be positive. Teachers must guide and let students understand what it means to grow up? After completing this lesson, students can feel the greatness of the father's love. So the student’s answer touched me very much:
I said in my life: I want to grow up, so I can be able to take responsibility for my family for my parents. Parents have worked hard for us for a lifetime, and I want to honor them well. I also have to work hard and do my part for my family and children.
I said in my life: Although we will not be happy when we grow up, we must also grow up. Since this is a natural law, why don't we bravely face up, as long as we train the growth skills under the guidance of teachers and parents, why bother to grow up?
Life said: In fact, happiness is created by ourselves. Our current happiness is just food and clothing. But a person, only grow up, you can experience many wonderful things in life, and it is the wonderful creation of yourself. If you are always a child, are you not coming to this life? What is the meaning of living? As long as you are not in the heart of your heart, why not have happiness?
The wonderful speeches of the students made me feel that through this text, they grew up with Yingzi. Although they have different words and deeds, they are a child after all, and their self-control is poor. From here, it can be seen that an article with a beautiful and beautiful style is better than any educational method. As long as the teacher grasps the entry point of the student's education in the article. No matter from which angle, the education of students is the biggest gain. Then, the flowers of education will grow up!

Dad’s flowers fell into the teaching reflection of Fan Wensan:

The second lesson of the first unit of the seventh grade of the People's Education Book, "Daddy's Flowers Fall" is selected from the novel "Old Things in the South". The novels are basically the trajectory of the author's own childhood life. This part of the excerpt revolves around the graduation ceremony to bring back memories of Dad's past events, and shows the process of growing up from memories.
The teaching requirements of this novel are: reading the text emotionally, perceiving the text, and summarizing the content of the article in a concise language. Therefore, before class, I draw the main level of the lesson. When the class is finished, the teacher reads it first, the student reads it again, and finally reads it individually. The effect is not bad. The students can understand the emotion of the article on the basis of reading aloud. My own family and hope that I will grow up, be sensible, and write without revealing."
During the teaching process, I seized my father’s punishment for “I” going to school and laziness, showing my father’s deep affection for “I”, that is, strict but not loving. Let the students repeat the story: One day, under heavy rain, she was punished by her father because she could not afford the bed. Dad beat her up and still insisted that she go to school. For the first time, she spent money to let her sit. When she went to school, she forgot to put on a cotton quilt when she was at school. Dad took it to school and gave her two copper plates. The matter is not big, but it shows that Dad loves her very much. This has stirred up her shackles in her young mind, so that she can strictly demand herself in her future life and study, know how to overcome her own learning and The difficulties in life, the character of the father is on the paper, I have handled these lessons well, and it is also the success of this class. Another teaching requirement is to "clear the thoughts of the article and feel the love of the family." The two clues of the article are: the first line is that Dad loves flowers, and the other is graduation ceremony. The former is the main line, because the main image to be portrayed by the work is Dad, which plays a leading role in the works. The latter is the auxiliary line, which is designed for the development of the plot. It only plays a role in the main line. The role. For the grasp of clues, students are easier to grasp, but the emotions between people in the book we know, can you talk about the family in life? Do you have an experience like "I" who doesn't want to go to school in bed, how is your father handled? In response to this question, although the students have made individual speeches, they are not enthusiastic enough. That is to say, in terms of expansion and extension, the teachers are not guided enough, and the students can not truly understand the author's writing intentions from the text. This is the shortage of this class. In order to make a good oral essay such as "There is only a good father in the world", if you do a good job in front of it, it may be better. This also reminds me to strengthen this practice in the future teaching process. Do more with less.

Dad’s flowers fell into the teaching reflection of Fan Wensi:

"Daddy's Flowers Fall" comes from the last article in the second unit of the new curriculum standard seventh grade. This unit is about the theme of two generations of spiritual communication, showing different periods from multiple angles. The living conditions and emotional experiences between parents and children in different cultural backgrounds indicate the importance of communication and understanding between the two generations. The lesson is selected from the last part of Lin Haiyin's "Old Things in the South of the City". The focus is on Dad’s deep fatherly love for Yingzi and the difficulty of Yingzi’s growth. It is written deep and inconspicuous. The article takes the graduation ceremony as the main clue, and tells the story of the protagonist's ups and downs, and then remembers the things in front of the eyes, and sometimes recalls the things going to the scene. The content is rich and not dragged, and the events are staggered and not chaotic. After a long period of time, the author can still remember the past, and he must leave a deep imprint on his growth path, and at the same time thank his father for giving encouragement, hope and love in the process of growing up. In the deep feeling of fatherly love, "I" really grew up: strictly demanding myself everywhere, dare to dare to practice, courage to face setbacks, and shoulder the heavy responsibility of the family. It is more practical to understand the difficulty of growing up. At the same time, the language and the action descriptions in the text better represent the characters. The person in the text is the most ordinary person. The matter in the text is the most ordinary thing, but the author uses these simple, elegant, subtle and profound language to sway the reader's heartstring, let the reader feel the beauty of human nature and the beauty of human feelings. Taste language, learning language, movement and other descriptions have become the focus of the article. Experience the deep fatherly love in the text, and feel the difficulty of growing up. Of course, this is the sublimation of understanding and understanding!
With such a textual interpretation, it seems to be a lot brighter. However, I unknowingly walked into a detour and read the teachings in advance. It was doomed that the first draft of the lesson plan was deformed and unsatisfactory. The teachings are very clear: the details of the article are very exciting... Then I borrowed the other people's essence, and edited it six times before and after, so that the real first draft was born!
The teaching practice of "Daddy's Flowers Falling" was over. "Which is a bitter word, how helpless!"
Teacher growth = experience + reflection. The process of meditation is also the process of growth. Come back from the beginning!
One. The formulation of teaching objectives is more appropriate, but the main feature of this article, the use of the narrative is not involved, it is indeed a major failure in design. The length of the article is so long, it is recorded with the ups and downs of the protagonist, and sometimes the things in front of the eyes are remembered, and sometimes they are recalled to the matter. The content is rich and not dragged, and the events are intertwined and not chaotic, all thanks to the use of the narrative. The goal "to understand the difficulty of growth" is not enough. The "difficulties" are not deep, and they are not superficial, and they cannot be achieved in a timely manner. The effect is not good. Yan's "fruit" is not only that Yingzi is no longer late for school, but also honorably represents the graduation certificate and gratitude of all the students on the graduation ceremony of the National Elementary School. It is also a well-known writer in the future... The interpretation of the text is endless.
two. The activity link feels smooth, and the lack of necessary atmosphere between the activities is very “hard” and unnatural. The character recording volume is small, and the re-tweaking is not re-tweaked. The problem design is very large and not clear enough. "What is the thing that impressed her most about what Yingzi learned?" Next, "Why are you most impressed?" In this way, some students don't know where to start, think, and solve problems. Then the questions answered by the students will be out of the presupposition, so that the teacher can't stand it, and it can't be prevented.
three. Teacher-student interaction lacks vitality and lacks deep-level random generation. When you get some water, it will stop. "Dad is strict, can you understand?" When students talk, they can also ask "Have your father ever had a similar approach?" This allows students to connect with reality to understand, feel, take a bold step, and the effect will be better. When the activities are carried out step by step, the language classroom loses its vitality. The student took the teacher's nose and lost the leading role of the teacher. The understanding of many keywords and key sentences is only on the surface, such as the strict description of the action and language description of Dad, the reading of “from!”, “抡”, etc., the students and teachers answer the reporter’s question, the teacher It is impossible to effectively and timely evaluate and evaluate. Of course, deeper things cannot be dig.
four. The design of the homework is out of the goal, the goal consciousness is not continuous, the homework should conform to the goal, and the goal should be strengthened so that it can not be in the form. The homework design should also take into account the student's reality, its hierarchical interest and even effectiveness. For the content of the next lesson, you can also explain and arrange in the homework, leaving suspense, can lay the foundation for the next lesson, and more effectively link the contents of the two lessons.
Fives. The confidence and courage of the teacher is too important for me. However, if you want to work hard, you can talk about it easily. Let's go to exercise and temper it!
"Don't be a cloud, no personality." After the first teaching practice, I also wrote such a sentence. In fact, each text has its own unique personality, and each person's interpretation is very different. "A thousand readers have a thousand Hamlet." Does my instructional design meet the actual situation of my students? Is it good for your own operation? ... a lot of questions are in front of me.
Here, I regret that there are still many unsatisfactory places:
1. The teacher's passion is still not enough, the voice is too light, and the rhythm of the front and back is inconsistent.
2. Although the interpreting has been mentioned from the writing technique, it lacks the necessary preparations and does not make a reasonable transition. It seems very sudden.
3. It is good to copy the students in this section. However, whether it is a text service or not is to praise the father's love, but the students' writing is empty, the language is gorgeous but the meaning is not great.
4. Once again, there is a surplus of class time. In the rush, the article refers to the flower as a clue, but it is not thoroughly explained. It is just to delay the design of the problem. It is not necessary and it is injurious.
5. The role dubbing suddenly appears, unnaturally abrupt, how to use it?
A series of questions reappear in front of me, what should I do?
Unconsciously, I remembered the "top bowl boy". After suffering the first failure, he tasted the bitter fruit of failure. If it is good for the third time, how to deal with it? ... In the end, everyone seeks common ground while reserving differences, and the details of the place have repeatedly considered and proposed improvements:
1. Since this article is a past event that Yingzi thought of at the graduation ceremony, can he insert a photo of the graduation ceremony and use the Yangge mentioned in the article as the background music?
2. In the sad music, the students read the article again and think about what the English son recalled. Re-emphasizing that Yingzi was the past that he thought of attending the graduation ceremony, and went straight to the "in what order does the author continue? So what writing techniques are dehydrated, and the goal of completing the "interpretation" is taught by thinking.
3. Combine the blackboard book, let everyone think about what is the most impressive thing about Yingzi? What did your father give you in this matter? Students will be able to answer “severeness”, then the teacher will push the boat and ask “How does the article describe the father’s sternness?” "Why is Dad so strict with Yingzi?" "Does the severity of Dad have a role?"... Such a big problem has been dismembered into several minor problems, not only clear but also operability.
4. Imitation is good, if not used properly, it may have the opposite effect. "So a respectable and lovely father, when Yingzi came home with his diploma, he quietly left. Yingzi must have a lot to say to Dad. If you are an Englishman, can you write her heart? "This design replaces the imitation, and it is closer to the actual situation of the students, so that students are infected.
5. The homework is designed to serve the next class. “The paper mentions flowers several times, what role does 'flower' play in the article?” It’s a clever way to connect the first class and the second class with thoughtful questions. The next lesson will be buried.
The third teaching practice is over, affecting the nerves of many teachers, is looking forward to, is...
The flowers fell, and the fruits were large and small:
1. This teaching considers the characteristics of the article itself, can not stick to the form, establish the goal; personalize the emotional attitude, determine the target according to the personality; meet the student situation, the student's activities, the homework design is very reasonable, reflecting the in-class, extra-curricular Combine.
2. The teaching content goes from thin to thick; the design of the teaching link goes from form to quality; the teacher pays attention to himself to pay attention to the students; the teacher takes the students away.
3. In the process of improvement, improve themselves in the improvement, give others a mirror; the design of the event has the atmosphere of the text, the presentation of the "piggy scorpion" props, so that students can understand the severity of the father and understand more This kind of strict father's love and expectation.
4. The control of the classroom is lacking in half step, and it is necessary to dare to take a step forward; the class and homework are too hasty. It would be more effective if attention was paid to the details. Grasp the students' answers in a timely manner, guide them in time, and evaluate them in time. The spark of wisdom should be in the classroom without losing the opportunity.
This green olive finally tasted sweet...
1. The biggest gain: the saying goes, "Good steel is used on the cutting edge." I want to say that more "energy and time are spent on preparing lessons" instead of spending a lot of time to remedy the class. Interpretation of the text is deep, and each interpretation has different gains. The design of the problem should be interlocked, in line with the actual situation of the students. It is really important to let more students have food and eat enough. Lose the opportunity to stimulate students' interest in learning, let them jump and pick apples. It is self-evident to do this, and it takes a lot of time to prepare each time before class, but the effect is very obvious.
2. The sparks of teacher-student interaction in the classroom are the most beautiful. In the classroom, students not only have to "eat", but also "eat" well, but also want to "eat" next time. In the classroom, what I longed for, the students’ heartfelt answers made me satisfied, let alone the spark of wisdom! Filling in a new piece of wood can stimulate something more valuable. Over time, the student's ability and vision will be qualitatively improved.
3. Teachers who have not experienced this are always new teachers. Therefore, it is important to have more opportunities to exercise and more courage.
In the next lesson, try to improve these capabilities:
1. Improve self-monitoring ability: Improve your ability to observe, judge, evaluate, and design. It is necessary to have a sense of teaching efficacy and always have a clear understanding of the effect of teaching, so as to better evaluate and deal with it.
2. To improve teaching monitoring capabilities. Clarify the content of the course, the interests and needs of the students, the level of student development, teaching objectives, teaching tasks, teaching methods and various means. Problems that may arise in multifaceted prediction teaching and possible teaching effects.
3. To improve the organization and management of the classroom. Pay close attention to the response of all students in the classroom, try to motivate students to learn enthusiasm, and be ready to cope with incidents in the classroom. In teaching, teachers and students communicate with each other and teachers should strive to infect students with their own positive attitudes, encouraging students to study hard in various forms.
4. The teacher evaluates the student's questioning, answering, homework, communication, operation and other learning behaviors in a timely manner, or guides the learning subject or peer to evaluate the learning behavior. Teachers' speech should also be standardized. The words of a class teacher should be an article.
Growth is really difficult, but it is also happy.
“If you fail a small step forward, you may become successful.” How important is courage, confidence, and detail. Only by continually studying in depth, thinking calmly, and constantly rethinking can my language classroom really thrive in the sun.

Dad’s flowers fell into the teaching reflection of Fan Wenwu:

That day, I was learning the famous writer Lin Haiyin’s "Daddy’s Flowers Falling." The students' initiative was very good. Under my simple guidance, the students not only understood the content of the article, but also immersed themselves in the sorrow of the loss of the father and the firm belief of the sudden growth of the father. Suddenly, I found that Dong Wenlong, who was by the window, was sitting there with a bun, his eyes looking out the window, and he was not connected with the textbook. My anger rose from my heart, but in order to complete the teaching task, I did not specifically criticize him, just gave him a look. Of course, there is another reason. In my impression, he has always been a timid boy.
I was more successful in class, and I forgot about it after class.
The next day, the assignment was handed over, and the title was "My Story with Dad." The students wrote more interestingly. Because many students have already said it during class, the homework seems to be very easy. Suddenly there was a homework that caught my attention. The homework is written very little, only a short six lines, and the title still occupies one line. Looking at the content, my heart is heavy. The homework is written like this:
The story of my father and me and my father's story are now gone. Because, my father has been dead for more than five years. I only remember one thing faintly. At that time, it was me when I was four or five years old. Our family came back from the house and I fell asleep. On the way home, my father carried me, I peeed my father, but I didn’t know anything. In the morning, they told me that I laughed...
I turned the book over and saw it, Xiao Dong’s.
I suddenly realized that I made a big mistake. When he looked out the window in class, I didn't think about why; when the students struggled to tell the story between themselves and their father, I didn't notice the frustrated face; when I was interested When I was working on my homework, I forgot that there was another child who lost my father.
Looking at the short lines of words, my heart seems to be in the middle of the river. This timid child did not violate the teacher's "intention", worked hard and handed in homework. I don’t think it’s like how he listens to other children talking about his father. I have repeatedly guided them to understand how much their father loves you. I can’t imagine how he is at night. Try to think about something with your father and then write it down. Looking at his last "I laughed," I wanted to cry. I remembered that when I was a child, I went out to see the lights during the Lantern Festival. I lost myself. The family went to me insanely, so I found me. Finally I came home very late. My father carried me, and the sky was up and down...
I am determined to make up for my fault.
So I have the "eccentricity" as a teacher. When I was in class, I always pay more attention to him. When I ask questions, I always give him a look of encouragement. After raising his hand, I will always look for opportunities to let him answer, as long as there is something worthy of recognition, I will definitely give him the best evaluation.
Perhaps it is really "only know how precious it is when you lose it." I didn't tell him any comforting words alone, and I didn't tell him about my intentions. However, he should soon feel my concern for him. He has obviously changed. In the language class, he can boldly raise his hand to answer questions. When he gave a lecture, he was able to express it fluently. When he spoke to me, he dared to look straight into my eyes. Once I was in class, I asked everyone to make a metaphor and talk about what life is. He said:
Life is like a book, a book you don't expect to end, and every word of it is a suspense.
I was shocked by the students, and then we applauded him.
I am very happy. Thanks to my "selfishness" for success. I hope that he will be more lively and happier in the future.
Zhang Yimou has a famous film called "One can't be less". I want to say that among our student groups, there are some very special children, perhaps not just single parents. They may need our care more, and we tend to ignore them. Keep in mind that one of our students cannot be ignored.

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